/cvg/ - Corona Virus General #3017

► Detected: 1,390,841 (+44,837) ► Died: 79,149 (+4,495) ► Day: 89 (-09:01:32)

— 4.3 billion people under lockdown —
— 213 countries and territories infected —
— 4.3x more confirmed deaths than swine flu —
— 62 vaccines and 244 treatments announced —
— 2,898 strains have been sequenced —


A tiger has tested positive for coronavirus

Sky News reports virus might have escaped Chinese lab

Indonesia buries 639 with biohazard protection, official toll only 209

Courts say Spain underreports deaths, real toll 3 times higher

Japan to declare state of emergency

Virus invades nervous systems

Virus affects blood circulation

19 year old in Britain dies of coronavirus, no previous conditions

Virus thrives in lower respiratory tract, causes pneumonia

97,000 deaths in China, financial analyst estimates from urns data

"Flu deaths" include all pneumonia deaths, virus rarely confirmed

CDC approvals delay testing in New York

Indian man tests negative, dies of pneumonia next day

People are not being tested in Japan despite symptoms

Mayor in Italy says death toll 4 times higher than detected

16:07: 3,039 new cases and 604 new deaths in Italy
16:00: 1,462 new cases and 78 new deaths in Pennsylvania
15:59: 1,260 new cases and 35 new deaths in Georgia
15:54: 127 new cases and 3 new deaths in Luxembourg
15:48: 875 new cases and 29 new deaths in Florida
15:44: 177 new cases and 8 new deaths in Mississippi

► Previous: ► List 1: ► List 2: MORE: pastebin.com/raw/qy5RFpVX

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Other urls found in this thread:


Imagine being as based as China


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literally a nothingburger. a fucking 107 year old woman recovered from this faggot virus


nothing burger

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Any sources about possible numbers in China except 21 million cellphones?

Coronachan is tearing up Long Island right now.

You know who lives there? A bunch of rich jews.

Join me now in laughing at them as they die.



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Virus illness originate by all countries except China. Bats not make the sickenings, bats good meal eatings. Sickenings probabry make from rasagna and ringuine of Itary, sausage rorrs of England, or steamed hams of America. China is all of healthfulness now, so that mean China good country not do nothing

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Pretty pathetic. You must have a small pee pee

I miss writefaggot

fookin ell

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fuck off spain nigger, not fooling anyone

literal something burger 19 year old in Britain dies of coronavirus, no previous conditions

How is Poland doing with that virus? My polish coworker is a fucking retard who talks about politics all the time and laughs at polish government, right now I can't get any info from him except

You pathetic bootlicking retards never fail to make me laugh with your “cvg” threads and your exaggerated statistics that don’t hold up to any scientific standards stay in fear lmao

How long until the government collapses?

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That was too obvious.

kek remember yesterday's articles speaking about peak and downward trends gotta love journo's

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why bro...

Lol do you think that is what it takes to declare /cvg/ BTFO?
As a matter of fact I joined there treads from early on and never saw any post directly talking shit about the effectiveness of HCQ nor am I aware of purposeful denial of the matter....
Maybe I missed it, but come on bro...
You seem to have a good brain.
Why don't you use it to further the conversation instead of screaming and bashing?
That doesn't help anyone and makes you the same as the thing you are against....
Thanks for the paper tho

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got to pump up those markets

kys kosher nigger faggot

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I secretly love Canadians and think they are nice people.

Are chinks incapable of empathy?

>they only care about profit
>and shareholders
And what do you think happened to their profits this quarter?
What will happen to their profits the next quarter?
Thanks to Chinese Virus they will all loose almost a year of profits, without a certainty that this won't happen again with some other virus/pathogen that Chinese are cooking.
Without a 100% certainty you can bet your ass that a shit load of shareholders right now will join some of the smarter ones from before and demand to move the factories out of China to diversify their suppliers.
This move was already happening before the wuflu. The factories were moving to Vietnam, Mexico, India etc.
Another move will be the Western governments competing with China in Africa and that will happen very soon as well.
At the end of the next decade some of the Western countries will have the domestic production also established.
That means that during the next 10 years China will face more and more internal struggles as well, while the mainland goes against the coast, as it always happens when China "opens up" to the world. They cause a plague and have a revolution themselves, seems like.

over a million active cases now

typical chink behaviour

1.4 million, kek!, let me know when it hits 2.4 million!

