Why can't americans follow simple instructions?

Why can't americans follow simple instructions?

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don't tread on my immune system

Wow you really make me want to come up there and rape some poo chinks. I will train my body now. Be ready.

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Nope this sack of mystery meat we call America is truly over...

How far north can I realistically go in Canada?

It’s the governments fault, not only did they trust communists, they trusted Chinese communists

Extroverts are dumb

>entire states with three whole deaths reported
>covered in hundreds of scary red dots


No one here cares about an over hyped shitty flu meme virus

Americans refuse to follow quarantine orders. Foreigners shaking in their boots over a couple coofs.

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fuck you that’s why

You do realize that shit isn't that indicative of the spread. For instance in BC all the cases aren't in the middle of fucking nowhere in a provincial park.

oh god guys. im right in the really deep colored red part on the right near new york. am i gonna die?

Southern user here, every fucker I know waxes poetic about BAH GOD DA GUBBMENT AINT GON TELL ME WUT TO DO.

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>bunches of tiny dots
>one big dot

man im so much more scared of the tiny dots its like US is sooo fucked literally end of the fucking world


niggers dont care about it, hence why they are out in the streets right now in major cities fucking around probably passing the virus everywhere they go.

I'd rather catch the virus than do what the damn government says

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dude i would literally be shaking. you need to order some of that hydroxychloroquine or you are 100% dead

Why can't mainlander bat eating faggots larping as leafs act like humans?

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this but unironically

Yas Forums being bootlickers over a cough that only kills fat old people is the funniest shit ever

Perfect match...

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All the nuggets in Alabama are staying in their government housing collecting gibs. The few out and about are wearing masks and gloves. Hardly any white people here are. Hopefully this will make the obesity rate plummet.

Are normal pneumonia deaths being mislabeled as coronavirus deaths? Or is the coronavirus killing people who would've died this year anyway? Or both?

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That map is very misleading because it just puts one dot on each Canadian province no matter where there are cases while it puts dots all over the US for each city or village with cases.

It it use the same method, Canada would also look like it's infected all over the place.

Does this mean misdiagnosis or that corona was always here but never checked for

CDC guidelines say anyone that dies that is "suspected" of having corona virus can be labeled as a corona virus death without any test for it

they shut down the economy over nothing so they have to fudge enough pneumonia deaths for this to appear to be a worthwhile exercise

US spent 10 years worth of budget over a nothingburger

Could be flawed tests. Lots of people are testing positive with no symptoms. Gotta get the death rate up somehow so they test the people dying.
>Wow, they have this thing that's been around since November. Must be dying because of that.

Cause they are retards

Looks like a nonwhite population density map.

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which also just looks like a population density map...

probably both.

disease is real, but 80% of hospitalizations have underlying conditions, so would likely have been impacted anyway via flu or another disease.

a very small portion of the population react very poorly to this disease and die with no known comorbidities, but the vast majority of people dying have pre-existing conditions that compound the symptoms and complicate treatment. add to this that most people are overweight, if not obese with sedentary lifestyles and decreased lung capacity due to lifestyle choices, and you have a recipe for mayhem.

this disease isn't killing us, it's simply finishing the job started by food mega corps.

>Says Americans
>Map says niggers spics simps and liberals

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I guess we are going socialist.

> niggers spics simps and liberals

...so Americans?

Is your lady ran gubment behind this sociological experiment?

I mean, judging by the heat map, I'd say that it looks like the virus began in the US by being spread during the super bowl.


>Chankoro posting


>super bowl
They are being reminded who is really brave and a hero

They're Republican and think God will magically save them.

canada is gay

thinking the government will save you is probably even dumber

You can't tell me what to do big boy.

one of our other rights is the right to free unmolested non commercial travel, which is the reason why driver's licenses and motor vehicle stops are unconstitutional. so are states of emergencies, quarantines, soft martial law (((social distancing))), it's all violations of eternal and supreme wartime law. a police officer performing a motor vehicle stop is an enemy combatant.

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The government is real and can be held accountable.

the government actively does more harm than good

a non existant god or god that simply watches you would be more beneficial than a bunch of jews that just want to collect taxes under threat of imprisonment or death

we don't respect a meme ass bullshit virus

We will force you into the cold north leaf, how long can you last out there? also we have 10X your population. imagine every retard that drowned in Syrup now x10

It means if you stay inside and take care you are less likely to get any virus not only corona you dipshit

>Southern shitholes
>Urban shitholes
>Coastal shitholes

what demographic do these places have in common???

Because SIMPLE is too difficult for them.

>We will force you
You won't do a thing but coof at home and shoot lakes, on meth.

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The jig is up on the hoax faggot leaf. I know Canadians are just fine with giving up all their rights but Americans are not.

Because niggers can't follow simple instructions and are so low IQ that they think they are immune because their melanin levels.

The weak die and the strong survive.
This is how we got to this point.

Because N

I might stop coofing if i stop the meth tho!

Because we actually know how to make test kits! Why can't the Chinese?

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