I hoped you prepped well user.
Mass starvation incoming
Other urls found in this thread:
I can survive on american tears alone
Trump cant tell these companies what to do, its not a dictatorship they need to send letters to walmart
Colgate toothpaste has higher calories.
Trunk actually has a lot of power right now due to cold war emergency powers he basically has absolute command control over every sector of the economy but like usual he's too incompetent to use his powers effectively.
link faggot
doesn't taste as good
Actually he can DPA their asses back to the stone age
i'm surprised these dregs of society know how to write
they just want you to panic buy sardines
don't drink the kool aid
Using power effectively also means knowing when to use it and when not to. Only use the stick when the carrot fails.
google self driving car to the rescue!
good, maybe mutts would be able to fast away their obesity
Or he's not an authoritarian dick weasel that wants to leave the landscape of American liberty in ashes at the end of this.
This is why automated trucking is so important. We have to get it implemented and get theses sweaty, fat type 2’s out of the work force. Fuck them.
Couldn't post it in the op you lazy faggot?
“Small-business truckers and professional drivers are the vital link to it all, putting their lives on the line for the good of the nation,”
Suddenly every faggot still working is a brave hero risking their lives every day for the good of humanity, what a bunch of toss, you're a fucking truck driver
They need free masks because they unload trucks at stores?
I ain't OP faggot
+1 upvoted golded
Kek. Some of us skinnies might have to resort to eating a few fatties though. Just one fatty could feed many of us skinnies for days
>Dregs of society.
One of the few trades that is redpilled. Most long distance truckies I know are absolutely minted. Look after their families and understand and respect their place in society.
>Thinks authoritarianism is bad
>Would rather lose with principles than use the crisis to fix everything wrong with America
FUCKING CONSERVATIVES. EVERY TIME. You cucks never stop craving an honorable defeat do you?
unqualified jobs is for low IQ subhumans
everyone is after gubmint gibs now because of forced shutdowns wiping out their revenues.
They’re putting their lives on the line to feed their fat asses. Fuck em. Fully automated self driving trucks NOW!
Okay Type Oner
>muh freedoms
fucking liberals
Get in my belly!
The people working right now are the only people who are actually necessary for society.
Sorry if your feelings are hurt :^)
>Pretty much living in a police state
If you're going to go this route, why not do it well?
Poster is being a faggot but construction workers are currently unemployed
Just being realistic, no ones a fucking hero
I'm still currently working, but am I necessary for society? nope, FAR from it. so your point was?
>They need free masks because they unload trucks at stores?
I've never heard of a trucker loading or unloading freight. I think all the warehouses and stores have people for that. The trucker just sits in his truck and jerks off while everyone else works.
To be fair everyone should be given free masks like north korea. Going outside should require mask, but you cant realistically demand this if you dont guarentee people have masks.
Clearly we need to convert some factories to mask production if we do not have enough.
Tell that to the fucker running a compactor directly outside my window right now or the 15+ person crew building a new house down the street from me
This. Former retail fag here. Absolutely no truckers would unload nor help unload freight from a truck. One trucker was so obese he had a compression sock on both feet and it looked like it was about to rip. On top of that he’d order an 8 piece chicken bucket and finish it all before I even signed the receipt. Opened my eyes to see just how lazy of a job trucking is.
Bullshit. I'm still taking loads. Have baked goods to drop off in TN tomorrow morning then another load for Al next.
I too am a hero (I wrote as I drafted insurance policies from home)
Sure. Gimme your address and I'll come tell him
I guess your bummed that your job isn't important enough that it needs to be done in a plague
Don't know where you live mate but it's a qualified job here in Aus you need a ticket to drive a truck. Especially a road train. Most truckies I know, own shares and several houses. Trucking pays well and is a means to an ends.
>Low IQ subhuman
I don't know who's dumber desu, the bloke that got his truckies ticket and hauls freight or the faggot that got a uni degree and writes code for Pennys.
I price insurance policies. I’m working as well speak. In fact I’ve been given Overtime indefinitely and i’ clocking in 20 OT hours a week at $35 an hour.
Some places you gotta unload but it depends on the company. If I am not gonna get paid to unload why would I help you? I only get paid for the miles everything else is free.
careful commie faggot. you need all your tranny demi neutral vegan bakers and Instagram whores to vote blue to keep your gay socialist gibs shit in the running
aren't american food are still made locally ? no way american will be starving
I worked at a grocery store for years. Truckers just park their trucks at the dock and proceed to fist themselves while store or factory employees take all of the pallets off of the truck. They don't even load up the trucks either; they just drive from location to location delivering their goods
> Once word spreads that drivers are testing positive, we could very well see a tremendous reduction in drivers willing to risk everything for the rest of us.”
