Any idea why that might be ?

Sweden and other nordic countries arnt subjecting their populations to north korea style tyranny

what is it about these countries thats different from other countries ?

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but its not working very good tho. 500 dead now in sweden

Because less old white people = zero resistance to the new Swedes. In general the less whites who don’t listen to the government is a desirable outcome to these traitors. Either that or Swedish arrogance still assumes they will be fine and this is just a chinky/med/mutt flu

>500 dead now in sweden
Translation: 500 people died in accidents, get counted as Corona.

It's not a hoax, it's the greatest minority removal tool we've had since the 40's.

>no planes hit the towers hurr durr they were holograms and every shooting consists of fake blood and crisis actors durrrr

How many of those are actually Swedes? They never say when someone dies if they are Swedish or not.

>implying the government doesn't want all the old boomers to die so they can be replaced with socialist voting immigrants who only want gibs and who otherwise don't give a flying fuck about morals or ethics

Didnt these countries collaborate with the nazis ?

Arnt they heavily invested in natural resources >

Arnt they almost entirely aryan ?

why does Yas Forums, who are playing the stockmarket and ushering in this new world shit hate Sweden ?

Probably both desu. Boomers and the upper class still act like everything's normal. Nothing bad ever happens here. Disasters are for poor countries who we can then pretend to care about for international brownie points.

enough rich old gentiles to hold back the psyop ?

Because modern Sweden is a shitfest of self-hating rootless people who have embraced the very worst aspects of american pop culture, disloyal and incompetent career politicians who fuck off to become some international banker after using Swedish politics as their catapult to glory. Not to forget taking in the most dysfunctional cultures of mankind and instantly assume they become pork-eating, beer swilling Swedes just because they change their citizenship. It deserves hate.

Yes, but only the same amount in exhaustive care too. I looked at some statistics and death rates about Finland and found about this for example: the 2016-2017 influenza caused, at the peak of it, about 50 more deaths DAILY in Finland than what is the average daily death rate. The average is about 150 and at the peak it was about 200. And now we have about 30 death from corona altogether.... So I'm saying this is hugely exaggerated and you motherfuckers are doing the right thing.

Holy fuck where did all these based swedes come from?

Attached: op is a fag.jpg (600x474, 48.53K)

We have like 14-20 dead here.
People still send their kids to kindergarten.

No, it's actually worse. I have a friend who died from corona symptoms at home, the doctors said it was probably corona related but no tests are done and it's not counted as a covid-19 death.

Possibly because the Swedish government is incompetent. They do seem to let things just happen, immigration, crime, disease. They seem to talk a lot but not to deal with the problems. I mean even the Americans don't have a hand grenade problem.

Very well!

Attached: corona sweden.jpg (1724x1052, 401.64K)

Wrong, old people in Sweden are leftists.

I'm Swedish my flag is just Austrian for some reason.

No your missing something here

If Sweden was really as shit as you claim they would gladly collapse their own economy and institute a mass panic among their population

They dont

Why is this ?

likely because of enough rich gentiles and an educated population. You have enough highly educated people who arnt complete NPCs and your government is the same ethnicity as the population

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All makt åt Tengil.

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People also die from regular influenza all the time, even young, healthy people. It's rare but it happens.

>lowest test rate
>highest death rate

>How many of those are actually Swedes? They never say when someone dies if they are Swedish or not.

I'd say a lot. A while back they said that half of the dead were Somalians. They dont get the same information as other swedes do because they dont speak Swedish and the government dont force them to learn.
Most of them are probably completely oblivious to this.

Attached: corona suburbs.jpg (492x1052, 182.28K)

You're fucking retarded

this is all bullshit

it comes from breitbart, maga and so on

the true test of how kiked a country is comes from how many of its own it sacrafices

and this collapse of entire economies and institution of north korea style restrictions is the ultimate litmus test

the nordic countries, but sweden specifically, are refusing to sacrifice their economy and people

this has political and economic reasons, but its partly explainable by the fact that they are racially homogeneous and aryan

Where will your country go after so much potential has been lost with the dead somalis?

Like 10 times lower for flu though.

Best summary I've ever read on Yas Forums

Because they want their people to die so they can let in more migrants

Which is very interesting, considering the official narrative has been that the disease primarily arrived from vacationers in the alps. But if Somalis are now the ones primarily dying that would suggest that the disease came to them considerably earlier, since those vacationers are still not at the death stages. The virus almost certainly came into the nation from Iran, and from there has been spreading through the ghettos for quite some time.
I'd say we're in for a very interesting year once they discover that drinking imam spit doesn't do much.

