I’m looking to embrace Christendom...

I’m looking to embrace Christendom, pure christianity not the bastardised versions of today which are corrupt with greed and want
Suggest a reading list for me please in finding this divine intervention and connect with the figures such as Thomas Aquinas
This is coming from someone who was an atheist for 19 years

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The Bible is great, in fact most religious texts will help you on your life's journey. What you want to avoid is organized religion, and worship.

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Come to Ireland,the west preferably Connemara (the old part) they worship Jesus like there no tomorrow but u would have a lot of problems there

The Bible
The Screwtapes letter
Mere christianity
Denys the Aeropagite : Divine names

All of those are easily found on the internet. C.S Lewis might be prostestant but his advice for a christian life are timeless and easy to digest. I put Denys for the purely metaphysical part

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Ireland is like Christendoms seed vault, one of the reasons the faith made it out of the dark ages
C.S. Lewis is good shit

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>the west
of course

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Why would you worshipp the demon that subdued your ancestors?????

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Christianity is boring

I don't get it???
Is christianity supposed to be weak but at the same time it's bad because they defeated the pagans???

The answer [spoiler]Christianity integrated everything in "pagan" spirituality that hadn't been corrupted by the masses's ignorance. This is why Plato, Aristotle and the Arthurian's saga were nicely mixed with it. When you believe polytheism is literally about several gods you've failed[/spoiler]

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Here's your intro into the christian book. Eat crumbs off jews' table and be grateful, dog.

sub room-temp IQ

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Beware of convert's zeal, brother. But congratulations on your decision and welcome home. Catholicism should be what you're looking for, otherwise you should look at any of the other orthodox traditions. Welcome home, brother.

Thomas a Kempis The imitation of Christ. If you wanna go deep.

KJVonlyism is retarded.


The interior castle, cloud of unknowing.

>they defeated the pagans
Proof? Nobody knows what happened before boomeroids (the only people who go at church) we only know that boomeroids left our minds at the mercy of whoever stranger was around. Why does only the abomination (in body mind and spirit) boomeroid goes to church while everyone else HATES it? Because all that christkike history is BULLSHIT. If 2 millenia of supposedly medieval 2 total war tier christianity was ingrained in my DNA then I wouldnt absolutelly HATE it instinctually while paganism would feel based instinctually.

Imagine thinking that the anglo version of the bible was divinely inspired.

God is working in your life user. Every time you pray you are giving a response. Understand that divine intervention is not something you find. God is always with you. You can not even desire something good without God. This is from the words of Aquinas himself.

New advent is a great resource. Has all the Fathers of the Church and great Doctors and Saints. But ease into it man. There’s 2000 years of philosophy to dive into. Start with the Gospel and Aquinas’ commentary.

Glad to hear God moved in your life fren.

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>Pure Christendom
Ok. Focusing on mostly the Latin flavor
and skipping the Gospels

>Why Christ/inspiration for being christian
Confession by augustine

>Early Christian Morality
The didache, The Epistles, Ecclesiastes, Terullian - on prayer, on
Fasting, on monogamy

>Early Christian Theology
Origen-de pricipas, Augustine - Christian doctrine

>Codified Catholic theology:
Aquinas - summa, the chatechism of the council of Trent

>On the liturgy (sacrifice of mass)
The didache, the liturgy of the holy apostles, the litergy of Pope Gregory the great

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>the judean jews from the tribe of JUDEA are the ISRAELITES
oy vey, its a long shot but you might just be confused. the jews from the tribe of judea named the land of palestine israel so they could make it seem like the israelites were jews when really the israelites went on to become europeans.

Esther 8:17
17 And in every province, and in every city, whithersoever the king's commandment and his decree came, the Jews had joy and gladness, a feast and a good day. And many of the people of the land became Jews; for the fear of the Jews fell upon them.

Jew is not a race.


>worship the same jews i told you not to worship
its the never ending lie, you shills are here everyday

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Things posters above suggested are great.
Pic related is short, but absolutely great, theology at its finest.
I would like to suggest Maria Valtorta poem of the Man-God.
She was a Mystic, read her story, she got the visions of all the life of Our Lord Jesus across infancy to passion and resurrection.
It's something that WILL change you.
For real check her.
Don't lose time.
Why still here?
Bro I can see you...go now.

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all the churches in scandinavia, you will see 10-1 compared to paganism

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Do churches take more time to build that boomeroids being born-->today?

If not then its not proof. They only serve as proof that nobody gives a shit about christcuckery except boomer abominations.

If you truly seek wisdom, write the question followed by Chabad. Compare the answer on virtually any topic versus other sources of moral wisdom. They provide immediate moral clarity.

Must read
Orthodoxy and the Religion of the Future

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step 1: delete your whole christ folder because all that shit is idolatry and will land you dead center in the middle of hell, even the cross itself is idol worship. scripture is the only path to salvation.

>Suggest a reading list for me
Try the New Testament. Use Strong's Concordance.

>literal religious war
>foreign established religion becomes the majority of peoples worship
gee i wonder why the very pagans that would rape and pillage just never ransacked the churches people would give free money too

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Just for laughs, where exactly is this
>scripture is the only path to salvation

The King James Bible

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the bible as dictated by god, not by your phony pope and his child raping cadre

>I’m looking to embrace Christendom, pure christianity not the bastardised versions of today
Whenever Christians make this statement, I want to ask them, what stands closer to the world of the Old and New Testament:

1. A multicultural ghetto, with brown people every where, lots of poverty and violence, no culture anywhere, just people in transit.

