Which EU country has the best military?

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The US


holy shit watching them try to march in lockstep and failing that hard makes me furious

1 France
2 Italy
3 Germany


Has Nuclear Deterrance
Has Nuclear Aircraft Carrier
Has the Rafale, best jet fighter of the continent
Other shit too

>inb4 muh white flag

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The US.


1. UK
2. US
3. Russia


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Le white flag

Nukes are cheating

let's say excluding nukes.

Agreed. Long live Kim Jong Ün!

Excusez-moi, but where's your annual military parade?

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Fucking kek at that


Number wise, france

in actual combat, who knows, i think most countries militaries would get absolutely streamrolled by a semi-competent mediocre army

yep, it's easily France


He said EU, UK aren't EU.

I'll have you know that merica is the most jEU of them all


Am I missing something

>nuclear deterrance from the US
doesn't count
>shitty carrier
Alright cool
>other shit
Like what?

socialist poland had the best
It went to shit after so called "capitalism" came

none of this is EU.
also, russia can't even deal with us, they are cucks by definition

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France still has the best military in the EU without nukes

You can't just throw out "number" until you defined an ordering relationship on the underlying algebraic field structure or have some kind of toplogy with a proper metric, or connection to allow differentiation through a basis invariant tensor, retard. Do you even Ricci flow?

Technically correct.

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I'll speak for us

France has their own nuclear weapons



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How is it possible to be this retarded? We marched better than this in the army cadets ffs, despicable display.

Shut up, retarded. You probably never even listened to a proper march in your entire life. What did britbongs ever compose?

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>Forgot the Green Goblin

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The United Kingdom was, but since it left, France. They have a defencive pact, and did all the heavy lifting for the EU (when america wasn't interested). Two best trained, biggest budgeted in europe basically. With Britain gone it falls to France.

Unironically this

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France, hands down.
Still France.

who gets the second and third place after France?

I'd say Italy and Germany but I have no idea which is which

My best guess Italy would be second and Germany third.

I actually though Germany is N1

France would nuke you off the Earth by the way.

I said nukes don't count

Poland if we talk about the military itself and not the amount of nuclear destructive power.

Italy and Spain have the other aircraft carriers, Poland have the largest tank fleet and Greece the biggest budget per capita because Turkey.

>Poland if we talk about the military itself
wat ?

France still, they actually have a well trained military.

None, EU used up all money on feeding rapefugees, Bellarus could conquer all of EU if they just wanted...

Excluding nukes, germany.

Italy and Greece.
Needless to say that (excluding nukes) Germany would easily be EU Top. The germans are made to be warriors.

Poland is not even close to Italy Germany or Spain in power projection and he is retarded neither Greece

It's France post brexit. They actually have soldiers that will fight.

probably poland , they are the only eu country with any fight in them

and where are they projecting exactly ?


and I think if we were still in the eu then it would be ,

Obviously Albania

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We are in the Africacorp with you or whatever you called killing niggers and with the burgers because Nato

Only because I don't take any country that allows jihadists, trannies and other degenerates into their military.
Those elements would be a drag in the event of a war.
Also, morale.

I speak about the Polish

>nuclear deterrance from the US
We made our own, thanks for nothing.
>shitty carrier
Pretty much only the US and France have carriers well-made enough to not need a catapult+slope but ok
>other shit
A fairly dense network of military installations across the planet, which matters a lot when you have a large navy.
Some of the better military training there is. It's kind of a meme in the french army that during operation in Afghanistan or in Syria, the french would move their bases around and solve their problems any way they could while the american strategy was to throw more money and material at everything. It's exaggerated, of course, but stereotypes like this usually come from some sort of truth.

Irrelevant question unless you specify the type of combat or warfare you are engaging in and from what context. UK probably comes out the top in most categories.


France, and nobody comes close.

Poland has a fuckton of tanks, and conscription? just in case Rusia do something


They got the nukes, the budget, manpower, economy, etc
But at the same time they are a country at (low intensity) war with itself.
They couldn't fight a symmetrical war with a foreign enemy without having a civil war themselves.
They got the biggest stick but can't swing it.

Excuse me?...what?

>They couldn't fight a symmetrical war with a foreign enemy without having a civil war themselves.
French history in a nutshell.

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They, like the UK, have actually been at war for a long time. A lot of these countries might have the man power and fancy shit, but when it comes down to it, are they sending people in to fight who have been fighting? France have. One French soldier is worth more than 5 other European countries soldiers.


Which EU country has the best call girls? Friendly
Your hotel room
2 hours but not watching the clock
Under 300 euros

European Combined Military theme song.

>civil war themselves
It'd be more of an asymmetrical war on our home soil really, seeing as the enemy doesn't consider itself to be french in the first place.


France, as has been said by many others.

This isn't 1941, Germany has had its balls cut off in 1945, and its limp dick turned into a vagina in 2015.

Global Fire Power top 10 EU.
Before you ask, it is the Italian Navy that gives them the upper hand on Germany.

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