Are gamers the reason why white birth rates have dropped dramatically?

are gamers the reason why white birth rates have dropped dramatically?

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Wtf is that lmao
It's mr obvious if you're wondering.

Thanks for the link.

the gamer thing is one of the gayest modern cultures.

i play video games but i fucking hate "gamers" they are lazy degenerate normies

Probably, the white man started his decline around 1945. Still... resurgence has happened before and can happen again.

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No, the men who play videogames too much are the ones that couldn't get a girlfriend or sex irl.

My gf wants to have 4 kids, big Christian family despite the fact that I play vidya. I stay active, going to gym 4 times a week, long trail runs once, and shoot some hoops 2 times a week. Fuck off.

How is playing games somehow related to having shitty practices such as bad hygiene, sleeping habits, posture and never doing any exercise?

Stop beating around the bush, you know this thread is about guys who play games for overwhelming amounts of hours daily not normies who hop on for an hour each week.

Gamers who play games for overwhelming amounts of hours daily while NOT being professionals who compete in tournaments and bring home serious bank.

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No, its literally the jews that made it pointless or unachievable or even punishable to try and be successful. Being a gamer is literally the best life a young white male can have in 2020

No, it is feminism. Divorce-rapes, false rape accusations, paternity frauds...

women marry up not down all mammals do the same

yeah cause posting on pol is so much better

no problem its you
your just too ugly to reproduce

It's actually because a woman can destroy a man simply by having him touch her with his peepee. And the courts will just comply.

Literally like 500 guys worldwide make money off videogames for it to be a sustainable career.

No, a bit of escapism through video games is perfectly fine in small doses. The prcolivity that some men have to try to completely escape through games is indicitive of a larger societal problem not an issue with games themselves.

High quality posts

Surrogacy then.

Please, look at statistic, every country regardless of race sees drop on birth rates as result of higher median income and lower poverty :)

Reason, why negros have high birth rates is cuz they are still undeveloped as Europe in 16th century and if you compare avg. nubers of childern they are about same.

Are aussies the reason post quality has dropped?

Absolutely this. Video games being more popular are a symptom, not a cause. Stop attacking symptoms thinking that it will solve the problem and instead solve the problem.

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Nah, I think it's the other way around. Boys start 'gaming' around the same age they learn what their pp is for.
Even if being rejected by pussy causes them to lose themselves in videogames, the root cause of this particular decrement in birth rate is gaming.

call it racist coz it looks like a corona addict
or ignore it coz it is low tier bait

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Stupid off-topic threads belong in bant.


no OP's faggotry is

combination of video games and social media
>video games make males feel accomplished, without real accomplishment.
>real accomplishment is useful for attracting females
>social media creates false sense of connection between largely female user base and hyper accomplished males (or at least convincing attractive liars)
>more difficult for females to be attracted to normal looking/accomplishing guys

two complementary delusions

men crave competitivity and adventure, videogames offer both in a world that lacks both


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Yes. This and porn.

>gamers are violent!
>gamers are racist!
>gamers are woman-haters!
>gamers are subhuman ugly troglodytes!

why do the TPTB hate gamers so much? there has to be a reason right?

If you play a lot of survival games your faced with the reality of living in a world of finite resources. I need a stone base and at least a double barrel before I can even consider saving the white race.

Birthrates dropped in the 60s and 70s. Long before video games were widespread or even a thing. We can conclude from that while gamers may be adding to the problem now, whatever the underlying issue is came about long before.

Oh yes, online casino
Best place of information

The future of the west

>online casino ranting and raving about the dangers of videogaming addiction
this is actually pissing me the fuck off

Porn is a bigger factor imo, people don't make the effort to try to meet and fuck girls in their league when they can get the same gratification with a few clicks.

They have games in their site also but these games have a risk of making you loose money

Are you fucking retarded?

