So is Q legit or what?

Certainly seems like while he doesn't "predict" shit per se, what he says has impact far outside the imageboards where he shitposts. Not to mention there isn't a single topic that gets shills trying to (((shut it down))) like Q posts. There's never even close to the same amount of shills infesting blacked threads, is coffee good threads, APOLOGIZE threads, or any of the myriad of other slide threads that infest this place with far greater frequency.

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Other urls found in this thread:


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I love how Trump plays coy with the Q shit. If one day he actually does validate Q it's going to be explosive.

I watched some youtube vid, I dont know enough about it all but you guys think JFK jnr is still alive?

Q claims he is not still alive.
Spitting image of his wife seen at Trump rallies though.



It's weird.
There's so much shit on these boards but Q is the only topic that gets people this bent out of shape.

>Not to mention there isn't a single topic that gets shills trying to (((shut it down))) like Q posts.


>If one day he actually does validate Q it's going to be explosive
That's why no one will ask him if Q is legitimate, they fear the "yes" answer.
>seeeething redditor

Nah the JFK Jr thing was some other user who posted as "R". It got conflated apparently with Q because Qtards picked up on it.

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The JFK jr thing was the result of Vincent Fusca hinting he is Jr while sitting near what looks like Jr's wife at rallies.
R was just some larper nobody paid much attention to.

>Spitting image
More like minor resemblance

The guy is ded.
>because boomers on social media picked up on it

Because it's a pointless waste of time. When you logically try and explain this, you get called a shill. Q people are brainwashed

Another reason is GEORGE magazine having a 2020 themed issue that mentions Hillary indictments and cryptic language including something re-emerging after being gone for 20 years.

>When you logically try and explain this
Stay mad.

>Because it's a pointless waste of time.
That's literally everything on Yas Forums and Yas Forums. Why does this particular form of time wasting make you chimp out so much on a huge time wasting website?

literally nothing consequential has came out of that schizo larp you're all mentally ill

Qoomers, its been 2017 onwards of this charade.
>arrests incoming, sealed indictments, etc etc
It's all so tiresome

You'll never be a woman.


Q is a legit honeypot. A lot of boomers are going to be demoralized when shit doesnt happen

What it means is that this is coming from the Trump administration


What about the peaceful resolution in North Korea?

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You really think Trump would do that? Get people's hopes up about something while never intending to actually follow through on it?

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>nothing consequential has come of this one thing you pay attention to
>website that still loses its shit when sequential numbers accompany a post
the sheer lack of self-awareness in the anti-Q posters is what really blows my mind.

This fucking larp has been going for a while. What since vegas?

>what he says has impact far outside the imageboards

Then why doent he tell all those diabetic boomers to go and start crushin muttmerican national institution with their bodywieght?
Its always
>Trust da plan goy, do nothing and give your money to these trustworthy slightly glowing gentlemen over there

Maybe. Maybe not. Maybe go fuck yourself.
It remains to be seen

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This. Then no boomer turnout for 2020 MIGA
>wtf i love Q now

>give your money to these trustworthy slightly glowing gentlemen over there

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>if not for Q boomers would have marched on DC with rifles and started stringing up traitors from lampposts
>actually believing this
holy shit and you people think Qtards are stupid

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Shit has already happened.
More to come.

>Trump would de-legitimize the most important investigation of all time

No, I meant Q could use his influence to get them to do it. BUt he doesnt. So what does this tell us?

Yeah I have no clue either. They always claim that Q tells people to buy like tshirts or something but I've never seen that once.

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My personal take
Its a Trump psyop
As any psyop it has to have the beginning and the end
I personally and again you guise do what YOU think is right will wait till mid April
If nothing of significance comes into the OPEN, then i disconnect from W completely because its not a real representation but a distraction at this point. If all the rumors of child trafficking busts become confirmed and covid madness comes to an end without implementing Gates plans, that would demonstrate that Trump assumed control and DECLAS can go out. Again its mho

So what should anons do glownigger?
The people who attack Q ironically don't know anything about Q lmfao.

>thinking a LARPer could somehow mobilize obese and elderly people into a resistance group
holy. fucking. shit. you're possibly the most gullible person on Yas Forums and that's saying soemthing.

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why tf does nobody in Q threads just post proofs? answer: because their "proofs" reveal how fucking schizo retarded Q larpers are. take for instance:

some Q boomer retard makes a twitter meme of Trump playing a fiddle, Trump retweets it from the toilet because its a funny picture of him from a supporter, == OMG Q PREDICTED THIS, CONFIRMED CONFIRMED

It's because they're a cult running on confirmation bias. When they are proven wrong it only makes their beliefs stronger.

