#BelieveWomen/#MeToo movement is going down in flames to support Joe Biden


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Just been reading about it now holy shit what a bunch of disgusting hypocrites

Rationalization hamster overclocked and working overtime

Guys the 40+ year old accusations against Kav without evidence or anyone corroborate is clearly super real and we should believe all women.
But any woman who accuses a democrat of something isn't a real woman.

The full-on fingerbanging accusation seems extremely fake but it's amusing that they are saying things like "He's never at any point in time behaved inappropriately with women" when everyone's seen his petting/hair sniffing by now.


>our default reaction shouldn't be that women are lying [except this one]

Could have fooled the fuck out of me youtube.com/watch?v=IRnmnxVtDqg

Some sacrifices must be made in order to remove the Jew-installed orange puppet from power. It's as simple as that.

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Female supremacism won't disappear.
Women will keep voting for it forever.

Indelible in the hippocampus??

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Fucking good. If or when everything blows over I do not want to go back to the me too era and turbo globohomo. I think I'd rather die at this point than go back

Based Rose

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Wow... that is a direct retreat of every fucking lunatic scree for the last ten years. Women really are the ultimate Jews. I am so disgusted at this complete abandonment of their supposed principals to uplift this dementia ridden cocksucker.

How can any woman who's wasted their life and destroyed their body over the last ten years in the lunatic self-destroying religion that is feminism deal with this?

They can't possibly be this retarded.

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Weinstein used to be excepted from their laws, then they took him down. But destroying their own presidential candidate, that's not something they're going to be able to do.

Hoes mad

It really says a lot that having to spend another single day under Trump's tyranny is worse than being literally raped.

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> you see, women are just like men deep down inside, and get caught up in religious views and play politics like men
> and are not just mindless hypergamous automatons who will do whatever the sexiest man tells them

> memeflag, i.e. rootless cosmopolitan, posts retarded theory, i.e. based and redpilled hot take, that no one believes in, i.e. says ironically
need to edit this to say becoming a memeflag in the middle

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That's a pretty impressive spin on feminists literally selling out everything they claim to believe in and have subjected society to the last decade because they're salty about orange man bad.

lel. Never seen anyone get BTFO by both sides of the political spectrum on Twitter like this before.

>feminists literally selling out everything they claim to believe in
haha simp

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What else do they have left after 20 years of cock carousel

>believe all women
>biden sexually harassed me
>n-nooo you can't just do that!

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Dems have zero credibility

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This should be used to dismiss any argument made by any feminist about anything.

There are no differences between the Kav accusations and the Biden accusations.

>literally rape
Why does Reddit talk like this?

To be fair she was digitally raped by Biden.

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Lt. Gov of my state raped a girl and it was forgotten because hes a democrat. The governor was wearing blackface but they also forgot that. Only Republicans can get accused of things

>the revolution is eating it's own children
Why is it that watching leftists tear into other leftists is so much more amusing than watching rightwingers attack leftists and vice versa?

>you should be afraid of women. Look see how they accuse you of crimes you never commit! W-what do you mean you won't ignore the rapes I have committed on women. W-what do you mean you will never give up your love for women. Stop it you can't fall in love with a woman that's your greatest weapon against me you can't do that NO NO NO

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>There are no differences between the Kav accusations and the Biden accusations.
Sure there are. There's a ton of video and photographic evidence that Joe Biden can't keep his hands off young girls while there is zero evidence that Kav ever did anything wrong besides being born into an upper middle class family.

I dont think you understood what he meant

I haven't been political since 2009. Wtf is #TimesUp?

And Robert Byrd was in the Klan but they let it pass because he was a Democrat. He didn't just join it either, he founded a chapter. Pretty based, really.

>sex offender gets a slap on the wrist because he's blue

I should probably register as a democrat.

Kav accuser was a better actor and had better writers, producers.

All of these cunts heads need to be chopped off and hanged on a stick. White women are the bigger enemies than niggers and jews. Women are the eternal con artists and they are the jews of the genders. I cant wait until all the cunts will be locked up in cages begging for their lives. Fucking worthless cunts.

Like (((Q))) the Metoo hijacked the exposing of Gnostic-Kabbalah child killing cult.

