#filmyourhospitals #Event201 #coronavirusHoax

Continue to redpill normies on the coronahoax


Most credible and in depth analysis


Essential listening





What we need

>Continue to spread the hashtag
>Make infographics and factsheets
>Make art and memes
>Target small and medium business groups
>Keep *phone calls* to local and regional politicians (cite business failing and say you will no longer make donations)
>Research and expose Crisis actors
>Copy and Document all censorship
>Visit and film hospitals, upload material under #Filmyourhospital
>Print and distribute factsheets/leaflets IRL (flypost, leave leaflets in public areas)

This is a coup. Dont let them collapse the economy and usher in their new fascist system

We CAN win this youtube.com/watch?v=apaJ3A56XbM

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Other urls found in this thread:


This has two outcomes

1. The medical coup succeeds via the bioscare and you get to live in north korea minus the cool haircuts

2. It gets exposed and society gets immunized to the mass psyop coup scenario

Make it be the later. Take some time out of your day to print some infographics/factsheets and leave them around random public areas

they are suppressing this thread with the algorithm


You can't bump your own thread. People just aren't interested enough to participate.

No, this is being shadowbanned or subject to a slide algorithm. They are also using black magic to slide it

>"most credible" + .ca
well there's your problem right there.

Have a bump

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Your main export is edible tree sap

let that sink in

Bump, this is the important corona thread

>No, this is being shadowbanned or subject to a slide algorithm. They are also using black magic to slide it
*Cuckoo! cuckoo! cuckoo!*

i know all about your dark sorcery, jew

This makes no sense
Either the entire thing is hoax
Or Niggers aren't really dying from it at all

Choose one Yas Forums and stick with it


top 3 exports are energy products, automotive parts, crude oil. we would have to live on endor to be exporting that much maple syrup bruh.

It's called being slid you newfaggot

But, this is sliding fast as shit, I will give you that

they have an algorithm and do black magic rituals (probably involving child murder)

I love dumb ass niggers like you. You live in a world without nuance. Coronavirus can be real, but not any worse than something like the flu. Thus it can be used to scare dumb ass niggers into giving up their rights.

>They have an algorithm
This isn't jewtube, newfaggot. The thread is still viewable in the catalog but it is being slid way down by massive volumes of shill threads

you fucking retards are just going to get infected
the hospitals are empty because they are turning anyone they can away to brace for the coming storm
My calculations indicate 12-14 million americans will die over the next 8 weeks
you dumb niggers will be one of them
probably didn't even prep so you come up with this absurd fantasy about kids in tunnels

If you are real show your real flag.

Can confirm that two of the biggest hospitals in King County are completely empty with no one. Have had eyes in both the last week.

This a complete hoax and a very bad one.

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>doesn't know what an algorithm is

Are you a first nations tree nigger?

Why are jews like you discrediting themselves on purpose now?


I can't tell if you are a good troll or a really awful shill.

>first nations
come on leafbro, don't validate their bullshit terms that take away from the reality of the situation.

Its maximum effect if you call them both the pc term and a derogatory at the same time. They call themselves indians happily after all.

I don't want to out anyone. But I know for a fact the biggest hospital in Seattle is completely empty. The place is now being guarded tightly and you have to have extreme emergency circumstances to get in. But once you get in, fuck all is happening inside.

Its terrifying. Theres no media there and the place is being guarded like a secret military base.

It's also like airport security. They're complete fucking pricks and putting on a show but they're doing no testing on outsiders coming in once you establish you have an emergency reason to be there.

This whole thing is a fucking scam.

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You all are fucking morons. I'm a med lab tech at a hospital in a big city. Shit is happening. Stop being fucking fags.

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as a crisis actor what business do you have in a medical lab ?

You lost me at InfoWars, faggot.

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I’m an user on the internet also. Believe what I say.

I support this program that gave internet to retards like yourself
keep on truckin' lil buddy!

reminder that i said it was a fake virus since february and most Yas Forumstards were buying the fox news angle where "its just a flu bro" thereby acknowledging the existence of this fake virus meme and falling into their psyop trap

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>a big city. Shit is happening
in cities, but in other areas, not so much, yet we are being forced the same treatment as you stacked assholes in the cities.
The media created this crisis. Until the bodies are lining up in the streets, and the power goes out from lack of power workers, this is nothing. It sure as hell is not worth the damage being done wholesale to the majority of people in our country to save how many elderly, or those with conditions who were likely going to go of something else? Are we going to do this now every flu season? What about for heart disease? How about cancer, or auto accidents, just shut it all down, forever, but include the govt on that too.

>big city
Big City, ?

Here’s my hot take. They have hyped up the deadliness of Covid in the U.K. and Europe, in an effort to unify the divided populace. For the most part this has worked. Americans how ever are a lost cause and it has only further divided the hyper consumers they call people.

Sizable if factual.

