B-bros... what if the schizos were right

b-bros... what if the schizos were right

Attached: FUCK CHINA.png (585x455, 418.15K)

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your submarines are shit

Source is a screenshot of a tweet.

Ok schizo

If this is real... i'm sorry user

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What kind of masks are the Chinese offering? Any of those billion surgeon masks? Tell them to go fuck themselves

Cut all contact with chinksectoids forever.

Attached: chinks selling faulty important medical equipment virus.webm (368x640, 1.16M)

It's not because 5G causes disease, it's because Huawei 5G is a gigantic Chinese Trojan horse and the USA has been pressuring Euro countries not to accept it. If you accept Chinese telecom, they have a backdoor to literally everything in your country. It's a deal with the devil

This. It's a threat to everyone's national security. Now if any other nation's security agency works with France, all of that information also goes to China.

dude if you have ever bough Cisco gear or Intel processor your system is a backdoor by design

Sauce bitte?

duh just like everything else

l-link the tweet
big if hetero

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They are evil.


well I wonder how will that turn out for them..


>what if the schizos were right
schizos are the people who think this was a accident kek

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its Huawei economic shit duh, not that 5g affects the virus
China is weaponizing the virus to extort the west, this is war.

We know what an American dominated world looks like.

I don’t want to be a vassal state to the dog boilers.

>use American backdoors
>your own personal agent watches you fap

>use China backdoors
>all your company's intellectual property is stolen
>they find and use blackmail to make you further their agenda

Subtle difference

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5G is obviously something to be cautious of.
The schizos are right but not for the right reason. It doesn't cause the Corona Virus.

>Xi to Macron: "It's my way or the Huawei!"

Agree, then pull the good old fashioned double cross after the masks arrive.

fuck, can we finally snap...
I dont even read new redpills on Yas Forums. Most of the stuff I allready heard.
Everytime someone brings up stuff like this it just comes to my mind how many unacceptable things are allready reality.
Mass surveilence
Mudskins pumped into our holy Mother Europe.
Stripped of rights to own weapons
Brainwashing in schools to hate ourselves.
Destruction of art.
Destruction of nature and wilderness.

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Imagine still being a nothingburger fag. Requires significant mental retardation, but still.

That ain't faulty, that's utterly fraudulent.
Europe should call for the extradition of these criminals for prosecution and if extradition is denied it should be considered an act of war.

Schizos right about what? It's about the data, chinks will be able to tunnel every single traffic back to them

We're always fucking right.
Our label was never our identity
It is our containment

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"the schizos" aka the non-NPCs are right a lot of times

>its acctually real
I am leaving this thread now, for the sake of my mental health.

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fuck off our submarines are fine your kike mps are retarded

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My naive hope is (won't probably ever happen) that the rest of the world will cut all contact with them forever and kick every chink out.


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>Europe should call for the extradition of these criminals for prosecution and if extradition is denied it should be considered an act of war.

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Checked and based, be safe mutt bro

>frog wants to suck chink dick
kek already surrendered?

yeah right, fuck off memeflaggot

When will you learn that Alex Jones is a reliable source of news?

Coronavirus is airborne, not just 'droplets'
Masks aint doing shit.
Unless u consider a false sense of security and virtue signalling something worth clinging to.

real fuckin smart capitalist bullshit

>yeah right, fuck off memeflaggot

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Isnt that what Trump does with foreign aid though? "Oy vey you africans better legalize homosex or no free money fo dem programs"

>the issue here is the 5G melting your brains not China throwing their weight around to make France use their technology and give them their money which opens them to so many security issues

The schizos are always wrong.

Idk but fuck the chinks anyway

Kill the chinks rice war now

True enough, ivermectin sold out nationally within a couple hours of the article on infowars yesterday.

Obviously china want that, because it would allow them to have control of information in france since its being built on their country baka

Droplets land on shit but yeah the tune for virtue signalling is over.

I would like you to do us a favor tho

Why are Americans so gay?

Long overdue.
Ask me how I know you're a fucking Gypsy.

because they love the cock?

Well when schizos create endless conspiracies some are bound to be true.

>can we finally snap
no hans, that's illegal unless you have a permit.

Will you write them a strong letter? How about you get some manufacturing going in your country and quit bitching.

>inplying there's something wrong with sodomy

It's all about following the evidence. The "hairs". Many are bound to be split, and many of us get lost in the details.
Here's the bottom line:
China and the United States are both hands reaching for the same apple, that is, political domination. We are the undisputed leaders globally. The European Union is powerful as well, but they won't attain the levels we possess until the actual "Unification". Trust me, it's coming. The motive behind any one action by these governments is pursuit of furthering intentions. This is just nature.
If you want to know the intentions of ANYONE, unless they are trapped via psychosis or any other number of mental illnesses, you only have to understand their desires. I supposed this is a hackneyed point, but it will always stand, so long as we do.

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Ezra Levant gives shills a bad name
you don't want him on your side
he'll screech about Trudeau shipped some PPE to China while neglecting to mention that China has been donating gazillions of items back
he's a complete neo-con hack

The biggest secret about 5G is that not even one service provider has even figured out what make of radio to use for their network yet. 5G is mired in a tar pit of red tape and corporate politics and probably won't roll out until after all these tards are claiming to have 7G networks.

And I'm confident that Chinese "5G" is literally just Chinese "4G" with faster processors on their eavesdropping hardware.

But can you protest israel?

>Long overdue
Indeed. But will it ever happen?

>It's not because 5G causes disease, it's because Huawei 5G is a gigantic Chinese Trojan horse and we want you to use OUR trojan horse instead. Which also a jew trojan horse.

Burger desperation is showing.

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Embrace a 3rd position. Fuck chinks and fuck america.

Yes, instead we should buy american-backed tech which carries backdoors for the CIA. Hey, didn't you guys bug our chancellors phone like yesterday? Funny how that works and who "the devil" here is.

>your submarines
The absolute state of the shills these days.

Correct. (((Jews))) and
(((5G))) is also
Should it then be deemed {{{G5}}}? Kind of like a hybridization.

It's only bad when someone else does it.

I'm unironically cool with Americans ruling the world tho.

I agree with everything you said plus you sound rational. The problem with the schizos creating conspiracies like this virus was purposely made is that they give the elites too much credit. Nature is a much more efficient and experienced creator of disease like Covid 19. These flamboyant conspiracy nuts discredit rational, questionable people.

I'd allow them to spy me in my bathroom, and I would fight in a war to oppose burgers from spying on me.


It would seem to me the virus ia meant to cause economic damage to the the US amd west in general.
The death tools look scary but in reality they are not bad but still bad enough to create the scary psychological effect which helps cripple the economy .

quads of wiseness
