Ontario releases prisoners to combat the Chinese virus. This is how the looting commences. I’m in a nice part of downtown and I know my head is gonna be the first to become theirs. Pray for me anons.

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That would not lower the spread at all. Our government is retarded.

I know. Trudeau is a nigger. Let all the prisoners fucking die.

if you dont want it to spread shouldnt you keep them locked up? should probably add some homeless and probation folks as well

muh social distancing

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Looting will never happen. I get the sense this is what they need to enforce even stricter measures and gain more control but its literally not happening this time. This is when the elites learn that "prisoners" are just people.

This makes no sense. Prisoners are already in quarantine for all intents and purposes. Fuck this government.

>Our government is retarded.
It's not just your government. Mine has been doing the same shit. It's almost like every government in the world is doing it, like they're one big government or something.

>”prisoners” are just people
I hope one of them rapes and murders your 6-year-old daughter. Idiot.

Hmm I wonder. NWO?

That's my opinion. I'm sure others will disagree.

why are you people so goddamn fucking stupid?

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>Unironically thinks this offends me

Fair. I just don't think violence will happen this time. I'm hearing more fears of this. I'm just sick of the fear-mongering.

Canadians are polite, just have Trudeau do what my mayor did.

those are all illegal american beat knicks and hippies everytime america coughs we get flem on us

>have zero sick people
>prisoners easily separated 2 in a cell
>on-site medical services that are easily sectioned off and locked down
>be a retarded politician
lets them go

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>Releasing inmates.
>Making public declarations that minor crimes wont be published
>Publicizing when a well known criminal begins asking to be let out because of rona

Im not a conspiracy fag but it almost seems like those in power want society to go into anarchy

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It might make sense to release a handful of non-violent, old, nearing the end of their sentence, and have families to take them in prisoners if the prisons are overcrowded and there's a concern that unrest and riots can occur due to the prison conditions. I think Columbia had some Chinkflu related prison riots where prisoners were freaking out about being packed so closely together with the disease nearby.
That said, you just know that lefty douchebags will use this as an excuse to release some violent prisoner because of muh racism or some such nonsense and endanger the local community.

>Canadian looting
>Eh, bud. You, uh, mind if I take that?

sure dere bud

That won't help at all, wtf Canada?

>If a released prisoner commits a crime, people are safer

>France release all illegal migrants due to corona
>Less than a week later an illegal migrants goes terrorist stabbing rampage in the streets
I dont see how it could not have did it on purpose.

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If all governments are separate but equally stupid, is it any different than having a 1 world government?

Got a link for the attacks?

>releasing inmates without jobs during a pandemic
um, so where the fuck are the going to live if they can't find work to pay rent? everything is shut down. what kind of fucking logic is this

>I dont see how it could not have did it on purpose.
checked. and based. and redpilled.

can you give some source mon frère?

I agree the chances of widespread looting/violence is extremely low, but people in jail are locked up for a reason.
It’s also extremely ironic how jails are being emptied, while the police are threatening people with jail time for violating lockdown measures....

>I’m in a nice part of downtown

Oh,thanks dere,buddy.

They’re getting desperate.

They're not stupid it's just the zogs way of unleashing terror upon citizens

>Migrants got released due to corona:

>Soudanese migrant stab people on the streets

In the canard enchainé, a minister said
>"We are going to learn that we dont need to fight illegal migration with the release"
I fucking keked

Fuck you stop being such a god damn weak minded limp wrist pussy. Fucking pathetic.

hi Scarborough nigger

fucking macron

It’s a slippery slope. Where do you draw the line re: “old”, “near end of sentence”, “low risk”, etc.
Prisoners are maintaining social distancing in their cells much better than the average citizen is at home. Keep them in there, don’t allow family visits, the virus is a nothingburger anyways and will blow over soon enough.

Lmao you are so retarded do you really think they'd just release a bunch of rapists and shit lmfao

Definitely. The whole thing is so insane - but more than that, its an obvious assault on humanity itself.

Fucking everyone, there is litteraly no french "Right" politician who made the link between these events.
It was litteraly the first thing that jumped in my mind, easy anti-immigration propaganda, but no one did it.

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Will they ask them to come back once all is well?

worst time in history for this shit to happen, goverments are useless and the people in charge know shit except public relations.


Ontario apart from Ford should be carpet bombed repeatedly for no less than 2 full months at 24/7 until only sand and specks of glass remain. Every bit of evil in Canada has been spread right from there.

