"All The Jobs Are Gone" - Africa Facing 'Complete Economic Collapse' As Virus Spreads

The COVID-19 pandemic and lockdowns across the African continent could trigger an economic collapse, according to one United Nations (UN) official, who spoke with Associated Press (AP).

Ahunna Eziakonwa, the UN Development Program regional director for Africa, warned that the pandemic would likely result in job losses for millions of people, many of whom are already low-income, have no savings, and have no access to proper healthcare.

"We've been through a lot on the continent. Ebola, yes, African governments took a hit, but we have not seen anything like this before," Eziakonwa said. "The African labor market is driven by imports and exports and with the lockdown everywhere in the world, it means basically that the economy is frozen in place. And with that, of course, all the jobs are gone."

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>Looks like you have to help them out with $6 gorillion aid package


No niggers no problems

What jobs do they do? I didn't think they did anything in Africa other than working in mines digging things up.

Being a criminal is a job. If they hear about a deadly virus, the poor, poor africans wont be able to go to work!

Oh no that fucking sucks.
Well tough shit, we got our own shit to deal with. Deal with it yourself, niggers.

>The African labor market is driven by imports
>Our economy revolves around receiving gibs
Can't make this up.

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Oh no! Not the niggerinos. It's bad enough these sneezy bois are going after our boomers, morbidly obese smokers, and bug chasing faggots. When will we catch a break?

What jobs?

oh man if this continues they will lose everything and will have to live in mud huts

They're going to eat all the elephants and stuff :(.



Niggers are too dumb to hunt wild life they would rather wait on whitey handouts than spear a gazelle

Cue videos of African’s dying of starvation and Red Cross aid money mysteriously vanishing

Quick! How do we spin this to reinforce the narrative that white people are bad and black people are good?

Whats the bet the NGO's will use these economic problems in Africa. To justify another wave of migrants going into Europe.

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That sucks

African economy is all powered by Europe anyway. Maybe they should plan for future, they have lots of land, lots of possibility. Now is perfect time to evaluate their future.

Chinas new china. Better start investing in African stocks.

They ran out of things to steal

But why? A vacancy of niggers means guaranteed employment for the survivors

there are some manufacturing plants. i know someone who owns a factory where they make batteries.


You are retarded. China doesn't even invests into China stocks. They investment is dropping overall. That's just neocon meme to bring niggers into Europe. China created projects in Africa, built things for exchange of resources. Benefits both parties. Stocks benefit only Jews.

Please post revised population growth projections.

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What a pleasant fantasy.

The reality is that Blacks are not capable of sustaining their current, massive populations. They lack the Intelligence, capacity and social cohesion for the necessary technologies, logistics, infrastructure and other social practices to sustain not only mass agriculture, but anything approaching a functioning civilization.


These beings never invented the wheel. Never invented the written word.
Or even social groups more complex than familial hunter gatherer tribes.

As such their current, aid-bloated population is a result of parasitism and misplaced charity. They have multiplied like seagulls at a landfill.

It is inevitable that something will occur to end the gravy train of free or easy calories and medical services which have allowed their R-Selection breeding to spiral out of control.
And it wouldn't take much. The western world simply being distracted enough that the fuel, money or medication stops flowing.

And what happens then? The largest, most desperate and most violent migratory surge ever. As these protohumans, born and trapped into a world they cannot possibly function in without vastly reducing their population and dependence technology, will come as a howling horde wherever they can find meat, treasure and females.

They will descend like a flood of retarded, feral humanoid locusts on everywhere their starvation driven feet can take them.

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Ylyl thread

Well, no shit UN, no shit WHO, thanks for recommendations - if only the governments of the world thought for themselves.
Apparently they don't.
Well, maybe this was their plan all along.

Back to eating people I guess.


>everyone says summer will kill the virus
>it is currently ravaging through parts of Africa that are hotter and both drier and wetter than any temperate zone gets
So they are just going to under report it more then?

Africa was a shithole. Now is going to become a shithole. Oh noes.

