/cvg/ - Corona Virus General #3012

► Detected: 1,363,123 (+17,119) ► Died: 76,383 (+1,729) ► Day: 89 (-12:30:19)

— 4.3 billion people under lockdown —
— 213 countries and territories infected —
— 4.1x more confirmed deaths than swine flu —
— 62 vaccines and 244 treatments announced —
— 3,087 strains have been sequenced —


Courts say Spain underreports deaths, real toll 3 times higher

NY official says morgues are full

Sky News reports virus might have escaped Chinese lab

51 patients in South Korea reinfected after "recovery"

Japan to declare state of emergency

There are now 8 major strains circling the globe

Italy first case tests positive again after "recovery"

48% of cases originate from pre-symptomatic transmission

70% of 600 contacts without symptoms test positive

Virus travels 4.5 meters, stays in air 30 minutes

Scientists warned SARS was going to reemerge in China

CDC approvals delay testing in New York

Nationwide shortages of reagents for testing in the US

China didn't add 43,000 new cases since hitting 80,000

Italy doesn't report deaths at home and nursing homes

05:51: 232 new cases and 55 new deaths in Italy
05:29: 586 new cases and 4 new deaths in Pakistan
05:28: 280 new cases and 9 new deaths in Peru
05:28: 87 new cases in the Czech Republic
05:21: 105 new cases and 6 new deaths in Norway
05:20: 255 new cases and 1 new death in Israel

► Previous: ► List 1: ► List 2: MORE: pastebin.com/raw/qy5RFpVX

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Other urls found in this thread:


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It seems like the whole thing is not getting faster. My prediction is we will have another, bigger explosion of cases later once the restrictions are lifted. For now, quarantine is preventing a truly exponential spread. I doubt that we will have 10 million cases by the end of april.
There is also a chance they are not counting properly and the scale in some places is 3 times or more as much. It's hard to confirm though, only the excess of death can show it.

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Anyone else seen this pastebin?


Literally instructions and talking points for shills

Attached: 1586035150283.jpg (752x1024, 103.11K)

Got my additional gas mask filters today.
No anons died?

Attached: Без названия (7).jpg (244x207, 5.67K)


Attached: file.png (1197x348, 56.05K)

>tfw no mommywife to quarantine with
its not fair bros

Attached: AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA.jpg (915x1152, 289.63K)

oh happy day

Attached: the absolute state of doomfags.png (562x91, 7.74K)

If a woman who is 53 with no sicknesses beforehand super dangerous?
My mom works in a hospital and I'm really worried

Attached: 1579918480224.png (1000x767, 461.05K)

We are limited by how many tests we xan do in a day, so tge real rate of growth is unknown. We get linear results because we check linear amounts

Attached: 1585944410027.jpg (900x727, 427.36K)

>medical staff in epicentres are frightened to death, thousand upon thousands of people
>schizos still trying hard to deny it
mental display

she is kil

You got fooled by the sudden lockdown
This was never gonna be a quick cataclysm like in a movie
It's not like a house that suddenly collapses killing everyone
It's more like a house slowly collapsing and becoming unlivable, with the odd dramatic moment like the roof collapsing

Attached: 1586215615748.webm (640x640, 2.97M)

Why are numbers so shitty today?

I haven't slept for too long and I feel like shit and the little things I have control over are collapsing right Infront of me

Attached: hell-burning.jpg (1600x1280, 177.83K)

apology for poor english

when were you when boris johns son dies?

i was sat at home eating little bread with cheese when mark ring

‘boris is kill’


> posting a gmail on the pastebin
that's bait.ffmpeg

Is it finally ACCEPTANCE?

Attached: 1586210878854.png (1500x1700, 670.87K)

Its over

>Boris Johnson has been admitted to hospital... As a precaution. He is in good spirits.
>Boris Johnson is undertaking scans... As a precaution. He is in good spirits.
>Boris Johnson has been admitted to ICU... As a precaution. He is in good spirits.
>Boris Johnson unconscious body has been strapped into a ventilator... As a precaution. He is in good spirits.
>Boris Johnson has passed away... As a precaution. He is in good spirits.

Honestly though, hope he's OK. Starting to get a bit sick of this coronavirus meme.

checked. danny mcbride poster is allegedly mia, and lots of anons have been grieving over family. hope you and yours are healthy, vlad

kys doomfag mad max larper

if she takes care she'll be fine
wouldn't hurt to take some HCQ

Attached: 177858-full.jpg (170x128, 8.62K)

Believe it or not, Bill didn't type this out with his fingers. He just let Trump's cum drizzle out of his mouth onto the keyboard

Bill accepted death. Now, we just need him to start posting pictures of Corona-Chan to compleat his metamorphosis

Y no panic in 2018?