It keeps the prisoners safe, instead of you

how did we end up like this man

Don’t forget Québec while you’re at it

Yea I dunno man. I think the only solution is bullets. Violence seems to be the only thing that solves problems. It's always been that way, really.

>release 1900 prisoners
>wont be able to get a job
>wont be able to get ei or erb due to not working last year
>gl finding housing

either the dumbest idea or some 9001D chess my boy ford is playing to save us millions of cash


It keeps no one safe. Prisons can be set up as quarantine zones quite easily.

They will ask politely. Surely those kind felons would not object.

>Ontario has released all dangerous predators from zoos across the province in an attempt to help lower the spread of the prisoners it released in an attempt to help lower the spread of COVID-19

>Ontario has released a dangerous airborne virus in an attempt to help lower the spread of the dangerous predators it released in an attempt to help lower the spread of the prisoners it released in an attempt to help lower the spread of COVID-19

it's fine because when you get the second virus all the prisoners and dangerous animals are already dead

Chequed. They won't be able to apply for Trudolt bucks either. They are just being release to inevitably create chaos. Whether that chaos is planned or incidental is another question. But the end result is the same.

Why didn't you become powerful during all this time? we told you guys time and time again years ago that something big was coming and the destruction of modern society was inevitable and you had to train for it.

You let Paris and filthy degenerate Paris women take control of whole country. Must get rid of bad election system. Electoral college for France?

I'm going for walks in my neighborhood and I keep coming across gangs of kids sneaking around, trying door-handles and looking for crap to steal. This is a stupid idea. I guess curfews are next.

And then buried under 50’ of concrete, a wall erected around the perimeter of the province with Quebec included and fucking filled with water. It’ll be our next great lake

I dont know desu l'ami, we were probably fucked way before my birth anyway, i have gone complete clown world to protect my sanity.

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This, why don't they just lockdown the prison and keep prisoners in their cell? Then it won't spread

Were they all tested first?
This is a move that kirschner form Argentina used to oppress regular citizens

What's wrong, it's just a
If that guy doesn't have CCP chink in him then I'm the Queen of England.

Well, it is Canada. How brutal are your criminals anyway?
>Oh hey there eh, u giys ought to come back now that the virus is done. U got 2 more months
>criminal: Oh hey there yeah I'll be there in a jiffy eh, just picking up some Tim Hortons for me and the guys eh. You want anything eh?

It's already in majority of our jails. Especially the big ones

so people should be happy that about 2k black people are out of prison on vaca
thanks white people for being so kind, said no black ever.

What’s your neighbourhood?

Fear mongering is good. It causes action. Were it not for Yas Forums freaking me out with early corona rumors, I would've been just another sheep.

I guess that's just not part of the plan. The plan is to implement the Canadian War Measures Act (Martial Law) just like Trudeau Sr. did with the FLQ.
They just need a good enough reason to push for it.

I didnt know they were letting the migrants go? Sauce please

Ok, OP. Maybe post some hints so we can track what's happening around your location. Won't be able to type if you're getting shanked.


Dont worry I see your links, thanks user

They are the worst socialist commie faggots you have ever seen. Pathetic wiggers and wannabe gangsters. Should release them all 600km out in the ocean.

Ya of course big brother should also know your home address via your router wan ip. Can’t be too safe.

>how brutal are your criminals anyways?
You don’t want to know

bonne chance mon ami, this world is truly fucked anyways

different cannucki but its the same in pembroke
just bored kids

Yea, there's a lot of suspicious "exercise" wanderers around my neighbourhood as well. Specifically people that do not live here.

Its not only migrants we are releasing prisoners too like canada, if you read french:

Drug dealer now have imunity to jail

What does that have to do with it?

>refuse to self-isolate
>get arrested and sent to jail
>be in jail
>user, we're releasing you to stop the spread of covid-19
>refuse to stay in home
>get arrested and go to jail
>be in jail
>user, we're releasing you to stop the spread of covid-19

Trust me its fucked. I get annoyed by druggie faggots and homeless people on the street. Im around UofT...

By “drug dealer” I think you mean “undocumented pharmacist”, bigot.

I know for a fact theyve released assault charges, attempted murderers, sex crimes, gun crimes, etc

The other poster said that there is absolutely no way the government would ever consider releasing convicted rapists.
I proved him wrong.
And if you’re still in doubt, please read the following: