What will happen next friday?

what will happen next friday?

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q tards need to fucking die



just go in another thread faggots

So declassified in 3 days?
Should be good frens

take your meds

>Trump said the number 500 once
>That means Q is confirmed and his post number 500 i important and true.
Jesus fucking christ just how mentally ill are you people?

everyone is kill

Fucking Qtard!

Aleyums. Calling it now

>gotta shill fast

im asking, im still on the fence t b h

Jesus dies. But don't worry, he'll be back next Sunday.

The same thing that happens every time Q predicts a happening. Nothing happens and 2 days later a new date a month or two from now starts getting posted.


Hasn't Q posted like 5000 times? Has literally anything fucking happened? Name one thing that has happened and I'll shill Q everyday for a week.

When 4/11 comes and nothing happened: will you stop?

>When shills are accusing you of shilling

the upcoming Friday isnt called 'next Friday' it's called simply 'Friday.' Next Friday would be the Friday after the one coming up.

but you are though

Q fags are worse than discord trannies, chink shills, and jews put together

Funny how you faggots don't do this in all the blacked threads or is coffee good threads or other shit threads. Fuck, you anti-Q faggots are worse than the Qtards by far.

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just you wait ag barr is going to drop the six million sealed indictment bunker busters on the child trafficking tunnels any day now and blow this whole elite child sacrifice drug harvesting operation wide open
did i mention i am very sane

probably nothing, but here's to hoping.
its all so tiresome

nothing. as always. nothing.

alternatively "this coming Friday" or just "this Friday"

If you wanted to get specific Good Friday

yes i swear, this is my first and last thread


look at the mirror...or should I say look at the looking glass am I right qoomer?

>Name one thing that has happened
Jeffrey Epstein was arrested and put in one of the most secure watched places in the world and "killed himself" and his island was subsequently raided and recorded by people with drones and Ghislaine Maxwell fled to Israel after making some weird photos at In-n-Out burger and Prince Andrew gave a cringe interview regarding his associations with Epstein and subsequently withdrew from public life.

That's one happening.

trust. the. plan.

Holy shit, THANK YOU.

People can’t follow simple grammar logic anymore.

sorry im french


Oh shit! China is about to experience shock and awe!

va t'en tarlouze

Pee pee poo poo

You are the biggest retards in all of history. True schizos seeing patterns in nothing. I hope when this is all over and you realize what a mental midget you are you'll take one for all of humanity and neck yourself.

Pony Express, get with the times.

Is this... Is this what a typical Q post looks like?

Holy fucking shit this guy makes nostradamus look like he was predicting that the sun would rise tommorow. You can get literally fucking anything you want out of that nonsense post.

yeah it's kind of confusing and that logic really only applies to days of the week.

literally nothing.

Yeah, that is weird. But did Q say this would happen? Has he mentioned epstein?

I guess I just fail to understand why people believe Q is anything other than a larp. Is there any proof at all that he might actually maybe be a part of thhe Trump team?

>you're glowing if you're not on the bandwagon piling on the Q threads while innumerable other slide threads don't get the same treatment
kys frog

The plan is to protect Kushners pedo blackmail ring. He's a handler for people like Trump and so is Dershowitz. You'll notice how quickly Barr, who also is connected to Epstein, got the story completely buried so it could never be connected to their goy puppet POTUS

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>what will happen next friday?
1987th anniversary of the murder of our saviour

i guess its just about the date, i swear if nothing happens on the 11 ill become a tibetan monk

Hark tuesday.
And noteth when Tuesdays gone.
Gone with the wind ya

What will happen if you believe and it turns out not to happen? Doent hurt to have faith in the plan. It's all for us.

DEFCON1 = the most righteous vengenance on our globalist overseers
We all niggers, to the Soros' faggotry
DO IT!!!

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[1] traitor [1]
Protect our children!
Glorious day!
Trust the (plan)

if q isn’t a larp I won’t even be upset but this faggots writing, real or not, is insufferable.

My point being is that since Q showed up, happenings have occurred, and many shills respond by claiming still nothing has happened. Now, those happenings don't necessarily have anything to do with Q, but those claiming happenings haven't occurred are fucking stupid.

q posts IG report paragraph 6 months before it was released. also posted about "James Corney" and the IG report had ocr that said "James Corney"

it's been 3 fucking year of that bullshit
>in two weeks something will happen
>just two more weeks
>Hillary will be in prison in two weeks
>just you wait the storm is here
>2 more weeks
>just wait 2 more weeks

>Is there any proof at all that he might actually maybe be a part of thhe Trump team?
Oh, and yes.

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>my twitter post is a proof
no it's not

Nothing. Trump is a patriot, not some super genius. I think having a president who doesn't seem to hate americans is giving delusional people false hope. There's no 4d chess. No conspiracy. Qtards are delusional.

Q didn't say that shit before it happened.
Q is a distraction. A real insider distraction from Zypher

why are you so angry?

eat shit you stupid kike

April 16th is pretty sound check my trip, could be 15-18.....and it might not be historic proportions like ww2 but it's a traditional date for raids and general tomfuckery

It's a chicken or the egg thing, do they do it because of concord and the shot heard round the world, or was that just a part of it?

qtards are normie NPCs

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you're on your dad's dick you fucking Queer

>dismisses something because it's a twitter post
It's Mike Flynn writing out the Q catchphrase, you dumb faggot. Fuck, the lengths to which all you "nothing is happening" niggers have to go in order to maintain your delusion are painful.

