One of the biggest problems with the dissident right now...

One of the biggest problems with the dissident right now, something that everyone from Millennial Woes to Jared Taylor have noticed, is that it attracts people who revel in being socially outcast.

The left has been winning because they were "fitting in" and then very subtly and incrementally subverting the culture once they got into positions of power. That's how they took over academia, by fitting in socially, getting into hiring positions, then hiring SJWs who frame the key message in terms of acceptable discourse and giving no room to the right. Same with the mainstream media, same with the social media, same with journalism....etc.

What the right needs to do now is infiltrate new media and subvert but it refuses to do so. Rather than taking a look at Reddit, Youtube, Facebook, Twitter...etc and saying "Hey, we should fit in and become mods there and then take over by removing the left wing posters and pushing our own message in subtle, intelligent ways", the right retreats to Yas Forums and jerks itself off on how gay mainstream sites are and how cool you are to be the few in this echochamber.

But its too stubborn and too in love with the image of itself being some enlightened misfit class apart from this globohomo culture, the individualist narcisism of wanting to be excluded from society as a badge of honor.

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Other urls found in this thread:

cool prostitutes.

Satan controls all the academia, banking, finance, politics and religion

It's more of a lack of need to control other people.

And this.

Their butts are garbage.
I'm not the least bit envious of spending tons of money on remarkably average looking skanks.
Joke's on him.

Another big problem is how conservatives tend to think that they're above bread and circuses. They handed popular culture and mass media over to the leftists without any resistance.

That's greg lansky, the owner of BLACKED. Nothing triggers goyim more than seeing a beautiful young aryan babe getting her ass fucked by a bunch of savage negros.

Attached: greg-lansky.jpg (1442x1442, 483.73K)

Your going to have to wash that whole bench. All it takes is one rank pussy and you'll have to throw it out. Fucking waste of money.

>posting a jew
>degenerating white women

Ban Canada when?

Why would you copy the losing side?

Lmfao what is up with red bikini's ass it's like pointed. Ol conehead looking ass bitch

and needing to get paid 3x as much to lay down with animals.

Leftists are losers by nature. All the right needs to do is ignore them and they will collapse on their own.

You're retarded
These women are whores, hope they don't breed.
How exciting when we get invaded by 2070 by 1 billion African migrants

Jews are one of the fastest demographics disappearing due to miscegenation.

That image is peak America.

Wow you're such an info warrior look at all the important things you just posted yup the white race sure is safe now

The left is fitting in because it is winning

Look at his stinky fingernails all over this pure innocent aryan princess. That's art.

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this pic sums up the white "race"

realistically speaking none of that can make up for the hordes of jewish women getting straight up goyed at indiana university or wherever the fuck before they settle down with their nice curly headed beta provider they find on jdate in their 30s

True dis, I seen turkeys with rounder asses.

Ok Joomer

He's eating grapefruit with a... fork?
So this is the power of Jewish IQ

Agree 100%.

Whit 150$ i take better.

Oy vey

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>What the right needs to do now is
move to the forest, build a mathematically aesthetic cabin and send parcels to people while wearing sunglasses.

Not to worry. We'll convert your aryan finest. all the white trash that's left can go to the goyim.

>Supermodel Karlie Kloss converted to Judaism to marry Joshua Kushner

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Is this one of those anti-Semitic caricatures I keep hearing about

All women are prostitutes.
My brothers ex wife kept fucking him when she needed money even a decade after they divorced.

KEK. Jews make the best bait.

>dissident right

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i like his lifestyle (judging from the photos)
but i can't for the love of god see myself owning a porn studio with satanic agenda

asses or leg amputees.

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I’m dissident right and I fuck sluts all the time

Hell I’ve fucked 3 different sluts since lockdown

When you make an edit on wikipedia, it is instantly reverted.

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That halfling face always gives me a smile.
I never understood why people find that pornwhore attractive. The contrast between her dark eyebrows and bleached out hair makes her look like a clown. The only thing that looks nice is her pale white perfect skin... that looks too perfect, I wonder what would she look like without photoshop filters and makeup.

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So your plan is to black aryans then become aryans so you can get blacked? Just how badly do you want african cocks?

A very good leaf post. What we need to remember is that the path of “redpilling” everyone is not as daunting as it seems. There is not some giant horde of normies/lefties stubbornly set in their ways. The truth is most people aren’t into politics, don’t have strong convictions, and are easily swayed by the crowd. If you steadily replaced all the mainstream views with what’s normal here, they’d go along with it. It truly is about controlling the media and academia, not about spreading truth from person to person.

