What is a redpill you wish you never took?
What is a redpill you wish you never took?
the one that says that you're a pussy
human blood in soft drinks and fast food
the jews and everything
receipt paper with estrogen powder
Epstein sex slave island
operation sundevil and the steve jackson games saga. johnny gosch is a close 2nd.
flat earth.
Humans are radios
Radiation is everywhere and we’d basically all be Hercules if it wasn’t
Higher population density makes you a schizo
Take the Thule pill, you’ll absolutely regret it if you enjoy not being schizophrenic
> human blood in soft drinks
u focking wot m8
National socialism
Sometimes all of them
The first one I remember was Tavistock and the jews
That was a rabbit hole I found myself and seeing all the connections with my own research was insane.
There is so much shit that is general knowledge that people just pass by.
Any of the pedo/child trafficking stuff for much the same, it just exists out there with enough direct evidence but nothing is done save for continuing it
tonsil stones
Uh huh yeah sure
>how do (((they))) dispose of "inciminating evidence"?
The ruling class is comprised almost entirely of Satan worshiping pedophiles
My first breath.
Oh a rhetorical question that proves it thanks
niggas iffy uh
what the fuck did you just say uh
coming to this hellhole
Only worth while answer here.
Life is
Women are fucking retarded and I wish I never realized because I want a family
Industrial Society and it’s effects on the human race/planet. Thanks uncle Ted.
>adrenechrome in the fluoride supply
>interdimensional dmt entities
>paleolithic deepstate
>god's ego death
>skin is an alien parasite
>astral sex
>onions grand theory (onions becomes sentient)
>spongebob defecating incident
Point me in some directions about the schizo thing and Thule pill
>uncle Ted
Lead is bad who the fuck is ted?
>>paleolithic deepstate
>>god's ego death
>>skin is an alien parasite
Ted Kaczynski
Girls have the mental maturity of a child
Tell me more, please.
Fuck how could I forget!
>skin is an alien parasite
This wins.
I don't know if I really regret any. Once you know, you can find ways to work around them.
>>spongebob defecating incident
I dont think you're getting the point of this thread.
that genes determine everything in this life
wait elaborate on the tonsil stones
Rothschilds bow to Big Toilet Paper
That's just what your genetics want you to think.
The Jews, yeah. Everything else, med time.
The fact that every modern war, every political movement on the left, every corporation, mass media product, and doctrine, Is completely based on and drive to accomplish the emasculation and destruction of the white male, christianity and the break-up of the nuclear family. The only doctrine that is more important is the absolute servitude we have to israel and the chosen kikes. It's utterly soul crushing to realize that the country our forefathers fought and died for is being bled dry a bunch of disgusting degenerates who poison us and our children without remorse.
What is epigenetics
Golf rumors.
>receipt paper with estrogen powder
>med time
bro i have bad news for you
Corona virus is a hoax
Tonsil stones
Using political, social, and psychological means to steer the makeup of a population. Race-mixing and homosexuality encouraged by media is an obvious example, regardless of whether you think those things are good or bad.
Great man theory, but modified
Even a disgruntled dude in Serbia can cause a whole house of cards to fall down
Much of history is utterly random, wars are decided by a single decision here, an unexpected fog there, an outbreak of disease or a certain vigilant guard who wasn't drunk off his ass off his beer rations
Almost every conspiracy theory is there because most people cannot fathom that history is in large parts random as fuck, and not orchestrated by some shadow goverment.
Women are just as predatory and violent as men. They are just emotionally predatory and emotionally violent
Just found out about them myself
The tonsils have cavities that fill with bacteria, food particles and mucus. If you have visible ones they will appear as a small white dot on your tonsil.
Cleaning them out is a cyst poppers dream and that’s all I can really say. If you have the strength of character look up the yt vids.
I think if smoke you’ll definitely have them
That's an opinion a lot of slightly above average IQ people have. They're smart enough to see how chaotic the world appears, but not smart enough to comprehend how some people (ultra-high IQ) are capable of controlling and directing that chaos.
yea but what about them
Hey Joe!
that we're destined to live like chinese cattle people
Finding out that even eastern europeans aren't safe from homosexual and race mixing agendas and are now trying to normalize it. I want to deny. I want to pretend it isn't happening.
