/NSG/ + /SIG/

ᛋᛋ Welcome to /nsg/+/sig/: National Socialism General + Self-Improvement General. ᛋᛋ

This is your one-stop-shop for every redpill known to Yas Forums.

This thread covers the discussion of topics such as:
·NatSoc Ideology
·Active Movements
·NatSoc History
·Physical and Mental Improvements
·General Plans

What are you waiting for? Take the pledge!
> For the good of my people:
> I must IMPROVE my will, body, and mind
> I must BUILD our culture and communities
> I must FIGHT for the future of my race
> We will endure forever!

>But what really is National Socialism?
National Socialism is NOT about killing blacks, blowing up buildings, or hating other races as Siege-fags would have you believe but rather is about bettering your own folk.

Would you like to know more? Check out the Pastebin & learn the truth!

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These are your allies. They fight for your freedom:
- gab.com/ProjectWhite
- bitchute.com/channel/projectwhite/
- t.me/project_white
- gab.com/Der_Sieg
- BRAND NEW VIDEO: bitchute.com/video/266QQeZTEN43/

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Sieg heil

fuck off nazi you lost, 1000 year reich lasted 12 years, not great for a master race

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Folks, Socialism cannot work because socialists will not work. They will do absolutely anything to avoid hard work. The low energy of this thread will prove me right.

I claim this thread in the name of our lord Christ.
I come to forgive the sins of socialism.
This thread is blessed.

Stop watching porn.

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Best thread

Sieg Heil brothers

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great post man, I've known this on a spiritual level for a while. However your pic articulates it perfectly.

I'm gonna quit.

i'm sorry, user, but you can't be natsoc until you read this book
>blows jews, christians, minorities, and post-enlightenment nu-males the fuck out in ONE ESSAY
how can one man be so based?

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/SIG/ threads were what originally drew me to infinity chan. Huge regret of mine that I saved nothing from those times. Hopefully some godlike user will post books and other great resources we used to find in those threads.

Go back to idolizing Muhammed.

socialism worked in germany. In fact it took a power of 2-1 in army outnumbering and huge banking funding on the allied side to stop the sheer millitary and financial efficiency of the german millitary.

The italians and japanese on the german side were pretty much useless. Where as the national socialists almost singlehandedly conquered europe.




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He's a shill, don't bother using reason with him

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Today I decided to start a garden.
Leveled half my yard, threw out all the rocks and trash and planted a few flowering trees along the shaded boundary, and climbing beans on the sunny side

What should I plant?

And the hard /SIG/ roll

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I suggest food if you don't live in a city (as pollution could reach you through your food). If that isn't the case, tomatoes and potatoes, they're fairly easy.
If you do live, I suggest flowers. Tulips and roses are expensive so maybe not those.

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More for laughs, but pick one

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You are a fucking legend brother

Send us a pic once you're done!

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I choose savitri devi whatever the fuck that is.

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>d-d-d-ont talk to him
Hitlerboos fuck off.
Socialism terminated the most powerful bloodlines of Germany and ultimately ruined the Germanic mind to the point where they now accept individualism above familial duty. I would say that socialism works to a very specific end, the destruction of a culture.
Rutabagas are Hitler's favorite root vegetable. Easy to grow. Consult your almanac.

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No problem user! We're the best thread on the net after all!

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you can live off of potatoes (white and sweet potatoes) in shtf.

So at least get some potatoe crops and rotatable vegetable crops (based off of season) as a starter.

wheres the organ meat?

Ah shit, I cook every night

Today was vietnamese Pho ga
Last night was sichuan stir fry
Night before was italian

Tomorrow I might rehydrate some beans and make falafel
I make my own tahini paste and pickles so I don't support jews

Dried beans are incredibly cheap and full of protein, red beans can be rehydrated and blended into a dense tex-mex dip you can eat way too much of
White beans are good in a salad or french soup
Black beans are generally for mexican- but you can also ferment them and make chinese.

