Hey! You got a license to play with your kid punk!?

Hey! You got a license to play with your kid punk!?
Cops using this an excuse to hate on white people even these white cops have no respect or honor


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I'm going to shoot the first cop that tries to enforce a quarantine on me. That's a promise.

crabs in a bucket

Good, fuck dirty hippies

here in PA we have 'stay at home""orders"" and literally nobody gives a fuck

people like this deserve the deluxe "just doing my job" ss treatment themselves.

Yas Forums: This is bullshit you can't arrest someone for playing in a park. This is America!

News: He was black

Yas Forums: Fucking ape criminal should follow the laws get deported back to the jungle filthy monkey

good on Brighton PD for showing restraint and not putting a bullet in both of their heads

Literally why we have the 2nd amendment.

Even tho you’re obviously joking don’t post that here law enforcement will show up at your door thru your isp just got make pol look wild

Stay smart

>black people
>"playing" in the park
You haven't visited an inner city park in the USA.

You really get your concepts of blacks from Cosby show reruns
Believe me I wish they were that civilized
10% are decent 90% animals sad but true

How hard is it to stay the fuck inside?

..in triumph shall wave O’er the land of the free and the home of the brave!

>t. Nokids

How hard is it to understand the government does not have legitimate authority to order you to do so?

>taking your kid outside for shits and giggles during a pandemic
>to a public park of all places
Yeah, great parenting right there.

They will soon if you mouth breathing retards keep making this worse.


>"what are you gonna do, arrest me?"
quote from man arrested

Ok bootlicker

Fuckin based leaf.

The only ones breaking Social Distancing are the cops........also cops are dying like flies here in NYC because of Corona-chan.

Found the cuck

You’re gonna need a doctors prescription to go outside

Sue them for constitutional violations.
Charge them with treason.

This. Canadians are fortunate they have so few niggers. Well, outside of Toronto anyway.

Colorado is one of the most pozzed and docile populations in the nation. Spoiled by economic success and natural beauty, and being a white ethnostate until very recently. Now they are governed by a literal gay Jew. lmao

the only sickness going around right now is peoples willingness to drop their fellow friends and family and not even look back - based on nothing but an invisible threat announced by the TV screen

snap out of your goddamn hypnosis you freak

Based. Even the term social distancing makes me cringe.

Pandemic? Get the fuck out of here. It’s a scam and we all know it. I’m using it as a great opportunity to teach my kids not to blindly follow authority. Also great lesson in the power of propaganda.

i went to the supermarket yesterday and they now installed a thick plastic "wall" between the customer and the cashier.
woman behind the counter didn't even look at me, worked with latex gloves and basically made me pick up the receipt myself so she wouldn't have to hand it to me (there is a gap in the wall at the bottom so you can reach in and grab it)

i imagined a lot of scenarios of what the future might look like, but i never envisioned most of the people turning into OCD autists overnight

Lads I'm launching minecraft right now

Social cohesion stopped when they shoved a bunch of shitheads into the country and kiked it all up. No one cares about anyone else cause that's what they wanted. Problem with that is eventually people don't care about the people in charge either and want them dead.

This is the correct response to government.

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to me it almost feels like the NPCs are revealing themselves.
it's as if a great filter has been enabled and everyone that is governed by nothing but fear and simple, pavlovian responses in general cannot keep up the facade anymore.

it used to be that in order to appear virtuous and grounded you had to do almost nothing - just smile a lot, be friendly, make compliments and perform minor favors and everyone will see you as a man of character and a great person.
now in order to achieve that you actually have to swim against the stream and risk something, and the normies simply can't pull that off.

Pigs have the virus and are spreading it to white people. Examine how those filthy pigs in wigs huddle in close "proximity" to the clean white people.

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He's probably working for the FBI lol


It's hilarious how true this is.

Hi glownigger. Just how utterly lazy are you at your job? Reporting posts on Yas Forums is as lazy as a fatass pig, waiting in his patrol car at a speed trap. What a little, pathetic man you are. I feel sorry for you.

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>not allowed to have White children out in public
And they keep shilling that the police will defect to the side of Whites when the time comes. Yet another drop in the bucket proving otherwise.

No you won't pussyfuck

>no cuck/furry tabs
very not based

america the free

We don't all have an endless supply of onions and dildos to keep us going like you

we /martiallaw/ now

The same thing happened in my country a week ago. Some old guy went out with his nephew in the park, to enjoy a spring morning, and the MILITARY arrested him. Not even actual communism was this bad.

>plastic "wall"
Same at my bank here.

>i have a constitutional right to spread disease as far and wide as i can

Maybe he’s a wanted pedo

this unironically sounds great. i always hated when cashiers would try to make chit chat with me.

This but unironically

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is there a bodycam video of the incident ?

When the government violates basic liberties and the people cower in fear you know you live in a tyranny.

>give up your rights goy or we'll have to take them from you

I’m sorta shocked people have been so accepting of martial law lite

Shits spooky af

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>Excuse me sir, you're too close to your own daughter
>Now let me touch you and put things you have no idea where they've been on you

We just don't want them here. Why is that so complicated?

You are retarded.

How can nobody see how dumb this is. The cops are the ones most likely to be infected

>here in PA we have 'stay at home""orders""

This. I've been to the gun range twice in the past week, and will be again Friday. Fuck our kike governer and fuck cops.

>vacation from work
>decides to spent time with children
>decides to play outside isn't of waste away looking at a screen
Yes, actually that IS good parenting.

Here is how it went down
>Guy is contacted by police and they ask for his name.
>Guy refuses and it escalates
>Guy is detained while cop identifies him and issues him citation(probably for failure to identify and whatever the initial violation was)
>Guy is let go after 10 minutes

modern cops are just irl Yas Forums jannies but shit tier pay instead of free. they have no real morals or thought process