Anyone in Duval or St. Johns down to get together to discuss a protest of the lockdowns? We need to show our local governments that we don't stand for this false flag economic shutdown. The Fed along with the rest of the economic planners in our world government are directly responsible for this whole charade.
904/386 - Organized Demonstration
Bioluminescent African American within the Central Intelligence Agency
Yes! Get the word out to our antifa bros!
To what end? The reason Florida is so infected right now is because of Spring Breakers and literal Jews from NYC driving down here once Brooklyn got it. New York license plates were everywhere in St. Johns County, which is why the FL gov now has fucking checkpoints at the border like we're our own country now.
Are you a fucking retard or just stupid?
Hey fellow north east Florida fags
It’s either a protest, or a ‘sideshow’
I’d never known what a ‘sideshow’ was, but they are popping up all over the place... in da communidy
Any protest in Duval would be at least 80% black. Not because Duval is 80% black but because white people don't protest.
the 'accuse people of being cops' meme is the worst thing that has ever happened to Yas Forums, and the interests of liberty as they're communicated through the internet. the single most destructive, caustic meme to freedom that has ever existed.
hey, good idea, we should never protest against being mistreated. we shouldn't do anything at all. we should just accept whatever happens. i'm being sarcastic.
there is no 'infection' besides the common cold. there is no reason for anyone to be 'quarantining' anything. the crack down on civil liberties and constitutional rights such as the right to assembly is a transparent power grab by the government, attempting to usher in a permanent police state and make people think it's normal for this kind of thing to happen.
what's your problem? we have to do something, and public demonstrations where local officials can't ignore them (outside their office) are the most reasonable way we have of getting anything done. and, something does need to be done. we can't allow the media and government to do this kind of thing.
the best idea is too coordinate with friends and family locally and on facebook, and work up a plan for promoting and organizing demonstrations. printing signs to hold is pretty easy as most small communities have a sign shop that is connected with local high school sports teams, which serve as a nexus for the adults of the community.
Quit trying to infect others, glow-nigger.
>Telling the enemy where you're going to be
>Peacefully demonstrating your numbers
Not gonna make it.
If you actually wanted to secure your freedom you'd buy land with your plaguebux in the countryside to get out of the cities and suburbs now.
We should open carry. Secondly, where to meet? You also need to give me more information before I decide to get involved. Find a more common goal than "muh false flag" because right now, no ones going to believe that unless you come with hard evidence. Afterwards, if all else fails, we get together and leave the city.
>there is no 'infection' besides the common cold.
Okay nigger. Maybe you should actually visit the big hospital campus in downtown Duval right now. They're anticipating 1,100 people on vents in two weeks.
>buying land with $1000
Get a real job glownigger faggot
protest doesn't do anything and you won't convince anyone on this board to dox himself by suggesting something so fucking stupid
I honestly doubt a demonstration would do much. Literally the best option would be
>pic related
Because cults exist outside of the city, a lot of people who will try a power grab when SHTF. If we dont have the time to acquire land through money (We have about a month or 2 at best before it may be too late to leave the city) we will find somewhere. I know someone who has quite a bit of land, hes an islander but based as fuck. You might not understand him that well when he speaks but hes a great guy. Anyways, im not sure how viable that option would be, he lives only an hour away, and im not sure if thats good enough.
Sorry, got locked out by captchas. Not a one-post-by-ID I swear.
I own land in St Aug, son.
Open carry would be cool. I mean false flag as in the crisis we're experiencing is caused by something other than what they're attributing it to, i.e. economic meltdown and the virus. I'm in St. Aug, but willing to drive a bit to meet. hmu on Discord if you'd like. IDGAF about spam, so yeah. SpaghettiMan#0827
Realer than yours. ;)
yea Im up near franklin town. whats your email? i know a place
protesting absolutely can and does accomplish things. local politicians are extremely sensitive to issues that effect their chances for re-election, and if you want to see change you have to bring together the important members of a community. there's no other way.
if you're so worried about being identified in public as someone who is opposed to tremendous governmental overstep of authority and willing to demonstrate the fact to local politicans by standing outside their office and bothering them with some shouting and signs, then you've been completely and utterly neutralized. you have effectively chosen to be incapable of changing anything in your environment or society.
the simple fact is that if you don't do anything, don't say anything, don't effect anything, then you are completely at the mercy of any changes that anyone wants to make to YOUR life.
public demonstration against the governments behavior with other members of your local community is the only way that any of us have to make any change.
you can't run and hide. there's nowhere to go, and the idea of being independent like a mountain man is a pipe dream. if you're a solo survivalist, fine, go run off into the game lands or alaska for as long as you can. see ya, good luck.
but, you can't have a community, you can't build anything, far enough away from the government that they aren't going to mess with you. what happens politically, from a local level on up, is the foundation of the changes that will affect us and our families going forward. you can run, but you can't hide. not forever.
if you we don't do something, something will be done to us. at some point we - by we i refer to the group of young people on this website who are generally discontent with what is going on socially and politically - have to do something. running and hiding won't work. terrorism is a non starter. voting isn't enough. we need organized, community level demonstrations.
