Extending the Human Lifespan

This lil nigga was hatched in 1832 making him around 188 years old. He's far away from chinks so he's likely to live a couple more years at least.

Will we ever reach a point technologically where the average human will be able to live 150+ years or is it a pipe dream?

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They say the first human to live to 200 years is alive and have been born already.

Sorry mate, post-flood humans don't live as long as we used to.
120 years is pretty much the maximum.


I'll take it as long as my brain mostly functions normally.

It's highly unlikely you'll make it.
You'd need a perfect mix of genetics, diet and lifestyle.
60-70 years is enough for me.
Better to go in your autumn years whilst still cogent than suffer, trapped in your own body for another 20 or so.

Imagine how much tranny shit and beyond you'd get to experience if you lived to 188 years old.

Reptiles dont have cells that slowly kill them like us.

Human brain is "theorized" to last until 130ish before dna breaks down and uncouples. Very likely you get some kind of viral cancer before that due to all the exogenous toxins in the environment. Car pollution, pesticides, possible contaminates in vaccines and just bad luck genetics all play a factor

>have to kiss the ass of a Boomer for 150+ years
>he'll never retire
>he'll always bring up how he is wise for letting Tyrone who is almost as old as he is fuck him in the ass
>you lost count how many times the torturous routine has played itself out
>you just want to die
Oh yeah, totally looking forward to that life extension.

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imagine he gets corona

>60-70 years is enough for me.
Medical science is expected to make leaps and bounds by the time you're around that age. An effective Alzheimer's treatment is like less than 20 years away.

If you're a wagecuck for over a century and a half you honestly deserve to stay in that position.

AI will replace most jobs that isn't pointless busy work to keep you from having a mental breakdown of pure worthless boredom or simple trade jobs with age enhanced fatass Boomers sitting in a position forever.

Don't try to argue with mutts.
They literally hate each other.

they said the same about cancer 20 years ago...

Built for DMV

live 150 years.
why would anyone want to double their suffering?

>tfw u realize you're never going to live to 969 like Chad Metusaleh and you get sad
>tfw u also realize that your faith in God through Jesus Christ will grant you eternal life

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>He's far away from chinks so he's likely to live a couple more years at least
they would blow torch his face and start eating him alive, they be like dat

that's only because the antediluvian world had advanced science and medicine

Hes not a fucking nigger, nigger.

They took it back. He' got corona'd.

If you invested just $10 in a savings bond when you were 18 years old, it would be worth $10.8 MILLION with compounded interest after 115 years! In addition, you'd be like a wealthy vampire, with vaults of old shit from your youth, able to sell your own pristine comic books on Antiques Road Show. The personal connection back story would be amazing!

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Imagine being such shit that God put a cap on your life.

Yeah I'm already on the program and know a video of a 150 year old German woman who looks 50.

Basic hygiene, really.

How long did Moses live?

>Imagine being such shit that God put a cap on your life.

Fuck you, Baron Rothschild

I think we cannot surpass 120 years by design. Unless you can change that, thats the absolute maximum you gonna live.

Better to deal with the fact that you will be dead tomorrow


The Mars colony is quite something.

God changed our genome.
Aging is literally built into our DNA.

Without substituting your biological parts with artificial ones, no. If you do though, probably a long time, since brain cells basically don't have a max life span and a theoretically healthy body can keep them healthy indefinitely.

>based self-checking

the jews would never allow it

Damn you sky jew!

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Not sure but ill bet you just put that innocent turtle in danger. You just know a ton of chinks are gonna be salivating at the idear of blowtorching and torturing that poor turtle to death now too see how it tasts.

Holy digits

well I guess I can't argue with that

Thinking about negligible senescence, I think the only thing that makes me wonder if it's really a good thing is having to live with the same people forever. People don't usually change their opinions after some point so you'd have to live with about the same leftists forever, unless you actually killed them yourself.

The greatest turning of ideology throughout time has simply been new people being born and getting new ideas while the older people die with their ideas. With negligible senescence, the only way to change how most people think would be through mass killing or else you'd be stuck with them.

