Make up your mind, West. If this continues, we'll stop supporting your good-for-nothing alt-right and return to our Asian and African partners. At least they respect us.
Why the fuck are "white" countries so hostile towards Russia?
India is unironically whiter than England
The media needs a boogeyman and china has bought us out and being scared of cuba just wont fly anymore. Just FYI Hillary was the one that came up with the russia hoax so it's probably just disconnected boomers thinking the cold war is still a thing
never trust a russian
Kikes. After they ruined Russia, they used it as a boogeyman to ruin everyone else.
Jewish race hate and niggers. It's amusing to watch, though, because this dumb nigger country can't do a thing about it and if it ever tried it would get wiped off the face of the earth.
Respect and fear, probably.
I'd personally love to see an European-Russian alliance.
its just media, in sweden they blame everything on russia and russian trolls. bla bla bla, people seems to buy it. they even think that russia have a plan to attack sweden. and if you go out in europe its the same think, read news that russia was involved in the catalan voting to leave spain, media now a days serve no purpose at all it never does any journalism, they just spew out garbage and clickbaits
lol certainly not anymore
True. The "Russia is gonna attack Norway any second now" is plaguing our media as well.
you crashed oil to take out the alt-right
Partly bad journalism.
Partly the governments here taking russian long term threats serious out of all the other problems they ignore, sit out or a complicit in.
Sorry but for the same reason you guys get anxious about nato moving west were still nervous about those rockets in kaliningrad.
What is even Russia's ultimate goal in their stupid media heads?
Ok, media - I can understand. They say what they are told, but the general populace? How braindead is it?
Communism. The spectre of communism still haunts the world.
As others says, it's the media AKA the state.
And most people being dumb AF just repeat what the media tells them to think.
While an attack is unlikely, finlandisation and getting cucked out of exploiting ressources of the northern sea might be on the table in the next 20 years if relations stay as sour.
Because modern day Russia is a garbage oligarchy that wants to play regional hegemon, shoves its nose in others' businesses all the fucking time and gets away with it because "lol pipelines".
>At least they respect us.
You have not done anything to earn anyone's respect. Ever. They don't respect you either, they're just glad you're throwing money their way.
Total utter bullshit stats. People that are asked these questionaires are all urban leftists thus swaying the result to the one they want. The average Brit knows nothing about Russia, and we've never had a war with Russia, so there is no rivalry.
And the biggest losers are bankers and the federal reserve. We are at the point of global redistribution of wealth. All thanks to financial crisis, oil war and coronavirus.
Brown hands typed this post.
because russians, like old boomer americans in the west refuse to get over the cold war.
they're hypocrites.
>sponsor far left AND far right in western europe/USA
>crack down on nationalists and far right in Russia
>insult westerners for multiculturalism while being most multicultural country in europe w/50% of army muslim
Brown people seem to actually respect Russia, unlike the so called "whites"
Because White Nationalism is a dumb amerimutt fucking meme. The worst enemy and the worst offender of every European nation is always the other European nation.
We’re still at war with you.
You'd be wrong in that regard about the West. It's why I think your "anti-colonialist" stuff isn't as effective as you think and isn't the soundest strategy. Nothing you ever offer is going to top total genocide and total turnover of all organs of the state -- which is what brown people get from the "West". Can you top that offer? No, and you have stuff under your feet they want.
Our populations are held by the hand of mass media, they are bluepilled and kiked.
I think you guys are based. The problem is the US (((mainstream-media))) wants to portray you as "the bad guy". A little fear-mongering goes a long long way to get these low IQ, high RPM countrymen of mine all wound up.
Everything that Russia touches turns to shit, that is why they are hated. and don't give me that it was soviets not russian shit. tsar russia has banned Lithuanian language back in the day, why? because they are fucking degenerate mongols, thats why
Because we can’t be mad at Africa cuz it’s racist, and we can’t be mad at the Middle East because they’ll declare jihad on us…
So… white folks and Christians it is! :)
Constant, i mean absolutely constant BARRAGING with anti russia news. And german NPCs in any political argument ALWAYS try to KO you by asking "ARE YOU SOME SORT OF RUSSIA SYMPATHIZER?!". This of course actually makes some optics cucks abandon post and pretend to hate russia too. Completely unorganic.
In the USA I blame our boomer generation that despises big scary Russia from the Cold War brainwashing. I'm personally neutral on Russia, you guys are pretty OK for the most part.