I'm not at all convinced it's that much more, at least if you look at the numbers in Finland.

should have stayed in the kalmar union

88 dead in norway. No restrictions and thibgs are like normal. Schools and public offices etc arw closed though.

The government announced the estimated death toll a couple of weeks ago: if 60 percent of Finns get it (3 000 000 people), deth toll 3000 - 4000. That 's about 0.1 percent of infected, same as with flu.

Pol kikery

Sweden is clearly still beyond the control of globokike inc

Ignore the bullshit from breitbart, rebel media, and the trump camp (we know controls that particular milieu)

scandinavia will not sacrifice its own people, nor its economy which is heavily dpednent on natural resources (like Russia which is also ignoring the hoax and operating normally

> in4b post covid conspiracies
> the juice did it ! there was no corona
ok feggit now shut up

Sweden cant because their law won't allow them to lock down anything. They're literally changing the law right now so they can. It's not some big conspiracy. Also, Anders Tegnell is a legit retard.

>Believing the government
How do you even think that the death rate is that low lol. Higher percentages of cities have died than that.

Only sweden is retarded and wants their oldfags to die so more people vote globohomo parties, norway is closed.

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the humiliation robberies are real. Immigrant "minors" who are actually adults rob their classmates and then piss on them and film it.
Being a Swede is already a humiliation.

Once again, official story would have you believe everything from white man's obligation to help niggers to 911. It's not exactly convincing. I presume the disease is much worse, or else the measures China has taken, or the disaster that struck Iran wouldn't have happened.

this. Norway and Denmark are based. The rest of Scandinavia are retards.

I hear Norway is taking the lockdown very seriously (at least white Norwegians are).

based corona-chan doing the dirty work for you

>Applying US political conditions across the board like a moutbreather
The older generation in Sweden ARE the ones who blindly vote for globohomo because they rarely get news, and if they do it's state news. So they continue living in some long gone world of 50-60 years ago when the social democrats were all for racial hygiene and the like without realizing that it's no longer the same party.
There's a reason the term gråsossar exists.

Why would do they a lockdown before their health care system is overwhelmed? Remeber flattening the curve is not stopping the virus, it's just about not overwhelming your healthcare system. A country like Germany has completely forgot that and mutti merkel is forcing a lockdown on her citizens while accepting corona patients from other countries. Sweden will only flatten the curve when the curve needs to be flattened.

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But if you want to go down that road, everything we hear is from the government as well. Maybe there is no virus at all?

my point exactly. They still follow their own laws

not that globokikes gremlins arnt working overtime to bring their system down from the inside as we typ[e

but they are clearly resisting this attempt to collapse their economy and kill their people

what other countries are resisting it ?

>Russia (completely ignoring it)
>Austria and Denmark are trying to reopen

Or else this wouldn't be happening in ecuador...

Oh yeah im sure the younger population is way better.
How many ethnic swedes are there in your country under 30?

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High IQ Aryans know about #coronahoax which is a #pedocrat plot to weaken #GEOTUS

Mental retardation and feminism. What's the death count in Sweden today? 400?

Fucking swedes are in denial. Fugees are raping and killing on their streets and they pretend it's not happening. You think it's hard for them to convince themselves the pandemic isn't happening? These freaks have retard in their blood.

>north korea style tyranny
you have to be 18 to post here. Sweden is the retard of Europe, every other country has been through this phase and realized it isn't viable. keep shilling for globohomo dumb faggot

yeah, why would they shut down their retirement and nursing homes before at least 90+ municipalities reported coronavirus cases in them. Durrrr.


How do you know those things happened? Well I guess they did. I'm still buying the official numbers.

>Didnt these countries collaborate with the nazis ?
And the tiny amount that did "collaborate" wasn't even enough to do much hence recruitment of Slavs was opened up which "collaborated" more.

Selling resources to anyone and being Neutral is not "collaborating" by the way.

>waah if that is facts, then I deny facts

Ignore the Sweden is so cucked meme

Look more closable at what they do

Its pretty obvious that they are beyond globokike control here

>How do you know those things happened?
Trade with China halted quite significantly.

