This is the stupidest happening ever all because some fucking chink decided to play with bats

This is the stupidest happening ever all because some fucking chink decided to play with bats.

When is everything going back to normal?

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This is the new normal

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bluepilled goy

Honestly? Never. Imagine 9/11 except this time the entire world is affected instead of just us. People are already looking the other way when told they're being openly tracked and logged by google and giving the gov the logs. Americans lost their balls, militias are all glowfags that talk but dont walk and the rest of us are too comfy to actually do something. Just sit back and enjoy watching everything all go to shit user.

>be me
>Get a virgin gf
>She tells me she's finally ready to have sex
>Lockdown and quarantine starts
>Her parents forbid her from leaving the house
What the fuck bros I was so close reeeeeeeeeeeeee


once you get the vax

>Back to normal
Heh, nothing personal but this is the new normal

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get rekt normalfag

So lockdowns forever?

This “virus” ((((if there even is one)))) was not started from eating bats, that is purely a conspiracy pushed by the media. The whole point of this “virus is to keep people indoors so they can install 5g, chip us, and vaccinate us.

I think you'll find you already know the answer and posted a pic of it.

This is a globalist agenda

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Holy shit



Are you actually retarded?Why in the ever living fuck do you want to return to a meaningless existence as a mere cog in the neoliberal machine?

Just sneak over and bang in the backyard or something lmao

Every single politician that says this deserves to be publically hung, Mussolini style.

The entire world was affected by 9/11, bozo.

Based digits confirmed

>by Sophie Jewis
Based and shtetl-pilled. Time to separate children from mothers at birth to avoid contamination of old ideas-er I mean, scary viruses.

>being this much of a schizo


Because unlike you I have a life?

Sext nigga

You must be 18 to post on this board.

not any more lmao

The only person scared of being tracked is someone afraid the feds will find their CP collection.


Are you 14?

You’re looking at the new normal, friend.

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never, lad. We're in the endgame no.

>claims to have "a life"
>It's immediately put on hold indefinitely because of people coughing
>"P-please let me out to consume more gracious overlords ;_;"
Can't have been much of life desu

Thanks for being a dumb faggot.

dont come crying to me when you get a chip implant/leg bracelet to make sure you're staying home

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I would like to not risk getting fined for driving too far from my zone
And maybe also see family members in Europe at least once before they die

China outplayed everyone. The Jews are losing a hell of a lot of money from this.


No no, he's got a point

Take away our rights one by one, this time it's public assembly

>spreading the Chinese bat propaganda
Brainlet. Bioweapon

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This is normal

The NEW normal. It will start getting abnormal in a month or two I’d assume.

Nobody comes to you anyway because nobody likes you.


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These motherfucker had to eat a "tartare de Pangolin" XD

Things will go back to normal in a few months. But get used to adding Bioweapon Season to the normal Flu Season.

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>chomo spotted

I'm fine with this whole quarantine I just want to go to the gym and work out

This (((user))) gets it.

p.s penis inspection day tomorrow fyi. Give yourself an enema while you're at it just in case they need to check you for unauthorized ass-crimes.

Never. That’s no gag.

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Yeah, the biggest thing is about going out and having sports for me too.

Nothing is comfy about staying indoors in nice weather.

We want

Jeg mistede min som 20 årig
måske er han bare en akavet autist ligesom mig

Take your olanzapine and calm down

>publically hung
I'm privately hung

>When is everything going back to normal?
user, I...

Cryptokike spotted. good work helping erode the 4th by labeling righteous dissent as being for pedophiles only, you ignorant fuckshit. 2 shekels have been deposited to your account.

The people who were elected to protect us didnt do shit and were caught with their pants down and on all fours. They do deserve a hanging.

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How the fuck woud you like to propage the virus with 5G ? I think you we must have a responsible reaction to what's happening. Of course, not everything is being told to us and some important politics and money strategies are engaged behind this pandemia but we should'nt start to create stupid consiparcy theories, that's when they "got" us.

You mean coofing, right? I am not ready to let that one die yet

If the governments horrible evil plan is to make me stay home forever and not work, I'm cool with that

The Jews don’t run this world goy, it’s oil companies who have the world by the balls. Why else would governments drag their feet to use solar energy? Free energy just being wasted on teenage retards spreading the virus to each other on a beach.

Never really a fan of the "-oom" or "-oof" variants. Reeks of newspeak. Knock yourself out if you like it though, not gonna stop you.

Excellent kikery friend, 2 more shekels for (You).

Agenda 21 is now in effect

>It will never go back to normal, user

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Yeah, that's why there's no fucking reptilian president king of the covid 19 portected by the jews and the chinese, but only things such as parhmacian industries and politics ivnvolved; Just search what's happening in France with Dr;Raoult and Agnes Buzyn. People are going to be judged after this crisis believe me

There is no going back to nornal. Even with a vaccine. You are in store for a surprise

I dont think people are more comfy tho.
The middle class all over is dying out. With 17 million now unemployed you can bet to start to see a spark. We are just experiencing the beginning of the end.

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The only reason you faggots think the Jews are the global enemy is from neo nazi’s memes that have infected your autistic brain. Look it up if you don’t want to listen to me, oil companies control everything including war.