I wish Russians happiness, and I hold no grudges against them. You guys always made us strive to be the best, and when we came out on top, we slowly started to destroy ourselves.
While the narrative usually doesnt penetrate people further then "dangerous gay hating bad-man of the big east", it usually goes like this;
>Russia is not democratic, this makes it bad.
>Envious of our superiour democracy it needs to undermine and destroy democracy in europe by pushing right wing populists to look better in comparison and keep its power
>therefore you shall not believe any russian media, support russian opposition, support democracy in belarus, be against economic cooperation beyond the gas deals that we better slip out off with muh green energy.
>btw ppl against prevailing ideas about green energy are probably russia controlled.
Albeit, some of those points have a base in reality they are funniliy never swinging into calls for significant rearming if not by american proxyforces and usually ignore that while a good deal of the right wing is russophile the same can be said about the far left that at times hypes up russia/venezuela due to their anti american stance and secret love for authoritarianism.
Because you spread lies and undermine our national security. You're fucking vermin
Lithuanian language is meme
Russians are extremely based. Even the lowest of peasants in some remote rundown forgotten corner of this country will recall how Russia sided with India and actually send its own carrier ship to defend Indian waters when the traitorous mutts backed up Porkistani dogs in the 1960s Indo-Pak war and send their fleet into Indian waters to strong arm Indians into submission.
Wish our PM would stop sucking up to those mongrel dogs over at USA and go back to strengthening bonds with Russia. Fuck America, fuck Europe, fuck China, fuck Muslims, Gods bless Russia.
There are a lot of russia shills as well tho from various political corners.
Fckn Koppverlag for example is a subversive rag that aims to rehabilitate the gdr as some kind of ethno state paradise. Yes hans, be a vassal and stay german we cant trust you with trying to be german on your own.
Germany is rather polarised in that regard and for all the retarded smears against that great land in the east its dangerous to fall in line with their victim narrative as a contrarian response as well.
Still got asspain from being our rapebabie subhuman?
ruskies reveal themselves for who they are, if you had some decency you could forge strong alliances with neighbours, but you are just fucking degenerates, basically russia is the diseased asshole of the world.
Because Putin is invading nations "getting the gang back together". Even though it requires tanks and slaughter. All that's great for Moscow, and the rest can starve.
Constant propaganda
Its because Russians are disgusting, Russia is disgusting, you are disgusting.
don't cry baby
katyń kurwa!
Russia also sent warships and submarines to defend our coasts against blockage from the combined US and Chinese fleet and sent us food during our fight against Chinese’s invasion and Khmer Rouge as well.
They also forgave all the debt of African nations and Cuba.
it is op who is crying that nobody likes degeneretas
(((White))) countries.
There is no such thing as (((White))) or (((White Culture))). There is only European and European Christian culture. Jews desperately want to make Christians murder each other and use all of their power to make us hate each other. They invented the (((white))) label as a means of justifying their slave trade and ensuing wars.
Are the Russians a legitimate nation state? Of course. Does Russia have a legitimate right to exist? Of course. Is there overlap between Christian interests worldwide? Of course. Are there any fatal conflicts of interest between Christian interests; overlaps worldwide which would justify a nuclear holocaust? Of course not.
>Only Jews and their father Satan perceive the above any differently.
>years of anti-russian propaganda
>understandable while the USSR was up, but continued even after nonetheless
And you wonder why?
Pretty much this --->
You are Russian rapebaby. You think you're degenerate?
Kikes and kike media obviously
Makes no sense. It's not like their a threat. They got BODIED by Afghanistan, and TWICE by Finland
no i am not russian rape baby. Lithuanians very rarely intermarried and in ww2 only the then german lands got raped. on the other hand your ancestors were raped by horse shit eating mongolians, degenerate
Because of the jews.
because your communist ideology continues to infect and damage everything it touches.
Your system of government is a virus that has killed far more then the chink flu has.
>mum please say i no russian rapebaby mum please MUUUM
i know who my forefathers were for multiple generations, unlike you with your village whore mother taking it up her aids ridden pussy for a bottle of vodka
Lithuanians are fucking snow niggers. Lithuanian flag looks like it's African flag
Kikes used to be based in Russia before they moved their base to the US.
Even Greeks don't trust you anymore people here used to call you orthodox brothers. Know we see you as what you are Americans but worst
But why