Why westerners blame Chinese for eating bats when they eat pigs?
Why westerners blame Chinese for eating bats when they eat pigs?
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Chinks eat pigs as well
Because pigs were specifically made by allah for humans to eat them
Hence why it doesnt cause diseases like eating bats does
>Why westerners blame Chinese
I only blame the jews.
I blame globalization...
> Westerners eat pigs
> Chinks eat more pig per-capita than any nation.
pigs are farmed in safe conditions. bats are literally taken from dung filled caves
Pork is a luxury item in China, as are bats
Well, for one, westerners don’t eat wild pigs like that one unlike snake eyed Chinks eating wild bats
because the jews tricked the west into eating pork and going to hell
Chang here, I eat both.
bats are trash animals
you're not supposed to eat trash animals or you get chink aids
... Pushed by jews (okay mostly anglos at first, but glamorized by jew media)
>implying stupid black people at Fort Detrick didn't cause the pandemic
Very clever, rabbi. I'm impressed. How the Chinese managed to beat the jews to 5G, we'll never know.
Negro del cazzo!
Da che parte stai?
Chinese TORTURE animals to make it “taste better” and make pepe grow. These people deserve the global shame. Meme this degenerate behavior out of their culture.
we don't blow torch them in the face & start eating them when they're still alive
>westerners don’t eat wild pigs like that one
we actually do
and that's a good thing
wild boars (actual ones: not merryhogs) are fucking delicious (just don't undercook them)
Bats are just squirrels that were orphaned when they were young, and have now grown up with mass amounts of wealth and a vigilante crime fighting complex.
Havent europeans eaten pigs since roman times?
with apple&shrooms?
I like boar ribbs. But to be honest the quality of boar meat has gone down a lot. 20-30 years ago it was great. now boars stopped eating normal stuff, and they just attack the american corn we have to plant. They start to taste more and more like regular pigs
they have eaten them or boars since there was boars in europe, so we ate them for around 40k years.
>They are natural reservoirs of many pathogens, such as rabies; and since they are highly mobile, social, and long-lived, they can readily spread disease. In many cultures, bats are popularly associated with darkness, malevolence, witchcraft, vampires, and death.
Because eating pigs didn’t just cause a global pandemic that crippled the global economy and will likely kill millions in the years to come.
We cook our food first you primitive fucking nigger
Chinks eat more pork than anyone else. Are they saying people shouldn't eat pigs?
t. Mahmoud abdulaziz al itali
yes, plus potatoes, laurel, thym and green pepper (shrooms baked apart, for me, but in the oven too, in butter; know people spreading parmesan on shrooms too, but they must be hiding things, because I can't reproduce their ways)
they still taste fine, here, desu
Mamma guarda, un ricchione!
Coping but, drowning...Wuhan-Wop
what about Bear Grylls, i guess he taught the chinese
Chinks eat pigs too. It would be easier if you list things they don't eat.
yeah we don't use cheese here either. Sometimes some people like to make a cream souce.
the new boars don't taste bad, they just don't taste like boars did 20 years ago. back then they ate meat, nuts etc. now they are on a majority american corn diet. Some people even like it because the meat is "sweeter" and not as meaty.
i would fuck that son of a bitch
>son of a bitch
its not a dog baguette
yeah, fresh cream (thick, very fat) is a basis, here, since I'm Normand
we put it in everything, really (particularly me, since I have a problem with casein: not intolerant to lactose, just to non fermented milk protein; I even use fresh cream for mashed potatoes : makes them tastier too)
for boar, and roasted meat, in general, a few big spoons to thicken the sauce, at the end of the baking (just make it melt once the oven is shut down, but sill warm)
also, don't you have much woods anymore?
we still have a lot, and boars forage a lot in there (though they do ruin crop fields: that's the pretext to killing as many of them as possible; whatever we do, they'll always still be far too numerous, anyway)
he cute
we have woods, a lot of them too. but them pigs be smart. They hide in national parks and state owned woods where no one, but the state can chase or hunt them(and Poland has very few hunter or people with weapons to begin with). The boar bros are smart, they learned that eating corn makes them grow faster. 20 years ago, there was one litter per year. now there is two. sometimes year old pigs get preged. And because the retards in our goverment decided that the main target of shoting should be old boars(male), then there is nothing to stop the yearlings from fucking in the corn. And now that we don't get no winter, and because of plague no one is allowed to go in to forests, I wouldn't be suprised if boars, didn't start to breed three times a year.
