Service Canada Not Serving Canadians

The shut down continues. ZERO canadians have been able to sign up for the new benefit meanwhile the government CAN afford to hire thousands of CGDF shills to patrol internet anime imageboards, ever on the prowl for those daring enough to post in-store prices with uncovered UPC labels which the CGDF can use to dox the poor Canadians, go to their houses, and give them a stern talking to.

Attached: canada, a nation in ruin.jpg (3750x4456, 3.53M)

Other urls found in this thread:,-2-×-450-g.product.100417603.html,-1.36-kg.product.100411882.html

how is this legal?

Attached: usa vs canada salmon.jpg (1512x2016, 542.27K)

Good morning.


also don't eat farmed fish, it's toxic as fuck because they are fed toxic shit. IE all the farmed salmon in norway is fed ground up fish that is illegal for consumption, because it's fished in the highly polluted baltic sea. All those chemicals end up in the salmon which stores it in it's fat

Is it actually illegal to post in-store prices? I thought that was just a meme.
Got anything to back it up?

Trudeau had these signs put in all food stores.

it's considered a form of espionage

Attached: resized ortated.jpg (763x1651, 207.8K)

here is another one of a canadian pleading for other leafs not to take instore photos

Attached: abject insanity of canadians2.png (568x732, 295.33K)

*record scratch*
>yup that's me, having my mother threatned for taking instore prices and posting them on Yas Forums

Attached: record scratch.jpg (1564x1564, 239.39K)

this one is gold

Attached: schizoleaf.png (551x342, 26.95K)

I just got off from the phone with my Canadian friend. He told me about a sale they have going on at his local store. Two free thighs come with every $30 bird. Should I tell him or not?

Attached: 20190807_113230.jpg (4032x3024, 3.38M)

here is what canadians on the border with the USA pay for chicken thighs.

Attached: $28 chicken thighs.jpg (1466x1232, 665.65K)

we need a white revolution

Turdeau and kenney handing out money like crazy. I missed a 14 day set of work and for the first time in my life I got govt gibs. 3000 already plus 2 k more. Fuck service Canada I just clicked 3 buttons got gibs. How long would 3 k last in Poland? How many toilets u have to scrub for 3k?

you havent gotten anything bro

zio cultural marxist OP spotted and saged. Fuck you loser

Windsor's not too far away. They must know that there is a huge difference just across the border. Chicken thighs are so cheap that they're not even a thought.
Here's roughly what Salmon costs in the US.

Attached: IMG_20181230_151119781.jpg (1652x929, 271.78K)

It's illegal to take pictures of food?
Even if you couldn't do it in the store for some reason you could still but what you normally buy and take pictures at home later.

Take these

Attached: Screenshot_20200407-112617.png (720x1280, 212.02K)

This is where that store is based on the address on the price tag label. The zehrs website doesn't want to tell me where the stores are by number for some reason.

Attached: Screenshot_20200407-112628.png (720x1280, 261.87K)

>here's your turkey

Attached: $63 turkey.jpg (1560x2080, 359.36K)

>It's illegal to take pictures of food?

well someone certainly wants canadians to think it is so they dont take photos

Attached: oh god csis gooned him.png (574x175, 13.61K)

How would they prevent the no camera thing since phones are cameras?

That's literally a stone throw away. If I were a leaf, I know where I would be going on the weekends. Tariffs be damned!
That same bird would cost around $18 down here. It's still 99 cents a pound.

Attached: IMG_20181130_122638103.jpg (1652x929, 337.13K)

luxury soup is no longer $4.

IT IS NOW $4.39

Attached: look at the sooouup.jpg (1326x821, 331.73K)

>That's literally a stone throw away. If I were a leaf, I know where I would be going on the weekends. Tariffs be damned!

canadians arent allowed to cross the border anymore because of corona..

Attached: canada visits america.png (831x1188, 187.27K)

It's the second best soup in the world I hear.
I know. I can't imagine how they're surviving without access to cheap American food, booze, tobacco, and gadgets.

Attached: Macaco-Original.jpg (1500x1500, 102.41K)

I was at Costco in the GTA 2 days ago. This same size portion of salmon was STARTING at $59.00. Some were $90.00. They had a sign above the fish saying it was EXCLUSIVELY due to shipping and transport charges. Walked away rolling my eyes

Attached: 3B477A9B-7816-46BE-A114-D43F3A5E644A.jpg (540x540, 65.54K)

>not being a dual citizen

>luxury soup
What the fuck?

they said we wouldn't reach peak luxury soup for years yet

lord have mercy. you gotta photograph that type of stuff if you see it again.

you ain't crossing back forth regardless. unless you drick a truck

*drive a TRUCK

look at the state of this corned beef

Attached: 75 cents last yeae.jpg (502x670, 93.61K)

check this one out.