Once my friend was broke and I sent him $30 of rice, $20 of dahl, 5$ on spice mix and a bag of onions,a tub of ghee and a recipe for dahl
literally a months worth of food- the motherfucker got a new job within a week and will never touch dalh as long as he lives

If we go into lockdown, I'm eating dahl and vegetables for three months

indo-european aryan paganism mixed with NS most likely

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I considered potatoes but they are really only carbs and those are the easiest to buy/store already.

I put in herbs, parsley and bay do really well, chillies are very easy and protect plants from moths and caterpillars, oregano dries very well (as do bay leaves) and does well in pots

Citrus is important and expensive here so I have limes, I use the leaves to infuse gin and make indian pickles with the whole limes. Pickling the whole lime is much less wasteful than using the juice

Lol, the jews knew how powerful nationalism with socialist economic system was. So they literally invested all of the resources they accumulated over hundreds of years of nepotism to shut it down before he could nationalize the banks of any other countries. Thus destroying ursury and centralized banking.

Free market capitalism is actually the perfect system for jews, because it allows media/education/government control that teeters on the edge of authoritarian, while presenting the system as libertarian/free. This is all executed by soft/implicit powers. Hence why you can technically reject the holocaust narrative and be a racist without going to jail. You will just be socially decimated and be blacklisted from ever getting a good job because of internet archives.

Capitalism is literally the best case scenario for jews and the destruction of whites.


Godspeed user, you can do this.
Just remember: you aren't giving anything up. There is literally nothing to lose from not using porn. It's all in your head. Read the pdf and you'll see.

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folks, this is the cause of Godwin's law right here.

bad faith actors transmuting fully asemittic conversations into anti-semitic vile signaling.

what this poster is doing is common throughout all political discussion on nearly all public networks, they mark the conversation with their filth, entirely detracting from the true point.

Which if we need reminding is:

Socialism does not work because socialists will not work, socialists will use every excuse to not have to work. Socialists are thieves and conmen.

Notice they don't change the name, why do they wear the nazi brand?

To make _you_ look anti-semitic, user. To discredit (You)

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you guys might want to look in here


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Anyone want to weigh in on mussolini's heroic capitalism?

I like it as a direct opposition to self destructive marxist class warfare but I'm not sure if it's preferable to state enterprise



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Good Redpill for the Black Pilled

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since i'm home for quarantine i'm trying to expand my redpill video folder. can anyone link me to moar redpilled videos? preferably about immigration or white pills such as "the european lion". it seems like so many of the videos from 2016-2018 are just gone.

>the thinking National Socialist

>11:57 am
>masturbated six times already
How the fuck do I escape this

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I dont get it....every natsoc ive met irl has been unable to think critically at all. Pissing off skinheads has been fun since I was a little kid.

why on earth would jews larp as nazis on the internet? use yor big brain thinking and you'll probably figure it out

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Hey now, the volk don't approve of of degenerating women.

Women are sacred and have a vital place in society, are we to denigrate the mothers of our children?
Are we to make our daughters slaves?

Men should always respect the natural ambitions and strengths of women, as mothers, teachers, defenders of the home and keepers of communities

I posted my own self improvement thread and it got moved.

+1 from California

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based leaf
every memeflag in a patsy skinhead thread is an israeli flag

there are no exceptions.

typical jew pushing marxist feminism. did you even read what that user posted?

if these threads laud socialism so much then why do 1% of the posters in these threads make 90% of the posts?

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>every memeflag in a patsy skinhead thread is an israeli flag
yep, they need to recruit mouth breathers to keep the hitler meme alive for their psyop on the west to succeed. soon as whites can stop associating nationalism with nazis is when jewish power falls.

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>degenerating women
Who the fuck said that?
>Women are sacred and have a vital place in society, are we to denigrate the mothers of our children?
Just because women are naturally below men doesn't mean their role as mothers is any less important. It shows that men are still the leaders of a family and have a responsibility of both the woman and the child, while the woman is responsible for only the child.
>Are we to make our daughters slaves?
>natural ambitions and strengths of women, as mothers, teachers, defenders of the home and keepers of communities
All of which except motherhood are done better by men, especially being defenders.

Just take your memeflag off already.