>largest population in the world
>ancient imperial culture and philosophical tradition
>high IQ population
>Is a pollution ridden shithole full of subhumans who eat insects and dogs
What gives?
Largest population in the world
Other urls found in this thread:
big = bad
society is not something that scales well. explains why taiwan is so much better.
>high IQ population
>high IQ population
They are the favorite people of Nurgle, who needs a people from which he can launch every plague ever
Don't forget
>not victims of constant anti-human psyops and propaganda
>high IQ population
Kek. Mainlander chinks are no better than the shitty countries around them. They are flithy, shit in the streets and believe in dumb stuff like tiger penis and dog meat is good for you. Don't take what you see just from the rich elites.
>high IQ population
The Jews invented Communism. China has been godless for a long time -- any men, smart or stupid, will become degenerate without God's law to guide them.
The smaller a country is, the better it can be managed. Turns out the organisation of a billion citizen state is completely impossible.
true descendants of the Han have been mutted up by the mongols and manchurians. It is not the direct people of Han china anymore.
also communism, turns any country into backward savages. Mao ordered the execution of intellectuals and anybody who had a working brain to prevent intelligent uprising. Look at fucking Russia for crying out loud
>A kike on a stick.
>not victims of constant anti-human psyops and propaganda
>CCP's China
good one
>society is not something that scales well
>Has almost as much people as NK or Aus
I am confused.
Why is North Korea bundled up with China !
It's the same as the US, only a small minority actually contribute fully and also reap the rewards of the soceity. They are just the US
Okay, CIA.
Chinese Taipei is a province of China though.
The high IQ Chinese you meet.
The ones that even get to leave the country.
Are the top 0.1%
Their top 0.1% are more than 1 million people.
Just like sports, China's success is merely a matter of large population and extensive selection processes.
>He thinks China is communist.
Quite a few places are on that particular map
They decided to do Communism.
Asian people are autistic in general, they are like robots. That's why despite having IQ no Asian nation comes close in innovation and technological advancement to the West
Go back to re-education camp, mohammed.
they never got the Logos
india also needs Logos
They killed off all the smart people in ther commie revolution.
Your god isn't real, christcuck.
Based low iq
China hasn't been communist since Mao.
China belongs to Taiwan since Taiwan is the legit government of China
Not an argument.
No I'll just watch this instead Chang.
>ancient imperial culture
Ancient colony culture is more accurate. China spent most of its history ruled by people who spent their lives identifying as not chinese, even if people go back a thousand years later and say they were "actually really chinese by then" because the horse lord emperor ate chinamans food fucked chinamans wife and lived in chinamans house.
They have their fair share of propaganda but it's not like the tranny, pro-immigrant, anti-family shit we've been getting.
Pretty sure they use the numbers from elite students in Shanghai and pass it off as the country's average.
>high IQ population
Fuck off chink
That's the point, tard.
China tried to do Communism, and the same thing happened to them as every other country that decides to do it. Mass-murder, famine and the rise of an authoritarian crypto-fascist state.
Russians were Christian and became atheist Communists, so what?
Nope. The KMT lost the Chinese Civil War in 1949. Chinese Taipei is a Chinese province.
Animal abuse exists in every country. What's your point?
No. China is Taiwanese clay
In addition to Communism and the cultural revolution, the one child policy is part of the problem. You know how the only-child kids you knew at school were often a bit "off", antisocial, oblivious, kind of weird and not the best friends? Every Chinese person, and their parents, are all like that.
You dont believe any other statistic that comes out of China so why would IQ be any different? All they care about is public image so of course the CCP will paint their people as wildly intelligent.
In reality, its probably much worse than reported with those people being the elite and driven in cities and other wealthy parts of their country. That is to say, they have a lot of smart people but its obscured by the mass of dregs surrounding them.
I suppose Hong Kong and Taiwan are both also lying about their IQ, considering they're genetically the same as the Chinese.
That's the past though. China isn't communist anymore.
High IQ is a necessary but not sufficient condition for civilization.
"Taiwan" isn't a country.
Yes it is. China isn't really
We all know you chinks are the worst when it comes to animal abuse. You think it tastes better if it is cooked alive. Also back to the topic at hand, I was just proving you don't all have an IQ of 120. Those peasants probably have an IQ in the 80s and make up most of the Chinese population.
And? It's the reason they are where they are now, and an answer to the OP's question.
>high IQ population
You have never met a chinese, have you.
They are metropolitan. Just like the cities China takes its IQ stats from. They don't test their retarded mainlander farmers
The Tiananmen Protests of 1989
Taiwan is a country in the fact that it is an autonomous region that has fought back against the commie bug man overlords on the mainland. It has done so successfully for 80 years. It is actually more of a country than China.
If even 1/3 of china lives around the poverty line, that's still more people than the entire US population. Not everyone in the world can sit around sipping $7 starcucks lattes and complain about what people do in poor areas like a pampered, soft little faggot.
High IQ does not mean conventional intelligence.
There are autistic geniuses with 140 IQs that can't make eye contact.
The Chinese on average have high IQs. They are also completely incapable of social cohesion.
>Meanwhile in America.
2.6 billion gorillons is what gives.
Real flag of china
The culture and philosophy of old is not practiced among the populace. That's like saying the US is a Christian nation when hardly any people practice anymore. China also doesn't have a high IQ on the whole. The only ones allowed to take those tests are the ones who made it into higher education. The pollution is from a government who doesnt care, because they have the tools to make the people believe whatever they want, and they have a lot of people so it doesnt matter if a few million die or suffer, in fact its probably a good thing for them. The subhumans who eat insects and dogs are not your normal people, but they are more common than you think.
>high IQ population
Maybe wisdom is a superior virtue to intellect, bc all wises are intelligent but not all smarts are wise.So you can be smart and act like a fool.
>he hasn't gone to or knows about China but has an opinion anyway
The developed parts are basically like Europe/Korea. Wealthier people are converting to Christianity very quickly and adopting (the good) Western norms like having a dog and starting businesses. The undeveloped parts are basically like traveling back in time 200 years. That's the main problem: China was skyrocketed to the 20th century from being a completely shithole by Mao and the commies brutally forcing it on the populace. There was nothing organic about the growth. Give it another hundred years or so and they'll be completely caught up to the West in terms of cleanliness and probably even Christianity. Going there made me scared of how smart those niggers are compared to us, especially the younger ones. We've got a big huge lead on them, but we can only live off the fortunes of our ancestors for so long. Something needs to give, or we're gonna be a Chink colony.
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China was communist and it laid the groundwork for the shit-tier society you live in right now. Just like every other ex-communist state. History is important user, don't indulge in knee-jerk reactions. It makes you look dumb
Why do you even pretend to be anything other than a chink bootlicker? It's not even subtle