@realDonaldTrump @TeamTrump @TrumpWarRoom

>b-but Trump hasnt done anything!

SCHEDULE/WH Public Pool:

>Pres Trump/Corona-chan Task Force News Conf 4/7/20
>TreasSec Mnuchin on FBN 4/7/20
>LabSec Scalia on CNBC 4/7/20
>NECDir Kudlow on F&F 4/7/20
>SG Adams on GMA 4/7/20
>SG Adams on CBSThisMorning 4/7/20
>SG Adams on TODAY 4/7/20
>CoE&USACE CG LtGen Semonite on F&F 4/7/20
>Pres Trump/Corona-chan Task Force News Conf 4/6/20
>Black Voices for Trump ONLINE! 4/6/20
>HUDSec SleepyBen on Ingraham 4/6/20
>EnSec Brouillette on FBN 4/6/20
>VASec Wilkie on JohnFredericksShow 4/6/20
>DPAPolCoord Navarro on F&F 4/6/20
>DPAPolCoord Navarro on (((FakeNews))) 4/6/20
>NECDir Kudlow outside WH 4/6/20
>NECDir Kudlow on CNBC 4/6/20
>CDCDir Redfield on WakeUpTucson 4/6/20
>WHCorona-chanRC Amb Birx on Hannity 4/6/20

OP pastebin:

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Other urls found in this thread:



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> the comparable case fatality rate to spanish flu
If you look back at the Spanish flu they had two things that present day society lack
1) The First World War
2) no antibiotics, no internal imaging
1 + 2 meant even a regular bacterial pneumonia was pretty deadly (not to say a viral one) and there was this huge “comorbidity” of sorts which was death and famine resulting from the WWI, which actually was the tail end of a series of wars involving western powers (napoleonic wars, crimea war and others).

> they decide to plug it into their fantasy models and then use the situation as a guinea pig for pandemic policies even if it turns out underwhelming
This was the tinder. The actual cause was
> politicians around the world, still drunk from Greta hysterics, virtue signaling on “X is a mankind threatening problem and you must employ ‘science based’ policies to solve it”
That demands TOTAL ANE COMPLETE submission to whatever “scientists and experts” say even if they promptly contradict themselves right after

> closing borders solve nothing!
> closing borders reduce the spread

> using masks is not necessary
> using masks is MANDATORY

And the unavoidable next one
> Chloroquine does nothing
> Chloroquine saves lives

My opinion is that this is a test run for the next suicide pact: shutting down western industrial capacity to “fight climate change”

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Space is fake. Its just a bunch of fucking mirrors

>The Chinese should be subjected to the same sanctions and restrictions meted out to white South Africans during apartheid

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ok retard

By waiting too long to take action on the SARS-CoV-2 pandemic Donald Trump has set into motion the collapse of the US empire. If the virus itself doesnt bring it down, the economic impact and social unrest will. What do you guys think about this? I hope I you guys prepped, you're gunna need it.

They have to show the bodies to do that

what does it mean lads

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what's the obsession with testing anyway?
If you have symptoms, stay in your house
If you're bad, go to the hospital
why are we wasting so many millions in useless testing?

My dad keeps saying Fauci is some deepstate government hack. Did he get this talking point from Fox News or some shit? Fauci seems like a good doctor and Trump has kept him around

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Go further: MOAB

I'm seeing a shit ton of price cuts on zillow lately. Is the housing market collapsing?

Barack was born in budapest


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They're pushing for testing because it has no control over how you respond, even Fauci was saying that and he hates agreeing with Trump. They demand national testing because it is a stupid demand, just like Cuomo demanding all the ventilators.

>what's the obsession with testing anyway?
Leftists have so thoroughly internalized academic credentialism they think that testing negative makes you immune.

boomers dying

Fauci wrote fan mail to Hillary when she was SecState.

Reminder that white women are insane dumpster fires of garbage

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Dead boomers and stale market with everybody staying in

asymptomatic spreaders can deposit the disease on surfaces that will infect others without showing signs of infection themselves. waiting for symptoms to form means you've been spreading for 14 days and didn't know it.

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Everyone who NEEDS a test...will HAVE a test, /ptg/

Is that Yuri Gagarin?

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>I'm seeing price cuts because supply is increasing while demand dropped sharply, is the market collapsing?

>Everyone who NEEDS a test...will HAVE a test, /ptg/
Fuck you I'm not going back to work! #neetlife

I mean the man has been praised by both parties at different times of his life. I haven't heard anything really political from him in any of the press conferences though

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New Alt Hype video on Heimbach,


gathering people to take "tests" seems a whole lot more dangerous and unpractical than just waiting to see if you have symptoms

No more Chinese immigration.

>posting Yuh'hu'sufh before 300
the heck, pal?

home tests are indeed preferable.

Blanket testing and virus elimination is the only way to defeat coronavirus.

This but unironically.

