This board is filled with glowies shitting on China for no reason.
What's with the Anti-China shills?
Other urls found in this thread:
>it's glowies shitting on me
fuck off, chunk; everybody on the planet that isn't a slant eyes bug or commie wants you dead
Insect people.
shut up chinigger
That girl looks hungry.
Fuck China, they need nuking.
This desu. CIA is shilling hard to try and turn people against China.
The average american is brain washed
They thought they would always be number 1
But soon the american kids will have to work in factories
Now we will see who has the last laugh
>cause a pandemic that burns the wealth of entire generations and causes tens of thousands of deaths in a matter of weeks
>everyone that doesnt that is a shill
Why? China hasn't done anything wrong. Plus they are leading the global fight against Corona Virus.
She probably works out
It's just business.
Anti China shills? Are you fucked chink? Your people are disgusting and deserve all negativity that comes their way
Just the CIA, pay no attention
>wha happin?
Perfect body, anyone fatter than that should be put down
America started the Corona Virus though.
Don't use the term "chink."
Chairman Mao can suck my dick
>Implying you would fight in a war against China
>anti china
pick one chang
Wormtongued pieces of shit are trying to instigate conflict. They glow.
Look at all the glowies in this thread
>hurr hurr ok chang
I'm not even asian but these glowies literally have no other argument
Because they shitted on our doorstep and now they want thanks for sending people to sweep it up. I don't give a fuck about China and their sub human/insect population. I actually hate them. And hate is a strong word.
>t. social media division of CCP
Relax, everything will be fine. It will all work out but never again will chink filth be allowed on our sacred western soil. You will no longer get to enjoy the fruit of the labor and ingenuity of our white ancestors. You will have to rely on other chinks to exploit.
They are working overtime today, if you carefully follow the pattern of their presence here, you'll notice they're supposed to jump in just around at these time. So, doubled the shifts and/or improved the pay. Those trillions in stimulus money had to go somewhere. So a share had to go into troll farms, can't fight the economic war without investing in it.
Well China isn't helping.
The real question you should be asking is
>What's with the pro-China shills?
Because nobody but the Chinese would willingly say anything positive about China or the Chinese.
Go back to china faggot.
No one here ever liked china. You are the shill. Go back to china before its too late.
China are the Jews that Yas Forums always claimed the Jews were
>no reason
Why do autists feel the need to make stupid useless threads?
basé et rougepillé
death to the insectoid race
>the pandemic blah blah blah
Diseases can come right out of Africa's ass any day of the week and you know it. They've got zero capacity to stop a new virus from spreading and nothing to contribute helping other nations control it once it's out. China is bad for way more relevant reasons than diseases. Stop being mad at China when your own government needs to be prepared for diseases that will happen with or without China.
Ok china
Fuck yourself changkoro.
>t.seething chang
Fuck you, chink
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People wouldn’t hate China if they weren’t so disgusting.
Operation Earnest Voice
You guys stick out like a bat in a bowl of soup.
The glowboys have to shit on China because they can't shit on their own intel failings in regards to the virus.
They're too busy making up white supremacist terrorism.
ok kike
Eat shit chankoro
You're conflating "pro China shilling" with being anti imperialism of American establishment. Your leaders brewed this notion for decades. What do you expect.
Chingchongpingpong. Found the filthy bug eyed chink.
Thank you for your diligent service agent. 五毛 has been deposited into your AliPay account. I'll be in touch again at the end of the week to discuss our latest disinfo campaign.
>be china
>break the world's leg
>hand them a single crutch made of balsa
>"kiss my shoes"
>What's with the China releasing a bioweapon that's interrupted the entire planet and is going to kill millions and doesn't take the blame for it?
show me 1 fucking bat that has this shit!!!!!
bullshit!!! cats and dogs test positive but no proof of a single bat.
ching chong chang ching ching chung
If only all the chinese looked like that hoor - and even more importantly, knew how to not originate a world destroying pandemic creating virus
If only
Oh and not buying up all the real estate in other countries would help too
>shitting on china for no reason
Why isn't this a china rekd thread.
>They're too busy making up white supremacist terrorism.
This as well. Imagine having a government that is anti white while being anti anyone that opposes their coping currently, like China.
>chinks depict themselves as fat fucks
>I'm not even asian
Sure you aren't, chang.
They have to present an outside enemy, an alien, a scapegoat to prevent a total societal collapse and their proles turning on them because of their incompetence. It is an incredibly clumsy attempt but it will work because of amerimutts.