20 years ago. a family group of 20 was considered big. I have seen 40+ ones with my own eyes. I had seen male yearling groups 20+ size. They are like locust. If locust could weight 60kg and jump 3 meters in to air.
do you make add bread to the souce or do you thicken it with flour?
ah, OK: here, they're considered as varmint, and it's open about everywhere all the time
if there's too many of them, hunting associations (landowner grouping, basically) are even fined, and have to indemnize the farmers
if there's too many, the state can even force us to organize what they call mandatory administrative driven hunts, lol
so even if they do ruin crops, there's still pressure on them
otherwise, I use flour to thicken wine sauce for such things as (first seared, but then) braised duck breasts (then cream, to soften it)
never do that for roasted meat, though: just melted fresh cream at the end for that (else, if too early, it turns to just more butter, basically, and it fails to thicken anything)
Weird animals aside, the main difference is that in the West we properly kill, skin, gut, clean and butcher our animals whereas in China they just toss whole live animals into the cook pot with all their fur, guts, head and all.
when they even cook it...
Pigs are bred to be eaten. Bats are flying rodents.
Maybe if they stored the bats, killed and ate the bats in a sanitary manner like we do pigs it’d be ok
And feed them human shit
china makes cooking oil from sewage water
> West; Slaughter, gut, skin, clean, butcher, season, cook to eliminate parasites
>China: sometimes eat it raw, rarely skin, rarely cook to safe levels, cook food alive, dont gut, dont skin, dont clean, dont butcher
Gee, I wonder why.
also, two litters evrey year indeed is a problem
1.5 in average per sow is already plenty, and more than enough to open hunt on them all the year
they must cause plenty of accidents too, left unchecked like that...
fucking hunting regulators: completely out of their minds, always, everywhere
Dogs are bred to be eaten in parts of the world
>in parts of the world
yes: retarded shitholes
Good goy
Pigs are great. Bats are not. We see what has caused a world wide epidemic of millions of deaths and possibly economic disaster for the planet.
chink with vpn detected. Grammar like bug eating, bat eating abomination
I'm vegetarian OP so I don't eat pigs either.
However, farm pigs/cows/chickens have been selectively bred for hundreds of years and have vaccines against diseases. They are very safe compared to bats.
You can grow nightshade. Doesn`t mean you should cook it and eat it. Dumb unintelligent fuck. People like you where the ones who died first before 1800`s. No you are lucky some systems keep you from killing your stupid ass self.
Both aren't fit for consumption, but at least normies aren't skinning, boiling, and eating animals alive. Kys Chang
My god they're animals
My people, minority Christian's in Iran loves to eat wild boar. That's all we could acquire illegaly, by hunting them. Eating pork is not a western thing...
Also, fuck you chink.
>pissing in an ocean of piss
boys are we about to take down the chinese communist party? lmao. when will they learn?
Chink hate, nigger hate, any race hatred = psyop. Imagine letting chink toon forum shapes the way you think.
I thought pigs were people punished to be pigs, and also so cannibals had an alternative to humans.
>Why westerners blame Chinese for eating bats when they eat pigs?
One is a domestic animal, bred and raised in a controlled environment with access to a veterinary. Should a disease break out, the animals either get treatment or are destroyed to prevent spreading to humans.
The other is a wild animal, could have been anywhere, could have eaten anything, can carry any possible disease or parasite, ...
It's about quality control.
>look I created a world where animals kill eachother and then I make them feel guilty about it. It's THEIR fault not mine. What do you mean I created this world and the conditions of it and thus am to blame for all negative conditions? SHUT UP WORM
>Why you brame China?
>China no bad guy!
But I cook the my meat at 185F to kill the mean germs that might make me sick.
>what is swine flu
hey pastanigger, you realize they eat pigs too?
pig are the cleanest leanest meat you can eat. As long as you cook it right, it safer than beef.