Why the FUCK hasn't America banned every single gun yet? #theyoungpeoplewillwin

Why the FUCK hasn't America banned every single gun yet? #theyoungpeoplewillwin

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shut the fuck up and let americans kill themselves

Who is this chopped hair lesbian with the unpleasant face?

Cause niggers

Jealousy, the thread



Nobody even remembers those fags. Kys.

>hurrr durrr
>7,000 murders a year
>mostly ghetto niggers killing each other
>pretending that is a severe demographic shifting Anatoly that will somehow work in your favor
>has a crime rate just as high as the US
>at least we’re not being killed by guns

Will never happened.

I feel sorry for your cucked citizens though

he really does have a truly offensive and disgusting head and face - what an ugly fuck

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>ban every gun so my wife and children can be overpowered and raped by anyone at any time.
>ban every gun so when evil takes the reins of power they can more easily abuse me
Wow, Australia. Didn't know you liked dicks in your ass that much.

how does she effortlessly control the recoil in not just .308 mind you, but that fucking platform?

is she some kind of demon or robot?

Oi mate, you got 6 rounds in that?!

Guns? nigga we using artillery now...

a little bit of both - a marvel of a specimen - the demon in her is mostly from the waste down if ya know what I mean uwu

Is he daring me to kiss him?
Because I will if he keeps it up...
And please god let this be a retarded bot thread like the others, Hogg was such a forced meem by the MSM.

Goddamn, Rachel Maddow really let himself go. Remember, people, even during the quarantine you can take pride in your appearance

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It's called lazy / overstretched animators

I met this guy, and I can honestly say he was one of the most punchable people I've ever met.

>implying young people want to ban guns
fuck off commie boomer

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Even if they ban guns Americans will never let them go.

>short barrel hk91
>soild stock
>full auto
>no ear protection
>no recoil
>little girl

Weebs are so cringe. I would love to see you losers even try to load my 91. It requires finesse yet force.

This guy gets it

Mind your own business.

This. We're the only ones who can. Praise us when we're gone.

It's really gonna tussle your undies when you find out even norimes in the US have been sticking up. You can't buy ammo to save your life. Gl with putting this toothpaste back in the tube you massive faggot.

lol what a little faggot

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Gun stores just sold out of guns and ammo all over the country.
Theres 10 times the amount of guns in the hands of the public as there was last year.

come and take them, bitch.

I bought two handguns with my trumpbux. And some extra boxes of ammo including some buffalo bore 45-70 for my lever action.
KYS liberals will be easy prey if this turns into an actual happening.

I can’t imagine living without a gun

I have never went anywhere without my glock since I was 17, I just can’t function knowing if somebody ran up on me with a gun There’s nothing I could do

I don’t know how /nogunz/ do it, nor how there fucking idiots rather live without a gun

This corona bullshit has had one especially hysterical outcome..
>The amount of libshits eating crow and lining up at academy to buy guns

We've know banning guns works because we've used it against our enemies

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It’s like living without a fire extinguisher in your house or a long term food storage in case of a famine. They’re just gambling with their life despite centuries of history screaming at them that the world can turn into hell without notice and that nobody is invulnerable to the horrors of life.

I wish the Chinese would hurry up and get rid of you faggots.

Now that’s a chinlet, this kid ever has to take a punch his whole face is caving in.

We will never give up our guns
Constitutional Right
Fuck off commies

Cyborg loli assassins made from snuff film starlets are strong as fuck.

Man I’m really scared this is going to happen to me. All muh self defense rhetoric aside, my dad recently passed and I inherited a god damn arsenal of assault weapons, pistols, and bolt action wwII rifles passed down from my older family, and shelves full of loaded rounds and magazines. I never take them out cause they make remind me of him and make me sad, and I know to keep them lowkey, but if Marshall law were to come and they were taken it would strip away the last memories I have with him.

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cunty little dweeb throws fit
this is why you dont allow women to raise children solely, you get little faggots like this kid, screaming and throwing a tantrum over their one track mind bullshit.
he's a retard and within 10 years he'll change his mind and realize he's a cringey douche bag.

Still waiting for this retarded fuck to flunk out of Harvard.

Because you cut your dick off

You faggots really are stupid, aren't you?

There are more guns than people in this country. It would take a complete lock down, with paramilitary going from door to door searching houses and even then they would only manage to capture a fraction of the total number of weapons in the hands of citizens.

There would be shootouts and bloodshed on day 1 of any attempt to do so.

I support open carry mother fucker!! So does my wife, you little punk ass cracker bitch.

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>an entire generation of children is growing up today with lock down and active shooter drills
Do people really think that's not going to have a political impact?

Because 1) the point of the 2nd ammendment is to never leave the citizens without comparable firepower to those who rule us. It is an equalizer to help avoid tyranny and allow the people a fighting chance...and 2) few countries dare ever invade the US because there is literally a gun behind nearly every door. We are our own civilian army, and we will protect our land, our families, and our liberty from any who wish to forcefully take it. You don't like guns? Don't get one. And good luck trying to round them up and take them.

Why hasn't there been any white mass shooters this year? What has happened to them? Did isreal stop their program of radicalization?

you shouldve shot him.

fascinating. tell me more. sauce?

Cause you look like you need to take a huge shit.


Because we’re not ruled by blubbering homosexuals like David Hogg.

Check this out you fucking chinaman.

I'm sure it's just a (((coincidence)))

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>Why hasn't there been any white mass shooters this year? What has happened to them? Did isreal stop their program of radicalization?
FBI hasn't groomed any lately.

Still plenty of black mass shooters, they're just called gang bangers and the media hides the shootings.

Guns aren't even banned in Australia, queer.

Based. All Americans who can legally own firearms should exercise their 2A right

fuck yeah! me and my hommies are with you dawg

idk but I love shooting alone out in the woods. its the only thing that brings me peace. Being in nature and hearing the shot echo off the hills is truly something.

anyways, my cold dead hands or something like that. fuck off

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the more (((they))) rail against gun ownership the more assured i am that i ought to buy more guns.

I'm younger than this fuck and I believe in universal armament. School shootings happen because thy are soft targets. Every Child from the age of 4 should be taught to saftely handle and fire a gun. In an ideal world every student in that school would have cocked their handguns, hunted down that ugly mutt and filled him with holes.

Because it's against the law (constitution).

Some Greta lady