Southron+Nord friendship thread

Stop the D&C bullshit.

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Other urls found in this thread:

How can we ally with nord-cvcks?

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this is not a place and time for slavniggers. I'm interested in actual southrons.

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no way italians are white

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It'll never work. Better if we stick with the "nordcucks" and "shitskins". It's just better. North + South rarely worked.

If South Europe would be shitskins, then what the fuck do we call niggers besides, well niggers

Mutual respect is essential, gentlemen.

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germanics are subhuman

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austrians aren't white.

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Whatever you say, mutt.

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Austrians are best germans

Good thread.

kill yourself.

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lol the american is getting angry because he can't anger us

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very nice user, love your country, spent there a few months on exchange recently

fuck off.

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I want all native Europeans to unite. Unfortunately the southrons bought the d&c bait the Jews fed us with, so they hate us irrationally.

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fuck snowniggers

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Either kikes or faggots
If you're a faggot, stop it, no one likes fags
If you're a kike, go get yourself some rope and find a nice looking tree to hang yourself on.

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you're the biggest threat to our survival


One of the southrons retarded enough to buy the d&c propaganda by the kikes.
Imagine being so easily influenced

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im italian and my gf is polish

they both look nice

Glad you enjoyed your stay, brethren.

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Giulia Arena, former Miss Italy.
Best part? She's Sicilian.

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lmao, first d&c is not from jews, but from your fellow cumskins, second, indeed you are the biggest threat.

In my opinion my country entering the EU was a mistake, but I have nothing against northerners

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i hate nordic women


David Gandy is an anglo though

>I'm a threat because I'm not retarded ebough to fall for the d&c shill like you did, but instead want Europeans to unite

Damn, I hate white people so fucking much.

What's going on in Norway? How based is your government and your population? Is the situation bad over there?

europeans do not exist anymore, cunt.

Agreed. But these threads are always boring because muttus mullatus invade and talk shit

good thread, meds are my friends.

The feeling is mutual, roach.

no they're not. Eat shit.

shut up mutt

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European groups squabble over the slightest differences when chink fucks have been wiping us out since the 1300s.

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europeans are united
no matter what the shill's propaganda say's

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im greek and straight as an arrow and nordboys makes the best trap twink bottoms. post boipussy nordboi

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In other words one Nord man gets two females while Southrons get like 0.5 women.

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The situation is bad in most European countries these days, unfortunately. But at least we're not Sweden. It's a lot easier to be openly based in Norway.

unironically based
add the one with the nordcuck stabbing you in the back and thread can be archived here

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They are and you are just jealous that they have any cohesive group identity unlike Swedes or Germans

I mean, its all because of the EU...
Our economies are fucked while Germany profits, we have our right to be angry...

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Based Greekbro

They can't understand how economies properly work user

yea ok but we're the most based

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Don't lump us together with filthy north African Medshits.

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Divide and conquer is the reason the muslims are swarming us.
We have a common enemy to face right now, we can go back bickering among us after that's been dealt with.
What Europe needs to do is giving Mediterranean countries the authority and funds to stop immigration. Threatening to leave is probably the only way to accomplish it.

>thanks italien bro

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>muslim mutt calling me a mutt

im part italian and realize im not white. Why would you want to be.

>Stop the D&C bullshit.

germany profits off of you and when it's time to show what that word union really means they let you bleed to death

>muh economy
>muh EU
We're talking brotherhood, here. Everybody hates Merkel and the (((EU))).

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Dude I'm half med but yeah I know you have my back

White pride worldwide. D&C shills get the rope


> Wops never burn the coal

I mean, the Kajan Ku Klux Klan is white.

Both Meds and Nords are allowed, it's the perfect example of white unity.

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we aren't white

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your women literally come to our countries because you are gays

had someone who said he was in the kkk in another thread call me a spic for being italian.

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Go away, American. Europeans are talking about Europe right now, you have nothing to do here to begin with. Go shit up sone other thread.

No u.

Reminder that the
meme was started by an Italian trying to claim Brits are meds. It doesn't work coming from a med.

All this spiraling is gonna make you dizzy.

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If you’re of European heritage, you’re white (except for Turkey).

>gay retarded opinion
>low effort macro

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Look at this d&c fucker, switching sides.

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i buy olive oil because italians are racist and dislike the EU, best of luck Italy

brits are meds.

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