So...did ya buy the dip?

All of the "economic collapse" LARPers need to be permabanned for they are responsible for inducing panic on here.

I know the FED pumping in trillions was a band aid on the issue, but as we all are aware, stocks are the ultimate LARP.

So did you buy in low? If so, what stocks did you buy?

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Other urls found in this thread:

I bought your moms dip

I didn't buy the dip. Just moved everything to cash. This is a suckers market. Don't trust this shit for a second. When they try to raise rates from zero, what do you think will happen? FED threw the kitchen sink at this shitty virus. Now we have no ammunition left to survive an actual real recession.

Looks like Obama's economy is kicking back in.

Good to hear user! She's been wanting to get that shit on the market for years!

>Imagine thinking djia is going right back up to 30,000

Attached: deadcat.png (294x296, 28.63K)

>"economic collapse" LARPers need to be permabanned
Try again. They should be castrated, skinned, and burned alive. You know, in Minecraft or whatever.



I moved my 401k from stock funds to bond funds on February 26. Went back to stock funds on March 16. I'm up 13 percent year to date.

I think the point is that you could have bought the dip and already be making money, user.

>its a dead cat bounce trump crashed the economy

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Nice moves

I just made almost 10k off of CEI. I don’t even know wtf I’m doing but I sold it and I have literally x5 of the amount I started with

Let's roll it.

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Just added the usual monthly deposit. Wish I was crazy enough to go all in because nothingburgers don't happen that often.

Good job dudearoo

>t. user with no idea what a dead cat bounce is
Thank you meme-brain

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>I know the FED pumping in trillions
I like how you write that off like its nothing. You need to be banned for being a cultist

What's going to happen when the businesses that used to employ 10,000,000 people don't re-open, don't maintain their same demand for products, and their employees stop getting TrumpBux unemployment @ $4200/month?

Hint: COVID-19 won't be over by then.

Don't get greedy hooknose.
Watch jewtube and read up on swing trading.

I was sweating bullets. Moving the price of a house on a layman's knowledge of the stock market is nerve racking.

DIS $90, BA $100, WYNN $50 and UBER $19 were the main ones I bought.

19k wasn't the dip, it will be the peak in 10 years.

I don't have much but I put $3k into ccl, mgm, and other energy stonks that tanked.

I bought slack, inseego, Inovio and a couple penny stocks.

Literally doubled my money, 1500 to just shy of 3k in a matter of weeks.

Then I pulled out lmao

You must be retarded

>people buying in this climate

I can't wait too see you on all on r/wallstreetbets crying and threatening to kill yourselves

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>Source: My ass.


Just you wait for the Q2 report bloodbaths

DESU I'd move them back to bonds and take the 13% win

Unemployment is at a bazillion %, mortgages and rents are defaulting, student loans accumulating, entire culture shift, the economy is going to contract bigtime, especially once companies start posting their profit/loss

I did a similar move to you but I only put 40% of my bonds into stock and I'm just waiting for a time to move the other 60% into stock... then when it gets me about 25% returns I'll probably sit it back into bonds and be thankful

So, with millions unemployed and nothing being produced, where is this value coming from?

Your cash will be worthless by the time they are done. The fed can set floors on stonks now.

There is no safe harbor until a new reserve comes along and we won't find out until we're well past being able to salvage the value we still have.


>When you don't understand anything about stocks.

>Literally being too stupid to understand that 160 million employed minus 10 million is still 150 million employed.

I bought a long 3x long oil ETF when crude was at $19.
Looking pretty good right now.

as capitalists compete with each other to purchase financial assets, they bid up their price, and the revenue streams they generate fall in proportion – hence falling interest rates. Falling interest rates and rising asset values have created what is, for capitalist investors, the ultimate virtuous circle – they can borrow vast sums to invest in financial assets of all kinds, further inflating their ‘value’.

Falling interest rates therefore have two fundamental consequences: the inflation of asset bubbles and the piling up of debt mountains. In fact, these are two sides of the same coin: for every debtor there is a creditor; every debt is someone else’s asset. Asset bubbles could deflate (if productivity increases), or else they will burst; economic growth could, over time, erode debt mountains, or else they will come crashing down.

