Was legalizing cannabis a mistake?
No. Here in Colorado our roads, infrastructure, and schools got much needed upgrades. All due to the taxing of cannabis.
It makes even a low IQ idiots like he is interesting. So no.
Weeds great. Its like alcohol but 10% of the societal damage and 1% of the health problems. Just don't harbor degenerate passout stoner culture and its fine.
>Just don't harbor degenerate passout stoner culture and its fine.
Just like alcoholism there's always going to be people who overdo it.
Yes. It lead to more whites using it. The social costs have yet to truly be seen.
Marijuana is not alcohol you retard
>In b4 "acktually alcohol is like wayyy worse because Reddit said so"
People drink alcohol and don't get drunk. No one smokes weed to not get high
walking around Denver was pretty disgusting, junkies and bums lying in the streets everywhere
try going to any large city
Why can't US win war against illegal opiates? Or big pharma opiates labeled as "medicine".
What? You want people to go through this life sober, getting shat at, working to death, seeing society fall appart, all while people are applauded for being brown or having a pussy?
Nah, get fucked...
Uh I smoke weed in minuscule amounts because I have PTSD and it's the only thing that keeps the nightmares away. Fuck yourself nigger
Why smoke weed when you can pop sme xanax ?
Only weak fags need drugs to cope with life’s hardships.
>10% of the societal damage
if you're politically aligned with nationalism, marijuana is infinitely worse than alcohol. marijuana destroys western culture because it makes people soft and open to other ideologies
Marijuana has a more debilitating effect on you than alcohol.
It can destroy work ethic and make you docile.
Because weed is better.
Yeah, maybe that's true.
Still, doesn't change shit for me, but at least feeling slightly less depressed. Maybe i'll get in shape and go back to the army when the race war starts, but until then i'll blow my brain cells away and try getting NEETbux instead of working till bones break and muscles rip
True this. I've lost all passion for life since smoking. Doritos and gaming feels like sufficient filling for my soul. I know it's not. I've lost my human spark. But fuck it makes life easier
>implying they'd all get their shit together, get jobs, and get off the streets if only we had marijuana prohibition
Take the LSD pill
Have you spoken to professional? Cognitive behavioural therapy is very effective for long term mental health.
how much do you need to drink to pass out in the first place? 1L for a grown male isn't enough, unless he just drinks it one go. But then everything is fatal if ingested that way. It is practicaly impossible to get dead drunk unless your drinking for days, if not weeks.
I smoke fat nugs and I'm as stubborn as always. Not saying it's everyone's case, I see nothing wrong with legalizing the money the industry makes. Weed and alcohol are both great in different ways. A pot head and alcoholic are both terrible for society in different ways.
All drugs should be legal.
Don't see how this would change anything. Race war is the only hope for me. Last time i got into a huge fist fight and broke my fist at some upper middle class shits heads i felt significantly better for almost a year.
I want the race war and you want it, too
legal weed sucks it just sits around on the shelf getting stale and the state charges 40%+ taxes so no one can make any money and businesses are constantly failing.
no, we noticed no difference at all
in less than 2 years we have passed from illegal substance to essential
lying sack of shit
wrong, it is all by yourself, not the plant
>Blaming inanimate objects instead of choices
No these useful idiots spend an ungodly amount on that shit and the taxes we collect help real humans.
Dont be a degenerate pothead.
You might as well capitalize potheads because if you dont they will just buy it illegally anyways
Tax that shit
alcohol as bad as it ism the alcoholics i know still work, the weedheads not so much
I'm cursed with life crippling stage freight. Have always had it. I get anxiety from the thought of having anxiety and it just continuously builds up until I go to public speak. I thought about microdosing LSD to see if it changes my perspective on the situation and corrects it
Yes and so was the internet
Yeah, why use drugs when you can have a nerve breakdown and go church church on your issues.
Plants aren’t inanimate objects, you shit headed retard. You should know by your flag.
You were always a lazy person. Stop blaming weed for your lack of character
You’re a fucking dummy, people suck and we aren’t children, shut the fuck up wanna be rino fag. Jew Shapiro and fag Crowder help you form your opinions?
So where does all the money from other taxes of not for infrastructure?
Taxes such as Sales tax, Income tax, Property tax, Road tax, Death tax, Toll tax Corporate / Bussiness tax etc?
Aren't they enough to fix roads and shit?
They do. I hate those fucking shills, even though I'd agree on many things they propagandize. Lying by omission to keep the certain narrative is the instant turn off.
marihuana wasn't even legal /broadly consumed when communism and other radical forms of postmodernity raised. You took to much of the stormnigger pill i think, without doubt alcohol is more degenerate than weed.
>All due to the taxing of cannabis
The goverment can just print money
This guy is pretty funny he's like the rain man of weed.
All gas no breaks! My nigga.
Lmfao all the roads are still shit the schools are still begging for cash and the bridges are still crumbling. What the duck are you talking about
>What the duck are you talking about
El mutto
Nope it was legal back in the super macho “Wild West”. Along with literally every other drug known to man like heroine, cocaine, meth(not developed til the later end of the “wild western” days say 1890’s in Japan). If the drug existed and you had the money or the furs to trade for it it was yours. This is before the Jews overran the nation and made cash and money the only means of trade.
Average citizen had heroine or morphine sitting in their medicine cabinet like it was an over the counter. Addicts weren’t addicts back then, they were seen as just useless fuckheads who cares more about their dope or booze than anything else. You’d just spit your dip at them like they were a spittoon when they asked your for changed then stomp them with your spurred boots. When never used to be the control freak police state on drugs and alcohol like we are today. We all used to be free to choose our poisons in life and reap what we sowed. Also we didn’t fear cartels and drug lords because they didn’t have a monopoly on the drug trade. Also we kept anyone who would take up such a trade in their place at the bottom of our spurred boots.
there are a lot of programs for the illegals, healthcare, schooling etc. Someone has to pay for it.
Juicy booties
This is the true, an grandpa was telling me how they've ate and smoked cannabis back in the day, he was surprised when was made illegal in sixties because his parents consumed it as well. I personally blame US for this, fucking retarded country. Imposing imperialism onto whole world, they've all had to adopt it. And then you hear so many dying from legal drugs larping "medicine".
Its obviously autocorrect
>hurr durr money machine goes brrrrr
Inflation only works alongside the population if they print to much of it will be to bloated to be worth a damn sort of like coins that are damn near disposable now
Sounds like the whigger adopted nigger culture.
Yes, it should have simply been decriminalized. By making it legal they basically said it's okay to smoke, when it's not.
Weed is my best friend through all of this. It's legal here in Illinois but I'd be smoking regardless
Criminalizing it was, had it never been illegal in the first place the 'sub culture' that grew around it would have been dramatically different.
Same. I'm not going to use the term PTSD but maybe the 4 trips to the sand box have attributed to me being an iritable bastard. When I can get just a little high, it makes me a tremendously better person. Workouts are better, time with anyone around me is tolerable and I'm not a huge dick to them. I drop 15-20 lbs due to not drinking anymore. It's a true wodner drug
Whole west adopted nigger culture that music corporations are pushing, hows the music in Germany btw?
Lol Terps 2020
no he is high IQ
It gets worse everyday... turks, arabs who brainwashing youth in this gangster lifestyle.