How is this acceptable?
How is this acceptable?
Chinks made the virus.
Because it is China's fault.
it was his job to jump out of airplanes and kill chinks in the 60s
Why are leftards so butthurt when people point out this virus comes from China, like 80% of epidemics in human history? Why do they never want the shithole to take responsability for its actions? Why did they do their best to outsource every job the west had there? Why do they all sound like the sockpuppets of the CCP? When do we behead every single one of them?
Because they brought the virus to the world through either idiocy with the BSL IV lab - or - disgusting wet markets with bush meats
Thanks chinks
>faggot would rather post a picture about this guy on Twitter than confront him about it
He doesn't give a shit, he just posted that for good guy points on Twatter
Yet if White People started the virus, it would be okay to blame them? Double Standards should be a criminal fucking offense at this point.
>It's China's fault your healthcare system and government is shit
Always the victim, it's never your fault.
Boomers are based.
Had an old boomer walk in my store the other day and start loudly telling nigger jokes.
Didn't even seem to understand it was socially unacceptable, just was having a good time. Had a jovial, good-natured laugh.
If they didn't create the virus, they sure as hell are responsible for letting it escape their containment country.
They lied to WHO telling them it is not human transmissible.
On the first month (nov-dec) they should have quarantined themselves telling each and every country to avoid going to China at all costs.
>1 post by this ID
>virus comes from China
The new cases don't come from China all international travel from china has been shut since February they are entirely the fault of your health system and government.
I am impressed but not really
>american hapa bitching on behalf of communist party
these traitors need to go back
I like how he flipped his t-shirt so you can see his bicep, kek.
I don't know, how is anything China does acceptable?
hahaha, that guy is based. would buy him a beer.
based boomer
cope harder wang
I like Trump
>There's no excuse for flagrant racism
First off, China isn't a race.
Secondly, is there a point, including apparently a potential apocalypse, that you can't blame a group of people for their actions without limp-wristed Trotskyites calling you racist?
+1 social credit has been added
And they should take a really good look at themselves if they are going to talk shit about the pandemic showing your true colors. I mean, the left is the one politicking this situation to hell and back.
Is this?
Did the bad man hurt your fee fees?
So solly..
so should your capitalisation rules
>America is great
>we just let some shitty thing from china somehow travel to America and shit on 300,000+ and counting of us
Yes it's China's fault you didn't take it seriously when they did in fucking January.
>The new cases don't come from China all international travel from china has been shut since February
Explain to me why we had reports, videos, and pictures all over this board talking about how there were chinks ignoring the travel bans and getting on planes meant for civilians to come back home?
Dog tags out
Airborne hat
What a cock sucking faggot
lets ddox the guy and fuel race war
>Because it is China's fault.
you can't blame global pollution on super virus mutated by PBB on one nation, everyone helped build this monster
Based boomer, wouldn't mind a beer with him lol.
Because millenials are cowards and zoomers, by all accounts up to this point, look to be like introverted mega-autists by default.
I have no great love for Boomers but millenials have ruined the fucking world and zoomers suck toilet seats during an epidemic outbreak.
What exactly? Being a fucking cuck like that Shitter's e-celeb? I dunno
We wouldn't have any cases outside of China if chinks could've just stayed home for one chinese new year celebration.
Best kek of my day so far.
Again I'm not Chinese I'm just laughing at you amerisharts finding someone to blame when your country is being overrun due to ineptitude. It's Gingers blaming the sun for getting sunburnt.
Sean Payton is BASED
Thanks Chinks
Or they could kill the whistleblowers - great jerb china thx for helping the word
Personally I think they let it out on purpose so they could appear to be the saviors globally for good boy points
How can racism be still acceptable in the U.S?
same as the way this is
>stfu chigger
What a based boomer. He probably shot a chink for every year I've been alive.
Cause he’s not wrong
Hate speech is free speech. Get over your jealousy of Americans.
>Specifically says Chinks
>Assumes every Asian are chinks
What a racist asshole
You left out the punch line
Anti-Chinese Jingoism is going to be more socially acceptable if not outright pushed by the main stream in the coming buildup to a war against China. There’s no other possible solution to bringing the US out of the massive recession caused by a nation-wide hysteria over the flu. The manufactured crises will be used as justification, preceded by bringing manufacturing back to the US. Calm down idiots; it’s all going to be automated.
The Jews/ZOG/Free Masons/Illuminati/whatever you call the people who run the show need this as a way to hold on to power. It was an eventuality anyway. The US meddling would soon interfere with Chinas global expansion, but a war would need justification. Now they have it.