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keep lying you faggot shill

It’s nice to hear this for once.
I never thought I’d see the day.

Nothing. I fucking hate you boomer Q-tards so much. Kill yourself.

completely underrated post

I'm guessing there will be another SOCOM raid.

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>a patriot
get the fuck out of here cunt

>Q didn't say that shit before it happened.
Didn't say he did. However, unarguably, happenings have ramped up since Q showed up. One could also attribute that shift to Trump becoming POTUS, as well.
>Q is a distraction
From what? Shills always say "Q is pacifying people". What are people supposed to be doing that Q is preventing? Are you suggesting that boomers were minutes away from marching on DC with rifles and stringing up traitors from lampposts, but "THEN Q CAME AND THEY STOPPED"?

So will every Q homo leave after the 16th? when nothing happen AGAIN?
na you gonna jump on an other stupidity and peddle it to gazlight the goyim right
>have to go in order to maintain your delusion are painful.
you're a projecting faggot fuck away ridiculous loser

In-Q-tel is a Kushner psyop. I don't know why the fuck you Qtards act like this is somehow amazing if a detail is right here and there. Q has an insider--his name is Jared Kushner. It is amazing how brainwashed and easy to manipulate you stupid boomers are.

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If Q does not deliver he loses the mandate.

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>Epstein is a handler for Trump
Except Trump dished on Epstein long before he became POTUS so he clearly doesn't give a shit what happens to Epstein. You kikes pushing this angle are the shilliest of shills.

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why so much hate?

>One could also attribute that shift to Trump becoming POTUS
You're full blown retard. Kushner is your president not Trump. Look at who do the work behind the jewish theater curtain
I 100% agree

Why, are you a miga shill?

"James Corney" was a thing years before the IG report.

Qanon never says anything new

i'm not into q, that shit is ambiguous, i mean they could pick that date because it's just a raid day for spooks

But the jury is still out in if he's on our side. History says no.

a fake war, enjoy the show

You can't hide your Jewishness in these threads, you know.

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Because I work for the CIA and Qanon must be stopped.

You niggers are still larping this larp? I am a Trump supporter and can't even deal with you idiots without laughing in your face.. I think Trump wants to do well but the mud is so deep and sticky that they'll just wait him out. I've lost enough hope in the people of my country, that I believe the only way we get back to what we are supposed to be is with blood, sweat, and tears. But half of you fat fucks are just lazy and content, all the while your freedoms disappear 1 by fckin 1. I won't fight for people who don't even want better themselves and their families..

I knew Q was legit when he said Hillary would be arrested and then that happened

You reek of matzo, Shlomo.

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pretty sure nothing the fuck will happen and all the Q boomer will just slide to the next imagined fuckery like they always do

>being this new

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You're not incorrect that historically(particularly the last few decades) shit has not gone our way. However, you must realize...we are living through history right now.

I mean, everyone know only filthy khazar use JOO. YOU can't fool everyone.

you could be right. i would think with everything happening though at this point there will be something in that time frame, i mean things already area happening anyway

>nothing will happen
Shill better, shill.

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>the storm is upon us
So I stopped following trump related shit a while ago. I remember Hannity saying every night for like a month that the clock was ticking, did anything come out of that?

I agree the corona outbreak look like a setup for something bigger. I don't deny that. It will be a world war or a world government. Everything point to that.
>Hillary is going to prison
>I swear it's gonna happen
>Just you wait 2 more weeks goyim
fucking retard

Using your language, Abe. Now post potato Drumpf like the good little schlemiel you are.

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Qtards are such deceitful people.

>>Hillary is going to prison
Q never said that, faggot.

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Ok boomer keep me posted
I'm really interested

I don't keep up with this shit.
Is there like an onion?
Or is this revolution "televised" on twitter.

Q is the most retarded nothingburger on Yas Forums

because I HATE retarded shills. die you fucking kike

get in here:

Will do, faggot. Keep claiming nothing is happening right in the middle of a hoax pandemic like the good little meshugenah your rabbi says you can be.

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>Q never said that faggot
>proceed to post Q saying exactly that

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>q tards need to fucking die
Found the scared pedovore

fuck off kike shill

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Because the map Q has laid out is making more sense as time goes on. Your panic is lovely.

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My mom is a huuuuge Q follower (or whatever they call it), and she always gets mad at me for laughing about it. She goes into these long ass tirades about fucking secret codes and shit and I always end up saying “shut up Dale” or making a joke about her following the Riddler and how Batman will kick her ass if he finds out. It’s sad really, I never thought she was one to buy into this shit. This election fucked my mom up.

I mean I think you're the jew you think I'm the jew so what? We measure our dicks now? Pretty sure mine is bigger just saying.

What plan? To round up people that called out the jq while other gun owners are busy sucking Q dick. You're on a leash. Wake up

I kinda wish that I was Q. I would have a personal army of thousands of retards willing to commit violence for me. Would be pretty based actually

stupid kushnershill. go fuck yourself

What I posted literally shows Q NOT saying Hillary was going to be arrested. This is how fucking delusional you faggots have to be. Goddamn it's amazing.

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4 10 20

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Does anyone else remember when this was supposed to happen in 2017 and then Trump moved the US embassy to Israel, banned palestinian sympathizers from US campuses, all of the same (((people))) who were in power before trump got elected stayed in power, banned bump stocks, immigration stayed the same or increased....

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