Since 2008, productivity has stagnated across the world and GDP growth has been lower than in any decade since World War II, resulting in what Nouriel Roubini has called “the mother of all asset bubbles,” while aggregate debt (the total debt of governments, corporations and households), already mountainous before the 2008 financial crash, has since then more than doubled in size. The growth of debt has been particularly pronounced in the countries of the global South. Total debt for the 30 largest of them reached $72.5tn in 2019 – a 168% rise over the past 10 years, according to Bank of International Settlements data. China accounts for $43tn of this, up from $10tn a decade ago. In sum, well before coronavirus, global capitalism already had ‘underlying health issues’, it was already in intensive care.

how can i buy oil before the price goes back up to $100 per barrel

Global capitalism – which is more imperialist than ever, since it is both more parasitic and more reliant than ever before on the proceeds of super-exploitation in low-wage countries – is therefore inexorably heading to supernova, towards the bursting of assets bubbles and the crashing of debt mountains. Everything that imperialist central banks have done since 2008 has been designed to postpone the inevitable day of reckoning. But now that day has come.

10-year US Treasury bonds are considered the safest of havens and the ultimate benchmark against which all other debt is priced. In times of great uncertainty, investors invariably stampede out of stock markets and into the safest bond markets, so as share prices fall, bond prices – otherwise known as ‘fixed income securities’ – rise. As they do, the fixed income they yield translates into a falling rate of interest. But not on March 9, when, in the midst of plummeting stock markets, 10-year US Treasury bond interest rates spiked upwards. According to one bond trader, “statistically speaking, [this] should only happen every few millennia.” Even in the darkest moment of the global financial crisis, when Lehman Brothers (a big merchant bank) went bankrupt in September 2008, this did not happen.

The overall unemployment, even with the March numbers, is still like what, 6%?

Yeah actually, I sold everything way before the crash, bought in about a week ago and I'm just going to wait it out. Unforunately, not too much money to actually throw around. Wouldve been a massive profit if I was 10 years older, could retire early but I just started working a year ago.

Family didn't listen to me though, they bought just before the crash thinking there was an economic boom and they pretend I wasn't warning them.

The immediate cause of this minor heart attack was the scale of asset-destruction in other share and bond markets, causing investors to scramble to turn their speculative investments into cash. To satisfy their demands, fund managers were obliged to sell their most easily-exchangeable assets, thereby negating their safe-haven status, and this jolted governments and central banks to take extreme action and fire their ‘big bazookas’, namely the multi-trillion dollar rescue packages – including a pledge to print money without limit to ensure the supply of cash to the markets. But this event also provided a premonition for what is down the road. In the end, dollar bills, like bond and share certificates, are just pieces of paper. As trillions more of them flood into the system, events in March 2020 bring closer the day when investors will lose faith in cash itself – and in the power of the economy and state standing behind it. Then the supernova moment will have arrived.

The gamut of the left in imperialist countries – the Jeremy Corbyn-led wing of the Labour Party in the UK; the motley crew of left-Keynesians such as Ann Pettifor, Paul Mason, Yanis Varoufakis; supporters of Bernie Sanders in USA – are united on two things: they all acknowledge, to one degree or another, that imperialist plunder of colonies and neocolonies happened in the past but do not acknowledge that imperialism continues in any meaningful way to define relations between rich and poor countries.

And they believe in one or other version of the ‘magic money tree’, in other words, they see the decline of interest rates into negative territory not as a flashing red light showing the extremity of the crisis, i.e. not as the implosion phase of a supernova, but as a green light to borrow money to finance increased state investment, social spending, a Green New Deal, and even a bit more foreign aid. In fact, there is no magic money tree. Capitalism cannot escape from this crisis, no matter how many trillions of dollars governments borrow or central banks print. The neoliberals rejected magical thinking, now they embrace it – this shows the extent of their panic, but it does not make magical thinking any less fantastical. The trillions they spent after 2007-8 bought another decade of zombie-like life for their vile system. This time they will be lucky to get 10 months, or even 10 weeks, before the explosion phase of the supernova begins.

>hey gays looks at this buzzword i picked up form Yas Forums am i can be smart nao?!

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The coronavirus pandemic occurred at the worst possible time: growth in the eurozone had shrunk to zero; much of Latin America and sub-Saharan Africa were already in recession; the sugar-high from Trump’s huge tax-giveaways to US corporations was fading; the US-China trade war was causing serious disruption to supply chains and was threatening to entangle the EU; and tens of millions of people joined mass protests in dozens of countries across the world.

