Let's use their propaganda against them

If this nigger can claim to have "Viking ancestors" due to his (((nationality))), by that logic mutt blacks can blame bong blacks for the slave trade.

Anyone Amerimutts here have a fake black twitter to get the shit storm going?

Attached: NWO_shillery.jpg (1187x531, 53.11K)

Other urls found in this thread:


Shut the fuck up.

Also, shameless self-bump

Attached: bump.jpg (1000x1080, 107.97K)

Anybody above 80 IQ doesn't buy this trash.

If there are any /draw/fags I could also use a picture of Jesus holding Mohammed and Abrahams hand (with Buddha and Brahma on the side), with a test underneath "Together we can coexist in peace". We can get the libtards to spam and share it everywhere, and hopefully the muslim chimp out might redpill a few normies on this coexisting in peace shit.

Attached: Coexist.jpg (368x223, 10.98K)

We're fighting uphill lad, we need anyone we can get.

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Solid proof that this has potential!

Why does nobody on Yas Forums seem to understand this fucking concept?

>Normies share image of religious figures holding hands, advocating for coexisting in peace
>Muslims chimp out at image of Mohammed, and start calling for beheading in Western countries
It's literally free redpills

Because crusades bad

The fact that he is allowed to say it publicly without push back is the real blackpill here.

Truth and lies cannot coexist.
You have to choose.

Attached: IMG_3547.jpg (1920x1186, 942.06K)

If there's enough of a shitstorm, some European governments might make pictures of Mohammed illegal as it's (((hate speech))). A Sharia law is adopted by a European government. The normie bell curve shifts a little to the right.


There's always been stupid niggers. Why do you think nigger music is pushed so hard in the US. Because without it they have nothing. It's like those memes of schools electing potato window licking prom queens and queens because they feel bad for them. The real problem is this "everybody's special" mentality. No, if somebody's inadequate they don't deserve to be held in high standing for being inadequate.

Will some Viking kindly knock this nigger's teeth out.

I feel like most people on Yas Forums don't have the cognitive capacity nor forethought to actually make a difference in their fucking community. If you want to stop degeneracy you have to take these small steps.

To illustrate: Go to your local gay pride parade and picket the degeneracy. When people call you out for being a homophobe, tell them you support gay rights and shit, you're just against adult sexuality juxtaposed against children attendees, or in public during the day time. If there's action done against it, picket against tax payer funding for pride, etc.

You have to use the slippery slope in the other direction.


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Checked, not a bad idea Hans

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No u

A lot of slaves in the 1800's were not captured, but bought, from African slave traders. They were put from one set of chains to another. Africa sold its' own people and if you look at Africa today it is still going.

did vikangz fly planes back then?

do you honestly think this will have any affect? how new are you? these things have been tried a million times. you think youre the first genius to come up with this idea? fucking retards

There are gay groups against pride parades:


It's called realpolitik. Work with them to stop the parades, until you don't need their help anymore.

These ideas could work, and will subtly shift the bell curve in our favour:




You can argue that homosexuals have fought for decades to not be seen as perverts and paedophiles, and every year a bunch of queers embarrass the gay community by acting out the stereotype.

Compare it to a black pride parade invoking all of the most horrific stereotypes about blacks (gang bangers eating fried chicken).

Wipe out pride parades, and the world gets just a little less degenerate.

Didn’t turkroaches get rangebanned?

>"Viking ancestors"
How about 'we wuz pharaoz'?

Attached: nefertiti.jpg (200x321, 7.35K)

>not making a commercial about african airline
>What is african culture? Absolutely nothing.
>White blonde guy saying we sre no better than our zulu ancestors
Its like you are not even trying.

I don't really live near anywhere where this shit happens. The only thing crazy that happened near me was the guy who took his AR into a walmart and the leftist manager started telling everybody there was an active shooter. 20 years old and they tried to hit him with a felony terrorism charge.

Instead he got "let off light" with "two years of probation, receive firearm training and participate in a victim-offender dialogue session where he hears about the impact his actions had on some victims."

So instead of letting him go he got blamed for the manager and the off duty fireman that pulled a gun on him calling the police and saying there was an active shooter. There's not really much I can do about that. Especially when they really kept it hush hush after people were mad about it.


Another idea I've posted a few times on Yas Forums.

Everyone keeps talking about xenoestrogens creating trannies, faggots and numales. It's causing testicular cancer in hwite males at five-fold higher levels than in other races. It's feminizing and weakening men sexually, physically and mentally.

No-one gives a fuck at protecting men. So what do we do?

We increase normie awareness about these endocrine disrupting chemicals causing cancers in women, how North American indigenous populations are particularly exposed, how they're damaging the environment (species are going extinct because of them). They're also "obesogens" in that they promote weight gain. If that doesn't get women to join the fight against testosterone-destroying chemical companied, I don't know what will.

Ew someone get the bug spray

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I remember seeing a German kid here with pronounced bitch tits last year. Wtf are you guys eating down there?

that's gay af.

Still, when it comes to the right to bear arms, that's more of a US issue. Sweden has its grenade attacks, the UK stabbings, but we have a pretty low homicide rate here in the fatherland.

The fight against degeneracy is a war fought by all nations.

That nigger claiming viking ancestry is still the dumbest shit I've ever seen

Remember when we used to discuss politics and link articles you unbelievable faggot

>Jesus holding Mohammed and Abrahams hand (with Buddha and Brahma on the side)
>We can get the libtards to spam and share it everywhere, and hopefully the muslim chimp out
Or it will simply advertise religious tolerance and ecumenism. False flag propaganda is shit. Just tell the truth, and who isn't woken up by the truth isn't worth waking up.