This post is dumb. You'll get arrested if you OC in Florida.
/k/ has a Florida militia group and I can see now why they went private with it and made it invite-only.
there's no point in bringing guns at this stage. it'd be unreasonable escalation.
Jaxfag here
It really isn't that bad.
If you want to talk about the land question you can stop by my NSA honeypot: FjVQ5s
lets say for a moment that there really was a bad plague going around right now, (instead of a regular cold, like happened last year and every year before that.)
would 'public safety' be a valid reason to suspend our rights and submit to a police state? no, it would not be. public safety is not worth abridging our rights and liberties for. it's just not. safety isn't as important as freedom.
and those who are willing to trade 'a bit of freedom' for 'a bit of safety' doesn't deserve freedom or safety... and they will not receive either.
email me the date and time. I'll be there. Not much else to do rn lol
But there really is a bad plague going around and I would prefer an authoritarian state to a democratic republic. :^)
>eroding your liberties
>not that bad
well I guess we all learned something new today
"muh freedumbs."
"Retarded threads" the thread
None of you pussies is going to do anything as long as you still have your tendies and cummies
OP is GLOWing very DIM.
Threads like these prove why the media makes so much fun of Jacksonville.
you don't know that.
Add me on Discord, nerd.
I'd even be willing to suffer your commie ass if you fought for greater liberty against our financial rulers.
>nooo some people are suggesting I don't engage in large social gatherings my freedumbs nooo
don't care about social gatherings, but acting like it's "no big deal" to become a bugman is fuckin awful
There some cool islands right of that shore that we could kayak out to. ..assuming you aren't a limp wrist faggot.
You're literally trying to form a social gathering lol
Bump, Don’t often see Floridian Corona threads. When would this protest be OP? May drive up
unless one of you guys has motor boat.
...Doubtful. kek
Anyway, my skiff is docked too far from here atm.
Open carry is no good, because if you shoot someone there might be covid19 on the bullet from your fingers, and that might kill them. Well just a bit dead, maybe?
just because i'm antisocial doesn't mean i'm ok with my right to assemble and go where i please being abridged.
In wild west you'd be shot or run out of town but fellow men, for putting their life at risk you absolute retard .
With freedom comes responsibility, right to self preservation is also a thing, so in current circumstances I wouldn't cry if somebody shoot your faggot ass, for putting their life at risk over your below 5iq understanding of freedom and rights
I go out when I want to go out. If I "get in trouble" at those times, I will push back. But going out to cause a problem because it's "your right" is for idiots.
Phonefagging so yeah, there are some spelling mistakes. Fuck off
you're talking about murdering in cold blood someone for doing normal everyday things, because the television has made you afraid of the common cold. even if you did think it was a horrible plague, you don't have the right to commit murder because other people choose to deal with it differently - nor would it protect you in any way to, murdering people in a church on sunday morning isn't going to make you safer. if you're that concerned about disease, you should take measures that protect you, personally.
the fact that you're using extremely evocative language and threatening violence against people for going about their lives is pretty alarming. even if you personally have your reasons for believing there is a health risk out there, you must understand that other people do not believe what the television and CDC and so forth are saying, and believe it's a hysteria. do you really think you should murder people for going to church because the television, google, and the government told you that you might catch a disease?
this is all secondary to the basic fact of our civilization that public safety - safety in general - is NOT more important than liberty, freedom, and our god given rights. freedom is inherently unsafe, but it is worth it, because life is better when lived bravely, and freely. that's been the bedrock philosophy of american civilization for over two hundred years. are we now going to destroy everything that our ancestors worked for, to save a handful of lives? what is a free life worth to you? is it a million deaths? two and a half million people died of flu/cold/pneumonia conditions in 2017. why didn't we create a police state back then? are you really excited to live a life with curfews, mandatory tracking by police and google to prevent assembly, local politicians enforced 'laws' such as when and where you can shop and leave your home, or gather with others?
is it worth it?
