Guys, wtf, the 5G conspiracy is actually real

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What's the conspiracy?
I'm not watching a video. Use your words like a fucking adult.


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The the RF spectrum used in 5G is either 1) capable of damaging human DNA and\or 2)mind control.

Personally, I think it's bullshit. It's all well below 100Ghz, which 'should' be well below having any effect on us. Lower than visible light etc, so less frequency than a light bulb shing light on you.

I'm no expert, but I don't see how it could be harmful, or at least any more harmful than RF tech we already use.

Wow mommy issues much?

dude we are all fucked anyways...who the fuck cares. Stop bitching world is fucked. Your fucked. Im fucked. Were all fucked.

trannies gonna delete this


Why do you love 5g so much? How does it improve your life?

Silence JEW SHILL fucking (((kike)))

based IQ person

Yep, if it's dangerous, then so was 4G.
People "selling" this as something new that started with 5G.
NOW it's dangerous, NOW it's a weapon, but 4G was perfectly fine.
They are probably both fine but time will tell.

i can't believe this is gettin censored even on Yas Forums

fuck jannies

if its 5G, can explain death in the non coverage areas ?
there you go, 5G conspiracy down the drain

thanks for the white pill, user

you know what is damaging to human DNA? The sun. You know what else? Food and exercise.

>china turns off 5G
>zero new deaths today
sounds legit

>I'm no expert
>Personally, I think it's bullshit

>bitch chute

Do you actually know the difference between 4G and 5G?

5G is 100 times more powerful.

It's a typical 'muddying the waters' technique. It pools conspiracy minded people into one big group so when highly uninformed assumptions like these come out, it makes other associated theories seem ridiculous too

Clever. Did you think of that all by yourself? You sure put me in my place, user.

Prove it


Doesn't matter. If it belongs to the chinks it should be burned down regardless.

Attached: chinks spreading virus 06.webm (406x720, 1.42M)

what a surprise, flat earthers dont think bacteria exist

how do they get so dumb?

what if this 100ghz number itself is bullshit? we really don't need that tech so there's something fishy.

>reddit spacing

Thank you.
I say bullshit also, especially on the mind control front. I don't know a ton about how organic matter is affected by radiation, but I expect that these are not frequencies that we should worry about.

I state that I am not claiming to be an accredited expert in radio frequency technology, but based on my personal experience and knowledge I don't believe it to be true. What's wrong with that Hanz? Too honest?

Couldn't it mess with the microbiome in our guts? If it can go through walls - it can go through our bodies..

do u know the sunlight can be both waves and particles depends on frequency?
fukcing idiot

>I'm not watching a video.
>asks someone else to act like a fucking adult

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ITT: german who started the 5G posts a while ago attempts to pass as a random user.

Do you know the differenc between flat earth fags and you? Flat earthers still can think for themselves :^)

Might give cable some competition for broadband and save me money on internet, at the current rate it's going I'm never getting fibre.

Don't ask me how internet improves my life ...

Again, I don't know. I have thought that possibly the 'capability' of 5G is the danger, not the RF itself. Meaning, with the technology, and maybe a new messaging protocol they could deliver different types of data on the signal

good job dummy

>I state that I am not claiming to be an accredited expert

The 60GHz is the issue, not necessarily 5G.If you watch Dana Ashlies original video, also on Bitchute now.

5G uses 100x more power.
That is the real problem.
5G needs a LOT of energy to feed.
Electricity is gona be the new oil after they fake bomb oil drills

Heliocentrists don't believe in math

does anyone else ever get violent thoughts when they see a woman like whenever i see some fucking thot sticking her ass out wearing almost nothing obviously vying for attention and wanting to be desired, i find it hard to stop myself from daydreaming about bashing her smug fucking whore face in with a fucking golf club, watching her expression go from that fake "trying to be cute" face they all make to fear and then horror as she starts screaming and pleading with me before i hit her again and knock the wind out of her disgusting whore body, her screaming turns to frantic gurgling as i keep bashing her stupid fucking face in over and over until even that subsides, she's unrecognizable her head is a bloody bubbling pulp, all shades of red speckled with bright white and soggy grey littering her crushed cranium alongside tufts of her stupid fucking dyed hair jesus fucking christ i hate these people so god damned much i don't even want pussy from them i don't want their attention i don't want to be liked by these vile people they're disgusting, if one of them touched me i'd cut my fucking hand off i just want them to fucking DIE...