>t. Zhang Chi Ping defending his homeland
Fuck China, they deserve to have 2 nukes dropped on them for every country infected.
It's working. Fuck China.
Fuck China and fuck that slut (with my penis)
There's just a recent influx of the_donald faggots who need radicalizing and at the moment they are being awakened to the yellow peril
Listen Chang, i know you gave us this virus.
chinese girls are always hungry. the practice Intermittent Fasting almost constantly. they skip meals because they know when they go out socially they are going to eat quite a lot.
>>no reason
Fuck off, China-paid propagandist. You’re no better.
Fuck them, hope they burn for whatever scenario they want to accomplish, more they hate China, more I hate them. Karma.
Nice false flag shill.
>"chink are like totally stoic and unconcerned."
>launch a huge online campaign to spew government propaganda
Truly not the work of human-sized termites trying to save face.
>And then one day, for no reason at all, people started hating China
ok chang
your country will belong to China soon, faggot
A good portion are just your regular poltards going with the trend as usual. A small portion actually understand that China is a stronger nation than theirs and they're buttmad, mostly murricans and bongs.
Plus aussies shitposting, obviously.
ahha, even got your picture deleted.
Prepare to have democracy in your China, Chang.
It's like the Jews don't exist/not on the radar anymore. Interesting.
There is plenty of reason Chan
cia hates china, cia shills on Yas Forums, you do the math
daily reminder that chinese do not import niggers to western countries and so there is no valid reason to hate them any more than you hate your own governments
So far nuking asian has worked out pretty well.
Sample size 1/1 is looking pretty good.
shut the fuck up kikeflag, no one is fooled
jannies are faggots, no wonder
They're small part, if you're regular here, you know how normal ppl talk, and they try to make arguments whys and hows, but shills just spew hate, and claim everyone opposing them is chink. This place is infested with shills lately.
Ching chong bing bong?
Exactly, as soon as someone doesn't hate China, they automatically call them chang zhang or whatever. Looks like fucking bots tb h
The adventures of the man who just started paying attention.
manufacturing consent is what they want, but it wont work, they spew their garbage in a echo chamber. Also zio cucks like sargoy, shapiros of this world, moly, and rest of those fags are doing the same. They'll never criticize the banking cartels or what fed is doing, or how the actual system is that caused mass migration that they're supposedly opposed to.
>no reason
If only our gov payed us to make shitposts shilling America (assuming you guys are payed for these by the CCP and not just forced to make them in shitpost sweatshop)
>What's with the Anti-China shills?
it is unironically Hong Kong agitators & a few retarded americans, but they are few. HKcels are the majority, trying to overcome their impotent rage by shitposting about their cousins, trying to differentiate themselves because they have 7 tones.
>Canadian and Australian flags constantly praising China while everyone unironically hates the living shit out of the country
>"why do they call us Zhang?????"
As if you fucking commie apologist.
What's with all these pro-ccp shills? The Taiwanese government is the legitimate government of China which is why ccp always rages when Taiwan is brought up. They hate that Taiwan has always been better than China in spite of the communist myths surrounding their revolutionary government. Much higher quality products from Taiwan too. Not the low quality trash that breaks all the time like it does in China.
Fucking leaf. Go back to China if you like it there so much.
>t. hideous clone tier insect
>no reason
Honestly, i hope id2020 happens sooner than later. These radicals need to be rounded up.
you literally live in a country full of chinese you fucking retarded fuck
It would honestly be incredibly entertaining to see chinks launch an anti-semitic shilling operation.
Cringe obvious shill. Unoriginal, doesn’t even bother trying to sound believable, uses a memeflag. 2/10 you are getting no social credit points for this one buddy.
I obviously meant that about the current situation, it was always done in the past with any happenings. I'm just addressing the shit with covid and economic war with China. Same went on with Iran and so on.
I'm not a chink you fucking moronic faggot, I am 100% canadian unlike your sorry ass faggot
Don't you think that close proximity might make him recognize certain types of "people"? (Like say, yourself. for example.)
Ay yo fuck em glowies
China will truimph.
Cant wait till the PLA begin opreation in north america and declare open season on glowies, my Norinco AR-15 knockoff demands glowie blood.
keep coping faggot, I'm probably more canadian than your faggot mutt face
Shitskins like your disgusting ilk will continue to fuck eachother over tooth and nail scrabbling for a chance to come shit an anchor baby directly into those factories