Thoughts on the transes?

i am one of those child transitioners you guys ree about constantly. Ask me anything i guess. Also whats your perspective on my life? Try not to call me a degenerate pls and keep it somewhat civil

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No one cares if you're trans or not

are you excited to be a statistic, do you enjoy being that faggy kid in school who needs attention , are you excited to have you peen sliced off to be turned into a wound that never heals and smells foul as fuck


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i mean fair enough thats kind of my goal in life to be seen as normal
i mean i transitioned early enough that i just blended in with the other girls at school lmao. im perfectly happy with my life thank you
sounds unpleasant

Yikes, sorry that your parents used you

i mean i kinda have a better life than a lot of my trans friends and really it was mostly a decision made by me and my doctors and therapists.

Most children with "gender dysphoria" grow out of it after puberty and become happy homosexual adults. But if a child is given puberty blockers, they will go on to transition 100% of the time. How is that literally not creating trans kids who otherwise wouldn't be?
Also, enjoy your reduced life span and fucked bone density.

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Dont rape kids or demand taxpayers to pay for your dick removal and i dont actually care

Any chance the 41% will grow to 50+ this year?

Bruh, when you're 30 you're going to realize that you've fucked up

i mean in my childhood i had a friend who also went through hormone blockers and she didnt transition. shes just a fucking lesbian
i mean the government already paid for mine lol

i mean trans acceptance keeps going up pretty steadily so...
i mean im already 24 and have had absolutely no regrets lol

how big is feminine benis ?

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have you had biological issues like you were born with underdevelloped primary sexual organs or have some other underlying biological problem (internal testies even though having vagina and so on) or are you just soooo special, that you couldn't take the hardship that comes with being a man compared to the easy life of attention whoring? you're probably not even mentally damaged if anything you're just lazy - and you're parents and everyone who enabled you should face dire consequences

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I dont want to ask anything, i am just sorry for you as i would for any sick person

But the suicides is not linked to acceptance. It's mostly because hormonal therapy messes up brain chemistry and leads to depression and mental disorders.
With the lockdowns and all the support psychologists and mental drugs being less available one can hope, you know..

depends on the person lol. but usually from what ive seen you lose about 10% of size from what it was before. so like if you got a big 10 inch cock itll be about 9 inches after hormones
i mean being a woman is much harder than being a man but ok larper. also i self harmed consistently before hormones, im happier now

>i am one of those child transitioners
let's see some pics then hon

>this headline
I fucking love that there are already more trans killing themselves every year than thalidomide-caused birth defects during its entire run on pharmacy shelves.
Y'know, that one medicine that durably reshaped the entire pharmaceutical industry?
The hard push of "transition as treatment" is such bullshit on every level, it would be funny if it weren't so sad.
You can't justify it ethically.
You can't justify it medically.
You can't justify it in any way other than politically.

>i mean im already 24 and have had absolutely no regrets lol
You can't lie to yourself forever. But you might just be too young to see any consequences yet.

Trannies get thrown into the gaza strip for the Palestinians to deal with over here.

How do you masturbate?

You always say it's your goal to be seen as normal, yet you try to bring all attention to yourself. You always say you are proud of being LGBT, yet there is nothing to be proud of.

My perspective on your life is:

You waste time by creating a life that is centered on identity, and "finding" it, as opposed to a life of acceptance and fulfillment.

Your prefrontal cortex is not fully developed until the age of 25. Its responsible for higher reasoning, among other things. Scientifically, there is no reason to assume a child knows what is right for them prior to 18 years of age - that is assuming your parents are competent enough to understand all of this.

No they dont faggot rat kike.
Tel Aviv has the biggest gay pride parade in the world.

More men die in jobs, wars and have higher suicide rate, while everyone is telling you how you are worthless as straight white male.
Being woman whom is generally with attention and everyone around her ready to help her.

>Being women is harder

XD Mate read or watch Self made Man or any other thing about this issue :D

You're a degenerate and I hope you die.

Post bussy

Tel Aviv does not represent all of Israel golem mutt.

