No work, no stimulus check add anxiety for undocumented immigrant laborers

What the fuck? Stop fucking breeding and see if your gov. will help.

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Bump, what flag is that?


That’s a lot of kids. Wtf


They will persevere. Ask any hobo who does seasonal labor, they will tell you that the field workers work the hardest. If they work anything other than field work, fuck em


Wheres the nearest spic ghetto I wanna meet their kids

Gotta drizzle a couple beans to make a burrito hueheh

Israelis call their illegals "interlopers" in the English language websites and "invaders" in Hebrew.

We should probably follow that example.
Illegal isn't harsh enough.

Surely their home countries will provide for them.

Should have entered the country legally, nigger lover.

Look at all those soulless dead eyes

Just wait until they get a free ride to college in CA spending their $1000 FASFA checks on clubbing and Gucci shoes, while my mom whose recently widowed can’t get a dime bc muh privilege. Even when we do manage to get some aid during the semester it all goes towards tuition.

Forgot to mention they’ll major in sociology and take about 6 years to graduate

How's Afghanistan right now?

It's "fuck you paco stop phonefagging."
Apparently it's south of the border.


Yeah I am talking to you fucks that post here..

> paints the wall green
Get off the planet you bitch!

>oh no its another monkey fighting for Jews and protecting heroine in pedobuttfuckistan thread

Thats $25k free from the IRS per annum, is what that is. throw in free school breakfast, lunch, and healthcare. plus all the cash Madre and Papa can rustle up undercutting whitey and not paying any taxes on, and you have what is now the average family with children in America. Thanks Kikes!!!!!

Mexicans only do this in the US to work the system. In Mexico they have 1-3 kids like most people

>undocumented immigrant laborers

You mean illegal aliens? That shouldn't have been here in the first place?

Aww, poor baby...

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oh no, that sucks

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Good! Get the fuck out


Maybe they can go back and get assistance from the countries they're citizens in instead of hurting the labor market and getting exploited for scraps.

Well in the long run the net gains far outweighs a measly $3500 one time check.

They can go the fuck home.

Trump should put one way gates in the wall to let them sneak back into Mexico

They eventually do because it’s free for them in Cali, but it takes them years to get simple degrees because of the language barrier. Fucking over here taking Calc II and Orgo II while they’re thinking I’m all spoiled cause I’m not employed. Literally they get up for work at like 5 am, get back at 2pm, take a nap til 8pm. Smoke some weed then work on homework til around 11pm, usually a forum post about women’s studies or a paper that’s literally due at midnight that day. I used to be pretty ready for the diverse experience but it made me more cynical and kinda racist.

Then their kids just end up becoming genetic dead ends over here lmao
t. offspring of two illegals

You know what you must do.

They weren't even paying any money into the system before.

>t. offspring of two illegals

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>pay no taxes to government of country you are working in illegally
>pay no taxes to government of country you left, as a citizen of that country working in a foreign country
>emergency hits
>neither government has any financial incentive to keep you alive
This is government's fault.

Better respect ese'

There is nothing to respect?

Respect what you fucks taking over what you could never build yourselves?

You fucks being low and and causing the bar to be lowered no matter where you go?

Put the one on the far right on the block corner if you really need money, fucking wetbacks.


>illegal alien

>what flag is that?
OPs flag is Afghanistan.

> undocumented immigrant
Classic Marxist dialectic for ILLEGAL ALIEN

>Respect what you fucks taking over what you could never build yourselves?

I'm pretty sure my Spaniard ancestors built a civilization before and so did my native ancestors, albeit not the most advanced ones but relatively better than Nordic civilizations in the past.

God I want to slaughter beaners so bad

Kek, we have the same problem here, all immigrants and rapefugees left

then they should sell their daughters

the family in the pic would be getting $4,900 per month under the stimulus bill if they came in the legal way lol

Nope I don’t think i will thanks glowie, I don’t value pussy that much to rope over the lack of it, if that’s what you’re implying. I’ll leave that to some white cuck, I disregard females entirely.

Then fucking go there lmfao Mexico better than Nordic countries

better at flaying people alive I guess

>undocumented immigrant laborers
illegal cockroaches

>relatively better than Nordic civilizations in the past.
dont kid yourself. not even close.

Kek he’s got a point. Althogh Germanic people’s not as primitive as people larp.

>your gov

I'm talking about my racial ancestors. Not my nationality/culture.
>living like literal niggers except the mudhut is made out of wood

Soooooo advanced dude

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Black, like a dolls eyes

Rodolfo please lmao
You're as much of a Spaniard as Tyree is an Egyptian. If I ever want to see your peoples achievements I'll just glance south

>tfw China was the good guy all along

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Agreed and i'm not saying the Germanic people were proto-niggers but lets not act like they didn't come from humble beginnings as well.
Well phenotypically i'd be a Spaniard but I digress. Yeah you're gonna have to be looking closer up soon

>no replies
wow there sure are a lot of dirty beaners on this board. you hit the nail on the fucking head.

Good thing they can always immigrate back