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no, they think by themselves, ignoring all data they cant gather from their basement, or from other faggots in their own basements

flat earth is just as bad as trannies and feminism, its what happens when a society gets decadent to the point of having no standards.

A 5G tower just flew over my house!

Cellphones themselves aren't fine user. iPhone manuals say to keep your phone 5-8 inches away from your body. They're inherently dangerous and can't be banned because too much money is at stake. Kinda like cigarettes.

Dude is right. No one wants to watch these stupid conspiracy theory videos.

New Orleans

You are stuck in a loop of illogical fallacies that were meant for stupid people as yourself.

If they were so safe why did they roll them out with ZERO HUMAN TESTING...

kek, this schizo theory is so easily debunked with highschool physics

Problems with 5g

>Increases atmospheric radiation.

Ok maybe it's not at the dangerous wavelength levels, but you're increasing the amount of irradiated polution in the air. We may as well be under a microwave that's on all the time

>5g means you can't escape being connected.

If we get chipped, which you know is coming, "they"..whether it be the deep state, the government, the elite or whatever, will know where you are all the time. You can't turn it off like your phone or put yourself in do not disturb. Everyone will know where you are all the time. Good luck to those dealers, and cheaters, and anyone trying to get a bit or privacy, because that's done. Just look at the South Korean COVID tracking app. It warned you if you were in the vicinity of someone with COVID. Imagine having your herpes announced to a girl you were potentially trying to date, but now she knows to steer clear of you. Say goodbye to privacy

5g has been spoken about for at least 3 years. Only within the last year has it been considered conspiracy, now look where we are at.

It's being used to establish a social credit system in the US right now

Prove it that there is no infrastructure yet.

so this is the power of 5G, woah

Actualy based.
But gay/trans are much worse.
Mucho worse.

5g actually cleans the environment through ionizing the air. But this still creates ionizing radiation.

Actually look this shit up.

Only degenerates have herpes

Repeating the same debunked points they heard from schizos on youtube who's only academic credentials are that they film all their videos in front of a book shelf isn't thinking for yourself.

What is 60 GHz supposed to do except tickle? It has fuck all penetration.

That's right, bitch. I'm a busy person. Maybe when you move out of your mom's basement, you'll know what it's like to not want to unnecessarily waste time.

you are not the smart one in this conversation you smooth brain moron

Being condescending on 4chin doesn't really give you the high ground here, shill.

Your words are as valuable as youtube theorists. Get bent.

My 2 credit scores
I think 5G is already working.Full mode.
SIM card is our chip.
Credit score is going to be on the SIM card.

>no source
YouTube doesn't count as evidence, poltard tranny.

>complains about thots vying for attention
>posts a thot to get more attention

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Oh look the proxy shill is trying to be a bully.

Put your leash back on, mutt.

I know, but the association with Corona started, to my knowledge, with some German posting threads every day/few days, a few weeks (or longer, I don't remember) ago.

5G will be used by the good guys to vibrate humanity to the 5D realm

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You need to be around more niggers, user. All your rage will quickly shift to them. Women won't even register anymore.

But... radiation!!!!11!

Like how my cellphone cleanses my balls of sperm?

4G is dangerous. Look, this is easy. Look up RF frequency safety guidelines of USA, Rusia and other developed countries. They have minimum exposure limits of frequency and time.
Now buy a good RF metter, start measuring things and make your own conclusions.

Flag checks out. Aztec fucking psychos.

No it’s just fear mongering used by alex Jones to sell supplements.

5g is not dangerous you stupid cunt, imagine being so fucking retaohwhatthefucCckkASJDAJSDNKALKFJNALSKDJFNALDKJNSLKAJNLKAJGNG

I endorse this comment.

OP gives no recap, no playtime, no DL site, no info on who is behind the production.
Makes it look like a shill poison-well attempt.

And Glownigger videos are shit. Give me something I can quote.

Science always proves capitalism is bullshit after 20 years.

Meth, Heroin and Cocaine were all normally prescribed medicine for Americans not too long ago.