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Do you think the Chinese are putting living people into body bags and burning them alive?

...I'll be back (ID: XJLJ4NhI)
04/07/20(Tue)12:57:03 No.252363678
Listen faggots
>flu kills 250,000 a year
>Measles kills 500,000 a year
>hepatitis b kills 800,000 a year
>hiv/aids kills a million a year
>noro virus kills 50,000 a year
>ebola kills 10,000 a year
>car crashes kill two million a year
>murder and war kills 5 million a year
>coconuts kill 100,000 a year
>falling off ladders kills 40,000 a year
>DIY accidents kill 15000 a year
>Niggers murder 600,000 a year
>botched transsexual surgeries kill 500 a year
>food poisoning kills 6 million a year
>erectile dysfunction kills 20,000 a year
>lightning strikes kill 500 a year (double if it strikes twice)
>Medical malpractice in the US claims 250k lives a year alone
>diarrhea kills 1.8 million A YEAR
Total nothing burger

The fact that the virus is killing the red blood cells ability to transport oxygen explains the chinks falling randomly on the street in January.

It is only LARPing as a pneumonia and sore throat in order to spread fast and achieve a high R0 infection number.

The actual weapon is in it's ability to bind to blood cells and nuke them. It also explains why people feel a "sudden" need for air without too bad a cough before.

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Over 611 dead and rising.
Prepare yourselves , Sweden against the world!!!
We´ll´ reinfect Europe!!

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fuck you

>Covid deaths
99% are with comorbidities with an average age of 81. Any death with covid was ruled as a covid death in Italy, which they only test the sick in hospital. The average age of death is higher than the average life expectancy.
>This is killing so many people!
No it isn't. Total mortality per country and globally is below average. If this was killing more than normal, we would see higher mortality.
>Muh death rate
Research, SKorea, Japan, Taiwan, Germany, Austria etc show that 80-90% of cases are asymptomatic. This brings total fatality below 1%.
>Case # skyrocketing!
We are testing more, it only makes sense. This also brings the mortality rate lower.
>What about the testing methods?
With a false positive rate of 80% reported by the FDA, it tests for the same genes in the common cold.
>But this country has a high fatality rate!
They only test the people who are hospitalized. When compared to the flu by hospitalized, flu has a mortality rate of 10%.
>Muh stockerinos/get to work goy
The people who are the freest from stocks and Jews are small businesses being destroyed from this while mega corps thrive. 45 million unemployed. You think it'll get better?


has anything new happened lately? seems big news is slowing or news that would be big is just normal stuff

There's not enough tests, it's not in control anymore, everyone in new york can basically say they have coronavirus at this point. The hospitals are over run and can't cope. People are contracting it faster than they can test for it.

Why did you suck off a nigger?

>As a matter of fact I joined there treads from early on and never saw any post directly talking shit about the effectiveness of HCQ nor am I aware of purposeful denial of the matter....
i literally make a point of posting the OP's posts just so you can't cop out on your doomfaggotry

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im moving to china numba 1 soon.
western world is decrept.

United States 380,744 (11,907) Spain 140,511 (13,897) Italy 135,586 (17,127) Germany 105,604 (1,905) France 98,010 (8,911) China 81,740 (3,331) Iran 62,589 (3,872) United Kingdom 55,242 (6,159) Turkey 34,109 (725) Switzerland 22,253 (821) Belgium 22,194 (2,035) Netherlands 19,580 (2,101) Canada 17,063 (345) Austria 12,599 (243) Portugal 12,442 (345) Brazil 12,377 (582) South Korea 10,331 (192) Israel 9,006 (61) Sweden 7,693 (591) Russia 7,497 (58) Australia 5,919 (48) Norway 5,869 (88) Ireland 5,364 (174) India 5,172 (150) Chile 5,116 (43) Denmark 5,071 (203) Czech Republic 4,944 (88) Poland 4,666 (129) Romania 4,417 (197) Pakistan 4,009 (56) Malaysia 3,963 (63) Japan 3,906 (92) Philippines 3,764 (177) Ecuador 3,747 (191) Luxembourg 2,970 (44) Saudi Arabia 2,795 (41) Indonesia 2,738 (221) Peru 2,561 (92) Serbia 2,447 (61) Mexico 2,439 (125) Finland 2,308 (34) Thailand 2,258 (27) Panama 2,100 (55) United Arab Emirates 2,076 (11) Qatar 2,057 (6)…