For me, it's more about POTUS proofs more than anything thats posted.

1) There have been several drops where Q says set the stage, is the stage set, etc. Here, we see POTUS say "we really set the stage..." While making what really really appears to be a Q with his hand. I realize he talks with his hands a lot, but this is a pretty big coincidence. Not convinced? That's ok. Could totally be a coincidence, but interesting nonetheless.

2) Here is a Q post after 20 days of silence. The first line is "From sea to shining sea"

At a rally 5 minutes after this post, POTUS specifically points to his ears and acknowledges his rally song when it says "from sea to shining sea". Pretty big coincidence here.

3) This one is pretty straightforward and IMO the weakest of these 3. On November 1, 2017, Q makes a post that, among other things, refers to returning the power to the people. This post is the signed 4 10 20 (DJT), which Q rarely does. Exactly a year later, November 1, 2018, POTUS tweets about returning power to the people.

It’s obviously coming out of the Trump administration. The only question is why

>inb4 reddit spacing

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Two versions
1) pacify restless pizza researches and engage normies
2) indeed mobilize “digital soldiers” to fight fake msm
In both versions, there should be a tangible outcome, people cant go forevar with smth smth soon

Don’t post shit like this. They’ll start posting videos of Trump saying tippy top and making an air Q with his finger.

Agreed. Barr seemed to be hinting at Durham’s investigation being done in early Summer. We’ll see if something comes out of that

Kasich vidya coming in 3, 2, 1

I think you misunderstood that comment

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You over estimate the number of shills. Plenty of anons like me who are just tired of listening to you stupid faggots.

Lol Barr. The guy who completely covered up the Epstein affair and personally put him on a plane for Tel’Aviv. If you think Barr is doing anything good I’ve got abridge to sell you.


Q is the dumbest shit

>set the stage
a common phrase with a high likelihood of occurring in political speech. Q says it several times, no coordination or magical dates / temporal relation. literally just you Q retards taking ANY overlap between Q's generalized ramblings and POTUS as "proof"

>from sea to shining sea
he throws his arms up and gestures for almost every fucking line in the song, what makes pointing at his ears any different? again, Q just posts extremely generic word salad and you morons get to work immediately drawing little lines with yarn and thumbtacks to connect the dots

>power to the people
more generic politics speech. kill yourself

Didn’t sessions remove corrupt holdovers from the top of the Obama fbi and doj? Didn’t he appoint US attorney John Durham the day that Q started posting?

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I had a dream that happened right as it happened that afternoon. I was in a plane and crashed above a treed mountain estate but we fell twice. I shit you not. IDGAF.

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Like this? Tell me how this is schizo.
Watch now as
>He doesn't post again
>He doesn't respond
>If he does respond he'll chimp out and refuse to explain how it's schizo

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Yes but my question why Qtards were so gullible if Q told them no outside comps

is he posting on imageboards?

We will see. Don’t claim victory before it’s over :)

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How Q user works:

> make claim thats super vague "This month trump is going to say something about that one place with the thing"
> Ignore the 99.9% of pure unadulterated bullshit that Q posts that ends up never happening

Still waiting on that internet blackout he has been repeatedly predicting. Q user is nobody, he just gets all the gullible boomers and schizos worked up.

>Pointless waste of time
In that case I’d expect these reactions in blacked, is coffee good, and APOLOGIZE threads but I never see them. Rly maks me tihnk

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Disinfo is necessary. Dun dun dun.

And yet despite the fact that none of the predicted things ever happen that would corroborate these "coincidences", instead of rejecting your hypothesis you continue to believe or believe it meant something else. That's confirmation bias.

When you go out searching for meaningless coincidences, that's a actual sign of paranoid schizophrena. The two examples you give are meaningless correlations - and Q cultists create all manner of them which indicates they're letting themselves go wild into a full on delusional state.

Alright, like I said in the comment, it may be a coincidence and we will all know one day :)

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What's most comical is they think Trump holding his hands in one of the two or three most common matters when standing and waiting is somehow confirmation. CANT YOU SEE IT? CANT YOU SEE!!!!

i mean, you see the way that shills sperg the fuck out over the entire thing. that should tell anyone who can still rub two neurons together all that they need to know

>Still waiting on that internet blackout he has been repeatedly predicting
Also, what about the peaceful resolution in North Korea?

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>Disinfo is necessary. Dun dun dun.

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>Don’t claim victory before it’s over :)
Typical delusional Q poster. Everyone who’s not part of the Qult is on team baddie. No chance I’m just a rando bored person shit posting during lockdown. I’m obviously 100% adrenochrome addicted illuminati.