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B-but schools always told me d-democracy was the best system growing up!! W-why shouldn't we let retards who can't even do simple arithmetic have tyranny over the majority or have to constantly debate every single issue in times of crisis!!!

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Stop having a family

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that seems even more impractical and you risk more retarded stuff to happen to your medical personnel

who cares

cnn: a rumor started that black people were immune to the disease. what, cnn nigga?

Top sandniggering!

Jej, I just read the supreme court order. It just says that no mail-in ballots can't be taken IF they are dated after April 7. You CAN vote by mail until today as long as the ballot arrives by April 13. This whole things is completely blown out of proportion. Nobody is forced to vote in person (although it would be better, of course).

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>hey demand national testing because it is a stupid demand, just like Cuomo demanding all the ventilators.
Partially true, but the tests early on didn't work - they flagged false positives.
They wanted this to cause enough panic to immediately crash the US with a total collapse of supply chains in the panic of the masses.
Now, since Covid is actually fucking everywhere, they want to incite panic by showing how many people have it - but then that doesn't align with the stupid high death rates - which is only high for gross semites, minorities with preexisting conditions.
>March 25, 80% of coronavirus test kits 'gifted' to Czechs by China faulty
>A Czech news site on Monday (March 23) revealed that 80 percent of the much-touted traunch of Wuhan coronavirus (COVID-19) rapid test kits "donated" from China are faulty, forcing healthcare workers to rely on conventional laboratory tests.
>March 27, Spanish government is reported to have ordered 340,000 of the kits, which the Shenzhen-based manufacturer said had an 80 per cent strike rate

March 13, CBP officers intercepted fake COVID-19 test kits at the LAX Int’l Mail Facility.
CBP Officers Seize Fake COVID-19 Test Kits at LAX

COVID-19 80.33% False Positive Test outcomes
>March 5, 2020

Feb 13, CDC Coronavirustest kits produce 50-70% false positives

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So what are these kikes solutions? Open housing for all?

*tyranny of the majority

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Can someone give me a quick rundown on just where this Q stuff is supposed to be being fed in.
MSM seems to mention it being associated with Yas Forums but I've never seen anything going on here.
Is it a twitter thing?
Or is it like 'flat earth' and the truth is no-one actually beleives in the Q stuff. The meme being the fakery that people DO believe in it. Like with flat-earth?
We're supposed to think the supposed 'info' is being fed to Q's cult followers somewhere. But Where?
I'm thinking even the followers are faked up.

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Test kits = mailed in. Tested swabs = mailed out. Corona results = mailed in. It's literally a perfect process.

The real problem is test that work. That's harder. There's literally no reason not to test everyone, other than supply issues; which only means those locations that can afford blanket testing will have stability with regards to the virus, and those that cannot will have their lungs shredded by the coronachan.

For those wondering what is going on at the WH with all the Press Sec and everything, here is breakdown of what the person was and what they are now:
>Kayleigh: Trump 2020 Campaign Press Sec ---> WH Press Sec
>Farah: Pentage Spox ---> WH Dir of Strategic Comms
>Stephanie: FLOTUS Spox/FLOTUS Dep CoS for Comms/WH Dir of Strategic Comms/WH Press Sec ---> FLOTUS CoS

He posts on the sekrit board

How DARE the President talk about something that may help

It took her a whole week to come up with that zinger.

sounds like bs

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they probably say if we fix the environment it will kill the virus.

The United States has 250,000 medical error deaths a year, which is the third leading cause of death
Any medical error death right now is going to be contributed to coronavirus

That's not even impressive for a school shooting, let alone a pandemic. Glad Trump joined Florida instead.

I wonder how many /cvg/ theories will turn out to be lies
Seems dead

do you really think mailing possibly contaminated materials is a good idea?
are you unironically retarded?

>Any death right now is going to be contributed to coronavirus
fixed that for ya

>Any medical error death right now is going to be attributed to coronavirus
FTFY, but yes, you're right.

If you want lies about corona, /ptg/ is the place to go. Those rats are still telling white people to get themselves infected for herd immunity.

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more shell game shenanigans thanks to Cuomo; show the empire state + report on state-wide numbers, meanwhile the city's numbers are down for 6th day in a row.

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the new meme is that his trusts have a financial stake in the production of the drug

It was Yas Forums, then Q was chased off. Then went to infinity chan, and that board got killt by NZ Podesta mossad shooter
Now on 8kun

>He posts on the sekrit board

Unlikely. He wouldn't be reaching supposed boomer crowd there. So I take it the very idea of it is primarily a Youtube alt-right echo-chamber Shill hoax.

Not our hecking minorities are semite cousins!
This pasta is missing all of the black minorities
ALL groups who won't follow laws and lockdown, and have a ton of pre-existing conditions

>March 18, Coronavirus cluster in NYC Hasidic community confirmed

>March 23, At least 65 Chabad passengers from New York have coronavirus in Israel

>March 17, Defying Virus Rules, Large Hasidic Jewish Weddings Held in Brooklyn

>JTA — Sweden’s Jewish community has lost at least nine of its members to the coronavirus, translating into a death rate among Jews that is 14 times greater than their share of the population in the country.