2. A small town in the country side, little crime, lots of old buildings, White people and agriculture everywhere.


kiketiniaty: listen goyim, you are guilty of original sin
me: well, no, get fucked

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Yes boomeroids are unnatural abominations who love the unnaturalness of christcuckery and embraced it. You covered like 60 years of christkike history. You got 1960 more years at least to prove.

>scripture is the only path to salvation
Oh look, a sola scriptura-fag. If you actually took the Bible seriously, you would neither be removing books from the Bible nor posting here.


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>Is christianity supposed to be weak but at the same time it's bad because they defeated the pagans???
Alright, lets explain this, we want individuals to be strong, not the masses.

There is no point in a world with millions of sheep, which is what Christianity wants and creates.

>I want to embrace the new Yas Forumsfad but I don't really believe in it so help me brainwash myself
this board is so fucking gay now

Christianity is evil, anti white, and anti european, and it turns its followers into cucks

Christian cultists slept their way into power, constine took the religion of his jewish wife, and Christianity was only able to defeat europe while leading the strongest empire in the world, that it destroyed

If you start by looking for churches and doctrines you're already fucked. The next step is being sheep. This is hardly a solution for your life and the modern world.

watch this guy: youtube.com/watch?v=Xe5kVw9JsYI (I picked his rebuke of atheism but any video will do. He's a great thinker)

The entire Orthodox Church is controlled by ex communist ussr oligarchs

Where is written that, though, bro?

You should dive deep into the FSSPX, especially Mgr Lefebvre.

>Suggest a reading list for me please in finding this divine intervention and connect with the figures such as Thomas Aquinas
good book.
You may also read Blaise Pascal: Pensées.

That's what I'd say if I wanted to subvert the West and alienate it from its core religious identity.

no i covered the foundation of the churches existence, learn to read

another ignorant conformist to the now rather than the real scripture i hope you line the gates of hell on a shared trident with

As long as it's not Protestant.

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>i hope you line the gates of hell on a shared trident
That's not very Christian of you at all m8

Which is exactly what Christianity did to the West and now present themselves as solution to problems they themselves created.

Etienne Gilson, Spirit of medieval philosophy or something like that.

what's not christian about what i just said?

No you didnt. All you did is repeat claims. Church archives claim that whole countries are 99,5% christian yet nobody except boomeroids give a shit about christianity. So that claim is pure bullshit (and so are all the claims about the past).

Guys I really love Jews and want to worship Jews and be a slave for Jews. Which model of religious slavery and Abrahamic myth would be best for me? I really get gratification from being a Jew slave and golem for the Jews.

You must realize, that God is what most people call "Universe" and It is in a constant state of change due to It's fractal nature and death-rebirth cycle forever, and the fact, that It always was and always will be (just in different states) is a proof in itself, that It is above and beyond all, because human logic dictates, that everything at least must have the beginning, so if something didn't "begin", yet it always was and is, then it has a quality of what people assume only God would have. God is the Universe itself and everything in it, that includes you too, the air we all breath in is also part of God, the soil on which we all walk is part of God too - put it all together, all that exists and you have the One, God - the source of everything. Universe/God/Nature - whatever you want to call it - it's one and the same thing. Everything is alive, everything is pure consciousness - physical "reality" is just our perception and consciousness is the most basic "building block" from which everything else is created. Creator and Creation is not separate and THE ULTIMATE POINT OF IT ALL is to gather all the pieces together and become One again. The Universe is like an egg. What physicists call the "Big Bang" is the shattering of an egg, so all the contents spill (death of the Universe). The expansion of the Universe is the process of spilling contents of the egg, then the Universe will begin to shrink back (kind of like a gestation process) to It's original form of One, where all the contents of the egg are inside it and the Universe is in one extremely small and extremely dense "point". When that happens, then due to It's extreme density, internal "pressure" will cause It to explode again and It's going to "die" again (Big Bang / shattering of an egg), rebirth again and die again and rebirth again and so on for infinity.

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Love God and love your neighbor.This should be one of your first reads, excellent book, user.

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The Church Fathers are always good, especially St John Chrysostom. If you're looking for some based Christian anti-semitism start with his Homilies Against the Jews.

>bringing morality to society is a problem
that's the most Brazilian thing I've heard today

>That's what I'd say if I wanted to subvert the West and alienate it from its core religious identity.

Whenever Christians make this statement, I want to ask them, what stands closer to the world of the Old and New Testament:

1. A multicultural ghetto, with brown people every where, lots of poverty and violence, no culture anywhere, just people in transit.

2. A small town in the country side, little crime, lots of old buildings, White people and agriculture everywhere.


>love your neighbor.
My neighbours are blacks, should I love them and undermine my society, or not and save it?

If you want to learn the theology of St. Thomas Aquinas, either read the man himself or check out Aquinas by Edward Feser. If you want to read Aquinas himself, I'd suggest starting with his Compendium of Theology, also published under the title "Aquinas's Shorter Summa."

Welcome home, brother.

entropy and dark energy kiddo, not returning to "one"

Yeah, read the Pagan Aristotelian Aquinas.....

He was also influenced by Muslim scholars.....

you can spend you life studying Aquinas and it would be a life well spent.

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god is not merciful, he is wrathful