Those kind of clubbed fingers means he is already having cardiac issues

>What the right needs to do now is infiltrate new media and subvert but it refuses to do so

This can't be done fro many reasons.
1. It requires us to lie a lot. I couldn't live my entire social life based on lies. It's too hard.
2. The left is incredibly good at sniffing out our guys. There is a reason Ben Shapiro is considered a Nazi, because proximity to our view=our view in their eyes. They don't tolerate it in the slightest. Even views they tolerate like libertarians and constitutionalists get mocked constantly and excluded from the discussion anyways.
3. You would need to change the way you look to look like a leftist. You would need to starve yourself to get that slender faggy frame all those antifa homos get, you would need to get tattoos, piercings, dye your hair.
4. You would need to manage two lives. One life where you talk to your right wing friends, one where you talk to your left wing friends.

All of this leaves you no time for family, friends, or recreation. I instead suggest we move out into the country and start large families. We lay down our own cables and create our own internet. We stockpile on guns, ammo, vehicles etc... then we focus on giving each other money to buy up land and expand. We will need to somehow get an airforce, even if it's a primitive one, we need to start. This has to be a very long term plan. We have to be thinking 200 years in the future, not the next 4.

god I wish I was that bench

Not necessarily cardiac, but I saw that too. That nigger has poor health. The problem with them is that it doesn't affect their reproductive success. Probably already has several children

The problem is that there's no "right" or "left" any more. The left is now far left and the "right" is now left. They moved the goalposts to quell dissidents through censorship.

Clearly, your experience of the United States is a coastal experience.

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>needs a fork to eat a fruit
>not a single working scar on either of his hands
>girl in bathing suit is completely dry because the pool is only there for photo shoots
yep, it's a Jew.

trailer park genetics removed

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You have it the wrong way round. Their views are deemed socially unacceptable and they are ostracised for voicing them in public, so they are forced to be socially outcast.

The left doesn't "fit in" socially, they are simply indoctrinated by the media (intentionally). So you have that the wrong way round as well. They didn't infiltrate the media, their views COME FROM the media.

>4. You would need to manage two lives. One life where you talk to your right wing friends, one where you talk to your left wing friends.
There's right-wing Discords, aren't there?

God I wish I was that sofa

Being subversive kikes is unnecessary for the right since right wing thinking is inherently the default for humanity once shit actually hits the fan. Nationalism & ethnic loyalty have been hallmarks of the civilized world since the Treaty of Westphalia and the 19th century unification movements. Right wing ideas are rooted in history while left wing ideas are reliant on idealists and those willing to submit utterly to the passive, coddling security of authoritarian society. As a Libertarian Nationalist, it pisses me off that everyone on the right is assumed to be an authoritarian „Nazis“ which is just utterly ridiculous when you see Antifags and NPCs advocating/voting for authoritarian policies. The Day of Rope when.

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What is remaining from the left in mainstream is absolutely corrupted and not even leftist anymore

The same thing apply for the right in MS, they both serve the jew world order

People with strong beliefs just don’t want to compromise, that’s kind of autistic but it also the reason why all the ZOG media is so against us.

Also they use shame to keep the sheep in control, when a «normie like» far right will expose his views in public the effeminate shamer immediately try to destroy every social link this person has with others.

But this made us smarter, more subversive and adaptative because there is a very hard natural selection in place that in the long run make us stronger

You cannot undo years of brainwashing. The damage is done. If you tell a leftist the sky is blue they will go outside point upwards and tell you its red.

The only way to undo the brainwashing is killing. Once the generation of weakness has been purged from earth we can start anew.

Yea but you can't actually say anything. Use telegram instead.

Be in the world but not of the world. The Christ would be considered, to you, a social misfit who does not want to fit in. His message got out there.

That only works because of virtue signalling and veiled threats.

Going the opposite direction has none of that. You can't push racial realism while crying that everyone is being an insensitive racist white male.

Out of all that things in this picture that I'd like to have, I think the pipe is the one that I'd like the most. It's a Boswell pipe, they're not even expensive or hard to get. His looks unused. Pity.

I consider myself dissident right and I fit in just find. I think you’d be surprised how many people like me there are. We are building up our presence in positions of power as we speak

and nothing reveals the demented mind of the satanic kike more than one opening its mouth

This--just replace IU with MICHIGAN from my experience

Don't need a noose from that high up. You gonna fuck up your helicopter. You Germans should know not to be so wasteful, there are lots more commies out there.

You see the world by the ZOG media prism, it will eventually cause your downfall

Generation Z is waking up FAST to the jew problem, soon your country will be nuked out of the earth and the crater left will be called the «see of reconciliation»

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i'd like to have the lake. stupid kike.

Lmao how many times do I have to see this? Women barely convert to satanis- I mean judaism.