Ever browsed through the subreddit r/detrans? I think you’d benefit from it. It’s not too late to turn back, man. I’m sorry they did this to you.

well why are you sorry for me? im happy and like myself lol
then why does the trans suicide rate fall 13 fold when you only have accepting parents
nah im not having a bunch of pol tards dox me im not stupid lmao
i mean you said i have like half a decade until i regret it. wouldnt that build up over time lol. ive been on hormones for over 10 years and im fine
i mean i use toys most often but fingers and shit works too
im literally stealth and am not open to anyone in the new town im in lol
i mean it wasnt just me who made the decision for hormones. it was me, a therapist, an endocrinologist, my family doctor, and my parents
i mean do you ever get called a tranny freak in the streets like i have been. have you ever been sexually assaulted like i have? Sexually harassed at 12 years old when you were wearing a princess dress? etc etc.

Imagine being such a degenerate pervert that you enrage God to the point where he utterly annihilates your city with fire and brimstone to the last child.

i have and its mostly terfs and self hating trans men. im perfectly fine with how i am and who i am. i even love myself


>i mean fair enough thats kind of my goal in life to be seen as normal
Then shut the fuck up about it. Trannies are the Vegans of gender they just have to tell everyone about it and if you don't inherently view them as being morally superior then you are a bigot. I don't give a shit what bathroom you use so long as you just use it and go on your day without bothering anyone.

Sexually assaluted? Yes, by a woman of course you dont have anyone to turn to unlike woman ;)

go to pornhub coomer

i mean if i dont shut up about trans rights and shit my rights will be eroded away and nobody will fight for me lol
i was sexually assaulted by a 23 year old man when i was 17 lmao

>I support lesbian lives
Women dislike male to female transexuals and lesbians in particular hate you with raging passion.

What exactly made you think that being a tranny would make you happier? why didn't you invest yourself into religion to find meaning beyond just yourself? the want to change sex is selfish not only to yourself but to G-d and the people around you, your family, they care about you for who YOU are, not what this mental illness made you into, and before you say "it's my true self", you are lying to yourself and the consequences of your actions WILL catch up to you, I'm sorry that you went down this path.

>also i self harmed consistently
/thread. History of mental disorder, soon to blossom into upping the %.

I'm sorry you were abused by your parents and/or society/media/the internet. Hope you manage to have a meaningful life, even though you've been mutilated and are excluded from having a normal relationship and family. One day the people who did this to you will pay, but it's still a bit off. Sorry about that. You'll just have to come to terms with all of this and seek meaning in other things than what comes naturally to everyone else.

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i mean i have plenty of cis female friends and even lesbian friends lmao. im certainly not hated
god not real
i mean i stopped self harming when i was 14 and got on hormones lol. my mental health is pretty good actually lmao

i wasnt abused by anyone until i was in my late teens lmao. my life has been pretty uneventful in terms of that shit

An entire paragraph of text, and that's all you can say? Pathetic.

lmao that pic is spot-on

>i mean if i dont shut up about trans rights and shit my rights will be eroded away and nobody will fight for me lol
What rights? What specifically can a normal person do that you can't?

>I mean, I mean, I mean

Listen OP. You're dancing alot of circles around all the points people are trying to make. You're being disingenuous in your overt optimism. Post a pic of yourself if you're so confident you made the right choice

im perfectly mentally healthy my dude i dont need you to preach to me about how god will bring me up into his arms and then give me my penis back in heaven like fuck i do not care ive been told this hundreds of times

Abuse comes in all sorts of forms, user. You've obviously suffered some sort of mental abuse. Telling children they can be the other sex by mutilating themselves is abuse in itself.

again being doxxed by a bunch of people on a neonazi board doesnt seem like a smart idea

It sounds like you are coping hard.
Also >im perfectly mentally healthy
Sure leaf.

Mental illness has never been more apparent. Yet it is ignored.

just join the 41% club already

Are you baiting? if this was a neonazi board, why would I be here? why would you even come here in the first place?