Attached: lemmings_dr_william_pierce.png (1468x7317, 792.33K)

Dude, these chemicals are fucking everywhere, all the way to the fucking Arctic. Do you have any idea how much PCB is in your fiskefilet?

The ramifications of public degeneracy, mass immigration and feminization of the male populace have political ramifications, you 56% dolt. Yas Forums should also be a place for discussing modes of action


>Implying the muslims would laugh it off

Summer came early this year

Attached: jesuischarlie.jpg (1482x834, 188.16K)

Uh, oh.

Attached: Dl-PCB_beschriftet.svg.png (1024x759, 74.86K)

Dude, some of the most pioneering researchers and theories on endocrine disrupting chemicals are Danish. Denmark is pretty hard hit.

Shit, makes me want to reconsider staying here.

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There's plenty of liberals among muslims too. They are the worst kind actually, because liberalism is a greater threat to the survival of the white race than radical Islam. Summer came early indeed.

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Why do they always use the ugliest fucking apes for this propaganda? They aren't satisfied just trying to program us. They have to insult and humiliate us as well.

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The moment they can make a superior claim to their ancestry they will take it.

Don't abandon your land. You have to stand and fight. The fight involves education and spreading awareness. With enough red pilled normies on the (((chemical companies))) there will be enough momentum for action.

>pic related: this guy literally wrote the book on testicular dysgenesis syndrome

Attached: Niels_Erik_Skakkebæk.jpg (160x200, 13.15K)

Too bad that’s above average now.

Two retardations don't make a smart.

>Don't abandon your land. You have to stand and fight.
You're telling me to fight for a country that treats me like a second class citizen because I'm a white male? No thank you.

Nice theory except homosexuality is intrinsically disordered and degenerate. You can't separate homosexuality from pedophilia or promiscuity or drug abuse or suicide, etc, etc. It's all a package. The faggots who pretend to want a more normal, moderate image are the your high functioning perverts who have learned to present a relatively "safe" image that normal people can become accustomed to.

you can add stuff like

>Im black and I have an iPhone, I benefited from slavery #metoo benefited from slavery and highjack the #metoo hashtag

Where else are you going to go. Greenland?

Can't tell if trolling or if genuinely retarded. I am well aware of the information in your post. The states of Western civilization in the current year occurred over decades in small steps. If you want to shift society in the other direction, it requires small steps. Let's look a pride parades:
>Adult sexuality in public around children is degenerate
>The queers on the floats damage the public image of gays
>Pride parade shouldn't be publicly funded
>Corporations sponsoring pride parade nonetheless have homophobic practices

The ultimate goal is end up will an annual party in the gay village, far away from your wife's son.

>testicular dysgenesis syndrome
Oh no, as if I didn't have enough nightmare material.
>Testicular dysgenesis syndrome: an increasingly common developmental disorder with environmental aspects: Opinion

Attached: ap,550x550,16x12,1,transparent,t.u10.png (549x413, 100.56K)

I'm currently writing my Master's on endocrine disrupting chemicals and neurodegenerative disorders. When I have the time I'm going to start doing weekly red pill threads on it.

Shits fucked yo

Something like this?

Attached: SAS.jpg (431x348, 39.92K)

Nowhere, I'll just embrace the end. Society has taught me that I am expendable, not allowed to have feelings, not allowed to have equal rights to women, not allowed to be who I want to be, not allowed to be anything else than a robotic automaton that shits out money, not allowed to defend myself if I am attacked, not allowed to think freely.

You will have other Scandinavians calling bullshit, but we are the most indoctrinated society on the earth. They don't like to question various laws like:
>Not allowing to defend yourself if your life is in danger (call the police instead, because you totally have time for that)
>If Mohammed cums in your girlfriend and then fucks off, you are now legally obstructed to have any say whether or not you are the father if she decides the kid needs a father
>If Mohammed cums in your wife and then fucks off, you are now legally obligated to be the father, no matter what.
>Under extreme scrutiny from everyone if you actually show feelings or emotions as a man in society, let's not get into the hypocrisy of them constantly trying to goat into actually showing feelings. When you do it, you are called a loser, bitch, etc.
>Conscription without question for men, everytime you bring up this inequality, you are socially ostracized.
>You can have companies with more than +100 women, but the second you make a start up with +10 men, you come under scrutiny for not being diverse. This is also true if you dont have a woman employed in a position of power.
>Women-only cafés and workshops on universities, not allowed to have men-only anything.
And thats just some of the legal things, let's not get into the social stuff like how your average clueless bimbo get's straight A's with zero apparent effort.

What kind of a fucking retard thinks you can move society back in small steps? That's their strength, not ours. If you think you can ally with moderate homos your Overton Window has already been shifted and they have already won. The Hegalian Dialectic favors their strategy every single time. When you think you are winning, it just means you have lost a little and won nothing while they have won a little and lost nothing. Normalizing "moderate" homosexuality is the best possible example I could give you on this. It's already been done with drug use, pornography, Satanism, prostitution, faggotry... ten years from now you will be normalizing "moderate" pedophilia and giving us a tedious lecture about moving society back in small steps. Fuck your small steps. Your small steps are leading you to the gallows.

whats this?

Tippiest toppiest of keks

yeah, fuck it

wew lad


wtf is this lmao