1000 cars line up for free food in florida, the real happening begins NOW!
The Bread lines have begun
How the fuck has that happened so quickly? How much farm land do you have? Shit seemed to hit the fan here a few weeks ago and there was no veg and tins were gone, no milk. Now my local small shop has all the essentially all day every day. They even sell veg. The worst thing that has happened is i've had to start eating mushrooms and making do with certain foods I might not have eaten before.
Don't people really have any kind of money buffer? It took just around a month of economical uncertainty and thousands of previously functioning normies are instantly in poverty.
Thats a Chinese Origin Virus ID 2019 testing queue, you stupid fuck.
>free anything
the only thing I got "free" was 2000 pictures of traffic lights
you don't need to be poor or hungry to get free stuff user. it's fucking FREE
nope its a literal modern bread line
Ohhhh nooo not mushroommmmmmssss that suuuuuckkkkssss
What do you do pour ketchup down your throat you fucking child? Get some adult taste buds, nigga
half the people are preppers and scalpers just sucking up free shit. real bread line of cars would circle the county.
I eat them, like an adult but i'm not a fan of them. The point being, the worst thing that has happened in this country is people like me needing to eat things they might not be a big fan of. And your people are making lines in their cars to get food.
Chef here. I dont eat eggs shrimp mushrooms in that order but would if necessary which it isnt
>it's fucking FREE
time is money, abo
Food itself is not the problem.
They can't pay for it because most americans live from paycheck to paycheck and now millions are out of a job.
Tommys got rid of unions a long time ago but the conditions for workers are much worse in the US. It's hire and fire there.
Same people who were in line to get free stuff after hurricane Dorian. Mostly Hispanic people who profess to be free market capitalists and then chomp hungrily into any handout from the government
What a fucking joke of a country if they are already on their knees as a people.
>he doesnt drink condiments
Move aside, plebian.
since you're smart enough to know this and you have people in your life who aren't, you can send them on an errand for you.
jeesus user. life is hard for you aint it.
Ok boomer. Still doesnt explain why you live paycheck to paycheck like a peasant in the usa. I swear americans are as big on damage control as the jews on this board.
Unfortunately it is check to check. Inflation has outpaced wage growth for the majority since 1990
good spics and niggers are waiting in line in their cars so good photos can be taken and Trump will finally be removed from office.
They dont need the food but we told our local offices to push the free stuff angle. It worked. SPics and niggers always do as they are told.
I don't know enough about economics to understand how the wealthiest country on earth has people with full time jobs for years, and now not able to sustaine themselves for more than a week or two without being near starvation.
How the fuck is that even possible.
Poutine is overrated
Even looking at those cars though, some of those cars are worth a good few grand. These aren't poor people.
Disgusting Florida residents can all die for all I care they are not " my people" go cry about the bus driver hero Muhammad that died of Corona
>as a people
These are the niggers and spics that have no savings yet are willing to put 1/3 of their income into paying for their cars
I do drink my own urine....but because I like the taste, and it's sterile
capitalism shuns savings and demands all extra money be invested in stocks.
You asked for it
>A good car is worth "a few grand"
The absolute state of the British economy
How many of them are actually starving in their fueled up SUVs, and have no other options?
If you're an unemployed nigger and/or crackhead then you and your time are both worthless
Well yeah, like I say here they don't look poor to me.
There is a middle point though, some kind of social care via taxation would prevent this. Although saying that, if this is legit Mexicans and niggers just looking for free shit, then fuck that. But if these people are working people, totally fucked after a few weeks, then that is broken system.
Jesus christ what third world shit hole is that?
Those roads look terrible.
There should be a rule where your car has to be 15 years or older
>time is money
Not right now, no.
Plus you get to go outside for a change. It's a holiday event for the whole senpai.
Because they're retarded wagies (regardless how high the wage) who think however many dollars they bring home every month is how many they have to spend on consumerist trash or more likely just trying to pay down the interest on myriad loans. There is no thought of savings, or of what to do if anything goes wrong. Obviously the gubmint will give you money for retirement or support you when you're out of work! That's why the left is so adamant about communism, the majority of its constituents are too fucking stupid to be responsible for their own welfare and retirements and so on.
Just put that money into a savings account and allow it to rot while it depreciates in value by 3% per year goy. Don’t worry, 3% is a small number goy, you won’t notice it.
not even remotely like this in the mid atlantic
why are new york and florida so fucking stupid?
oh right, same dumb ass sub human populations
The true third world shithole that is Americuh will soon be revealed. They are play pretend to be first world nation but nobody except their own brainless idiots believe it. Even poojeets are more civilized
public education is designed to create obedient blue collar workers.