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Israeli Scientists Claim It’s ‘Pure Luck’ They Were Already Working On A COVID-19 Vaccine Prior To The Outbreak

“Let’s call it pure luck,” he said. “We decided to choose coronavirus as a model for our system just as a proof of concept for our technology.”


In 1998 Israeli Jews were caught developing ethnic bioweapons

The “ethno-bomb” program is based at Israel’s Nes Tziyona research facility. Scientists are trying to use viruses and bacteria to alter DNA inside living cells and attack only those cells bearing Arabic genes.


President Jared has renamed COVID the JEW FLU!

Attached: Corona6.jpg (598x550, 122.43K)

He is definitely in acceptance.

How long until he is in ICU

I hear they are more at risk because of all the diseases floating around in the air. If nothing else get her to call in sick at any sign of sickness.

I feel like I've been on a journey with Bill.

You were supposed to get exclusive particle filters, my dumb rusky bro.

B-b-but 5g created Corona virus, Icke s-said the 5g waves have the same resonant f-frequency as oxxygen. W-we must burn all 5g t-towers

> Boris Johnson has been embalmed...He is literally in good spirits.

>Imagine being a "bro it's just the flu" retard at this point.

elegant and menacing analogy

everyone should post with tripcodes so we know if someone is missing.


Here's the most based and redpilled reaction to this nothingburger yet.

>The Best approach is to find middle ground and argue for the Swedish, Japanese, Korean models where there is no lockdown but they protect the old, weak.
damn half that pastebin is outdated

Attached: 1585673784654.gif (220x220, 589.18K)

Doctors /nurses seem to be more at risk than pretty much any other group besides obese elderly people.

Look at all those famous doctors who were treating it who died. Viral load seems an important factor in how bad you get.

Lockdowns combined with PPEs and personal hygiene works.

Mine is making me breakfast after we cuddled this morning and she's dressed in a 50's get up as I work from home (ie dry-fire practice and workout from 8-5 then play Doom as she watches after). Things are comfy.

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Social gatherings of ANY size in both private and public spaces prohibited.


It's so potent, it infects people in places where there is no 5g


It's still risky and she needs to be on guard whenever she's there, and carefully enter her home and disinfect when she arrives home.

Previous pandemics and their death toll.
Reminder that most of these are estimates.

Attached: DeadliestPandemics-Infographic-24-6April.jpg (1200x2805, 1.58M)

My mom was supposed to get a surgery done earlier this month, mass on one of her kidneys, most likely cancer. Got canceled because of all this shit and they haven't even rescheduled. Really makes me wonder what all the so called "Americans" look like that they're treating at that hospital. How many greasy fat manlet spics are clogging up the hospital. I wish Trump was the nazi people say he is so we could line these fucks up against the wall

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>Viral load seems an important factor in how bad you get.
i think so as well

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5G doesn't create the virus, it makes it easier that you get it because it weakens the membranes of your cells through high frequency radiation.

The info in this pastebin does not mesh with this email's Instagram account. They contradict each other.

Estimated deaths user, not confirmed hospital deaths. Estimates includes all old people dying in their homes.

This is confirmed hospital deaths, and b) during a lockdown. If this was allowed to spread, the death count would be much, much higher than the 60k from flu.

Not to mention that the actual estimates for this is likely already running 8-10x higher than confirmed deaths.

you dont find it ironic calling someone else a larper while posting with an anarchist flag?

Attached: st.png (402x425, 331.9K)

i change the memeflag every thread
variety is the spice of life fren

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How you doing, racists?

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W-wow that's so smart and b-based, we m-must stop i-it

Can anyone post all of these? This is my most recent pic but i don't have the others either.

