Seriously, watch this video. Apart from their stance on Jews, Ben Shapiro and Nazis believe pretty much all the same things. That's not even a hyperbole.
If Ben Shapiro weren't Jewish he would be a Nazi
Other urls found in this thread:
>he thinks there were no jewish nazis...
>Nazis weren't a Jewish invention
Nazism is a Jewish psyop to get you to believe they are victims
Ben Shapiro is a nationalist.
Ben Shapiro kowtows to socialism.
Ben Shapiro is a National Socialist.
I bet he doesn't know.
In the thread short bread Ben "shorty" Shapiro try to make being relevant great again!
so then are Iranians the new Jews?
ashkenazi DNA is like 88% Iranian btw... no connection to the Levant.
also... Ben is a furry.
What is his fursona?
I guess I won't see eye-to-eye with Ben. Sad! But Robert Mugabe and myself would be best of buds!
just post her sister's milc trucc
His sister looks like a tucan. No way thisguy wasnt born without a beak. Therefore he had plastic surgery. Imagine being 5’2” and having to surgalize yourself so you dont look like a literal goblin.
>weren't Jewish he would be a Nazi
What do you mean?
>talk to our based nazis!
yeah, I'm a libtard now
Iranian is a proxy for Babylonian blood. The current Jews are descendants of Babylonians who literally created Judaism as we know it. I will make a post on it.
He seems like a socially conservative fiscal libertarian. He's neither nationalist, nor socialist.
>he literally referenced the Talmud
Iran is ethnically diverse, there is no "iranian" DNA. Its like saying "asian DNA". What is asian, chinese, hindustani, lebanese? Too broad, you have to specify a particular iranian population to talk about ethnic DNA
Why'd the leaf have to be the only one in the thread who's correct
Damn three shills one after the other.
Daily reminder, to anyone who cares about things like objective truth.
NONE of these fucking kike shit bags will EVER defend their position to you or provide any argument
All they will do is call anyone and everyone in the third reich a jew and then stop posting when you debunk their claims
They are the lowest form of shill on Yas Forums and it is good that they are so retarded because it makes them fucking easier to mock and debunk for the kike rats they are.
>another one
why the fuck am i not surprised.
Hitler was a brainlet and killed Europe with his autism
What the fuck is with hitlerboos and bagels?
nope. none of this things the noses say. Just that he killed millions of goym and gifted the rothschild dinasty a compound the size of a country. Only an uberjew could have pulled that off.
Anyway.. enjoy your police state fag. Hope you like totalitarian regimes cause this shit is not gonna go away until we fulfill that retard faggots Albert Pike prophecy.
Why do you faggot keep totally organicaly posting the same people are these people significant in some way? Experts in thier fields?
Benny values unrestricted capitalism too much. Tucker Carlson is way closer to the national socialist views on economy and society.
>Look goy Nazis are good, we are just like Nazis.
Are you referring to the fact that Jews, who are the original global supremacists, just project their own filthy characteristics onto their enemies which they planted there in the first place as controlled opposition?
lmao he actually defended the manipulating money question
only libertarians get mad at the questions themselves lol
No he is more lib right. Just listen to him talk for like 5 minutes about the economy, retard
more like just a religious libertarian, even on social conservative issues he is unwilling to use the state
R u straight retarded? He picked lolbertarian on every question
>Hitler fucked up
>>Ergo Hitler was a KIKE!
Again dude.
the idea that Hitler made mistakes is not the weird shill shit i am referring to.
Of course he did.
The shills are the people claiming he was a controlled OP
Which is demonstrably not true and kiked.
>nope. none of this things the noses say.
Litterally go to the Fucking History channel, or a mainstream documentary or any of the other kiked sources forced on the goym for the last 80 years and you will litterally se them oppenly claming he was Gay, Drug Addicted, Trans and working with the "illuminati" (especially if you go to the history channel of all fucking sources)
All the kikes are litterally shilling this shit and have ever since the second world war
What the fuck are you smoking nigger?
>Again dude.
>the idea that Hitler made mistakes is not the weird shill shit i am referring to.