Interest rates are now deep in negative territory – but not if you are Italy, facing an enormous increase in its debt/GDP ratio, not if you are an indebted corporation trying to refinance your debts, not if you are an ‘emerging market’. Since March 9, corporate interest rates have gone through the roof; in fact few corporations can borrow money at any price. Investors are refusing to lend to them. Corporations are now facing a credit crunch – in the midst of global negative interest rates! That’s why the ECB decided to borrow €750 billion from these same investors, and use it to buy the corporate bonds which these same investors now refuse to purchase, and why the USA’s Federal Reserve is doing the same on an even bigger scale. Italy’s (and the EU’s) fate now depends on the willingness of the Bundesbank to replace its private creditors. Their refusal to do this would be the final stage of the EU’s death agony.

During the middle two weeks of March, imperialist governments announced plans to spend $4.5 trillion bailing out their own bankrupt economies. An emergency online summit of the G20 (the G7 imperialist nations plus a dozen or so ‘emerging’ nations, including Russia, India, China, Brazil, and Indonesia) on 26 March, declared “we are injecting over $5 trillion into the global economy.” These are weasel words; by ‘global’ they actually mean ‘domestic’!

The shekels are rolling

you shouldve just linked the article, not like anyone is reading your crap anyway

I bought oil stocks. Prices were absolutely fantastic, and oil will go up for sure once again.

>he buys when short sellers are covering their positions in a bear squeeze set off by the fed effectively nationalizing capital markets
>uses the minecraft meme

> Betting on small market fluctuations when this shit is going to plummet straight down

Do retards actually do this

>Any day now, any day now, capitalism will finally fall.
>All those socialist countries that collapsed weren't real socialism. It has a perfect track record, having never once been tried.

>y 26. Went back to sto
shit I forgot I had a pension, I could have switched to bonds etc market was going down. I guess it's too late now

No, because I'm not a kike who tries to skim profit from other people's hard work and innovation.

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Priced in. Everyone already expects poor results

Sure did.

Attached: Shoulda bought the dip.png (853x673, 49.35K)

>Tries in increasing desperation to sound smart.

>All of the "economic collapse" LARPers need to be permabanned for they are responsible for inducing panic on here.
get the fuck out of here, retard.

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>6 million unemployed
>not economic collapse

Your currency got fucking devalued more than a whore hitting the wall, asswipe. You may proceed to substitute your toilet paper with them dollars, at least they still can clean your ass. Go LARP in OP! Fucking mongoloid.

capitalism is already collapsing. France (yellow vests), Chile, Iran (where they burned down the central bank), Iraq, Lebanon. and dont forget Hong Kong.

and all this was a years BEFORE corona virus. just imagine what's gonna come now.


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Interdasting... Source?

I bought:

Kek, the stock market is 98% computers microtrading with each other, nothing is "priced in" these days

>All of the "economic collapse" LARPers need to be permabanned for they are responsible for inducing panic on here.
you sound like a stressed out neetmom

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it's 6 million waitresses, bartenders, and other shitty jobs.

Ive just been hoarding toys since its illegal in a lot of states. About 100% return each time.

>we don’t have any ammo left
We were 209 trillion in debt BEFORE this. Hate to see what we are at now. The official number pre-outbreak as 51 trillion left. Now with no gdp and shilling out trillions it’s going to be close. I’m guessing 10-20 trillion spent by the end of the year

$100/barrel is a stretch. $50-60 seems plausible though.


Explain how he is wrong.

> Buying into anything automobile related when travel is stopped and no cars are going to be sold due to economic uncertainty


Thank you


If you think this board has any influence on the stock market at all I have some bad news for you OP. You might be retarded.

depends what timeframe you are talking about

trusting computer stock pricing models is like trusting Google or Twitter's "algorithms"

The game is rigged.

No one is asking those questions because it would sink the market to sub 10k in a week. They want to maintain the illusion that we are recovering even though we are literally in free fall.

China has the virus beat and Italy has slowed the spread. It didn't do much damage, and it's beatable. Everything will be back to normal in a few weeks.

If you're able to watch the markets every hour, you can make a profit at the moment. There's an extreme amount of uncertainly with what the feds are doing. Right now the markets are just reacting to the daily corona-chan news. Reality is gonna come crashing down hard soon once the markets normalize, and the fundamentals come back

Im slowly putting my money into the stock market starting yestersay since i dont wanna buy all at once on something but had i bought more airline stocks it would be a nice 20% for one day

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