United States +13,740 (+1,036) Spain +3,836 (+556) Italy +3,039 (+604) Germany +2,229 (+95) Iran +2,089 (+133) United Kingdom +3,634 (+786) Turkey +3,892 (+76) Switzerland +596 (+56) Belgium +1,380 (+403) Netherlands +777 (+234) Canada +396 (+22) Austria +302 (+23) Portugal +712 (+34) Brazil +194 (+18) South Korea +47 (+6) Israel +102 (+4) Sweden +487 (+114) Russia +1,154 (+11) Australia +24 (+3) Norway +4 (+12) India +394 (+14) Chile +301 (+6) Denmark +390 (+16) Czech Republic +122 (+10) Poland +253 (+22) Romania +360 (+21) Pakistan +243 (+3) Malaysia +170 (+1) Philippines +104 (+14) Luxembourg +127 (+3) Saudi Arabia +190 (+3) Indonesia +247 (+12) Serbia +247 (+3) Mexico +296 (+31) Finland +132 (+7) Thailand +38 (+1) Qatar +225 (+2) Dominican Republic +128 (+12) Greece +77 (+2) South Africa +63 (+1) Argentina (+3) Algeria +45 (+20) Ukraine +143 (+7) Croatia +60 (+2) Estonia +41 (+2)…

MORE: npastebin.com/raw/S29XMKEr

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Listen faggots
>flu kills 250,000 a year
>Measles kills 500,000 a year
>hepatitis b kills 800,000 a year
>hiv/aids kills a million a year
>noro virus kills 50,000 a year
>ebola kills 10,000 a year
>car crashes kill two million a year
>murder and war kills 5 million a year
>coconuts kill 100,000 a year
>falling off ladders kills 40,000 a year
>DIY accidents kill 15000 a year
>Niggers murder 600,000 a year
>botched transsexual surgeries kill 500 a year
>food poisoning kills 6 million a year
>erectile dysfunction kills 20,000 a year
>lightning strikes kill 500 a year (double if it strikes twice)
>Medical malpractice in the US claims 250k lives a year alone
>diarrhea kills 1.8 million A YEAR
Total nothing burger

kys mad max larper
spent 2 months baking this faggotry for it to be treatable with fucking vit c and rheumatism drugs lmfao

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He was on last week but I think he lost interest

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Are Swedes still larpning its nothing burger and gathering?

Oy vey

More like glimmer of nope

Guys is this actually a happening? It already seems like things are starting to blow over. I don’t want to go back to my soul crushing commute.

fuck that propaganda is great

Like /cvg/ always says
Just 2 more weeks bro

>erectile dysfunction kills 20,000 a year
I didn't know erectile dysfunction had a lethality rate. How does this even work?

Do you agree ? In prev thread...

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If you look closely the chink is smiling while doing it

>You pathetic bootlicking retards never fail to make me laugh with your “cvg” threads and your exaggerated statistics that don’t hold up to any scientific standards stay in fear lmao

Relax mate, we are just here for fucking fun, why do you take things you see here seriously

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you mus NEVAH respeck a woman, or a virus


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>Not enough tests
US has tested more than anyone. It has a false positive rate of 80% for the common cold and so far it's only rang 20% of the tests positive
>Hospitals are overrun
Post proof

Because I love BBC.

Why the hate?
You are so fucking angry
So frustrated
You ok?

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10 mins ago I heard in the Bavarian news radio that the minister is very likely to enforce a rule to wear masks in public.

Not that this is a mindblowing news but at least its not the 10000x that the same corona pictures get posted

Also it’s worth nothing that several thousand patients in NY are currently being treated with HCQ and Azithromycin...it must be working!

suicide innit

buena imagen para hormigas papu

Lads i have an itchy throat, fever, body pain and i find it hard to breathe
Nice knowing you all...