Asbestos was called safe at one point. As was lead paint.

100% of cancer causing shit today was used / consumed by Americans at some point.

Uranium. Mercury.

You think science always knows best? Wrong. We are always learning shit retroactive. After it's too late.

>not understanding that it deconstructs your DNA at an alarming rate
>not realizing the radiation can cause EMI within your neural pathways

I'm sure you are doing this to pump up that score but there are bigger fish to fry.

you get more radiation standing in sunlight

Based. Fuck thots

>5G will be used by the good guys
So they are evil

Most people don't realize it but Corona is potentially sterilizing anyone who gets it.

>american calling someone a mutt

its like pottery

5g cant penetrate walls, its one of the biggest issues with it. Thats why they have to use so many transmitters.
Worst technology of the decade. Investors selling a snake oil product. Better to keep improving 4g technology or else move to WIFI. 5g is just shit.

Take your meds schizo

You’re a puppet of people who are making money from all you idiots watching their YouTube videos.

>>not understanding that it deconstructs your DNA at an alarming rate
It doesn't. You have no idea how radiation affects your cells.

This is literally you you bald ugly fuck

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It seems the sheeple here defending 5g believe anything their authorities feed them.

Of course it is. The 5G thing follows the same pattern pizzagate did for years before people finally had no choice to admit it.

Would have bent her over the checkout booth and cuffed her like a real police officer. Look at her darting eyes trying to see a way out.

Not if it's being used to target you specifically. 5g was used as a military weapon so that they could target specific individuals in communities without instigating or harming those around said individual.

A lot of money is being used right now to make people even accept this technology when it id obvious why it is being used for. Just look at China.


If that truly is the case, it seems fairly easy to destroy those towers, and there is no way to make every nation build them, meaning safe zones exist.

What does Corona have to do with 5g?

Besides, that's unproven. I believe 5g is more of a danger to my balls than Corona is. Prove that it isn't

Well you are speaking muttspeak. Maybe go work on your ching chong language and fuck off.

>>china turns off 5G

It's technology, like guns and computers.

The problem is not radiation, it's RF and electromagnetic exposure. People demand speed, and to do that we put more and more towers. The safety controls on those instalations are lacking. Many places use old tech that is not properly regulated.
I'm not talking bullshit. Read about official safety protocols and measure things yourself. If you live near a tower, you can find the levels of RF going well above what a device can measure. I'm talking about mainstream safety measures and RF science, not some random information about the internet, but you have to check yourself.

No strings attached to me

>Mexican intellectuals


That Smuggie is absolutely 100% the correct opinion to have in clown world

There are different typed of radiation and guess which one 5g gives off?

Ionizing. As it literally ionizes the air to make a connection.

Based retards destroying communicatio while cov-19 destroys the humans race. Now we just need Yellowstone to blow up

Bigly if true

or they understand how radio waves work, and have an actual education, not just info fro schizos on youtube retards like yourself watch the buy into 100% and discredit any other information they encounter after the fact.

You'll realize soon enough that men won't be able to procreate anymore due to the "virus".

You’re literally glowing

>Airborne contagious viruses do not exist
Okay mate

you dont even know how fucking stupid you sound

>anybody who speaks against me is completely stupid cuz I iz smarter
If only you knew...

You have no proof, just accusations. The military was created to protect people from those who would make weapons to kill civilians. The level of stupidity and disrespect for the men and women in the military is shameful. You think they’re all going to follow orders if they’re told to kill their own people? You obviously don’t know anyone who’s ever been a soldier.
They’re good people who put their lives at risk to help people who need them, and they fight the kind of evil that uses children as suicide bombers.

good one sanchez

Oh sorry, let me sound like a give a fuck what a shill thinks so you can say the same.

Ps. Fuck you :^))

Got a source on 5G being ionizing?

>hi guyz I’m gay and my butt is frothing because of how mad I am that the world is imperfect and full of niggers and psychos
That’s what you sound like. There is no excuse for not having enough knowledge about the world so as to not have an opinion

Is it 60ghz for real? Has that shit been tested??

that would imply you think the CCP is telling the truth about death tolls, and only a legit brainlet would think that, disproving any opinion you have on anything.

i dont care it make my internet gooder fuck you nigger