>Telling children they can be the other sex by mutilating themselves is abuse in itself.
in what way? telling me to just be a boy and get over it wouldnt have solved my gender dysphoria lol. if a kid cant "decide to be a tranny" then they cant decide to be a cis person

>i mean you said i have like half a decade until i regret it. wouldnt that build up over time lol. ive been on hormones for over 10 years and im fine
No, usually people realize all at once that they've fucked up once they start listening to that niggling feeling they tried for years to suppress; and all the lies they told themselves fall apart.

It's actually 50% now.

>i mean i stopped self harming when i was 14 and got on hormones lol
Another faggot LARP: You are either underaged or lying: if you are at least 18, then it means that you started taking hormones 2016, which doesn't make sense, since back then child trannyism wasn't acceptable enough for that to happen.
Kys faggot, back to your degenerate discord commit suicide

nobody asked you, you filthy parasite

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because literally every other post is people saying "gas the kikes" lmao that doesnt sound like anything a nazi would say would it?
im perfectly happy not doing that. why dont you join the 70% of suicide victims who are men

>When a jew is redpilled
The fuck?

I'm starting to like you post-Jew people from's weird.

Cringe, show flag memeflagget.

Gender dysphoria is a made up term to describe a mental delusion. It's not uncommon that young people have some confusion about their sex, especially today with all the weird information they're getting fed day and night. Most people grow out of it. That you couldn't have recovered your mental health like so many others is just a lie you were told.

It's not about deciding what you are. You are what you are from nature's side. In literally every single cell of your body is your male dna, that formed your male body that is completely different from a female body. You do realize that you're not actually a female but a csstrated boy play-acting like one, right?

Do you think you would have become a science experiment if the internet, social media and digital cameras did not exist?
And how many selfies do you take a day?

what niggling feeling? ive never had that
what are you talking about? trans medical shit has been a thing since the early 1980s, child transitioning has been a thing since the late 90s and trans people were first really in the public eye in the late 2000s early 2010s

Hey are you that tranny who has jackhammer esophagus?

they are pathetic as ever, if not less.

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>bullshit pilpul
Post your flesh wound with timestamp

I see you are going the route of refusing to answer questions that you won't like the answer to. This is another Tranny discord thread. You will never be accepted by society fuck off.

>what niggling feeling? ive never had that
We're reaching peak NPC levels here

> Ask me anything i guess.
Answer me this: how do you know you "feel like a woman" if you were never born as a biological female and therefore have no frame of reference?

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>child transitioning has been a thing since the late 90s
Provide one peer-reviewed source that states this.
Reminder: Wikipedia is not a reliable source.

I don't hate you OP, so long as you don't expect me to ever consider dating you, and you don't try to push your lifestyle on other children. It may have worked out for you, and that's honestly great. But the statistics show it far too often ends in tragedy and is a net negative on society.

Nearly all sexual deviancies are a result of spending ones early formative years in an ultra sexualized environment, specifically access to free, unlimited pornography.

>there is a strong link between sexual abuse at a young age and deviant sexual proclivities later in life
>the average age at which boys first seek out porn is 11 years old
>showing porn to an 11 year old is literally sexual abuse
>free high speed internet porn has only been around for about 15 years
>1/3 of zoomers don’t identify as “cis gendered heterosexual”

It gets weirder

>early puberty is when we developed ideas about what sex is
>kids growing with the internet learn this from or are influenced by porn
>porn focuses almost exclusively on women; men’s faces are cropped out, and they’re usually silent.
>the pleasure showcased in porn is that of the woman, even scenes of fellatio
>subconsciously, children developed the idea that sexual pleasure is derived from the passive/receptive/female role
>there’s been an explosion in the number of trannies
>the majority of fags will want to take on the receptive role during sex

InB4 jannies who don’t understand that politics are downstream from culture.

Are you the user who carried pepper spray thinking that was legal?


