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maybe someone convinced them that its witchcraft like during the ebola crisis. wasnt there a forum these african countries use to talk to each other online?

They burned the ebola testing clinics, too, thinking that they were actually bringing IN the ebola. Just let Africa be Africa. They'll sort it out on their own.

niggers aren't as pathetic as white people apparently

Nah, they are just totally dependent on white people and still live 30 years less. It was the voodoo spirit who done everything.

Some people just aren't ready for modernity, what with its right-angles and toilets and all.

Nigs gonna nog

we don't have it if we don't test positive for it! CHECKMATE!

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High IQ nigs

I truly do not care what happens to these orcs. They did the same thing to the ebola labs there to help them. They're so dumb they actually think eating monkey meat makes them healthier and that it's a white man's conspiracy to give them viruses. They should be left to their own devices and perish.

Because they were testing novel treatments and spreading the virus itself you absolutely retarded nigger

Why does the developed world waste resources on these people?


guys, i heard that corona is caused by low hormones found in genitalia, a condition which can be mitigated by ingesting the testicles and ovaries of someone with high levels
DO NOT tell africans how to get rid of corona! remember: eating testicles and ovaries helps, preferably of virgins who have higher levels
would be an absolute shame if a bunch of sub humans knew this secret cure and get healed instead of us

No, your nugger cousins took back ebola infested niggers from the clinics to give them a proper tribal burial, hugging and kissing the ebola corpses. Because they didn't believe ebola is real.

Wakandan melanoid king magic can defeat any virus.

Niggers are pro natural selection. That is why they are superior to you whitebois. That is why women can't resist the BBC. They know their offspring will be stronger physically and resistant to all manner of diseases.

Damn these subhumans are hilarious.

Quick, someone make a corona-chan shrine

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based Africans

they don’t want deep state Democrats to collapse their economies

No, you faggot homoglobo cum swallower. GGG said they were curing niggers so they obviously were killing them you absolute sub human cum sock

what economies

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No shit, where do you think vaccines are tested for example? No wonder why there's such distrust and hate for the west over there.

>they’ll sort it out on their own

No they won’t

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So obvious you have a source?

Africa has zero 5G towers in a coincidence?
Covid is almost non existence is it the heat or is there something to the 5G theorie

Considering it came out of China, eating those organs from Chinese will be more effective to just eating any other.

>there’s no Covid in Africa
>responding to article that testing facilities are being burned

You ain’t fuckin bright my friend

Based niggers

You know what else they don't have there? Shoes.
And you know what every Covid-19 victim in the developed world wore regularly? Shoes.

Better go barefoot for a while, user.

Even before that there were doing testing and less than 19 tested positive those that did test positive had recently traveled from china for migrant work

>thinking that they were actually bringing IN the ebola
And they were right, bootlicking dumbfuck.

And? How many tests were done and in what nation of Africa? We’re these tests donated to them by China along with the tens of thousands of faulty test kits they have sent out? Given that African Americans are getting the virus their genetic cousins can and will to. The only thing that may reduce numbers in Africa as in India is that many already take antiparasitic meds like chloroquine as an anti malaria treatment.

>when the crossover between ancaps and niggers that is cop hatred finally evolves into full blown nigger loving
The post

are there any african forums where we can spread this mesaage?

Rollin for Corona-Chan to meet up with Ebola-Chan for some steamy yuri action

Black twitter in the US. Sock puppet this shit backed by spicy Kong’s memes.


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I doubt Africans intelligent enough get internet and use online forums, would be the one burning testing centers because of witchcraft.

Bet the witch doctors told them to do it

If bootlicking means intentionally spreading deadly disease in Africa than yes, I’m a licker.

>when blind trust in the government and blind hatred of niggers renders you permanently incapable of critical thinking
The post. The fact that the niggers are right does not make them smart. Just smarter than you, dipshitted bottom.

Imagine being black and calling yourself ivorian. Oh God, I almost can't take the hilarity

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The desirability of killing niggers with disease is completely irrelevant to the question of whether or not they correctly perceive that they are being killed that way. You have poor reading comprehension and low IQ.

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you sound like a big dum dum


stahp it... just staph it

Am I Being Detained!!!?

Ass clowns

pictured here speaking.....

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I can't wait to see Yas Forums cry about mandatory covid-19 vaccines and plotting to burn vaccines centers.


You made that ancap shit up in your head and projected it onto me. I'm actually criticizing your dumbfuck comments in this thread. In your head you're saying to yourself "dude weed sick burn sick burn 420 69 dude", but here you're just revealing that you don't understand the concept behind insults, which requires them to be relevant in order to be effective. This is because you're stupid.

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But you'll be hungry in half an hour.


Niggers know when they are being purposely being infected with diseases.


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So this... is the power of... niggers. Whoa...

Lmao that can't be real

because their skin is black