Sounds like a liberal wrote this garbage. Jeez.
Lol oh no. All of your fat citizens wont have access to their heavily modified fruit loops, corn flakes, hot cheetos and artificial chocolate flavor enhancers. What ever will you do? Perhaps you morons will finally take the vegetarian pill and build self sustaining eco communities. Americans are the laziest, selfish, uncreative group of people to ever roam this planet.
Source: american born white suburban spoiled kid who moved to india and found himself through yoga in the mountains
“Small-business truckers and professional drivers are the vital link to it all, putting their lives on the line for the good of the nation,” the letter continues. “Every day they are exposed to COVID-19 because of the critical service they provide for all of us. EVERY SINGLE DAY. They run in and out of the hot zones and without question they are exposed. They don’t have access to PPE or any practical means to know when they may be falling ill or any practical solution if they need treatment or self-isolation.”
“Access to testing must be available where they are, particularly on busy truck routes,” writes Spencer. “And testing must show results in hours, not days. Along with that we need a strategy for treatment or quarantine that could take place at nearby motels.”
“Right now professional drivers are busting their butts to care for the nation,” he stresses. “Their hard work and personal sacrifice should not include their health or even their lives if at all possible or preventable. Once word spreads that drivers are testing positive, we could very well see a tremendous reduction in drivers willing to risk everything for the rest of us.”
“We need a plan for them. We need help,” the letter concludes. “Do it.”
>complain about not having PPE in the most solitary, low exposure job imaginable
>harp about how brave and precious truckers are
>threaten that they're going to pussy out en masse and cause a supply chain crisis if they get too scared of catching the communist flu
what a whiny bunch of stupid babies i can't wait for automation to replace these fat pansies
All going according to the (((plan))).
All Europeans are now faggots including you
In all seriousness, I want to know if we’re mot being told something. I’m in South Mississippi. The stores simply are NOT restocking properly. This isn’t panic buying. And some of the schools that are trying to feed kids are running out of food. Several cannot get bread at all. What is happening is one school will run out of food and everybody will go driving over to the next one for food.
>8,000 americans die
>national supply chain in jeopardy guise
When are they gonna knock this retarded shit off and just get over the fact that some obese boomers are gonna die a couple of years ahead of schedule
It’s hilariously true, my old man jokes about it all the time. He’s worked at FedEx for like 25 years and gets paid 80k a year to sit in his truck and take naps while they unload his semi
To be fair all they are asking for is PPE, ability to rapid-screen for Wu-flu at truck stops and designated quarantine areas available for OTR truckers such as motels.
Not unreasonable, I don't think.
UPS Package Car drivers should strike unless they get for free proper PPE
Greedy greedy unions, services like theirs are making more money than ever before due to higher delivery demands and yet they want free shit and to be shown around like heroes
do you know what a police state is, little one
4 months of food for family of 5 stored away, 3 pigs at my Dad's, lots of fish inna sea and we have a boat, probably be mostly okay. I also know the majority of easily found wild edibles in my area for supplemental food and filler.
>didn't read the article
it's a handful of truckers lobbying for PPE. like these people are going to quit their jobs right now lol.
That's because australian truckers need to go mad max driving through abo infested hellscapes
Truckers have families?
Also what are they going to do in 15 years when trucking is mostly automated?
>Insurance jew
1488 N. Adolf lane
Basedtown, Northwest Redoubt
Yeah I'm seeing the same thing. From what I understand part of the problem is that a large percentage of people's food used to come from restaurants and school or work cafeterias, and the suppliers of those industries don't have the ability to get their product into supermarkets. They don't have the packaging or labelling and access to supermarket distributors. There is a shortage of milk in the store and yet dairys are dumping tons of milk because they can't get it into 1 gallon jugs with a retail label.
The average american needs to lose 30#
This could be a good thing, you know.
>lives on the line
Truckers live in an isolated space that is constantly on the move. They are the safest occupation on the planet right now. Fucking crybabies.
Imagine thinking the American population that is majority obese will starve to death lol
You overestimate how hard it is to create and distribute food.
1% of your population workforce would be enough to feed all your fat niggers.
The spic nig cycle will never end.
What do now?
Certainly am according to that wannabe communist
Don't drink too much. Probably contains corn syrup residue.
Switch to self-driving trucks. Problem solved.
Sounds like you need to own more land user.