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United States (+3.43%) Germany (+2.56%) France (+2.83%) United Kingdom (+3.06%) Italy (+2.10%) Switzerland (+0.50%) Spain (+3.51%) Austria (+4.34%) Poland (+4.73%) Netherlands (+2.85%) Hungary (+0.00%) Russia (+1.53%) Greece (+0.00%) Brazil (+6.43%) Japan (+6.37%) Hong Kong (+3.11%) China (+1.51%) Australia (-1.50%) Singapore (+4.37%) India (+9.51%) South Korea (+1.77%) Taiwan (+1.73%) South Africa (+3.49%)

Sydney (-46%) Tokyo (-57%) Beijing (-15%) Wuhan (-88%) New Delhi (-93%) Dubai (-100%) Moscow (-84%) Rome (-72%) Milan (-88%) Berlin (-27%) Munich (-38%) Brussels (-65%) Paris (-91%) Madrid (-68%) Barcelona (-76%) London (-70%) Johannesburg (-82%) Sao Paulo (-100%) Buenos Aires (-100%) New York (-100%) Washington (-100%) Miami (-100%) Toronto (-100%) Chicago (-100%) Houston (-100%) Mexico City (-95%) Los Angeles (-100%) Seattle (-100%)

India (1.3b) China (760m) United States (311m) Pakistan (211m) Russia (144m) Mexico (129m) Egypt (97m) Germany (82m) Philippines (71m) Thailand (69m) Brazil (66m) France (66m) United Kingdom (66m) Italy (60m) South Africa (56m) Colombia (49m) Spain (46m) Argentina (44m) Ukraine (42m) Iraq (38m) Poland (37m) Nigeria (36m) Morocco (35m) Peru (32m) Venezuela (32m) Malaysia (31m) Nepal (29m) Australia (24m)…

MORE: pastebin.com/raw/S29XMKEr

Attached: CVG.jpg (1020x574, 56.09K)

and to add what indian user said. That was over the course of two years in comparison to the 4 months or so of this. we are just starting

the joy, argie fag, the joy

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what if he changes his outfit every happening? i dont see much difference aside from you doing it more frequently. are you embarrassed of your nation?

Are they?
Pretty bad in Scotland today desu
79 new deaths for a total of 296
268 new cases for a total of 4229

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>my small business about to be justed by corona due to lockdown
>Business will be named and shamed if I even try to start it back up
>No part time work available due to corona
>Wife had miscarriage
>Constantly angry at anything and everything and powerless to stop it
>Nowhere to vent energy and frustration

I actually can't take it any more Yas Forums. I hate this. Even if I had the energy to fight this happening it would be wasted
I just want my parents to hold me a d tell me it will be okay but they're fucking dead. Nobody can save

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i'm huehue friend, i do this to piss off the baker

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pretty good, yourself?

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>Boris Johnson off ventilator
Why does nothing ever happen in this gay ass timeline?! I feel like I’m going fucking crazy waiting for this virus to give something, anything noteworthy such as the death of a well known politician or celebrity. Instead it’s a faggot tier slowburn that already looks to be fizzing out! Nothing ever happens! I just want something to happen!

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Not all deaths are corona man relax, smoke some Erb drink some beer, life’s good

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fair enough

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You won't be making jokes when you are in ifema ice palace inside a corpse bag. IDIOT.

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At first I was a happeningCHAD but slowly I think it’s a huge media blown up nothingburger. I will catch it eventually anyway.

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>could be
>said announced to


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Will we still get jump manga this week bros?

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>constantly angry at anything and everything
>nowhere to vent energy and frustration
>wife had a miscarriage
>nowhere to vent
Sure buddy, totally didn't release any of that rage, the stairs were just covered in butter.






You realize that you need to multiply the deaths in Belgium by 6 to compare it to Italy???

Holy shit!

Attached: corona.jpg (604x611, 67.83K)

Remember when Italy reporting like 600 deaths was a big deal? It's like 750 a day in the UK now and nobody gives a shit lmao

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before i forget

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Boys assemble.

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Why do people think they know how many have been infected when there is no random testing for corona, nor an antibody test that could provide this data?

Y-yes I will d-die fro-from r-radio waves :(( sad face

That’s pretty dark user, I feel for you going through this. Be strong and make it through.
Don't throw your anger on the people you love, rather let it work for you to keep your family afloat. I've been there with running a business online, there are gotta be ways to adapt.

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the real truth is we'll likely all get it. the point of prepping is to delay the inevitable enough so you dont go belly up overnight like the poor first wave bastards

What happens after 1 million ?

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Copper KILLS Coronavirus! Scientists have known this for years and have said NOTHING!

so this isnt going to be the big happening after all?

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Drink from the source fren
Artists Twitter

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+859 UK deaths

author promised pregnant, but didnt deliver yet.

Togashi: Oh well

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Welcome to the #ClownWorld, fren

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>two years

It was 19 weeks. It’s a season, not calendar years. The starting and ending dates fluctuate per season.