Why would you want to extend human life to that length? Do you know the insane boom of humans that would come of it? Doubling the population in quick time.

You sure you want that?

There's literally no point in keeping someone alive for 150 years if they stop working by 65.

>Not knowing vampires do exist.

I was born during the black plague in 1351 and while everyone I knew died of it I for some reason was spared. Not knowing at the time that I was immortal. I've seen a lot of good times and a lot of bad times. It's all part of the process.

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just think about it...
when this turtle was born, he LITERALLY had more rights than a black person...

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Absolutely. There is probably a baby born today who will live to see 200.

Well obviously the technology would only be for the super wealthy. I probably won't live to see it, but I hope either they or and advanced AI obliterates subhuman chinks and niggers from the face of the earth.

>he thinks life extension technology will be made available to the gentiles

Longevity is the one thing left that they need to master for total supremacy and with any luck they'll never get it. Last thing we need is a malignant brain in a jar that has amassed a superhuman level of knowledge that will be used for nefariously for it's own entertainment.

The elite are already taking drugs, hormones, and blood transfusions from younger people to vastly increase their lifespans.

There have been some really interesting studies done where scientists sewed old and young mice together, basically making one circulatory system for them both.

The old mice appeared to be getting younger.

I foresee a future where every night you hook yourself up to a machine (or a teenage braindead clone?) that filters the "old" out of your blood.

>afraid of living forever because he knows he'll be an entry level wage slave

Where did your desire to improve yourself go? No matter how long you live, do you really plan to just float by miserably?

put me in

he is a irrelevant piece of shit and deserves to die.
fuck off OP and please never create a thread again

Jamie, string that nigger up.

Too late, I have 6 threads floating in the catalog as we speak.

Main goal is to increase the health span rather than life span. If you can live as healthily and strong into your 80s as a typical human is in their 20s, that would be truly marvelous. That is the current goal. Lifespan really won't increase without better health span first.

Sorry you want to die because your leader ruined your country by importing niggers of every variety.

My great grandfather lived to 106. My grandfather lived to 103. My father looks and acts about 40 but is much older. I’m 30 and regularly get asked if I’m my child’s older brother.

That being said I don’t think you realize how shitty it is to really love that long. My great grandfather told me stories about what it was like before most of the technology that we all take for granted; things like automobiles, airplanes, radio, widespread indoor appliances and the like. He wasn’t happy by the end despite trying very hard to live a simple life. There’s only so far you can run from the march of progress. Time can very easily leave you behind — he passed in 2008 and I’m very grateful that he was spared having to see the world as it is today. He fought and survived both world wars. Not for Israel or God or even his County, he believed, it was simply what was expected of him and ‘a mans duty to himself’.

Truth is your body is designed to live a certain length of time naturally and that’s about how long you’ll even want to be here, I think. Things have gotten grim from my perspective just in the last 12 years or so. I worry my children are going to grow up accepting as baseline things that repulse me on an instinctive level. I can’t even imagine what the world around me will be like when I’m as old as my great grandfather and my grandfather. I’m not sure I want to live it either. I can only hope I’ve raised my sons as well as I possibly could and that their moral fortitude can withstand the endless sea of bullshit I see in this rising tide around us.


Honestly if I lived for an extended lifespan I wouldn’t even care about wagecucking for more than a century. Working isn’t even that horrible to me, the worst part about it is knowing it’s taking up my limited time on earth.

Superior digits

In nature humans easily lived to 150 years old

Not true at all. Check out lifespan by Dr Davis Sinclaire. Great book.

or check out his Joe Rogan podcast if you're too attention deficit to read.

And only ONE person managed to live longer than that


And yet people still deny God, even though He put us at a maximum of around 120 years.

I would also just wish that at least once in my lifetime, I would meet somebody who is 110 years old or older, and find out from their perspective, what life was like when they were young, and what they expected the future to be like.

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my nan literally remembers WW2.
like she remembers when hitler was running around gassing jews and the japs bombed darwin.

now she is one of the most racist and bigoted people i ever met.

Holy shit.