Nope it's not happening. It's not a nothingburger, just a slight course correction by nature to thin the herd after modern medicine has basically been able to reanimate the elderly for an extra decade for the past 20 or so years.

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Just now Turkey

Tests today + 20.023
Cases today + 3.892
Deaths today + 76
Recovereies today + 256

Total Cases 34.109

Total Deaths 725

Hospital Beds Used 50 %

Critical Care Beds Used 60 %

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Look what I got today on the mail.
The mad lad is still working from his deathbed!
I'll probably sell it on ebay for a fortune once he kicks the bucket.

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>OD on viagra
>wife/gf kills you out of frustration
>commit sudoku out of shame
>ancestors rise from grave and murder you for such dishonour


Videos point to affirmatives YES. Too many videos

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I hope he's not dead.

just wait two weeks.

in all seriousness, it's starting to blow over. looks like it's almost over in europe and the US peak should happen in a week or so. it's turning out to not be nearly as deadly as we thought. worst case scenario is 200k US deaths, which is not nearly the doomsday scenario we were hoping for

>>erectile dysfunction kills 20,000 a year
>I didn't know erectile dysfunction had a lethality rate. How does this even work?
china wiped out entire species to find a cure for their sloppy small penises


You supposed to get uncontrollable coof bursts bruh, u safe for now senpai.

Disclaimer: I'm not a doctor, you might as well die lel

Pic related

Eastern Istanbul contaminated really bad

Fucking kek bro just a flu

She has a relative...


how many of those deaths are in shithole countries and poor people?

I actually don't know who this is. I avoid German media like faggots or niggers

>worst case scenario is 200k US deaths
best case scenario you dumb mutt, you don't even know what your retarded president is saying

The autopsy showed no underlying conditions?

Anyone have Italy numbers?


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you have no idea, Kära granne... Stäng gränsen fort som fan. Det eller Invadera. Snälla. Hjälp.

Can the WHO be sued for misleading the public?

CCP Virus is the Chinese Communist Party version of the Pearl Harbor attack on the West. While you thought you were in trade negations the Chinese Communist Party is at War.

Escalating medical defects in 2019 culminating in 9.1 million defective medical gowns, untold medicine defects and the buying up of Personal Protection gear starting as early as September 2019, continuing to escalate in November 2019 and going ballistic January of 2020. These actions Demonstrate a level of coordination over time that can be seen in only one light. Especially when it was spelled out by the Chinese Communist Party diplomatic communique "We will cut off medical supplies and medicine and let the American people die in an ocean of Wuhan Virus".

You are not dealing with Chinese citizens or China. You are dealing with the Chinese Communist Party that is more brutal, more heartless, and cunning than Stalin.


While you slept and had your children taught nonsense Wall Street and the political class sold you out.

The political class tells you not to worry, not to panic. Well, It is well past the time of worry or panic. It is time for action. Bring our capital, equipment and factories home. Now! Immediately.

Close the borders. Over 10 million people out of work in 5 days. Do it now. End the visas. All the visas. Defence department national security exclusion only.

The Chinese Communist Party have used an industrial accident at the Wuhan BSL4 Lab as a weapon. They pulled the trigger. Mark my words you either launch a reindustrialization program thinking beyond the virus or by August there will be at least three American aircraft carriers at the bottom of the ocean.

Where is Shi Zhengli?

>US has tested more than anyone


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why you're still pozzed user?

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ill give you a roll of bog paper for it

they said last week that their worst case projection is 200k

they'll probably get shot by a firing squad

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Reconquer Constantinople when?

this is beautiful
poor guy
he should start shooting on sight like in the philippines


I have the coofening (but in my case its bronchitis. Not the best time to have this shit-.-)

Better question... where is Charles Lieber ?
Zhengli is just a Lieber Padawan

This is what we get from a female led government. Our ancestors are not smiling, my fren :(

lads is it too late to reroll into medicine if I'm 25 and almost done with my physics masters?

They are soulless abominations, so yes.

Yeah contaminated with roaches

well, it was a faggot so i highly doubt he was healthy

>Jarosław Kaczyński
He is based as fuck.