Austria is making wearing masks mandatory in supermarkets and then in other shops which will have limited hours and a limited number of people allowed in at one time.
Russia took this more seriously than anyone and shut down travel right away, which is why their cases are so low to begin with. They acted quickly rather than not at all like Sweden.

ok kike shill. Sweden is the most pozzed country in Europe, go back to plebbit

Those slanty-eyed bastards are trying to fuck us.

Nah man. Italy doesn't torpedo their economy to stop a nonexistent virus. Trump doesn't declare a national emergency over something non-existent. You don't see mass graves in Iran over a non-existent virus. You don't see CCTV footage of people just collapsing on the streets over a non-existent virus.

Because nursing home in Sweden and Denmark are the place you go when you can no longer piss, shit, eat and walk yourself, when you are about to die. The only enjoyment these old fucks have in their lives is their family visiting. Your probably an american or some other shithole country and so you can't understand it. But in Denmark and Sweden we keep old people in their own apartments untill it's completely unfeasible and nursing homes is the last stop before death.


sweden was a mistake
i wanna be part of denmark
so prostitution is then legal

By fucking themselves twice as hard? It's not like we won't be nationalizing various (currently outsourced) sectors after this just to survive or anything...

58% of boomers voted left/socialist/liberal bloc

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if you care about them then maybe protecting them from the virus is a good idea. Even if it's just making visitors wear masks which Sweden never did because Tegnell said "YOLO Swedunn speshial durr"

>this is all bullshit
>it comes from breitbart, maga and so on
no it is not. even in Denmark we had some humiliation robberies, this is just a Muslim aggression thing

>collapse of entire economies
>north korea style restrictions
calm your tits kiddo, all of this is only happening in your head. we're talking about a temporary recession to cope with the infection, everything will be reset and economy will be growing again

> refusing to sacrifice their economy and people
horseshit, they're sacrificing their people for shekels . I'm sorry user you're a literal brainlet

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The thing is, I believe the Finnish government, and the Finnish media. Reason: They are not imaginative enough to conspire shit.

Trump is a pawn globocult inc

he does what his masters tell him like the rest of them

there is no virus. they are just following orders to collapse the world economy and bring in full globalism, by destroying fiat currency

countries heavily invested in oil and gas are resisting it

In Norway we've been practicing social distancing for a long time already. So not much new happening except some shops closed.

Attached: 351231231.jpg (480x480, 22.65K)

>humiliation robberies
we heard this on the news many times
arab gangs are insane

What makes you so sure we won't lose the same amount of people over a longer period of time? The same amount of people will get infected. We are now opening up for all the small children going back to kindergarden and schools, something Sweden never stopped doing. This will increase our infection rate, which means while we are behind now, we're still going in the same direction just slower.

Attached: FLATTEN_THE_CURVE.jpg (400x267, 10.3K)


Yea, wer all know where that comes from

Starting to connect to dots ?

Sweden is holding out against this globalist assault. Its crime was taking in muslims who are hated by pol because pol is run by who ?

its cause you have leftists claiming that Afghan adult men are actually children and then you put them in classes with children. the Afghans see how the Swedish kids have nice things and rob them.
The entire "high school law" is stupid and those who pushed for it should be thrown in the Baltic.

It's common to project the viewer's nature onto the screen and behind it, but that's the power of media to begin with.

>we're still going in the same direction just slower.
that is the whole point of it. you cannot just let go of control like the pussy Swedish government and Tengele, they proved themselves impotent and incompetent as usual

our enemies are not afgan goat farmers

our enemies are the slime playting the stockmarket and collapsing the economy with this psyop

the run pol


Holy shit you sound so fucking dumb. I wished you would adhere to the rules of being 18 to be able to post, because you shit up everything with your infantile posts that are not even funny You're clearly an american. The worst shithole country of the entire West. Keep raging on as you're not even majority white anymore in the younger generations and watching kike "alt right" media telling you that at least you are not Sweden.

i have a friend here from Finland

he knows who i am and follows my posts

we are aware of eachother on some level. Tell me, what is the situation in Finland ?

>I believe the government and the media
The absolute lengths nothingburgers will go to defend their retardation.

People naturally avoid eachother?

They respect distance. Apparently they social distance even without being told to do so.

Also, they don't live in top of each other like NY, or China. And they don't live in huge multigenerational familial communities like Italians of Spaniards

But come on, you actually our media are deliberately trying to fuck us? They follow the example of United States media in every turn. Orange Man Bad is everything they say about trump. So why would they do something as weirdly creative as to try to downplay the Corona stats here when the USA isn't doing that? That's my main point.