When will the cult realize that maybe he isn’t as great as a president as you think?

When will the cult realize that maybe he isn’t as great as a president as you think?

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what drug companies pay the dems?

>have mutual funds

The media will be happy to see the entire world die if it means they get to be right about Trump just ONCE in his 11 years in office.

when a better republican steps up

Please tell Deblasio to stop begging for the drug if it doesn't work. He's appropriating my tax dollars for this.

t. New Yorker.

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according to CNN, even Tr*mp's chicken sandwiches have a russian connection. Saw the article myself.
What a monster of a president we have.

How much financial interest?
>Has not been scientifically proven
Breaking news, new virus doesn't have known cure. Better not have clinical trials because orange man bad.
How about Communist Chinese money? Let's see where that goes.

forever trumpers know he's not a very smart person, and they know he's incredibly self interested and self serving. They don't care. He makes the people they hate angry, so he is doing right by them. And, ironically, the angrier the left/liberals/etc get the more they will like trump. Basically until someone better comes along, they, and everyone else, are stuck with donald.

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Hydroxycholoroquine has been generic for 50 years fuck off retard

getting scare you are
how much are they paying ?

sage goes in all fields

Herbert Hoover 2

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Never. You have to realize just how brainwashed and committed Trump's cult is to Trumpism. They have invested far too much emotionally in this man that ever admitting they were wrong, losing face like that, having to admit they were wrong is impossible for them, so they just keep delving deeper and deeper into this cult instead of working their way out and seeing Trump for the narcissistic dolt that he has proven himself to be time and time again.
When all else fails, just move the goalposts once more. They've moved them hundreds of thousands of times to defend any hypocritical action or statement by Trump, and will continue to do so. This is just how cult of personalities operate, the people in them are completely indoctrinated and will blindly support Trump even if he took a gigantic shit in their mouths, in fact they would convince themselves that Trump's shit doesn't taste like shit at all and thank Trump for being such a bold leader to shit in their mouths.

when you realize this drug was advocated for prior to trump

Hydroxychloroquine is a cheap drug.
There are many international makers because no patents.
Hard to make a killing with that stuff.

That's why the drug manufacturers hate HCQ, because they want their very expensive anti-viral drugs to be funded and green-lit for distribution. That's billions and billions in profits.

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too much text
no point readin it
thank you

It’s a generic

The times is evil and people who work for them should be killed in the game of Minecraft

you have no power over us shill

Time traveler

When will you realize that you are everything that you project on us?

truly an artist we need right now

>only one egg
>no ketchup or hot sauce
>bacon isn’t even crispy looking
Fuck off fake faggot

hes an anti white, gun grabbing zionist piece of shit

What constitutes a “financial interest” in this situation?

Do you have a source for this article so I can make my opinion?

When they say “reportedl a financial interest” is it “DOES have a financial interest” or does that “reportedly” mean the reporter is guessing?

I have questions and I don’t want to take your word for it

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Ironically if liberals actually start praising trump for the actions he has done (support israel, his continued support of gay rights, his aggressive actions to import more skilled workers from other countries, his support of Xi) then Yas Forums may get a bit frothy.

When will the cult realise that maybe the media isn't as great as it supposed to be

His financial interest is anywhere from a $99-$1500 dollar stake in Sanofi, a company that makes 30+ other drugs in addition to HCQ. Does Forbes think that a dirt cheap drug that makes up

>ketchup or hot sauce
>on an egg
commit sacricide

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Really, its faggots like you that have years and years invested in orange man bad that cant admit you are wrong. Every hoax you were so sure would end orange man has failed, this too will fail.

Agh yes I reportedly have a 12lb cock

This is honestly the final straw for me, and I say that as one of his biggest supporters. This entire sham chlorine scandal (and yes, it is a scandal) is such a blatantly craven and opportunististic move. I am aghast right now. He wants Americans to die so he can line his pockets.

Fake news

when will the clowns stop trying to peddle lies as truth?

Those are good, retard.


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Jesus fuck, that's all they've been trying to do with Trump. Find some dirt and hope it's right.

>demands president be removed during pandemic
>see! See! He botched the response!

way too big bread to topping ratio imo

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only newfags still support trump

Post cernovich pic where it says trump owns $433 in stock

>forever trumpers know he's not a very smart person
How can you even say this after 3 years wen he continues to btfo of everything that is thrown at him?

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That bun better be Hawaiian bread tier


>way too big bread to topping ratio imo

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>bacon isn’t even crispy looking

Fuck off back to Canadia, leafy.
That's Taylor Ham, egg, and cheese on a roll.

It is a generic drug meaning any drug manufacturer can produce it. If you need the drug request a different maker.

>mutual funds
How can the readers of this not be insulted? It’s literally nothing and they know it, but they’re betting that their readers are morons.

Med student here, used my credentials to get access to the full pubmed articles of hydroxychloroquine and coronavirus, there are only a handful with a small N. The evidence of efficacy is non-existent to anecdotal for its use. Every time you hear Dr. Fauci v Trump/Navarro talk notice how they describe it realize they are trying to sell false hope that may harm more than help, in classic Trump Fashion

>Owns $400 shares in some unknown stock fund
Omg guys, he's gonna turn that $400 into fucking billions now!
If Trump is able to pull that off, you would actually have to admit he's a fucking genius then.

Just fuck off and find your own cure, filthy mutts

>What constitutes a “financial interest” in this situation?
user did the research and math earlier in the day. Trump has money in a mutual fund that has a 2.9% stake in the company. Trump's ownership amounts to somewhere between $28 and $438.

Is this pasta about trump haters turned around? Because it definitely describes the cult of hate for him much more.

>What constitutes a “financial interest” in this situation?
He has some money in a mutual fund. The mutual fund has a $1,000 to $15,000 investment in one generic supplier

>1 post by this id
>obvious slidethread

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>Taylor ham
Found the pasta nigger from Hoboken

1) It's a mutual fund.
2) HCQ is a generic with many manufacturers because there is no patent. If the left were really worried about Trump profiting, they would be pressuring him to use different drug manufacturers for HCQ production, but they aren't. They are bashing HCQ itself as a cure because they don't want a cure. They want economic destruction and more deaths that they can blame on Trump.

Also the drug is public domain, so it's not "the" company that makes it, it's "A" company that makes it.

GTFO you worship the cult of Trumpbad. Probably close to half of Trump's supporters are only there because they were scared/harassed/assaulted by TDS psychopaths and so they'd rather vote for the guy that isn't going to try to destroy them.


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Democrats and leftists are pure evil. That's not even the drug name being manufactured by that company.
is 100% right.

Up to a 2.9% return on a maximum possible stake of $15,000. So at most $435. Pls give links to buy this, I will match him 3x with my Trumpbuxx.