Tomorrow they'll surpass 9/11's death toll


2977 died in 9/11

kek that’s funny because with all that nonsense garbage you just spouted check out this death rate it’s hilariously low

fucking kek death rate for south korea barley .1 percent for people under 50 all cvg fags on suicide watch

threadly reminder that death rate is between .2% and .4% for anyone under 60 and if your under 30 it’s basically .1% or less. once you factor in unreported recovered cases death rate plummets to .05% .

reminder that everyone in cvg are loser queer’s and faggot doom shills. they are hopeless r9k losers and not polacks. they have miserable live with no meaning so they hope that the virus will destroy everyone else’s life. they also feel special for posting on Yas Forums (any monkey can do that) and think they are “hip and ahead of the curve”.

in reality they are a bunch of brainless useless because nobody loves them.
also reminder that the cvg narrative now matches the msm narrative. so no need to really go on cvg just watch msm faggots.

cvg is cancer death rate is .2% kys.
these threads should be on bant your all a fucking little autistic social ccult at this point screeching at each other. OP had tons of garbage tabloid info just to catch people’s attention. mommy’s so proud that he runs cvg though i’m sure. op just screaming for mommy’s attention.
>look mom i accomplished something i fun cvg on Yas Forums arnt you proud

>waah he’s ruining our cringe larp please make him stop even tho the virus only kills if you were in world war 2 wahh

reminder not a single person in this thread will present any info to counter the abysmal low death rate

also reminder that the argie op is some cringe faggot who s entire life and day revolves around posting these fucking threads and updating the Op with more hyperbole and unsubstantiated tabloid cringe. imagine for a second that it’s your entire life. that’s op kek

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"Between 160 million and 214 million people in the US could be infected over the course of the epidemic, according to one projection. That could last months or even over a year, with infections concentrated in shorter periods, staggered across time in different communities, experts said. As many as 200,000 to 1.7 million people could die."

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US 1300+ deaths today so far. It's not the peak yet.

>4 million? What are we gonna do about the 2 million? Why don't you think about the 200k? You're inhuman to not want shutdown to protect 20k.

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Errr....you Nickname....is the green glow thingy coming back ?

>the same elmhurst story yet again
didnt that get debunked? someone went to elmhurst and the hospital was a ghost town?

so has anyone even seen someone with the so called "coronavirus"?

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Sooner or later God'll cut 'em down.

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Hopefully he survived entirely.

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911 sprayed asbestos over everybody so some of these deaths are still 9/11

yeah there weren't even nurses or doctors

not worth it, all CT/MRI/X-ray is going the way of AI, unless you want to dick horny desperate nurses.

Well...Taiwanese still eat shark fins on special occasions, so yeah, there goes your moral high ground.

would love a poz corona daddy to give my neghole his viral load

1,417 new cases.
Hey, that's less than yesterday!

70 new deaths . . .

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>tfw you're severe asthmatic but you have the DRUIDPILL to give you based gaulish prophylaxis

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there's only a couple more days of capacity for ventilators and intensive care beds, bad news by friday


kek sorry lads i just can’t get over this tiny death rate. it’s so fucking small and unlikely that anyone dies from this under the age of 50.

i truly can’t get over it . it’s hilarious.
especially with all the garbage in OP i mean it seems really bad then you take a look at the actual stats and you realize how fucking weak the virus is and how unlikely it is to die holy shit
i just keep laughing to myself alone in my bedroom i really can’t stop
and all you cvg faggots keep posting about how scary it is

fucking under .1 percent for people 30 and younger and under .2 percent for people fifty and younger ..but still these threads hjahahaha

lmao literally zero percent death rate

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>As many as 200,000 to 1.7 million people could die."

So it could be the 2018 flu season or almost 2 million extra funerals

Wow thats a tight range, thanks experts!

hey bros, is it over?

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honestly not creepy enough

They're setting up emergency ICU's in central park. Do you really think your hospitals are 'not over run'?

the way he handled that gun he was prepared to murder somebody

>unless you want to dick horny desperate nurses

That and finding cures against chink bioweapons was my intention

trump won because his dad got the bernie treatment 2 times


based user
i've spent all day selectively BTFO'ing each and every single one of these armchair experts
these niggers have been sleeping over the treasure all this time and got drifted away by one kosher baker

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>bad news
Anything involving Americans dying painfully is GREAT news. This county is a piece of shit.