But some are tough...
The medical system as a genocide machine is a big one. Basically means you can't trust your doctor. Which... you can't. And millions of Americans have been deliberately murdered, for profit. Whew.
Realizing that everything on Yas Forums is bullshit, it used to be fun pretending to be mad about conspiracies and fearmongering, what happened bros?
user studying in Japan gets gangstalked by CCP and they perform satanic ritual to make sure the university stays under CCP control
Women, Marriage and children
t. @ripco
those were the days
He was probably trying to activate a monarch programmed assassin with a keyword.
The holocaust is fake. Its not that its such a devastating redpill, its the fact that everyone around you is conditioned to such a large degree. That is frightening to realise.
Aye, just nothing more than they are fucking disgusting and I didn’t know about their existence until a thread yesterday but will now be paranoid about checking
Be that as it may, those people who hold real power, are not aligned with one another by default.
That means they direct the chaos against each other, or against each others nations, thus leading the randomness of the common man to decide the fate of the outcomes.
I'm not saying Great Men (and probably women) are not pulling the strings, I'm just modifying the theory to include random people and random events. Which in turn makes history utterly unpredictable
>Radiation is everywhere and we’d basically all be Hercules if it wasn’t
except that there is zero evidence that background radiation has any harmful effect on people whatsoever
>receipt paper with estrogen powder
You mean BPA. Which is the same risk as everything else made with BPA. got it
>human blood in soft drinks and fast food
You mean the amount of contaminated items PPM (parts per million) that are allowed in food ingredients?
That our governments are actively trying to replace us and excuse it with "ITS GOOD FOR THE GDP"
The picture is a dismembered lamb, to symbolize the death of America and China taking over the world
All we do doesn't matter in the end because a reset is coming no matter what.
yea i learned about them a while ago, ive always had them now and then but never really knew what they were until a little over a year ago. they suck because sometimes you can feel them in your throat but you cant get them out for a few days. not really sure why it happens, either since i brush daily. i guess i just kind of figured that because they were mentioned in a redpill thread, it implied they were a zionist conspiracy or something
Watching loose change ruined my life, I wanted to join the army growing up, I could have had a meaning full life, friends, a reason to get up in the morning, I know loose change is full of disinformation and it's elaborated with out showing evidence, but i fell into that rabbit hole which led me to daily visits to glp, ats, Ickes forum and hundreds of YouTube videos, I burned out in 2012 and kinda just walked away from it while casually visiting only at the end of the day, spent more time watching legit documentaries and history docs. But I fully realize none of this serves me, I have no reason to study this, I'm not involved in any field where I can contribute to it and all I see is charlatan and grifter e celebs profiting from it. I have watched as now videos online went from studying current events and commentary to its current digressed form of meme pundits saying " men in small hats", le jesuits, zionists are to blame!, men of a certain tribe!...everyone has gotten lazy and just engages in the current finger pointing game. I suppose it was just as bad back then, with so many blaming the illuminauti, after 14 years of this shit... it's just so fuckinh clear that it's utterly pointless... even if you stumble on truth, most people only believe tv so the truth never gets traction, but it's impossible to prove the truth. There's probaly only a dozen or two dozen people on earth who actually know what's going on, there has been a exodus of normies rejecting the news, but they just traded the tv news for internet news which is just as bad in some ways. That metal gear solid 2 comm convo was so right about people being social engineered into little niche communities where niche views of current events become their gospel. I feel like cipher in the matrix, I don't want any of this anymore and instead of wanting to be an actor or politician like cipher did, I just want to be in the army and get to go out and do outdoor training.
the pizza pill
Lower beings uncapable of thinking for themselves and asking for explanations they don't understand, wasting your time and getting mad when you ignore them.
I fucking hate the lack of true honesty on this planet. So much shit goes behind your back, that you don't hear, and you aren't even given any more chances to redeem yourself, because everyone is either a fucking jewish mindless nigger, or a hopeless doomed being.
It's ogre.
We're fucked.