The audacity of these lazy manlets is incredible. While we raised almost all taxes, cut student grants etc. resulting in the Dutch population to become significantly less wealthy, these LAZY med countries did jack shit and now they are begging for money. How about you all take a basic course in accounting and go fuck yourself. Hoekstra is right.
SEETHING Lazy Southern Europeans begging for Eurobonds
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Tbh, kinda true. They should maybe take a siesta and it Will all be over
Video has English subtitles. Northern European countries fusing with lazy medshits was the worst mistake ever.
Our country has cut so many things and has raised so many taxes it's incredible. Our income/tax ratio is the highest in the world.
What fucking language is that map? Some Creole or something?
Thanks buddy
Keep 'em coming so I can keep doing nothing while you slave away for us like a good cuckold
Whats with all these obsessed with italy toothpastes recently
Don't know don't care, just pulled it from Google.
All the smart Europeans left 150 years ago
T. Mohamad ben Agadir
Toothpastes have suffered 12 years of tax raises and austerity to get the state debt low. And now you LAZY and USELESS shits are begging for money.
Kanker marokkan
the only one seething is you cucklord
Fuck off you yugo pig
italy should suck the EU dry and then just leave. based MEDs rise up, creators of civilization.
Soros was right. Spain will be stuck in permanent crisis for the rest of its existence.
>Government fucked us in the ass for the jew, why do meds dont want that
Well you are in the wrong, you should have protested like we did in France and med are in the right to not accept them.
Remember that Italy interest rate are 100% markets created, there is no reason for them to have them as high, Italy has a budget surplus for 25years.
Its either coronabond or Italexit and the collapse of your economy, they will be okay tho, dont worry for them, they dont sell whores and drugs so they dont need EU.
If you wanna call out Italy, go ahead. Just be fair about it and don't drag the rest of in it.
Yup, even if you guys are Kinda creepy, you still work Hard, germany alike. The center-north is basically paying for the south
Why is it so fucking difficult for you guys to keep the state debt low? Same for Italy.
Sadly I must agree.
Outrageously corrupt politicians with suspicious ties to organized crime, mainly. Just look at all that EU money that was supposed to go towards "protecting the common European border."
Now combine that with outrageously naïve politicians in northern Europe and you've got the EU.
Let's hope that this will be the final nail in the coffin of the EU
I can only hope so, med countries have shown they can't get their shit together.
Fucking swede, why should they keep debt low while money printer go brrrrr?
It would litteraly mean loosing money, keep your debt low and your population poor, and let the other do as they want.
Corruption in every single strata of society. From top to bottom. That's your answer
literally le soiboi
Why do Southern Europeans love socialism so much?
keep doing this, this will wake up the normies on the nature of the snownigger menace
>a literal map of the umayyad caliphate
aren't you guys planning to do UBI from now on?
Because they are lazy fuckers, as we can see now once again
>the seething d*tchman copes again
top fucking kek
enjoy your 80% income tax to pay for CHAD southerners 6 month vacation
>Because they are lazy fuckers
I legit wonder if it's because of the climate at this point.
Unironically it's personal corruption. The Meds are universally a lazy and degenerate people.
When someone would rather steal than work, society can survive it as long as that criminal behaviour is hated and persecuted. But the meds treat such behavior as a civic virtue and aspire to it.
So you end up with societies full of scum that spend all day trying to think of new ways to grift each other and the state rather than ways to work.
>duhh hurr we are retarded so you must follow us in the pit of recession during a crisis
Nah fuck those northern cunts right up their pr*testant assholes. Catholics stick together, we should aid the Italians and Spaniars in every possible way in this matter.
>hur durr muh anti cyclical investing hurr durr
You guys have nigger tier state debt.
Welcome to the EU toothpaster. Now gib more money to us.
>Papist countries = shitholes
>Protestant countries = rich
Really makes one wonder
drain the protestant heretics of every last shekel
Me? I'm going to spend pr*testant taxes on rebuilding a Catholic Cathedral that got damaged by the earthquake
you're not even a real pr*testant, Anglicanism is just Catholicism with the king/queen replacing the Pope
theres no way italians are white
not your buisness, snownigger. Japan and USA are also nigger tier?
Great idea. Our churches need more money also. I like it best when we take from the seething Dutch and Germans. French catholics are still based.
Hoekstra is right.
The problem is that you northerners are giga-cucks and will keep on paying the eternal med to dick around, spend his workday at the cafe and enjoy the sun.
These girls might not be white but I'd fucking bleach them all pretty quickly.
Japan and the US don't go begging for money at their superior Northern neighbors.
we aren't, white are sissies
imagine making such cringey video, in Italy it would be mocked endlessly
Being in an economic union with Southern European countries is like have an art student squatting in the basement. They won't pay their national debt because they are too busy eating pasta, taking ketamine and shitting in the sink. Bad luck.
Piss off Christcucks, go worship a brown eyed Jewish Semite man somewhere else.