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Well done, worth superspreading

>Charmed: The Revenge

>Just because i'm silent on the allegations doesn't mean I don't believe the woman who made them
>I'm supporting the man the allegations are made against
So she is supporting a rapist then?

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jfc what a mess

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Stupid feminazi whores, stupid bitches, what the fuck, leftism is a fucking disease, they say METOO METOO but these stupid retarded bitches are ready to be enslaved by Islamists just because it is politically correct to respect other cultures even though that culture consider womens to be a baby-baker machine, and now they even start to support white rapists, why are american womens like that?

is anyone with kewl photoshop skills able to superimpose alyssas face on this ladys face instead?

>Wtf is #TimesUp?

hollywood-owned legislative branch of #MeToo

>It was started by a group of over 300 women in Hollywood, with high-profile leaders including Reese Witherspoon, Natalie Portman and Shonda Rimes.
>The group’s focus is getting legislation passed and policies changes. Organizers want to see the passage of laws for gender parity issues such as equal pay and equal work environments – as well as increased opportunities, particularly for women in low-wage industries and women of color. To fund this goal, they created the Time’s Up Legal Defense Fund, which is a source of legal and financial support for women and men who want to fight sexual misconduct through the justice system.

i mean, it was also a strategic powermove on the behalf of a couple of c list actors to move up the Hollywood ladder a rung or two that just so happened to spiral way out of hand and totally backfire on a fuckton of people.. but Harvey and a selected few got sacrificed to take the brunt of the heat away from prying eyes getting closer and closer to the truth

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would be a typical blogpost at fag Anglin's thai fuck shack, except that you forgot to call out stupid nazi simps for their role in letting women be like they do

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Shes a complete fucking nut.

coronaviral campaign to steal positions of power away from white men


Oh but they can be that retarded. And they are.

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Hello fellow Virginian

If you're going to spread it, don't spread it with a typo.

This could go far

Why is Alyssa Milano such a waffling liar? Oh yeah she is a women.

#metoo was always just a power move from the feminist hags to seize more political control over the country by using rural republican's retarded morals against them
bill clinton is a serial rapist. he's also a pedo. hell old ted kennedy raped a drunken intern and then drowned her in the river. most democrat leaders are serial rapists and pedos and mobsters. nobody brings that up because they're on the ((right side)) though.

Alyssa Milano is a brained. Why is anyone paying attention to her? Is it just the satisfaction of being able to feel superior to a dumb broad or what?

remember that Alyssa Milano's "best friend" in the late 80s was Corey Haim, who was being abused by hollywood types at that time. She likely knew and kept quiet.

when those republican senators called the Kavanaugh accusations from Ford,
No, those were the opposite of credible. One drunken night 40 years ago where no sex was had but someone felt uncomfortable. and we gave up like 6 weeks for this bullshit show. Now we have a much more credible accusation against Biden and everyone just wants it to go away.

even the Biden accusation isn't exactly relevant since it took place so long ago. but the democrats played their hands when they triple backflipped over-the-shoulder dunked on Roy Moore. I said it at the time, this was going to backfire. and the republicans are just as guilty since they ran with the same narrative against Roy. That act of stupidity damn near lost them the Kavanaugh nomination. Now they won't even acknowledge it in regards to Biden. Absolutely pathetic. It just goes to show they feared Roy Moore in the senate more than they fear a Biden presidency.

Kek Democrats

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If she was smart she would have kept her mouth shut. This is 100 times worse

So it's a lobbying effort

While we're trying to coin hastag trends, #badtouchbiden and post Biden being a chomo and other redpills


What democrat screwed up this time?

>If she was smart

In this election cycle, all of them.

>I was abused by Old Joe but read here why I'm supporting him (money and extortion), BELIEVE WOMEN BUT NOT ALWAYS BUT BELIEVE THEM WHEN THEY GET PAYED TO REJECT ACCUSATIONS, BELIEVERINOS ARE ALIVE
the state of American politics.

>#metoo was always just a power move from the feminist hags to seize more political control over the country
>by using rural republican's retarded morals against them
no, consent theory was their morals, and kill them all set no unclean thing before mine eyes was our morals