Imagine being that Walmart cashier. Risking your life for dog shit pay while getting sprayed with Lysol by customers

Attached: 1.png (740x381, 31.78K)

Scary or not?

copper kills pretty much everything. What can you do with that information though.

That being said our money probably should have been copper.

i'm only here for the coronachans. post them and do not waste my time


Checked and agreed. Yes, it's bad but at this point it feels like the media is just trying to hype the fuck out of it. NY is going to come in under estimate and suddenly is going to make it, and New Orleans too. 11k dead when we were told there would be over 1m already. And they're already making this shit about racism on top of that. Lol, good luck.


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She looks like such a wholesome traditional girlfiend in that picture, so cute!

I will reply to the first MAGA cunthole in ptg with this one. Thanks

First wave should have been ideal. Like the first German guy in Starnberg. I’m sure he got the best medical care available in Germany. They had media pressure, everything. Imagine the first middle aged German guy dying of Corona when it was still a nothingburger for normies. IDEAL SITUATION. Now or later when you die, you’re just a number.

That's just England
Total UK today will be ~850

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testo pesto

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"Where's my diarrhea check?"

Attached: Corona Bill.png (952x758, 641.84K)

okay kikepet

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Mercury (Hg) in high doses kills the virus! How come we didn't know this?
Let's just drink high amounts of it and Corona is over.

I love it there. 信州に、僕は。

We all gonna make it bros ;)

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What's this I've been hearing about coronavirus tests turning up positive due to them being general coronavirus and not COVID-19?

I hate you so much, all I have in my pillow and some unbearable horrifyingly ugly religious fanatic 63yo mother, the worst part is that my sister also has those traits but is 24yo.
To add to that, none of them ever worked a day in their life and my poor overworked father (only based family member and that I care about) is on unemployment insurance (not fired yet).
So I'm the retard 27yo maintaining their asses and can't kick em out of MY HOUSE (yes, mine, still paying mortgage) to not be the asshole family destroyer.
Can't afford to rent a place of my own neither meanwhile I have these people on my back sucking me dry.
Life is suffering and with this quarantine can't even have a beer with my friends on the weekends.
Fuck you corona-chan!
I want a mommywife :(

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Attached: XI.png (1012x422, 209.75K)

thought so. its has been an underwhelming week. probably more people slip on banana peels and hit their heads and die than corona deaths nowdays.

Putain qu’on s’emmerde les mecs...

Both already answered. You’re a retard who can’t into 4th grade math.

Italy was first nobody gave a shit when Spain reported 980 a day either.

>wholesome traditional girlfiend

Fuck off Xi

If Britain really wants to go back in the headlines then Boris must die.



Attached: Hmm.png (479x358, 432.37K)

damn user

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>wife had miscarriage
I am so sorry user. we will make it out of this. stay strong fren.

i wish i had an army of commies to command and slave away and get to run over pedestrians on tianamen square..

Boris bonus points count as +500 deaths each day for 2 weeks. They really are going to need that if they want to take the lead.

> More than 10k dead

You can't win with these cunts. If you'd let the damn thing burn through and kill 1M, they would be out with their pitchforks demanding why you didn't do anything.
If you shut everything down and limit it to 10k deaths, they'll be out with their pitchforks demanding why you shut everything down.

>friend of mine is lead manager (or whatever they're called) of a fast food restaurant
>turns out one of the teens that work there has a mother who was just diagnosed with corona
>he lives with her and has been exposed over and over again
>has no symptoms yet (we all know the two week incubation period)
>company will tell the other employees, will not close the store, will not send the kid home

What should I do? Is there any way I could anonymously leak this information to the store without incriminating my friend?

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That 17 year old guy who created covid19.live rejected an advertisement offer for 7 or 8 million dollars.
Kids are fucking retarded.

i think the ideal conditions for catching it involve an empty, capable medical facility with some form of reliable treatment. at least thats what my plan is. ending up in the center of this first wave cluster fuck seems like a death sentence

So currently we're at 1.3mil confirmed cases. Of course, we know the true number is much higher, somewhere between 5x-10x higher (6.5mil - 13mil). Let's take the midpoint of that for the sake of argument: 9.75mil.

World population is 7.8bil. That translates to 1.25% percent of the world population infected.

Cases are doubling roughly 8 days. So
Day 0 (now) - 1.25%
Day 8 - 2.5%
Day 16 - 5%
Day 24 - 10%
Day 32 - 20%
Day 40 - 40%
Day 48 - 80%
Most models put 80% infection rate as the upper bound.