$5.29. it seems high now but in six months you'll think different

Attached: $5.29 soup.jpg (1960x4032, 1.09M)

The pack of smokes ( cigaret ) are insanely high aswell all across canada except for Quebec province .

I'm in nova Scotia right now and I pay 17$ for a pack of 25 smoked ( the cheap one ) LD/ pall mall/ phillip Morris/ next .

Its probably 20-25$ for eXporta

I will. Things are getting bad and the change in Costco prices has me questioning whether my membership is worth it. I’m trying to find it online but they have taken most items down. But here’s a gem. Frozen calamari dicks for $80

Attached: DCFC707E-F1AB-48CD-8991-B95B003F0273.jpg (4032x3024, 3.53M)

that's insane. what does a 26er of your liquour cost ya?

Still not real.
Shill pos.

Attached: trudedope1.jpg.png (840x478, 524.85K)

>EXCLUSIVELY due to shipping and transport charges
That's bullshit. These
are Pacific caught and I live in the Midwest. It's a three day drive for me. Here's smoked Salmon taken at a different store.

Attached: IMG_20181230_151137155.jpg (1652x929, 332.87K)


Why are you always lying recycle meme? I signed up yesterday. Takes 3-5 days to get the benefit

These used to cost $28. I know because I bought them in January

Recycle meme is always making these anti canadian threads and anytime he is proven wrong he ignores it
He makes these threads literally all day every day for over a year now and rly makes me think
>inb4 mad max pic demanding in store pricing

They just started taking applications for the benefit yesterday

>release 1900 prisoners
>wont be able to get a job
>wont be able to get ei or erb due to not working last year
>gl finding housing

Attached: ontyario jailbrreak.jpg (1242x986, 805.62K)

thats a ten pack mate.
it weighs 6kg.
I've got old receipts should I check them for change?

fuck off Pole

I used to think these threads were a joke but it’s FUCKING 7$ for a CAN of salmon I don’t live in the middle of bushnigger country I live outside of Toronto

Attached: 3BABF329-3D7A-41E3-AA00-1B31D32256DA.jpg (1182x1740, 284K)

that label says clams! you're a charlatan!

this man is a charlatan!

Wait, so you can't eat petroleum and copper in the end ?



go ahead and complain and the CGDf will attack you too.

All of his threads are like this. He does this all day evveryday

Took me a week to talk to someone from Service Canada on the phone. I can’t believe they still only take calls from 830-430, with the entire walk off that took place.

EI you colossal faggot

Attached: IMG_20181201_120925157.jpg (1652x929, 512.15K)

my connections within the security establishment tell me the canadians are investigating groceryjew as they believe him to be a state sponsored disinformation agent aiming to sow dissent and revolution among the canadian population.
no change,-2-×-450-g.product.100417603.html
no change
no change,-1.36-kg.product.100411882.html
no change


Attached: external-content2..jpg (942x706, 348.79K)

real canadian pries can be found here:


Ei isn't Gibs, its insurance

I admire your dedication, you have been doing these shitty threads for what 2 years now almost 3. Every day every time i am on Yas Forums i see your stupid cancer in the catalogue. You are either the most pathetic human alive or are some shitty bot created by reddit to demoralize canadians. Either way get fucked

>Took me a week to talk to someone from Service Canada on the phone. I can’t believe they still only take calls from 830-430, with the entire walk off that took place.

it seems like this is going to prevent people form getting what they need before they begin to severely suffer. like they wanted it to be a trainwreck.

i think hes memeing

Attached: 5FKJXm9tFeXBgfs7OYxGVFVCsAaJ7rBKpO0i-SgkGek.jpg.jpg (500x562, 65.81K)

How can anyone afford to smoke if they aren’t wealthy?

you ever gonna respond tiny dick?

>tax break
>money that is already yours that we were going to take from you we have decided not to take now
>but you owe us the money

fucking commie faggots need to rot next to the chinese

>proven wrong
Never happened

Honestly how do poor people do anything?

I pay 150$ a carton. legit don't care the state will give me new lungs so its worth it.

I also smoke 35$ a gram bubble has
and drink german imports.