>there's only a couple more days of capacity for ventilators and intensive care beds, bad news by Friday

That was already supposed to happen by this week and suddenly no new articles

Wow you sound really upset. Breathe in deeply, in through your nose and out through your mouth. Relax.

when the central park ICU is not oveerrun what will be the excuse then

counter these dumb numbers dumb fucking kike

>three months

>over 100 countries

>millions of cases

>death rate under .4% for anyone under 50

>death doesn’t even get close to scary until you are 70

>fucking cvg faggots like this say find another report

>all reports say this

>there are no reports that put the death rate higher

this kills the cvg retard cope

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>Fox news
>No actual proof
>Videos of outside tents

this is the only data it takes to disprove the doomers. death rate is laughably low

all chinks belong to hell

this is the only data it takes to disprove the doomers. death rate is laughably low

The only people they feel sorry for are themselves. Not their parents, not their children, not brothers or sisters. They only gain empathy when western culture is put onto them.

are you telling me that this beautiful chinese will come in to my house? WTF i love china now

In the textile industry the problem isn't where the shops are, it's that the raw textiles are all made in China. They can move all they want they're just lengthening the chain. Those shops generally keep 6-18 months material on hand depending on contracts, and some of them are blowing through that by the end of April due to misplaced demand and non-traditional uses.

Is it super soft triple ply?

Not too old then, one of my friends (code monkey), went back to school at 34 to become a clinical physician.

and the 16 year old girl in Belgium? what about the infant was he a faggot?

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China is the land of insects and it will be sterilized in nuclear fire
Wuhan biological weapon 武汉生物武器 China manufactured Coronavirus Test kits were broken on purpose 中国制造的冠状病毒检测试剂盒被故意破坏 动态网自由门 天安門 天安门 法輪功 李洪志 Free Tibet 六四天安門事件 The Tiananmen Square protests of 1989 天安門大屠殺 The Tiananmen Square Massacre 反右派鬥爭 The Anti-Rightist Struggle 大躍進政策 The Great Leap Forward 文化大革命 The Great Proletarian Cultural Revolution 人權 Human Rights 民運 Democratization 自由 Freedom 獨立 Independence 多黨制 Multi-party system 台灣 臺灣 Taiwan Formosa 中華民國 Republic of China 西藏 土伯特 唐古特 Tibet 達賴喇嘛 Dalai Lama 法輪功 Falun Dafa 新疆維吾爾自治區 The Xinjiang Uyghur Autonomous Region 諾貝爾和平獎 Nobel Peace Prize 劉暁波 Liu Xiaobo 民主 言論 思想 反共 反革命 抗議 運動 騷亂 暴亂 騷擾 擾亂 抗暴 平反 維權 示威游行 李洪志 法輪大法 大法弟子 強制斷種 強制堕胎 民族淨化 人體實驗 肅清 胡耀邦 趙紫陽 魏京生 王丹 還政於民 和平演變 激流中國 北京之春 大紀元時報 九評論共産黨 獨裁 專制 壓制 統一 監視 鎮壓 迫害 侵略 掠奪 破壞 拷問 屠殺 活摘器官 誘拐 買賣人口 遊進 走私 毒品 賣淫 春畫 賭博 六合彩 天安門 天安门 法輪功 李洪志 Winnie the Pooh 劉曉波动态网自由门


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Oh look, another nothing burger thread. How cute. How do I get paid for making threads like this endlessly? Wait, you are getting paid for this, right?

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Deaths from new cases take about 2 weeks to get there. They're almost guaranteed because the US only tests those with symptoms there and they almost always have it and have had it for over a week.

He copypasted the infected name and is now namefagging with it.

God I love this dudes videos.