Wages are determined by supply and demand. Sure the Labour force will be reduced by a bit maybe 2% at most but if the number of available jobs is reduced by say 15% due to economic damage of the lock down and reduction of trade. Then overall job availability will decline.


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Guess again
Where do you think they're going to when the collapse hits?

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Not fucking here. We're closed.

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Such stronk. Elites like Trump were right to replace white Christians with them.


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How will they migrate? Corona-chan is fucking up North Africa meaning they will shoot any infected border crossing apes.

good luck making that happen, they dun goofed as recent developments in Greece showed and just in case some NGO faggots here reads this, should you try to shovel even more niggers into Europe, you will get brutally attacked at the least, probably killed quite gruesome, you will get doxxed, people will go after you and your families, same goes for people financially supporting said NGO's, you will be found and dealt with, there are lists with names.

How easily can we turn Africa against the Chinks?

Do we explain how freedom comes only from overthrowing and fighting the Chinks?

Help me turn Africa against the Chinese lads.

better invite the entire continent to Europe

They already tried using Kung Flu Lung AIDS in the camps in Greece as a justification to shovel them into Europe. We all said no fucking way.
What makes you think shoveling them from Africa to Europe will be a yes?

>We're closed
Unfortunately you're not.

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The UN is cashing in on force feeding Africans to unsustainable populations. This is directly their fault.

>How will they migrate

However they can.
On foot.
Hijacked boats.
Hijacked trains.

The Sahara desert is no longer the Darwinian boundary it once was. For tens of thousands of years it served as a wall between the primitive origins of humanity, and the rest of what it spread out and evolved into.

No longer.

And you'll excuse me if I put zero faith in the massively inbred residents of multiple failed states (north Africa) to hold back a Tide of tens of millions of violent Negroids.

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Eh should make Africa part of EU

This is a bad thing how?

Gotta flatten the curve.

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How many jobs could there possibly have been in Africa? Its an entire continent filled with 2 brain cell having male niggers. The only reason reason anyone is alive there us because the white man ships them free food by the boat load

Welp they will just have to figure it out on their own this time. Ebil huwhite colonizers OUGHT to stay away anyway. The Kangz got this.

>This article is more than 2 months old

>Greece can talk

Whoops, meant for

Shut the fuck up Verhofstadt

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Nice post, in spite of plebbit spacing.

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didnt know there was anything in africa to crash!

There were jobs in Africa?
There are over 60 year olds in Africa?
Build a wall across the Sahara, send half the Atlantic Fleet into the Mediterranean, the other half into the Channel, and don't spare another thought.
It will ruin the fun of watching the Africans turn against the Chinese themselves when the Chinese try to enforce their contracts. Good luck to Zhang with that.

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What jobs? All they've ever had for jobs is low level work like mining and other assorted raw material gathering professions.

Good. Africa should be emptied. Rhodesia rise again.

Thanks user.

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Poorer Africa means more migratory pressure into Europe.
How will Yuropoors respond?

If Africa didn't know about this virus I doubt they'd even notice it, to be honest.

Guess we'll have to see what happens

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Yes. And restrictions on exports out of Africa therefore hurt the economy.

Wasn't an African country gifted two fighter jets and the African pilots did an emergency exit midway through the test run and were confused that the planes weren't able to land themselves after they went out.

You're the ones far more likely to have to deal with this shit than us.

Nvm wrong ethnicity

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Haha there are no sanctuaries for the experiment anymore. Open hands will only get death by bioweapon as their aid

this just means we’re gonna see more “refugees” fleeing to europe

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Fool the Sahara is how they get to Europe

Honestly, I don't think you can in a meaningful way. The dilemma of colonialism in a populated area is that you traditionally needed consent of the governed to some extent - e.g., the British Raj needed Pajeet soldiers, Pajeet food supplies, Pajeet workers, etc.

China's relationship with Africa is more similar to America's relationship with plains Indians or Australian aboriginals - China can literally do everything it needs without them, so their consent is pointless.

They did make it through Ebola, as stated. Why are they not making it through Covid? I think it might be because the counter-measures taken are worse than the disease. We have had other outbreaks that have spread internationally, some arguably worse than covid.

There is something strange going on here.