What makes you superior? Because you managed to be on the coast so you could get lots of stolen goods from Far East colonial ventures? Lucky you. Time you made amends for colonialism and shared this wealth amongst those who guarded Europe from the Turks to let you do so.
Also we barely have any snow you moron, we're not Sweden.
>*tink tink*
>"Taxes for home, not for Rome."
Indeed, best to kick the lazy and useless shit out.
yes, because they weren't dragged into this shitty hellhole EU like we were by our traitor politicians.
We will be out soon anyway
ci salviamo da soli.
nos salvamos nosotros.
hope we close borders, when you are hungry you are going to eat tulips.
they're white
Sorry bro but can you deposit the money by thursday? I need to get something nice for my girl. Thanks man you're a lifesaver.
you belong to the same rotten kin
Italy was always a EU budget contributor every fucking year
check any graph, per capita too
Cope harder. Also pay more. I want a new motorcycle when this lockdown ends. Thanks.
They are just taller and more girlier.
>burn jews at the stake, expel jews for usury, organize pogroms of jews as entertainment for peasants
>immediately invite jews into positions of power, build power on borrowed jewish money, destroy all of Europe in a 30 year long autistic chimpout, jews are g-d's chosen and we must rebuild israel for them
It's your problem, med countries won't do shit if you keep giving us money for free. At which point do the shitty parents start being guilty of having spoiled children?
Next time don't make a union based on gibs and retarded policies.
While blowing up the state debt...
Shut up and pick my fruit.
I was raised Methodist
Anglicanism is still not Catholicism
subhuman detected
Shut up filthy protestant and give us the money that we want to go to the beach soon that the weather is already perfect here to go to the beach. Or you won't be able to come here to get drunk in the streets and party.
Lmao u can’t even handle your angolan/Brazilian diaspora. Also do u even have right wing politicians? Last time I checked Iberia are even more cucked than the swedes.
And where, pray tell, did the jews get that money to begin with?
I hate southrons so damn much. Why can't we just fucking kill these animals
ok draadtrekker
It's called being smart.
Why kill the Jews when you can use them?
Hence why most of southern/eastern Europe is a shithole. No brains
How did you know?
Nice map
And that's why our "shitholes" are all 95+% ethnic majority pure while your "developed rich utopia" has Muhammed as the most popular baby name.
Ha. Youll do what you are told by Mutti Merkel and you will like it. Why should I pick your fruit when you will pay me to sit on my ass here in quarantine?
Hope you enjoy your tax going up soon to pay toothpaster.
Esperanto. That's a gay communist kike internationalist language.
Literally no
Don't worry, meds will keep buying all the trash you produce to finance your power. They have no pride.
Behold, the Sl*v subhuman.
>replying to a leaf
never do that again brate
ek sal jou bliksemse moer donner
because you are faggots and you won't do shit, that's why
Hurry up and pay the gibs already, I've got bills to pay here faggot. If you've got time to shitpost on Yas Forums, you've got time to get a second job to pay for our gibs.
See to it.
Death of the EU in 3.......2.......1
Btw shitty map, what do the lines in Spain try to represent? It looks like a retarded anglo tried to draw regions on it like this was the USA
>constantly go on and on about how terrible the EU is and how anti EU you are
>a realistic opportunity finally presents itself to crash this globohomo union
>start shitting on those who are anti EU, start bragging about how much EU dick you suck and get mad at others for not sucking as much EU dick as you do
holy shit you faggots are retarded
This is simply not true. There is no Italian style mob in Spain. Petty crime (outside of super touristy zones like Barcelona) is not common. Normal people are hard working, but most opportunities are low income jobs. A lot of young people are finishing good degrees but then not finding a job.
It's more a political/leadership problem. Schemes to get tax money to their friends, money getting squandered by the billions. For decades. The sheer size of the theft is mind boggling. Spain needs Franco back.
I hope so.
we can crash the union AFTER you've paid your fair share stingy little jew
NOOOOOO we have Ferrari and sheeeeit!!!
They will end up getting their bonds just make the printer go brr
The reigions of Spain you know... Catalonia,Andalusia,Galicia.. You should now this shit
Well I have nothing against east slavs. South “slavs” are barely slavs more like roaches.
Dat is niet eens Nederlands. Dit klinkt gwn als een neger immigrant die mijn taal probeert te spreken.
you'll pay for my shit and thank me too ugly albino
True, Spain needs a hard dictatorship or nothing will ever get done. This is our third try of democracy and it looks like it would end as always.
They love it as long as they get Dutch, British, Swedish and German gibs.
>Also do u even have right wing politicians?
Yes, since last year. Their party is polling at ~7% now and have a seat in parliament. They're growing fast. It's something at least.
>Dat is niet eens Nederlands. Dit klinkt gwn als een neger immigrant die mijn taal probeert te spreken.
fokof, jou ma se poes, ek praat afrikaans
nah you can keep your money, you'll need it to pay the gibs for those that are already within your land
they left the EU why would we want their gibs?
>Dutch, German
U have to go back nigger
Those are not the regions of Spain, look this map.
jou poes