>>like 80% of epidemics in human history
MERS was from saudi arabia
Cholera from India
Plague from Mongolia
Marburg and Ebola from Africa
btw this will change due to climate change very soon
- more and more animals will be endemic to europe
>name of twitter user
He is not white so his opinion is irrelevant
Great idea! I’m writhing Fuck China and Nuke China on my PPE!
>millenials have ruined the fucking world
How does one ruin the world when they don't have any fucking money
>China lets their infected leave earlier on in the virus' life becase "the virus isn't that bad" and "it's the flu"
>China knew about Covid since before January and didn't share that information with the world
>Infected chinks, let go by China, fly to a bunch of different countries and infect them
>"Lol how could you let this happen?"
You're right. Next time, we end it before it starts.
This, These types of Boomers are the master race, then woke Xers then millennials who on average are more based then both but have lots of cunts too, zoomers are human garbage except hot girls who dance for my masturbatory pleasure on TikTok
lmao my initial thought when I saw the thumbnail
Honestly, people like this are fucking cancer and they know it (The guy on twitter, not the Veteran). They're just using situations like these to get people to follow them on twitter.
It's acceptable if you are a superpower that feels threatened by a rising china or if you are any random country that wants to attack western democracies by picking at the seams.
Why do Leftards keep lumping Vietnamese, Korean and Japanese with Chinks?
China intentionally allowed the infection to release in order to crash the western economy. No travel, no oil usage. No oil usage, USD plummets
Because it’s based
it’s awesome, it’s wonderful, it brings people closer together, it creates happiness and joy, has side effects of making you love too much and helping too many people.
>The new cases don't come from China all international travel from china has been shut since February they are entirely the fault of your health system and government
the disease isnfrom China, and China let sick people leave the country to spread the virus when they knew what would happen, and while lying to the WHO and the world about no human to human spread.
also the ice gonna melt in siberia
I can't believe how Australia has so many non NPC's in it. Australia and America is our last chance. UK is cucked still and only Farage can save it.
>Again I'm not Chinese
press x to doubt
Because commies ALWAYS cover for each other's failings.
God I hope so
Israeli Scientists Claim It’s ‘Pure Luck’ They Were Already Working On A COVID-19 Vaccine Prior To The Outbreak
“Let’s call it pure luck,” he said. “We decided to choose coronavirus as a model for our system just as a proof of concept for our technology.”
In 1998 Israeli Jews were caught developing ethnic bioweapons
The “ethno-bomb” program is based at Israel’s Nes Tziyona research facility. Scientists are trying to use viruses and bacteria to alter DNA inside living cells and attack only those cells bearing Arabic genes.
President Trump had officially renamed COVID the JEW FLU
Thanks chink.
Kek, based
What have you done? Seriously what the fuck have you done?
Why didn’t Ebola star hate for niggers?
Clearly this man is thankful to the chinese for showing us the enlightened approach to keeping deaths and cases to a minimum as has been reported
China has restaurants with decoration praising Americans dying but this is bad. China is by far the most racist country in human history and its insane how they are painted as victims
nobody knows look at this thread so many chink dick suckers here.
>there's no excuse
Chinks deserve to be gassed for this shit. Especially since they didn't give a fuck and reopened the wet markets anyway
China is a big trade partner and we should do our best to not fan the flames user. I just hope they accept the trade deal the Don put forward or else things may escalate in the future. Also just to add something, the virus is mostly effecting low income people and lets be honest, these "people" are disposable.
>Infected have no symptoms until the 2nd week of infection during which they're entirely contagious.
>WHO knew this and warned about this since January
>Everyone laughing at China flu haha look at them and their suits and fumigating
>pretending that you could have foreseen this somehow
>other countries doing fine because they have listen to expert advice
>retard americans dying in the streets
Top kek please die soon.
>China is responsible for keeping the rest of the world safe
user, I...
Trump supporters are uneducated shitbagz who unironically vote against their own economic interests
I love how the left uses every opportunity to turn Americans against each other.
Hello CCP mouthpiece. If your shithole didn't wait for months before announcing the pandemic to the world, and if it had prevented its citizens from going out to infect the rest of the world, nothing would have happened.
k thx bye
Free speech you retarded kiwi, cry harder.
Yeah I think this Maximilian Uriarte (Urinate?) should be deported back China where he belongs. I don't care where or when it happens, he's a piece of communistic shit.
Only a matter of time before you're infected fatty. Can't wait for the million deaths because all you obese retards all have diabetes or high blood pressure undiagnosed anyway.