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>most people grow out of it
and i was one of the ones that didnt and my life is demonstrably better. also what would you describe your self as politically? im actually genuinely curious
i mean trans people have existed and have been transitioning albeit with not all the medical shit we have now
Ive done a lot of introspection in my life lol what fucking niggling feeling am i supposed to feel
read this
i mean i dont really care if you dont wanna date me and i actually dont want more trans people to exist lol. why would i want more kids to have gender dysphoria

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Then why not question the entirety of what you're doing as a product of influence? Do you not value freedom? The conditions of our lives are set, but that does not mean destiny. Unfortunately you get to a point where your mind cannot see the possibility of change, you're bound by the way your brain was shaped throughout childhood and you may not posses the mental facility needed to go beyond your current habits and perspective. Detransitioning is still possible, and becoming healthy is still possible.

I despise how much the LGBTQP community uses schizo non-words like "cis gendered" and many many other phrases, they create words needed to fit their narrative easily.

I've read your other posts and I have seen that you're happy with your mental health. What I am about to say is going to damage that over time. Please be forewarned. Do not read the following, especially if you are post-op.

You are definitely a victim. Your victimhood is imperceptible because you've been conditioned, by your parents, socially, mentally and spiritually by culture.

Kids are exceptionally vulnerable to suggestion. If you were told that all black people were niggers from you were a kid, you'd grow up racist and see nothing wrong with it until you're an adult. This is objectively true.

Most guys, when they are younger, fantasies about being a girl when they grow up, especially biologically gay kids.

That is normal. It was only until recently that parents began engaging in literal human sacrifice to atone for their sins of being rich, and white. Most sacrafice required a pound of flesh, or the males penis and or nuts to be offered. Thought all of history, performing this action always was and always has been punishment.

You did not have a choice in this matter. Your parents choose for you. Society choose for you because it's the popular thing. People hate white men so much that they brainwash them into destroying themselves while importing non black men to replace them. The difficult part is the fact that these people NEVER push for immigrants to engage in this behavior.

It is tragic and my heart aches for the abuse you suffered. I am a gay black male. And I do not allow my identity to be sold to me by McDonald's. I wanted to be a girl with all my heart when I was a kid. Had I the option, I'd take the surgery in a heart beat. But now? As an adult? That would of been the biggest mistake of my life. Life is meaningless without coming to terms with the self. You will never experience that feeling of pride. You will never have the happiness of conquering the gender doubt that most men experienced. When you're older you'll understand.

Honestly, why is everyone here so angry about transgender folks? They need to be accepted, not shunned.

>The World Professional Association for Transgender Health
I said a peer-reviewed source you golem.

>I'm already 24 and have had absolutely no regrets
>already 24
As if you've experienced a lifetime and you're "already" some kind of sage? You can't make this shit up.

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so what would you say i even do to detransition. ive never had a male puberty, never been like "a man" and have been socially transitioned for like over 14 years. it would be much harder and stupider to put myself through mental suffering and dysphoria to fix a "problem" i dont even have my own natural testosterone production

Yas Forums corruption

Post proof that you are a tranny freak (photo of your flesh wound with a timestamp or man boobies next to your adams apple with a time stamp will do).
Otherwise you are a confirmed degenerate faggot LARPer, too chickenshit (and reasonable) to go all out with your bullshit fetish evolved from your rampant pornography addiction.

Answer my question, are you the same leaf tranny I keep seeing post here?

it is peer reviewed. so pier reviewed that it is the international standard of care across the entire world

>attention seeking faggot comes to Yas Forums for validation

can't wait for 41% to become 42%

>and i was one of the ones that didnt and my life is demonstrably better. also what would you describe your self as politically? im actually genuinely curious
Well, I assume you're still young so you don't have much reference for comparison. Of course your life was shit as a mentally abused kid. Now it might seem better. But what was done to you isn't a solution. You can never have a normal life, and while that seems unimportant right now, you won't think like that when you're 40. Remember, your dating market in this world is constrained to a very tiny niche. Heterosexual men aren't interested, homos are interested in men and aren't interested. The only ones you can have a relationship with is a tiny, tiny minority of fetishist homosexuals. That gets old real fast. Transexualism is the only delusion we try to cure with surgery, it's insane and medieval.

I'm a libertarian.