A guy killed his wife because she had corona. Then killed himself because he thought he was infected
Nothing surprised me anymore
> even if you did think it was a horrible plague, you don't have the right to commit murder because other people choose to deal with it differently - nor would it protect you in any way to, murdering people in a church on sunday morning isn't going to make you safe
Actually it would make me safer. In case of actual plague it would directly mean that morons who think it's cool to carry plauge around, and by that infringe on other people's right to normal life (extending period of time the plauge is being spread around ) and life in general of some individuals, would be six feet under, not trying to indirectly kill other people, who actually are trying to be responsible for themselves and their community.
I'd highly recommend you to revise history of leprosy, and what happened to sick people who refused to isolate themself.
And no - it wasn't the big government who was making those decisions.
Your whole 'goverment hoax' proves you have no idea of what you're talking about, or you might be actually slow, because the big government, and other institutions, including media, were the one who were downplaying this whole issue when it started.
And no, I'm not for big government and restrictions, but it's the people like you, the 'i do what I wants' idiots , who are to blame for all the restrictions.
Seriously, how can you even call yourself a person who cares about freedom, when the simplest concept of this idea - with freedom comes responsibility, seems to be too hard to comprehend for you
leprosy is actually almost incommunicable between humans, so that's not a very good example of people behaving rationally. it was again, a case of hysterical behavior. you don't have to believe that this is a regular flu season being painted up as a plague by the media, but you do have to accept that other people do, a great many of them. i won't bother explaining why i think it's a hoax, because i don't think you're interested, you seem to have made up your mind.
i'll submit that if you're considering committing murdering people in a church because they refuse to accept our society changing into a police state over what you know they consider to be the regular sniffles, then freedom isn't a value of yours. expecting me to 'be free responsibly' must mean something different to you than it does to me because we have different definitions of the word 'freedom'. mine doesn't see me murdering anyone, although i believe that some should be held accountable in a court of law.
keep in mind that you're not talking about murdering a leper because he went into a walmart - which is a case of a very few people being very obviously diseased inside of a larger group. you're talking about roughly half the population. in the context you state the act of murder would be an act in the preservation of (your) life and liberty, it would be terrorism, since you know that even if you perpetrate a mass shooting in a church it would actually result in you being killed by police or put in prison or death row. presumably this is a sacrifice you are willing to make in order to make society safer and free-er for everyone else. terrorism is the attempt to create political change through fear of violence.
am I correctly interpreting your theoretical intent to murder people who don't believe the same as you, for the alleged sake of both safety and freedom?
PSA: shills are still working from home.
No clue, user. Just wanna have a chance to discuss real shit.
Not trying to cause problems. I want to demonstrate the real problem.
Hope you don't mean me. Just a local wanting to organize.
i'll submit that if you're considering committing murdering people in a church because they refuse to accept our society changing into a police state over what you know they consider to be the regular sniffles, then freedom isn't a value of yours.
You just proved how stupid you are in this sentence.
I did not mention even once murder, and I did not mention even once that I do support police state.
This is getting sad on your end, putting word in someone's mouth to fit your narrative.
What I said was - you want freedom, let's play freedom. Go around your normal day, without prove that your action cannot cause harm to others, let other folks decide if you're putting their life in danger, and act adequately. No government involved.
And the fact that you're against police state, but then bringing up 'getting arested and put in prison' as perfectly acceptable means of solving the situation, means you're unable to have conversation on steady intelectual level.
You need to pick one - be free, or calling daddy government whenever it's convenient for you.
Because I could as easily say that knowingly infecting others , and therefore putting their life at risk, or even causing their death is also a murder, or act of terror at least, and you should be put in prison and put on death row as well.
So which one is it? Or the rules are fine as long as they are the way you want them to be?
And again, stop putting words in my mouth faggot, I did not advocate for murder or church shootings - you're the one who brought this up, so fuck off.
To me, solution is easy - take preventive measures, stay at home, and if in public, wear mask, keep distance from others, don't be a nasty ass, and do it willingly, so the government won't have an excuse to step in and restrict our freedoms even more.
OP, I like your idea, but I greatly disagree with your using the term false flag. It gives the impression that you believe the virus is fake, rather than that the danger of it has been greatly exaggerated.
I think its clear to anyone paying attention that the economic harm of tens of millions of working Americans becoming unemployed, is going to be doing worse damage to our nation in the long run than it would to let a few extra boomers (whom are probably living on social security) get sick.
I support your cause and live near your area, however, I don't think unrest has reached a point yet where protests could gain any real momentum before they were squashed in their infancy. That's why I don't plan on joining you.
Maybe wait until May or June, and use the time until then to come up with a strategy. Timing matters.
No, I was referring to the post number that I non-replied to. Your cool. ;)
What is the deal with St Johns county, why I live two counties away and never heard of it
That i want to see, Yas Forums protesting in groups while others try not to gather in groups.