Ask Somali refugee anything

I have heard this place is against multiculturalism and diversity

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Bost benis :DDDDDDDDD

do me a favour and try to behave as naturally as possible there in libtardland... like rape something rob some stores do what you feel, act naturally



May I direct you to the tallest rooftop?

Please fuck all the white women you possibly can bro, make the nazi incels seethe. Stay based.

Is any of your family receiving any kind of state or federal welfare?

Why, just why did you move there and not stay in your home country...

You will die.

Ayo we are the finns now wyteboi.

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Why do you all stink?

What do you expect to find on this board? Why do you think anyone actually cares about you here? Honestly, why do you people come to this board and behave like you'll find anything of substance. Just get off this board, no one cares if you're black, and you're retarded if you think anyones opinion here matters.

did you fuck snownigger women?



what made you decide to move to the most god forsaken frozen hell hole in the world

You make Finland a worse country. You drain more resources than you contribute. You come from a nation with the adverage iq of 65. The is nothing you can offer that is of value. Go back to somolia and make it a better place instead of making Finland just a little bit worse.


Did come here with any dark skinned queens?

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based because this guy pirate pedophiles boat

Somalia is not at war ergo you are not a refugee, you're an opportunistic economic migrant.


can't say if you're being sarcastic or you're referring to the fact norway has a surprisingly mild climate on the atlantic ocean coast.

When are you going back?

Why are you a refugee? What happened?

Why do you shitskins insist on invading Europe? Don't you understand you don't belong here?


How does it feel to be from a country where the average IQ is 68? Can you count to 11?

>Ask Somali refugee anything
ask retarded somali questions, get retarded answers

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What do you fear the most?

Stay as a terrorist goat-fucker pirate. Encourage more to do the same. Make sure the Baltic Sea is the most dangerous pirate-infested waters in the world.

nothing, they call everyone refugees now.
Just want gibs

OP ran away dumb coward monkey nigger. FIX SOMALIA COWARD YOU HAVE TO GO BACK


>Why are you a refugee? What happened?
they fucked up their own country, bc niggers, now they're here to fuck up the West, bc niggers

>Ask SOmaLi anything
Can you kys on livestream before you strangle English any further?

I have heard this term before, and given its historical context and why it’s a slur, it really doesn’t mean anything to us Somalis. It’s like calling a Persian person a rughead/towelhead or calling an Indian a chink.

I don’t know what that means.

No, I won’t.

I’m doing it and it really feels good to know just for the sake of my complexion, I get an easy laid with them white girls. Gracias tio!

>writes in the back of a notebook.
>Roles it out like an ape
Can't do anything right.

At what age did you move to Finland? Do you experience much bigotry there?

>living vicariously through a bulb head
Pathetic bean nigger

Lähde kotimaahas neekeri.

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Why did you move to Finland? They hate outsiders alot more than serbs do.

How long before your retarded ass dies from Kung Flu Lung AIDS?

To be fair, it's arguably one of the worst countries in the world on par with Haiti and the Congo so I can understand him leaving. Literally hell on Earth Mad Max tier. But he's still a retarded nigger.

how many white woman have you rape ?

Why do you feel you have to steal culture, history and welfare system of other more developed nations? Dont you have your own history, culture?

woldnt it be more benefical to stay in africa, or work in your country insted of trying to leech of others?


Who told you that Finland specifically was the place to go? Who advertises this shit to you?

Why do you have a lightbulb head you dumb nigger?

Why not stay in Somalia and try to fix your home? Why did you move? How did you afford it?

You heard correctly pirate

Why did you abandon your family and country instead of trying to work to save it/them?

You should go outside more. I have heard Somalis have a good immune system against Corona so might as well make the most of it.

what's your daily rape a girl quota?

How did you end up in Finland and what do you do for a living (I guess you leech off welfare). I've always wondered how do these supposed 68 IQ retards are smart enough to get enough money to fly to Scandinavia and Minnesota, get all the necessary paperwork, stay living there and doing whatever the fuck they want.

Why do want to turn Europe into an Islamic shithole? How can you be that evil?


I'm really enjoying this light bulb meme. They really look like light bulbs, what the hell lol

do you own a sloop and a pirate hat

Missed me

How bad was Somalia? Are you alone or with family?

Why are you using the White Man's language, Somalian?

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What about pathetic tribal sand nigger or bulbhead that’s what we usually call you in my area.

how good are you at winter survival?

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Why dont you leave and go back to Somalia, you coward. Now your somaliland is split and the land is devastated by terrorists.
You deserve to be hang.


is your mom your sister or your cousin ?

His a sell-out coward got a way for refugee status and left.

Come home to sweden or minnesota my brother

He is a sell-out coward. Probably he paid his way to refugee status and left.

Go back to your own country filthy nigger. Stop leeching of whitey.

Some places are simply unfixable, you'll get to experience that feeling real soon.

you are the niggers of niggers

What's your refugee story? What exactly are you running away from in Somalia that you need to go to Finland instead of, say, South Africa or just move to another part of Somalis (aka internal flight)?

Why do you guys always have dead looking eyes, giant lightbulb heads, and the worst hair imaginable? Also I guess why do you keep raping everyone?