Reddit lefties actively and openly wishing death upon right wing politicians, who's the edgy website now polchan?
Reddit lefties actively and openly wishing death upon right wing politicians, who's the edgy website now polchan?
I'm scared bro. Heavy dejavu on this. I couldve sworn that I've seen this post months ago and that a disease was coming
Let me say this with clearest lucidity: I hope he dies a cruel and horrible death. May his lungs fill with fluid while he gasps for air all alone for hours in pure agony as he coughs up blood and phlegms. May he be interred alone and without procession.
What did Boris even do?
He's white and a male
It starts with starving children in Yemen and ends with botching the response to the current crisis until he was personally affected.
Left-wing privilege. We should take full advantage of it though.
This is the difference between conservative minded people and left minded people.
noticed conservative minded people can tolerate different opinions they don't agree or like, and just let the other person have it. They also don't seem to wish death on politicians they dislike.
The more left minded people often do this kind of ting, wish death and horrible things to a politician they disagree with(just look at the trump hysteria) and they cannot tolerate different opinions unless its from a minority, but even then, it's only because they are too invested in their belief so they have to allow it.
it makes them unironically more intolerant than the people hey accuse of it no?
He did nothing wrong, what you're looking at is the breeding ground for communism. Leftist dogma becoming the standard for normies. If this keeps going, well... we might as well start reading the Gulag Archipelago.
So it starts with nothing
I was once cooked out of my mind on drugs and walking the street. I got a hundred dejavus and thought I wa walking the same street over and over and over again. Thought my body was laying somewhere in a coma and I was in a mental nightmare - then I reached the end and turned out it was really just dejavus.
Imagine being so mentally ill that you think someone being "homophobic, misogynist and racist" is sufficient reason to want them dead
Commies are a parisitic plague on this Earth and will not be saved whence Jesus shall return. Hallelujah, praise the Lord Almighty our God. Show mercy on these so called tolerant and empathetic people in the time of revelation, and though their souls may not live eternally on, we know it is all part of your plan to create a genuine Utopia in Heaven - an otherworldly land in which no Communist or evil doer shall ever have admittance to - ironically so - as their ideals of utopian society were never meant to be met on Earth and thus never experienced by them for they have only greed, deceit and disdain for all things of Your creation. Amen.
Reddit has always been worse than us in every possible way.
don't worry
leftys have been saying the same thing over and over again for the past 4 years
'Killing in the name of' is a virus of the mind, it's what pushes normal people to the basis of a Neanderthal, allowing them to wipe out for the cause. Atrocity's don't just spawn from thin air, they are slowly carved out of the 'pride' of man.
back at ya faggot
Boris isn't right-wing.
Ok, soiboi
I did. Rh- chad said they were going to release something to purge rh+ incels
It only matters what they think he is.
“Hundreds of thousands of deaths”
6 gorillian
He has the best medical care money can buy, at least in Europe, and he will have a state funeral when he dies in several decades. Nobody is even aware of your existence.
Yep they are the most spite filled spineless vitriolic people I have seen masquerading as the tolerant. Truly despicable.
Why do I feel that these tortured souls become demons?
Trump also has a team of medical rockstars he sent. Possibly the best triage any of us have ever seen.
He advocated for a herd immunity strategy against corona, in which they would do absolutely nothing and have the country infect itself. It's honestly hilarious.
>Making people upset
>Assault, Battery, and Extrajudicial punishment
Apples and Oranges
Do libshits actually think this is going on?
man they're not in touch with reality.
>lefty memes dawt jaypeg
i remember the left also helping on this
Based af
Fuck Boris & fuck alt right incels
Podcast Socialist faggot. Go play with toys your mommy and daddy bought you while you complain about how societys unfair
Yas Forums is a board of peace toothpaste, herb and /thread/
On the advice of his medical advisers they changed it a few days later and have been pretty upfront with us. How are you guys feeling?