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post pic of inside ICU,
obviously during highly ingectious pandemic, crowds will be disbanded at all cost and people are currently beeing send home with oxygen pills to relief their pneumonia.

It's an act of terrorism.

youtu.be/IiI82KwZIFQ Elm NY Short
youtu.be/pqS-mconfQc Elm NY Medium
youtu.be/rVFhxzlAZW8 Austrailia
youtu.be/bE68xVXf8Kw Simulation Doc
youtu.be/_qupPF9wBhY Elm NY Long
youtu.be/rfkbv_WQtn0 Italy Manneq.
youtu.be/pgH-gvzTZGY movie home
youtu.be/ev-SjosrrfY Boston
youtu.be/JocuRMmv8uo Bellview NY
youtu.be/yb92TXYMN-4 Mixed Locat.
youtu.be/niTnP8RY48E Hal. Florida
youtu.be/Qwal7RriJsk Dayt. Florida 4:31 mild dupers delight.
youtu.be/97Mx4v-4cOU Mixed Locat.
youtu.be/5ObL3-C-qTg Mixed Locat.
youtu.be/VGDbQEcIkM8 Upland CA
youtu.be/SQd3_2kKkUk Chicago
youtu.be/K0z8NhxNTaU Elm NY Short 2

Never thought I'd see the day when the wumaos would come to Yas Forums

Everyday I see more retards running around in masks. Its easy to spot the NPCs nowadays.

Big if true.

You are retarded the us isn't China, they would quarantine off all of the Corona virus patients. You wouldn't just be able to walk into the hospital and see them you retard. Also maybe it just hasn't hit your area that hard yet, it blows my mind that mouth breathers like you can't grasp the concept of exponential growth.

ya i find it comical i feel like they are all watching the same news on cable and taking orders from this fake news media

when trump says its fake news theyre like yup but then when they create a fake virus theyre just freaking out
and "social distancing"

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Well, that's an algorithm to sort threads, technically. But it's not based on key words, yet, unless Yas Forums is completely subverted.

it was subverted to begin with germany

remember, they control everything

use filters to remove shill pollution ("hide") and to highlight corona hoax threads ("top")
I hate low IQ conspiratards but we'll need everyone there.

nice pasta

>my calculations

ok retard

You may be a leaf but you have a point

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retard, my calculation sat that at least 59 gorillion golems will die in the next week. If they don't give it another week.

if the hospitals are busy then it should look busy from the outside. if confirmed cases are increasing it should be obvious that the hospital is busy without even entering the hospital. there would be alot of traffic of new patients trying to come in or EMTs leaving to go get people who are critical. and there really isnt.

case in point

Hospitals in our city don't want to admit Chinkvirus patients

I dont live in a big city but its a smaller urban area. I live near the hospital and whenever I drive by you can see a big white tent outside the main entrance. you can also see an empty parking lot, and nobody around. everythings just quiet in general. obviously nobody can say for sure if its all a larp or if quarantining is slowing everything down. but my city does have confirmed cases and im not seeing the evidence of an emergency outside of my hours being cut in half.

>5G stream deleted in an hour off youtube
>Empty hospital videos taken off youtube
Hmmmmm, fishy shit alright

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yeah I've seen that one. the fact that thats supposed to be the epicenter in the united states shows alot.

NAINE DAS IS TNICHT WAHR IDAS NIGHCHT FALSCH NIGGER DUMABD MERICATARD OH MEIN GOTT NEIN NIGGER DUMBJOICE BROT HSAUS BURGEN STEIN FICK WICHS HUREEERERER! “إنّ الانسان لايُناضل إلا من أجل مايُحِبّ، ولايُحِبّ إلا ماهو حريٌّ بالتقدير والاحترام، فكيف يُطلب من مواطن أن يُحبّ وطنه ويُقدّرُه وهو يجهل تاريخه ولايشعر في قرارة نفسه بأنّه ينعم بما تُؤمّنُه الدول الأخرى لرعاياها من أمن ورفاهية.”

Attached: ownedsmellymuttniggerkikejew🚵🏻‍♂️🚵🏻‍♂️🚵🏻‍♂️🚵🏻‍♂️🚵🏻‍♂️🚵🏻‍♂️🚵🏻‍♂️🚵🏻‍♂️.png (1560x1452, 511.26K)

Use a different term.

Instead of empty, say "hospitals without people".

That's ambiguous. Niggers aren't people. If it's full of niggers it wouldn't be clear what you mean.


“On re-evaluation by the National Institute of Health, only 12 per cent of death certificates have shown a direct causality from coronavirus, while 88 per cent of patients who have died have at least one pre-morbidity - many had two or three”

global research. ca has been shilling for China, it is hilarious you think it's a trusted news source. Thanks, Zhang.

Coronavirus is real but not much worse than the flu.
The death numbers are inflated.
Even then, the death numbers are lame.
The true reason for forced lockdown is something else (possibilities include forced vaccination, nationalization of assets and thus communism, one world government exercise, 5G antennas, among others)