I continue to curate my file on COVID-19. I have freshly updated it, and this is the latest version:


I have also spoken on the matter of the virus for 34 minutes straight, and recorded it and uploaded it to YouTube:


>Bilateral viral pneumonia.
>Lung fibrosis and permanent loss of lung function.
>Myocarditis and pericarditis and the breakdown of the heart muscle into the bloodstream, accompanied by elevated troponin levels.
>Excessive clotting leading to myocardial infarction, pulmonary embolism, or stroke. Platelets are used up by what appears to be DIC, or Disseminated Intravascular Coagulation.
>Mild viral hepatitis, indicated by abnormal AST/ALT and highly elevated ferritin.
>Myoglobinemia and possible renal tubular damage that leads to acute kidney injury.
>Cytokine release syndrome.
>Bacterial co-infections and viral sepsis leading to multiple organ failure and excess clotting.
>GI tract infections and abnormalities.
>Hypokalemia, low lymphocytes, low platelets, and low white blood cell counts.
>Male infertility and damage to the seminiferous ducts, indicated by abnormal testosterone and luteinizing hormone levels.
>Medullary damage that causes dysautonomia, loss of automatic breathing, and perhaps even collapses and seizures with abnormal posturing (decerebrate/decorticate posturing) and the fencing response. Behavioral abnormalities like strange aggression have also been noted.
>Possible pulmonary hypertension, pulmonary vasculitis, or hemolytic anemia.

People in Ecuador are dying in droves with this thing. They're loading shipping containers with all the bodies because they have nowhere else to put them. In some places, the authorities aren't even counting the infected or dead. They're just piling up in the streets, like something out of a medieval plague painting.

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come and vote guys

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You know it, and it smells like a daisy pusi

pic related

that explains it

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And even those numbers are way too high lmao

I thought today we might finally overtake California. Sad! At least we can settle for having more active cases and deaths.

After we take California, maybe we will surpass Canada as well.

Attached: Sad!.png (1241x296, 31.98K)

Holy fuck chink propaganda is great

>Italy new cases massively down AGAIN

*clap clap clap-clap-clap*
*clap clap clap-clap-clap*

>Italy new cases massively down AGAIN

*clap clap clap-clap-clap*
*clap clap clap-clap-clap*

good job user we gotta help some of these deluded retards see reality! we are doing the right thing btfo these fags. most posters is cvg are surprisingly dumb like way dumber than the average pol user.

they need our help!

guess this is the weakness of having so many autistic spergs on the board. it works out great when they are focused on kikes and minorities.

but when they get taken advantage of and manipulated by a psyop like the virus, there is no containing the retardation.

thing the standard autistic sperg on Yas Forums is normally very skeptical and cautious when buying into things. however this one seems to have been a weak spot for them and taken hold of them without the typical autistic analysis and criticism.

unfortunate for us because now we have a useless board since our autists have been manipulated.

our autists have been manipulated and are now being used against us. must be something about their personality and psychology that made them especially vulnerable to a pandemic apocalyptic scenario. well played kikes.

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Hmm how about the bodies lying in the street cause they have nowhere else to store them.

Why are people dying enmasse in Ecuador and not here?

>americans wake up
>thread goes to shit, schizos raiding, disinformation everywhere
I bet drowning in your own lungs is preferable to living in America

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We're not safe until they're dead
they'll come coofing through the night
Set to sacrifice our healthy to their greedy bugman blight
they'll wreak havoc on our countries if we let them wander free
So it's time to take some action, boys
It's time to post with me
Through the rice, through the mudfields
Through their Wuhan and now Hong Kong
It's no nightmare, it's reality tonight
Say a prayer, then we're there
At the heart of China's darkness
And there's something truly terrible inside
It's Pooh Bear; he's got slaves, dull soulless ones
China Ops, make whites cough, for a fee
Watch them lie; people died
And we're now stuck inside all our beds
all our beds
Kill the Chinks

Eat your deenz, Load your PC
Sit your ass down and get /comfy/
We're gonna be shitposting here all day
Called it flu? Called it nothing?
Those faggots are now blown out
half a million and growing more potent every day
There's disease running wild, there's no question
And this thing is more cancerous than Yas Forums
Sally forth! Tally-ho!
Better nut up and let's go
There's a new strain of her oh no!

We don't like all these chink shills desu we're all quite seething
making 5 cents per dumb Chang post like a thief
Bring your masks, bring your beans
Save your waifus and your dreams
We'll all end the Chinese and their schemes
We'll kill the Chinks

Prepped in Jan, TP's high
We are fully stocked for battle
Unafraid though our market share's decreased
Raise /pol's/ flag, our masks on
Here we come, the planet strong
And the world's countries can't be wrong
Let's kill the Chinks
Kill the Chinks, kill the Chinks

Attached: We're not safe until they're dead.gif (498x268, 709.59K)

so when is your cut off date when things went south?