Unless the rate of growth is slowed we will reach this point around May 24th / 25th.

Once infected is confirmed, death occurs about 10 - 20 days later. Lets take the upper bound in this case: 20 days.

This means that for many of us here, we have a maximum of 68 days left in our lives.

Of course, you could say "Well, I'll be in the 20% that wont be infected. And even if I am infected my symptoms will probably be mild. And even if I do have to go to hospital, it won't be into ICU. And even even I do go into ICU, I'm not an obese boomer, I'll be OK."

This is called normally bias. It's important for the survival of the species... But not for the individual.

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Different countries use different types of tests and have different criteria for interpreting results
Hence why numbers are so confused
Wait 2 years (srz) to understand true numbers

Most recent gif

Attached: 1585992439581.gif (338x434, 3.5M)

Sorry, meant to say "company will NOT tell the other employees"

As much as I hate nothingburgers, putting that email address in there makes it pretty fucking obvious that this is a disguised attempt at a personal army request. Go fuck yourself.

Attached: fuck you.png (2000x1500, 365.57K)

No. Let them spread the virus. Don't do anything.

动态网自由门 天安門 天安门 法輪功 李洪志 Free Tibet 六四天安門事件 The Tiananmen Square protests of 1989 天安門大屠殺 The Tiananmen Square Massacre 反右派鬥爭 The Anti-Rightist Struggle 大躍進政策 The Great Leap Forward 文化大革命 The Great Proletarian Cultural Revolution 人權 Human Rights 民運 Democratization 自由 Freedom 獨立 Independence 多黨制 Multi-party system 台灣 臺灣 Taiwan Formosa 中華民國 Republic of China 西藏 土伯特 唐古特 Tibet 達賴喇嘛 Dalai Lama 法輪功 Falun Dafa 新疆維吾爾自治區 The Xinjiang Uyghur Autonomous Region 諾貝爾和平獎 Nobel Peace Prize 劉暁波 Liu Xiaobo 民主 言論 思想 反共 反革命 抗議 運動 騷亂 暴亂 騷擾 擾亂 抗暴 平反 維權 示威游行 李洪志 法輪大法 大法弟子 強制斷種 強制堕胎 民族淨化 人體實驗 肅清 胡耀邦 趙紫陽 魏京生 王丹 還政於民 和平演變 激流中國 北京之春 大紀元時報 九評論共産黨 獨裁 專制 壓制 統一 監視 鎮壓 迫害 侵略 掠奪 破壞 拷問 屠殺 活摘器官 誘拐 買賣人口 遊進 走私 毒品 賣淫 春畫 賭博 六合彩 天安門 天安门 法輪功 李洪志 Winnie the Pooh 劉曉波动态网自由门

Attached: Xi Jinping is Winnie The Pooh.png (1038x692, 937.7K)

>having a wife
>in japan
With or without corona happening you'd be pretty much fucked.

Based. Rejecting the advertising jew.

Attached: 1584667049799.jpg (866x853, 234.46K)

Welcome to politics

>tp stuck to foot

Please be safety with banana, chen

It's called normalization user. We had literally 5k deaths yesterday and everyone is already saying it is over because the numbers didn't go from 5k to 10k/day in a week.

sell me your kei truck

in all seriousness we are getting less deaths every day, when in a growing pandemic, we should be having more. today we should have 12 000 if the curve wasnt flattening and we will have something around 4k maybe 4500-5000 at most. its basic high school mathematics.

I believe in you japbro.

Im a service manager in Texas and have lost basically 99% of my business for the next 2 months in two days. I convinced my owner to switch them onto production for our custom products.

Shame i cant both sides of the business running but its paying the bills and my guys are upset that they have nothing to do anymore.

Shits rough but try to hang in there.

What does your business do anyway?

chinks going full second wave

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Attached: black people are im-.png (661x576, 415.6K)

oh christ the yellows are weaponizing fruit now!

In reality he’s dead and they’ll just use CGI of him from now on

over 1000 deaths in UK today so far

being clumsy makes her more cute!

More evacuations from oil platforms today

Attached: evacuation.jpg (2559x5535, 2.36M)

places where most are dying are heavily underreporting now though, I bet a larger percentage of deaths were reported in the early stages

>the laowai know
>shut it down

Attached: crouching chink, hidden virus.png (166x227, 89.39K)

How many are backlog boomers?

watch this vid
patient 0 has been found
CCP lying as always