Worse, his senior advisor flat-out said 'let the old people die' and the government only changed its response when it was itself affected on a personal level. This in itself demonstrates the function of the Conservative Ideology.
>hes all these go to adjectives the state told me to say when I don't have jack shit to support my bigoted hatred towards a man.
That's true, no one is more racist and sexist than leftists and feminists.
>I couldve sworn that I've seen this post months ago
>another homophopbic, misogynist, and racist post
There are literally a bazillion of those a day. Every single lefty says the same exact thing when arguing about anything. You aren't wrong with remembering this considering how often those buzzwords are used.
Exactly what do you think is the function of conservative ideology?
Also show flag
>wall of text
lordy the left really can't meme
>Exactly what do you think is the function of conservative ideology?
Are you funcionally illiterate? I explained that the government has only changed its policy once it was personally affected which means they didn't give a crap about the lives of others until it was them who were on the line.
The painting is beautiful but I really wonder what the artist wanted to say with it.
Right wing politicians (Trump) already committed war crimes against his own people. He needs to die
some right wing hating news paper said he said let old people die but the media never lies does it ?
lmao stay seething
>in agreement with the political establishment, bureaucrats, big business, international bankers, NGOs, academia, the media, the public education system, etc.
Pick one
I hope someone commits real war crimes against you xi
Tolerance of intolerance is intolerant.
Le evil lefties have been working to uphold the right of other humans. It's not about politics, it's about human rights.
So in other words
"The party" cares more about itself and its leadership than its members
Sounds familiar
>throwing milkshakes
>shooting up black churches and synagogues
youre right totally the same
see this
Do faggot commies like you even understand the difference between free speech and assault?
There's a reason parents teach their kids 'sticks and stones...'
You're grasping at straws wishing for death of a relatively nonoffensive politician who has successfully advocated for his ideals to the public.
>muh thirdworlders
Why the fuck do you care about children in Yemen? If he dies he's going to leave children and a pregnant partner. Bojo is a centrist cuck, you should be pleased to have such a softie as head of the Tory party. Why don't you go to Yemen and get gangraped, faggot? AIDS would be a fitting end for such scum as yourself.
Then why do they protect Islam one of the biggest 'human right' abusers? Get fucked you spastic commie. They subvert democracy everywhere they go we all know the story.
Namecalling warrants physical agression for negroes
Progressives actually believe that your rights end when other's feelings begin, and that words are violence
That's shit for brains.
>but the media never lies does it ?
that won't convince a lefty they believe mass media actually doesen't lie and performs the mental gymnastics along with the anchors. We need some sort of massive comprehensive list of media lies to copy and paste to these people.
He may be all those things, but the British public love him for it.
> ignores lgtbq activism
> ignores feminism
> ignores protection of downtrodden and minorities
> focuses instead on a few muslim crackpots that don't represent the religion
>were going to push their button
>make them angry and upset intentionally
so you idiots are nothing but meat puppets, being puppetted by the people you despise.
>top kek
fucking retards
>starving children in Yemen
??? lolwut
lol who gives a fuck
"It wasn't real islam"
Yeah trumpweenies would definitely never let their hatred for fringe left wing groups dictate their political convictions
I miss gore posting
It's truly remarkable how quickly the SJW plague has spread. It seems unthinkable now that Johnson and Giuilini were recently the mayors of London and New York, respectively. Some of the most prominent cities in the world. Today they're treated like the devil incarnate by the leftists who inhabit those cities. Marxism is a fucking mind virus.
I was pretty disgusted by all the twitter whores and e political experts openly wishing infection on people of any kind. It's disgusting behavior. They're throwing such massive tantrums it's just proof that mentally they are children. You wish harm on someone who wins when you don't when you're a child.
You fucking retard. You know thats a false equivalency
>Yeah trumpweenies would definitely never let their hatred for fringe left wing groups dictate their political convictions
so not only are you being puppetted by the people you despise youve actually managed to weaponize them against yourselves due to your own flagrant stupidity.
>fucking kek!