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you havent btfo anybody, all you do is post the exact same set of 10 pics and posts over and over and over, without variance, all day

I am sorry that you lost your job, your retirement, and your future.

I feed sorry for your poor math skills. Covid kills 6000 a day, and its only in a few big cities for now. That totals 2 million death per year, if deaths per day dont grow. Poor you... must be hard to be retarded.

Covid19 is the number 1 cause of death in the world right now

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just lie down on train tracks bro, there's only a 0.01% chance of a train passing through there at any random moment in time

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SOLD, to the Legoman in the corner with the hipster glasses!

>nearly 5000 deaths
>I haven’t even decided on lunch yet

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>Police chief of Uganda.
I thought he was from America and that accent had me confused

it must really suck to be scared for your people because there aren't adequate medical facilities but they're too ignorant for their own good

And btw if it's in the OP I didn't see it. The thing changes and a lot is shit. Like with everything on here: a lot is shit and some things are true. You just have to shovel trough the shit to find the gold. But its here. It's not like everyone on here agrees with everything that is said here. That would be mad. It's not the big circle jerk you think it is bro...
I'm not copping out of anything.
Just looking for info and try to converse with people about the situation.
Like with you. You gave me a paper. Can I find that shit myself? Of course. But Im not gonna read 1000's of papers. I rather talk with people and share info. So thanks.
Stay safe fren

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That's for in case they get overrun, them and the hospital ship will start taking overflow

How many patients you see there will be a good indicator if this was worth a shutdown or not

+1417 deaths in france

Won't save you ass, burger

>we requite resentment with justice

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>Wuhan coming out of lockdown

>CDC director downplays coronavirus models, says death toll will be 'much lower' than projected

when will we stop making these dumb threads?

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hydroxychloroquine is the cure, the disease effects hemoglobin

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fucking disgusting cringe faggot larping hard as ever.
>muh super virus
kek literally a cold you dumbass there’s nothing special about it

kek reminder that nobody posted any info countering the death rates in this post and how laughably low they are

kek reminder that nobody posted any info countering the death rates in this post and how laughably low they are
>bbbut they are old
ok so post ones that are higher?
>bbut they are south korea
ok? post some that are higher from any state dumbass

>bbbut they are old

ok so post ones that are higher?

>bbut they are south korea

ok? post some that are higher from any state dumbass

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>meanwhile pneumonia deaths have halved

fucking kek based, even more kek when it ended as he pulls out his gun LMAO

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Nothing burger.

Attached: CDC 2017 NY State Death Stats.png (966x601, 87.18K)

>In case they get overrun

They're already over run they can't test fast enough to catch up with the spread.

I propose changing the virus name from the currently boring and understated COVID-19 to Wuhan Boomer Bane™

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What the fuck

Take your meds

still not #1 ?

South America maybe

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>out of work because of Corona-chan
>first unemployment check comes in for the week
>it's $124

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>Medical and Virology top experts are just repeating meme's like washing hands and assuming it is just another flu

>NEETs and COOMERs on a Nepalese post stamp forum are studying, discussing and sharing state of the art scientific journals on the new virus since the very first sign of it

>Top medical and virology experts are leading normies into straight death

>NEETs and COOMERs prepared and cozy


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Frogs are dropping like flies...

Don't think you'll easily sway me with my lust for qt women with short hair
not happening Chang

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Glad I bought stock.

is this really how discord chinks work now

get ready for a second wave of chink flu in europe and america

Link please? That looks like a professional analysis.

within china

Yep. Don't know them directly but my parents do.

>covid19 kills more people in 2 months than every other cause of death does in a year
>nothing burger

Like all of them for AIDS and diarrhea

Same as, "Weekly World News."

*infectious disease deaths

Yeah, we've been holding steady at about 1 in 5 testing positive. It depends on the parish. We have one left with no cases, and well, you can see why.

Some parishes are at 2-4% postive, whereas Jefferson parish (New Orleans suburbs) is at 90%. They really are only testing those who show up at the hospital.

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Oh non non non non

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