>> make claim thats super vague "This month trump is going to say something about that one place with the thing"
When did he ever do this? He doesn't say this kind of shit.

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Nothing can stop what is coming. And I look forward to it.

What about the peaceful resolution in North Korea?

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That’s a heck of a reach isn’t it?

Best Q proof: John McCain death

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What about it? Trump ran on that platform.


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What’s coming? Tomorrow? Sunrise? Spring? Summer? Fall?
You’re right, nothing can stop that.

>There's so much shit on these boards but Q is the only topic that gets people this bent out of shape.
Makes you wonder. Maybe Q is controlled opposition by the feds and they post it here to guide the goyim.

No he didn't you schizo.

Is it not significant that Q posted that it was going to happen a couple months before it actually did?
Also, promises made, promises kept lmao what a legend

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Austin Steinbart is Q.
Pic related.
This thread is getting slid HARD by the way

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>Hillary is already in jail
>Merkel is Hitler's secret grand daughter
>also the Nazis were the bad guys, not the Jewish banks they were fighting against
>Kavanaugh vote will be 53-47
>we need regime change in Iran
>we're totally saving Israel for last so please stop asking about them now

You have to go back.

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It makes me laugh when these qoomers think that literally anyone who doesn’t “trust the plan” is a shill or my favorite, “kike” (he says while worshiping a Jewish religion and following a Jewish ideology in civic nationalist neo conservatism). Let me just spell it out for you boomers okay? Imagine a bunch of people who hang out after work together or at school or something who have been a group of friends for years that like certain topics. All of the sudden some new guy comes in and start talking about how things used to be better at this bar/school or whatever from reading yelp reviews of it instead of actually being there. Imagine this new person started speaking for the group. “We” didn’t used to believe this, “we used to talk about this.” This new boomer person starts trying to act like a part of the in group and have a discussion but he always ends up shitting or pissing himself. This new person invites his boomer friends to the same bar and believes he is in good company because he also shits and pisses himself and believe in the vapid stupid shit that the original migrant does. After a while the natives of this bar just get sick of it and tell them to fuck off and get out. Maybe they call him a retard or an old stupid fuck boomer in the process. That’s exactly what you q tards are. You are the invading migrants that try to shit up places you don’t belong in. And if anyone calls you “retard” or “boomer” you use the native bar member’s own words against them incorrectly and call them “shill” and “kike” because you appropriated it in the first place from the originals. We aren’t shills or kikes, we just seriously don’t want your 90 iq trump worshiping opinion because it’s dumber than dogshit. Save it for facebook or the donald.

Remember when Q announced victory a month before the world fell apart. That didn’t age very well.

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>When you can't debate, insult.

I'm not a q follower but the threads have their place here. It's funny how people complain endlessly about Q threads but obvious bait is way worse and occupies much more of the forum.



What is the significance of this "couple of months", 20 days, one year stuff? It's not a marriage anniversary, it's not a birthday, it's not Christmas or any other holiday. These numbers don't mean anything.

Actually I thought he replied to a different comment. Not a schizo, just a retard

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namedrops an old man and makes a separate post, not naming him, that just says "heart attacks can be deadly". old man dies the next month from a heart attack after years of heart problems, Q PREDICTED THIS. if Q actually said "john perry barlow will die of heart attack next month" you'd have something. instead you fucking retards would have taken ANYONE who died from a heart attack within 6 months of that post and considered it ironclad PROOFS. you would ignore the JPB mention entirely, because like every Q post, the strategy is to namedrop a million people/organizations, throw out a few generic predictions, and let the boomers assemble a prediction post-facto from the bucket of randomized words and phrases and mentions Q provides

Ok it’s insignificant. We will still all know one day :)

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May I offer my explanation? Q is govt propaganda and disinfo designed to back Trump, and Trump is in on it. So of course he plays along. Where I differ is that I dont think Trump is one of the good guys. I think it's all a show and the propaganda worked.

>trust Sessions
>trust Wray
>2018 will be glorious

Storm next year for sure!

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This one is a bit more straightforward.

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6 GORILLION SEALED INDICTMENTS!!! sitting unopened for 2 years, revealing to Ellen, Oprah, and Tom Hanks the real leaders of the cabaal that Q is coming for them. But they can't see it because Q uses special watermarked text that's invisible to adrenochrome users AMIRITE?

This anons sauce less opinions are fact apparently.


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There’s nothing to debate. There’s no evidence Q is more than an elaborate larp. It’s effective because it targets boomers who have no critical thinking skills.