"It's just the flu!"
*a few weeks later*
"This is a nasty, nasty virus. We've always taken this seriously."
"It's just the flu!"
*a few weeks later*
"This is a nasty, nasty virus. We've always taken this seriously."
Other urls found in this thread:
Sounds like he was repeating what Fauci said.
From the same article:
"If that testing shows the virus has slipped into the country in places federal officials don't know about, "we've got a problem," Dr. Anthony Fauci, director of the National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases, told USA TODAY's Editorial Board Monday."
Acquittal makes that no longer accurate
At least he didn't say there is no human to human transmissions.
>conducted by the Chinese
It's already proven that they lied. The WHO can only act within the honor system, which any reasonable country would operate within during an outbreak.
>Trump wants a travel ban on China
>Collective media OMG you fucking racist
1 month later same media
>OMFG Trump didn't do anything
He didn't, though. Chinese have continued to pour into the country. He was all talk.
Everyone was assuming “China has it under control”. And assuming the data we were getting was accurate. Oops.
WHO is too busy playing damage control for their Chinese masters and combating muh racist rhetoric.
That’s because Trump kept saying it was a nothing burger while wanting to travel ban. If it’s nothing
like you kept claiming, then yeah, sounds pretty racist because there’s no actual need for one.
Sorry I don't click fake news sites.
Trump ignored the experts and played a "hunch" that cost weeks before starting testing and screening. His ego put blood on his hands.
How is it racist to not want people coming in from China?
Chinese is not a race, it's a nationality, I don't remember him wanting a Taiwan ban, and Taiwan is basically China in the UN's eyes.
China lied
people died
Trump has always been fucking retarded, yet people still praise him. It’s a weird timeline we live in.
I think it's because he speaks on their level, and they just don't know any better.
Half of the “experts” were saying it’s nothing burger. The other half get to be right and now are the only true “expert” hindsight
Even when this was raging through Europe the Trump administration was downplaying it to protect the stock market.
Face it, he's a tool and he killed hundreds of not thousands of people.
If you're taking up the China jingo-bait, you're a retard.
Yes, they lied about this shit and are dig eating chinkoids.
However, the US intel agencies failed to get any good info, and instead have been creating terrorist plots to put white men in prison. This is also a good opportunity to show the weakness and fragility of the Jewish debt finance economy in which we live.
Finally, get that bag. Soak your govt for as much cash ass you can.
Your an idiot
its almost as if the deepstate glowniggers put the squeeze on him when he doesn't tow their line of bullshit or something.
America voted for complete chaos, now it's here and you're whining again. What the hell do you want.
Pretty much. Many Americans (especially here in the south) in majorly retarded. Trumps says some of the dumbest shit. He even made a sex joke about being with models when he was discussing possible models of the Corona virus
Yeah, the media is fucking terrible.
>republicans are the party of low IQ
Sorry, but the science has been settled.
Everybody knew it mostly affected the elderly which Trump was willing to sacrifice. He didn't take into account the fact that it only affected the elderly because China's healthcare system is top rated while America's is a joke like its education system and Wall Street.
Ah the Biden operation is out in force today. Hey can we a proof of life video? Joe needs to say " I love a good cup of coffee with the roaches on Tuesday morning after my nightly naked swim party."
Don't keep passing around memes when you're too stupid to realize they've been debunked.
Flu killed 61,000 people in the US last year.
Covid19 is only at 11,000
"Yeah they lied about it, and are the whole reason this pandemic even exists, but the U.S. should have been able to penetrate China's intelligence agencies and find out what they know, therefore it's actually America's fault.
Being able to buy a house out of all this would be nice...
Please point to the actual paper and how they came up with this conclusion. How many samples were used?
Looks like we got an user here who doesn't believe in science.
I bet you're one of those subIQ retards who actually believe Trump colluded with Russia too
>one bad thing means another bad thing is okay to exist on top of that
Don't be a fucking retard.
Science says you're a gay faggot nigger.
You're an idiot you fucking mong
thats why the chinese send kids here by the boat load to get educated.
and ahhh the elderly is his base you dipshit!!
Terrorism in the US kills a dozen people a year. Covid 11,000. Terrorism is a nothing burger.
>china has top notch healthcare
>china guns down anyone with the chinese flu
i guess if we could just execute anyone who had it we would be better off
while in February, Pelosi told everyone to visit parades and shit in China Town. Your cognitive bias is showing mr leftist. Better gulp some onions to fight the depression.
its common sense. every low iq minority votes 99% democrat while college educated whites vote republican.
You might as well be linking InfoWars.
>he actually believes the party of blacks on welfare and low skilled immigrants are the party of high IQ
In part, but you must be one of those made-up white supremeists coofing on kikes and cops (so says the fake FBI Telegram bait they put into the media loop.)
O bill really cares about the elderly!!!!! he is the messiah!! worship me
Source on that?
I live in the south and every republican voter I met is completely retarded. Please cope harder
so Clinton was not impeached? sweet!!
You should stop hanging around retards then
Its is the possessive form you fucking retard, it's is the contraction form that means IT IS.
>my anecdotal evidence beats your anecdotal evidence
Thanks for proving the scientific study in real time
its not either Trump is bad or trump is good you know. Only faggots like you look at world through the eyes of a child.
Trump has done some good things..
-china travel restrictions
-no national lockdown
trump has made mistakes
-down played the threat to the public
-did not stockpile medical equipment when advanced notice was given
You're a retard, blacks vote democrat en mass
slaves to welfare and high taxes
Republicans are not the best choice, but essentially the only choice you have unless you want hyper inflation through higher taxes and "livable wages"
>linking an actual rebuttal that legitimately dismisses the original claim is still fake news
This is why you faggots are considered low IQ to the rest of the world.
Fuxk you're dumb.
You are equals you're
Your in not you are.
Everyone youve spent time with is retarded as birds of a feather flock together
Citing Snopes is akin to citing CNN, it only serves to make you look retarded.
>Trump calls Lefties bashing him over the handling of Corona the next great hoax
I wonder if they know how clearly the american people can see through their bullshit
Keep coping faggot
Republicans are against raising the minimal wage. They rather suck off CEOs of corporations than actually help workers.
Yeah user.I totally believe infowars and mediamatters publications too!
Holy shit, thank you so much for proving the scientific study in real time. This shit is gold.
>k-k-keep coping
Keep hanging around retards, retard.
I don’t hang out with them. It’s the interactions I have with them when I’m out running errands.