Why are black people so racist
Why are black people so racist
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Based nigger. Can't believe I said that outloud.
>Why are black people hate the people who genocided and enslaved their ancestors
>took the names of two other niggers
Fuck niggers
literally everyone except shitlib whites are "racist"
Everybody’s racist to a certain degree nigga
They can always go back to Africa or Haiti seeing as their ancestors did absolutely 0.0 to build this nation. They’ll feel less oppressed.
>niggers alive today
Too much cousin fucking Ahmed.
they can think whatever they want if it means they leave us alone
i wish
I'm racist. So why the fuck should I care if blacks don't like me?
Seriously, I don't get the guys on Yas Forums who slag on niggers and than get all upset when something pops up on social media of a black person talking shit about whites.
Back in the 1960s, an overwhelming majority of whites and blacks were disgusted by racemixing
"white" grandkids
Black people ACTUALLY need to live around other Black people that behave like fucking niggers.
The "liberal" Black people most liberal meet in their life is not the real nigger most black people that still live in the poor neighborhoods usually meet.
I worked for IBM and usually went to the US and the black people working there were middle-high income black people and their were racist as fuck, because they actually know what this animals do to their own communities.
>picking cotton is akin to genocide
The ol' black guys vs niggers argument.
He's honest & based. I love a raciail seperatist no matter what colour. Miscegination is wrong.
Here's Casius Clay talking on it.
cool. go back to africa then
This. The most uppity seem to be the most obese. Not willing to move. If I could go back to post civil war america and show them what 2020 will look like... They'd definitely pay to round'em up and ship them back.
Hey there are no niggers in here. The only niggers I ever meet in here was teaching English and the niggers I saw in the US. Also btw for work I had to move to Detroit for like 2 months and was told to never leave of 2 block from the house my company got me into and the black people there were the most racist motherfuckers I have ever meet.
I hate niggers, niggers hate me and I love them for that, based brothers do not racemix
fucking idiot. the uppity blacks are the rich MFers usually mixed with white genes, creole, etc. and going to the country clubs that you don't have money for
Fuckheads not understanding it's a 2 way street and mutual hate is healthy if boundaries are set
confirmed newfag. there are niggers in every race. that's always been a pol theme until idiots swarmed this place in 2016
You guys should have went through with emancipation around the same time the rest of the British empire did. Than you'd have less niggers in your country today.
Sometimes I wonder whether the Abraham Lincoln fought the south in order to stop the demographic time bomb that slavery was creating. Blacks were beginning to outnumber whites in southern states because of slavery.
We would be better off.
They are the least uppity, retard. The ones with the chip on their shoulder are the welfare or the ones that work as a diversity officer.
It would've been nice but we'd probably still want that cheap mexican labor.
You ever wonder why America didn't just enslave the Mexicans to begin with? Why did they go through all the trouble to import blacks from Africa?
I respect niggers that don't believe in race mixing and want to improve their monkey culture. With a couple million years they could be human too
Nah it's only a thing with you amerimutts who can't imagine a world without Niggers and by Niggers I mean black "people"
As long as there is more than one race, race mixing is bound to happen. Doesn't matter if both races are made up of up-standing citizens. Sooner or later a woman's heart and man's cock will get the better of them and they'll have a mixed kid.
The only sure way to end race-mixing is to have only one race on the planet.
Howdy rabbi. All racial problems in modern america are created and compounded by kikes.
>BLM: kike
>Antifa: Kike
>Occupy Wallstreet: Kike
>Reddlt: Chinese (kike of the orient)
In fact the Black Panter movement was the last time blacks weren't retarded.
By that standard they would have to hate everybody. Yet, they choose to convert to Islam.
Are you really trying to find rationality in what niggers do? We wuz kangz.
Muh 6 trillions niggers
Blacks were originally advertised by (((slave traders))) as being non-human and therefore morally acceptable to be owned as property.
Much harder to do that with natives that have been having cross-bred rapebabies with the Spaniards for decades already.
Rich coming from a roach ottoman
Eat shit turk nigger
Good times.
They should hate them.
Unironically based black man. He has the exact same concerns as 90% of Yas Forums
>Why are black people so racist
They are allowed to be, they have been told that racism is predudice plus power, they don't have the power, so they can be as racist as they want.
Of course when they get the power, (if they manage to fend off the chinks, the hispanics, the jews, etc..) then things won't change a bit.
They have a crippling insecurity complex. And, I mean, I would too if my genetics rendered me clinically retarded and I the physical appearance of a lesser evolved human.
He's right though, imagine your descendants not resembling you at all
Oy vey they killed my great grandpa I'm not even real!
pick one
Not africa
Ironically blacks are racist in a stupid irrational way. Objectively a white person can be legitimately racist against blacks
Blacks hate whites because of jealousy. Whites hate blacks because of disgust. The basis of the hate is different.
Why would (((they))) genocide blacks when (((they))) were making so much money having them around?
>imagine thinking rats or seagulls are endangered and each one is valuable and precious
What animu is that?
learn english, roach
>ending up with white grandkids
those things arent white
Because even something as subhuman as a talking chimp has more brains than a White libtard
wow, I always knew this intuitively but never seen in into words
All those people are already dead stupid faggot, GET OVER IT
the entire reason the slaves were freed, kept in America, and given the right to vote was so that congress could be stacked in their favor.
I can they get away with pretty much anything