>Immigrants 4x as likely to die of corona

>UK, Why are so many Jews Covid-19 victims? Community leaders urge followers to 'preserve life' as figures reveal one in 20 Britons killed by coronavirus are from the religion

>UK, 25% of all deaths in UK are Muslim elders as Muslims are not stopping from Mixing with their elderly and each other.

When will New York re-open?

They're literally already setting up the process in the UK. The envelope containing the swab would have to be proofed from the virus of course. Your alternative is medical personnel - the most exposed group to the virus - doing everything themselves. Make up your mind. Test or don't.

Your idea of 'maybe we just don't do anything and see what happens' is why all those people died in Italy. By all means, imitate their system. Fact is, people are responsible for their own kits, testing. The government of the United States isn't suddenly going to pass Medicare for all. They're going to create coronazones and safe zones, and the poor will live in the former. And of course - the safe zones will be penetrated by the virus.

I continue to think Americans are not intelligent enough to stop something like this. I said this before 11,000 Americans died, now there's evidence it's true.

No. See:

Hi journalist, do your own research
US is in a wartime posture
NG is deployed
Marines can take command of NG
Traitors ropes approach

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Seems unlikely the boomers who are supposed to believe in it would have followed him around the chans and not noticed the crit.
So the whole thing is being ginned up by Youtube and the MSM right?

I against mass testing RETARD
it's incredibly dangerous and unpractical all around

Inefficient. If they weren't so caught up on theatrics there wouldn't be any opposition alive today, but while they strung up one, ten escaped.
Journalists are already grouped in extremely flammable office towers. So maybe light them all on fire together instead of dragging them out individually trying to look cool.

Another bull day for the markets. Dems are losing their only narrative.


hopefully never

>In L.A., state officials are providing individual trailers and pop-up isolation cabins for the houseless. But a far more logical response might be: open all the hotels and private palaces on the basis of airy and light-filled, sanitary (uncommodified) housing for all. Free all prisoners and detainees now, remake the care facilities as spacious self-led villages, and dismiss all the workers with full pay so they can leave their bunks forever, move in with their friends, and pursue laziness for at least the next decade.

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If you don't know who has coronavirus, don't test people. If you want to know, do. If you want your country safe from it - yes, testing everyone is REQUIRED.

Is this the new cope? Let's not test and see what happens? Death. 11k so far. Only going to go up, thanks to dumb ideas like 'let's wait for it to kill us before we test'

they're coming to take away your family

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Meanwhile in Hungary:
>parliament hasn't been dissolved it's still in session
>the law does not cancel all elections (it cancels by-elections during the pandemic)
>it does not allow the PM to rule by decree
>the parliament can revoke the emergency powers any time with a simple majority vote
>Orban's party got 2/3 supermajority at the last election in 2018
>democracy was not even in danger for a second
>liberal media is desperate to sustain the negative image about Hungary

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Let's just do mass executions instead

fucking hell

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Based. I agree with authoritarianism to crush the new liberal world order.

oh noes all 535 dollarinos

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I can't tell if this is satire or not

You mean the FBI went after infinity.

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>this rural retard actually expecting people to collect their own tissue samples, properly house them, and then hope the USPS doesn't fuck up the shipments

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Fauci has worked for 6 presidents of both political parties, he is as deep state a hack as exists

Just fucked up
Healthcare workers finding that the new shipment of hospital gowns is defective
this is in France


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there are only 100 dead in my country, though
it's obvious americans are politicizing this to the extreme since it's election year

doesn't that make Barr deep state too?

Hungary just went full AWESOME


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probably from china

These people also said to shut down the economy. So I trust them.

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Getting angry?

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>using usps
odd, i never said to do that. i said to take precautions. a special service even.

but of course 'coronavirus is a democratic hoax' general is now telling people not to test, to cope with trump's supply issue of not getting enough testing kits for america.

So only 100 are going to die, and no one in Mexico will ever die of Coronavirus again? Is that what you're telling me? Until your family members get infected, you won't take the threat seriously. Pathetic. Last time I checked, Wuhan wasn't having an election year.

It's not. The article is about abolishing the family, but I haven't actually seen any idea for replacing the family with any sort of reproductive or social structure in the article beyond the vague notion of "self-led villages." I'm forced to conclude that it's pure polemic against a norm for the sake of polemic against a norm and without any positive alternative to propose. The conclusion even seems to recognize that there may be no better alternative to tradition:
> We do not know yet if we will be able to wrench something better than capitalism from the wreckage of this Plague and the coming Depression. I would only posit with some certainty that, in 2020, the dialectic of families against the family, of real homes against the home, shall intensify.

And the one with the pussy sent Yovanovich, the impeachment sandnigger, millions of dollars like right before she testified against the President.

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