It's really not. You don't choose videogames over women and a healthy social/sex life. The people who do that do it because they can't get those things in the first place. "Oh wow playing league of legends for 6 hours a day is so much better than having a tight teenage gf" said no man ever...

Nope. Women are. If women were less costly, more entertaining, less prone to programming bugs, and were less time intensive then video games, men would be using them more often.

More like everything is now out of reach of the average white male
also women are fucking whores along with other shit that anons are saying
I work but only to afford more guns and ammo
Feels great to pirate vidya though, at least I know Doom Eternal is a good game

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Probably because the world of scarcity has been wiped away by the success of the Market System. The traditions that were necessitated for thousands of years are obsolete. The promises of transcendence via religion have been relegated to more immanent pleasures like vidya and pornography.

I still think there is value in practicing the old-ways yet this is just the way the world is now.

Enjoy the benefits of the Market Pricing System but don't participate in the degeneracy popularized now.

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This, and feminism. I know a good amount of black doctors (was a medical rep in the DMV for many years) and they all have 1-2 kids at most.
I know a very high ranking guy in the Nigerian army, he has 4 kids.
It’s symptomatic of the society around us. Nigeria doesn’t have feminism like we do. Btw his wife is a pharmacist, yet she still has time to squeeze out 4 kids and wants more.

No, it's probably part of it, but it's still an insignificant factor. The decline of whites started with feminism, because when women got to work they didn't want to start families anymore, and it became a burden to have children. Women who have degrees also don't want to marry men who don't have degrees, and raising a child is hard when you have to work. Thus comes the "I'll have babies but I want to wait until later," which goes on until women are infertile . Combine that with invading immigrants, rapeugees and racemixing and white birth rates become dangerously low.

Ok gamer

If they couldn’t even predict the covid spread accurately using models, why would I have any faith in any of their projections?

It’s the other way around. Weakening of monogamy -> betas giving up -> betas forming their own countercultures and finding other shit to do. Before video games blew up, it was tabletop RPGs and comic books. If it had happened earlier on, you would've seen all the nerds get into model trains or stamp collecting or something. Gamers are a symptom, not a cause.

You've got it backwards. Gamers are the result of society and women turning their backs on the average male. Men who have stable relationships and families to support simply don't have time to be hardcore gamers.

The average man has a much harder time finding a mate these days due to social media allowing women to accept only the best of the best. Combined with the fact that these men also saw the effects of divorce on their own fathers and themselves, they are naturally reluctant to have kids themselves. As such, they need something to fill the time, and games are cheap, low risk, and fulfilling enough.

Gaming is just the current hobby. There was always a subset of men that couldn't get laid, admittedly its larger now, and they poured themselves into other hobbies. Astronomy, HAM radio, reading, hiking, woodworking, fixing cars. Video games are another hobby.

Gaming is normalfag shit now. Everyone is a gamer now.


How is that not hate speech?
Why is it okay to shit on men but if the sugar addicted hambeast is female then she's proud and powerful?

>why yes, i do play eve online
>why yes, i do play cities skylines: console edition
>why yes, i do play historical total war
>why yes, i do play war thunder

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If you call yourself a "gamer" you need to be ear tagged and caged like the good cow person you are.

Have you played FFIX and RE4 yet chad?

That’s a jew.

Fuck no
Iv never liked Japanese games. Souls being the exception

birth rates have dropped because nobody wants to have kids because, for the first time in history, we have the means to not. why have kids if the government will give you a pension when you're too old to work? why have kids when you could spend your adult years on yourself? why have kids when they just keep you from doing everything you'd like to do in life?

modern life has given us so many options that kids just aren't a priority after a few generations of technological decadence

future gamer. cant you read?

why does the hair look fake and that a 17 year old zoomer/boomer/genxers

>forgetting about all the 100's of thousands of twitch streamers and youtubers who can just show themselves playing games to make money

The influx of roasties and used up women is what created the gamer epidemic.

this is literally gamer oppression

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It is because of faggots like op.