477 people died to Corona in Sweden today

>477 people died to Corona in Sweden today
>they argue that they leave restaurants open etc because it's a more sustainable approach
>their medical people are begging them to stop using relaxed strategies and laws

I don't like many foreigners, but as a hardcore gamer i love my swedish CS players and speedrunners. Stay safe bros and girls. Stay inside.

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what are the odds they're doing it because they can't enforce lockdown in the no go zones and are afraid of mass redpilling if they try

I own a restaurant, I'm just hoping everyday to hear the news that they are shutting everything down so I can claim my insurance money.

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Grunt police officers probably think that but there's no way the Swedish government is being this actively suicidal regarding it's population and is likely just fucking retarded.

Of course, the hottest take is that they know they can't enforce lockdowns in no go areas and know covid would hit hard in those places..

They definitely seem laid back like us Australians, but most countries like us would at least just copy the USA or whatever and employ more cops to patrol said areas.

They will, based swedish gamer, 477 in one day is really bad when this shit is just beginning. Stay hopeful.

Mainly somalians and other immigrants. The information is under pretty tight control.

It's funny that leftists blame trump for all the deaths in the US but wouldn't criticize the socialist utopia of sweden for doing absolutely nothing

Those are swedes? I thought they had darker skin

Reminder that we still never found an effective vaccine for AIDS or SARS. The risk will most likely never be zero.
The media keeps doing clickbait regarding cures, its all complete bullshit, just click on the articles and read them.



They released stats in australia that showed what would have happened in australia if we didnt have social distancing etc, its govt information so think what you will but it was like 10k deaths per day in australia. Main problem being not enough hospital beds etc.

Which kebab shop is yours?

We serve stricly Swedish cuisine and adhere to tradition.

We live too far north for that.

post swedish food

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Based herd CHADS

Just act like you have it already, wash your fucking hands.
There are definitely cunts out there who want to watch the world burn though who are probably spitting on everything in supermarkets still. Something as simple as that can be disastrous.

>Not insured due to
>Act of God
>Outbreak of War
Time to review your policy bro


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Wow it's almost like having women run your country is a bad idea.

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>We serve stricly Swedish cuisine and adhere to tradition.

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what are the odds they are trying to get rid of the niggers without looking raciss, so they can keep their social welfare system alive for a little while longer

Spain peak has been 1k/day or so and we are 5 times bigger, twice worse :^)

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if i had only swedish food you wouldn't need to kill me
id kill myself

>these are 3/10 in Sweden
Someone please kill me

>1k vs 500
>spain is twice as large
>twice as worse

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I'm going to the gym, might grab a burger on the way home.

HIV hits the immune system, hence why there’s no working vaccine. Corona virus targets the lungs, so shouldn’t be harder to develope a vaccine than say for the Influenza viruses.

Spain is 5 times bigger so with that rate here should be 2.5k deaths but it was 1k peak, so there is twice worse

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So the gooks knew this but didn’t tell us, why?

Have you never been to IKEA?

>477 today
477 is the TOTAL, though.

I think you're reading it wrong. The Swidish total is 400+ our daily death count is something like 100+.

You are just too retarded to understand what they are doing

>died to corona
The effects of home schooling are becoming apparent.

useless zoomers


This is Yas Forums today, 7th of April 2020.
Some drooling 12-year-old Aussie retarded kid starts off a thread with a laughably and obviously false piece of information (477 people have died of (supposed) Corona in Sweden IN TOTAL, you pewling little infant, not TODAY) and three dozen other pewling stupid ignorant little 12-year-olds start puking up their "opinions" about this nonsensical stupid invented figure
"lol they lik blak cok"
"lol dey libtards i hat libtards"
"lol why don they lok evryun up like Mommy loks me up in my bed at nit? lol libtards STOOOPID"
Will you just STOP shitting up this board you ignorant little shit-assed runts?

yeah, ikea is based
never ate there though

then why he put today, fucking Straya, God! yes 203 so just a bit Spain numbers at our peak

>477 didnt ALL die today
>its fine
>Corona has been out for like 2 weeks it's nearly over, dude

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Only the weak fear the virus.

Sympathy Status: 0. The Swedes had every chance to handle this well, just as they had every chance to avoid shitskinning their own country.

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Schizophrenic contry. Shithole.


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to be fair, those numbers include a lot of third world shitskins, as well as actual human beings

>china doesn't report new deaths
>that means there are no new deaths
Just like they didn't cover up the outbreak in the first place, right chang?

>so I can claim my insurance money

Lel you're not getting any money from the insurance companies, they've already made it clear that the corona pandemic is not the kind of epidemy that they mean by epidemy insurance. It is only meant for small outbreaks of food related epidemies.





There should be no lockdowns.
Viruses kill the weak.
If we want to further the species, we must let the weak die.

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What are the odds that the Swedish aren't as retarded as the rest of the world and think that destroying their domestic economy for a flu is unacceptable?

>right chang?

So what has happened to the overall mortality rate? Or is anybody who "tests positive for COVID-19" (whatever that means) considered a Corona virus death?

>comments have been disabled

Yea the models they used in America to justify the lockdown was only off by like 1 or 2 million deaths.

So you manage an Ikea ?

>not a single nigger spotted

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the drooling little single-figure-IQ moron is defending his "intellectual honour":
"I ony quoted a figger for dree n a harf munz as a figger fo a dai.....im an Olt Ride interleckshul like Andrew Breitbart respecc' ma otoritee!!!"
Just crawl back to kindergarten, you brainless, slobbering little shitstain. Come back and try and be "red-pilled" again when you learn to read.