If there is one thing I've learned through all this shit is that companies live paycheck to paycheck too.
Americans are pushed to feel like they need to take out 100x their income in leverage (for the retards in this thread, it means you're in debt up to your eyes you filthy ignorant faggots).
The US economy is literally smoke and mirrors for the rich to get richer.
Trump keeps talking about a healthy economy and sure, if you have a cool mill to spend on building business then you can make money in the US but the question is, how do you get that cool mill capitalization in the first place? That's the trick.
Most people who are actually smart/competent get stuck spinning their wheels while the people with glibb and/or can chuck and jive/con others get ahead. Meanwhile, baby boomers live blissfully ignorant lives thinking that the economy is just fine.That's all this economy really is.
a turk roach living in shithole with no freedoms compalining about America...
Aloha Snackbar Al Saltshaker Mala my brother
Except for the whole government forcing businesses to shut down and people being laid off.
It is indeed. I'm a 35 yo boomer and even back in my day it was clear public education was more about obedience to authority than anything, and it's only gotten ever dumber in the years since.
The idea you should accumulate wealth and save/invest is completely foreign to the majority of the people in this country. Plus the media pushes it's consumerist and wealth destroying agenda convincing everyone to spend spend spend and pretend they're rich by living far above their means with a constantly growing mountain of debt.
Show flag or pillow yourself
Most of my fellow burgers are good consoomers. Need to change the tires on your car? Just trade it in for a new one. We can make the payment the same by giving you a 10 year loan. Look a new phone came out, I just upgraded last year but the new one has an 6 gorillion megapixel camera so my followers can count the vellus hairs on my ass cheeks. Pathetic.
>not enough money for food
>enough money to burn gas waiting in a 1000 car queue
Tell me about the poverty rate in Bremen there Hans. What resources is Germany taking away from the German people to instead give to rapefugees.
gas is like 80 cents a gallon now lmao
Americans just think they are free, they are slaves of their own lack of proper first world medical care system who leaves a big portion of them crippled or broken, their fat asses which doesn't allow to them to move like real human beings, their shit education which makes their brains rot with propaganda and fast food nationalism and their gas guzzlers that makes them the cucks of the entire kike-corporative system and the whores for a bunch of head-covered sandniggers. You are not free, you are just a bunch of fat ass pigs in the slaughterhouse being used by your elites and corporations. Pathetic useless fucks
Part of it is also theater, the media gets idiots all hyped up so then they go along with shit, like "yeah we're in hard times gotta get in food lines" almost just for the attention and to play along with it. Those idiots could probably go buy food just fine, or are already on food stamps but hey why miss an opportunity for free shit?
Fucking niggers and spics most like.
It is, it really is.
When something is """free""" niggers will come out from the woodwork to get their gibs. Pic related was a section ape housing voucher giveaway that turned into a riot.
Sadly this is more or less true (though anyone can afford anything, it just adds to the length of your indentured servitude, I mean debt lol) but it's not as if you euro–peons are any less slaves than we.
That's in Sunrise which is 2/3rds black and Hispanic.
Having a mountain of blue collar workers is fine, so long as there’s things for them to produce, and that the alternative to not working is terrible.
The problem is America has it backwards - most low skill manufacturing jobs have been offshored while creating a welfare state filled with subsidies and free handouts that allow people to live as parasites, receiving far more in free handouts then should even be possible.
People are not living a sheltered shithole like ours. Imagine if we have now in our tiny little country a thousands of death and 30-60k people in hospitals. Our country is literally got lock down for only 30 death and less than a 2k infected boomers. You wouldn’t understand the enormous consequences it has on big countries
>nothing but fat boomers and gooks
Your country would be perfect if you had a national health care system that you all paid a few percent of your wages into a month. You wouldn't even notice it going, but you could have some of the best healthcare in the world for free/taxed. Nothing can be taxed in the US, your country is capatilism gone mad, the company man owns the government, which is the opposite fear of the commies, and the government owns too much power.
You just know some jewish social worker told them all about it and the chimp grape vine spread the rest of the news of gibsmiss eve.
Truly animals that need to be caged.
>The idea you should accumulate wealth and save/invest
I'm not a kike
>Mostly Hispanic people who profess to be free market capitalists
Lol, no. For most of them their political philosophy is: "No se!"
>and then chomp hungrily into any handout from the government
True. They are ALWAYS lining up for free shit. It's disgusting. Bunch of fat, waddling pigs.
I love mushrooms
they closed all the local food banks so no everyone has to wait in line at the distribution center. g
You have no idea what the fuck you’re talking about you dumb nigger. Go suck tyrones dick hanz
those are boomer liberal jews doing what they do best.