The south is gonna starve to death. Meanwhile I get to live like a king and work from home in my California Suburb

The south is gonna starve to death. Meanwhile I get to live like a king and work from home in my California Suburb.

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>the south
>just Florida
>living in California
Not even trying.

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some nice cars waiting in line there for free food because their so poor. Could it maybe, just maybe, be that they can afford food, but hey, this food is free.

Free food, cheap gas, and nothing better to do. Why not?

I’m in Florida
Everyone is fine.
Absolutely no breadlines anywhere but Miami. Miami is always full of shitheads.

Why do americans drive 50k+ cars to food banks cause they can't afford food. Have they considered that they maybe can't afford a car instead? Fucking dumb entitled Americans.

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The South is virtually food-sufficient outside of certain cash crops, what are you on about?
Meanwhile if the Midwest decides to throw a fit and keep its water all of SoCal dies of thirst

I sure the values of Californians are such that no one will be coming for your food stash, certainly not the government of a place like Kali!

Poor euro poor tax monkey

If this ever really kicks off West Palm is going to be the worst place to be in the entire country. Imagine suffering through a pandemic in the Florida summer with Florida demographics holy fuck

We are spread out we need cars its not a luxury. Good luck getting a job without one. This isnt Europe where you can bike everywhere.


Come talk to me come August when my maters and corn are getting ready. How many chickens you got? How many freezers? Got springs coming out of the ground already safe to drink? Can you moonshine? Do you own a scoped rifle?
I'm a redneck skater punk from back in the day, love Cali, Sublime, and Santa Cruz boards. But BTFO and come see me when you get hungry. I live 15 mins west of Atlanta. My backyard hits woods that connect to sweetwater creek state park, the creek and ruins you see in Hunger Games 2. We will float down those class 3 and 4 rapids and do some shoal bass fishing.

That yellow car looks like a mustang, top kek at driving a mustang to free gibs line.

Guaranteed it's almost entirely all non whites.

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will cost more in gas than the food is worth

50k can sure buy a lot of food. Anyone with a nice car should be denied, they don't need it.

Based. Too bad we will come in numbers rake your stuff and eat your body after roasting it over a fire


US gaz and car price is a joke compared to europe, and they cant live without it due to the nature of their cities organisation

Dont get to cozy there its only a matter of before someone hungry kicks in your door.

But non of the peasants can afford the food. I can with my fat tech sector paycheck. All the food grown in the Midwest and south still get sold to the West coast where we have tech jobs and actual industry. The corporations work for us.

Jaxfag here
How fucked am I?
>tons of niggers
>infrastructure of city is terrible
>no local woods to retreat into
>TONS of niggers

Das raysis

Are there tons of niggers?

>Have they considered that they maybe can't afford a car instead?

Yes, unfortunately.

Yes those morons should have expected a complete global economic shutdown when they purchased the car 2 years ago hahaha fucking smoothbrains

>Niggers are going to starve then start looting
Oh no, not the niggers.

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Buy a gun, retard.

I stopped at JAX to get gas at like 2am on my way to the keys. That was the worst decision of my life. That entire area is a ghetto, and filled to the brim with niggers. I quickly put 2 gallons in and stopped again about 75 miles later at a safer location.

Goodluck man, I hope you're heavily armed.

Nothing like this in Tampa or St. Pete. We did have a bunch of niggers hosting a block party on Saturday night complete with live DJ.

I would but I keep losing all my guns in freak boating accidents.

>breadlines to the horizon
What a third world shithole.

I thought I was the only one having that problem.

Hey dumb newfag link the fucking story.

>$40,000 car wastes $20 in gas to get $10 in free food
nuke everything south of the mason dixon.

Yeah good luck navigating those woods while we pick you off one by one

The South would take the temporary losses and keep its own fed before they sold out to Califags and saw their fields salted, trust me.

>$20 in gas t
Doubt it

But southerners don’t own the land or the crops. Monsanto does. Money talks. Go jerk off to one of your participation war memorials.

>Monsanto does
Del Monte owns the south you uninformed mongrel.

add a few hurricanes into the mix and we'll have a real show on our hands

I think it's actually
Packs of niggers

Same thing. They will take our money. You can’t do shit about it with your $7 minimum wage jobs.

Seek refuge on the naval base if it gets too bad.

Because they don't understand basic math especially exponents as they relate to interest and finance. All they know is "I can afford muh payment" and lack the ability to realize how much they are getting ripped off. They are also lazy as shit and don't want to have to repair anything like a used car.

I make $45 an hour with no college degree. If a person's ambition is to perform menial tasks and do nothing to improve themselves then they deserve to be ruled as serfs.

Yep, this is what happens when you vote against your own economic interests to own the libs.

other way around pierre for everything before the comma

Based. Mind if I join ya F-AM? Perimeter fag, but country boy at heart and birth.

Those niggas in the yellow corvette look hungry

Lmao meanwhile we comfy in Cali with minimal cases. Our biggest rival NY is now BTFO. Texas will fall as well. It will be the Californian Century.

>The South
C'mon, man. Only the panhandle can even be considered as Southern.
The spic and jew parts are fucked, though.

the south is waaaaaay in the lead for morbid obesity, they would literally be fine without food for 6-8 months

>Californian Century
Mexico will rise again!

goin' to the food bank in my sportscar

Good, confedercucks deserve it.

They're all bought with borrowed money, and it's like 25 % interest for the retards buying cars with credit cards.

California would be the first state to go complete anarchy at the drop of a hat.

Weed, alcohol, porn and video games are the only thing keeping your state stable... thats true everywhere right now.

Yet the south actually has less cases than the north. You blue devil yankees are finally getting pay back for burning down our corn fields and the dixie virus is killing nogs at a very high rate.

our jewed system is intentionally anti meritocratic. why do you think there is hard a barrier to entry for most white collar jobs selling kitchen supplies or whatever the fuck? the manufactured globalist egalitarianism by definition oppresses certain groups of people. they are victims, not groups to be lorded over or discarded

gas yourself.

Why is being a cuck so deeply ingrained into Californians?

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>why do you think there is hard a barrier to entry for most white collar jobs
Sounds like you haven't really figured it out yet.

>people who make the food are going to starve
>people who need to import fucking water because they refuse to accept they live in a desert are going to be fine

yes but you can drive a 15 year old camry instead of a new camaro

>The south is gonna starve to death.
They're all like 100 lbs overweight, unless food dries up for 6 months they'll be ok

This. Plus I bet they have $500/month payments and are underwater.

Do you really think that if things get so bad that a high percentage of people are going to be starving that your 'fat tech sector paycheck' is going to exist anymore?

you have no water in cali lol enjoy dying in less than a week

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>Cali dies off

Don't be a cocktease user

Kek at the camaro with racing stripes waiting in line for free food


what? NO! think of the chosen! we cant let them starve