>Of course he did.
>The shills are the people claiming he was a controlled OP
>Which is demonstrably not true and kiked.
His mistake was starting a general european war you fucking brainlet
Only he didnt dude
England and France Delcared war on Germany
Germany did not declare war on england and france.
His BIGGEST mistake was not slaughtering the brits at dunkirk
But as this user pretty articulately points out he was way to much of a moral fag for that shit.
>Invade Poland which is allied with Britain and France
>"wtf why did you two declare war on me"
>Steal land from germany that still has ethnic germans on it
>Ethnic conflicts begin with the polish state turning a blind eye to the killing of ethnic germans in danzig
>Danzig begins reunifcation movement
>Litterally offer international oversite to the United Kingdom of all fucking people for a referendum on reunification.
>Brits literally refuse.
>End up relcaiming the land that had belonged to your state for decades prior to stop the culling of your own people made minorities in their own homes
Come the fuck on dude.
Allies started WWII the day they attacked germany at versailes.
Bromberg happened after Germany invaded you brainlet retard faggot
B-but the German minorities
GeRMANY WaS tHe ReAl ViCtIm HeRe!!!!!!!!!!!!!111111111111
But he is jewish which makes his racial supremacy openly hostile to White Europeans. So no, he's not a "nazi"
In this thread? If not, could you put a keyword in so I can search on the archives?
Ben shapiro is a lolbertarian except when you mention israel or iran.
Everyone's a "victim" of some slight dude.
The point of bringing up Germany's issues wasnt to try to moral fag people into caring about what Germany cared about it.
It was demonstrate that Germany had just as good justifications if not more so then the allies did.
And thus their propaganda about germany "starting the war" is ireelevant as they objectively didnt.
Morality in truth should play no part in internation affairs
But if such a thing as morality WAS relevant, even by fucked up western standards.
Germany didnt do anything morally wrong over and above what the allies did.
>And thus their propaganda about germany "starting the war" is ireelevant as they objectively didnt.
They did though.
Why the fuck are you on Yas Forums red.dit cuck?
If you believe something you make an argument for it.
Otherwise no one has any responsiblity to take your thoughts seriously.
England and France Declared war on Germany.
Germany did not Delcare war on England and France.
Germany declared war on Poland which was allied with Britain and France. You are a retard.
Adolf Schicklgruber
Only as a result of Germany and France creating poland in the first place, stealing land from germany and making them their alley
If i steal your car and then you attempt to steal it back and i shoot you while you're trying You did not "start" that conflict
I did when i stole your fucking car.
Poland pre-existed "Germany" by 800 years
now this is fucking retarded, its not everyday someone says something this uniquely dumb
The Kingdom of Poland predates any kind of unified German political entity by nearly 1000 years, denying this is cope.
All these anti-Hitler posts being spammed in this thread and across Yas Forums. This is the desperate act of Jewish shills trying to demoralise and push people away from our Prophet in a time when he is most right of all.
Liberalism has failed, has lost legitimacy and the ideals of National Socialism have never had more fertile ground in the midst of a nativist and socialism resurgence in reaction to the crisis.
Schlomo is shitting bricks right now..
No, kikes are supremacist. Hitler inspired racial and spiritual pride in his people.
Jackie Robinson said that Hitler respected his athletic ability when most other world leaders didn't.
btw nazi is a slur, kike
someone posted this
Hes nazi for Israel. Ashkenazi.
>he forgot it was ethnicity that created nations
when a split occurs its just one brother having beef with another. i would never call france german because they never came from there, but german blood has ties to polish land. it is there's, in fact most rebels in poland where leftist marxist jews, the rest wanted to be taken by hitler
lmfao you brainlet Germany didn't have a national identity movement until the 19th century
lmao at you posting retarded amerimutt neonazis too, get a grip
This is literally you
Nazis were the only reason Jews got their country back. Ironically they could have prevented much of ww2 had they done that to begin with. Which was what hitler originally wanted. To them leave germany and live somewhere else. Ironically Britain refusing such a Notion made it happen anyways after the War. So stupid when you think about it.