Why are tr*nnies so violent ?

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pump a bunch of chemicals in your body and see what happens. It's why most women are fucking schizo.

this is why the right to keep and bear arms shall not be infringed

dick envy.

Is he trying to give everyone neo-vaginas?

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estrogen makes people unstable
so a tranny is acting like a chick on the rag

I've seen vets treat dog nuts with more respect than that.

Step up Tranny and get smacked right back down. Soon your nonsense won't be tolerated anymore. Better toughen up those neck muscles.

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anesthesia awareness is a semi-common phenomenon. imagine all that going on, and you're able to feel it, but you can't signal for the surgeon to stop because of the paralytic drug being administered. hell on earth.

elective, non life saving surgery is always stupid, but in this case it's absolutely insane. i can't comprehend how you could ever sign up for it

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but i want to be a cute grill
i kill you

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just keep the dick
it's a female dick now

Because they are psychopathic males.

Purge the mutant

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Insane people are usually violent. That's why we used to lock them up.

>call people trannies and gays for keep tranny comics to troll humor threads with
>keep gore porn on your PC to make a “point”
Ok psycho

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>Why are tr*nnies so violent ?

The mentally ill tend to be violent

I told my nurse idgaf about no awareness, shove your opiates up your asshole. give me the bare basics.

>of course, being government healthcare, they think they have unlimited supply and that every human requires precisely the same care. my request was ignored and I spent the next day wandering around airports looking for my lost tickets, walking to the front desk over and over, RUNNING to the front desk over and over, until eventually they put me physically onto my planes and sent me on my way.

fuck the public healthcare system.


Because they're mentally unstable men, not the women they're pretending to be.

>taking life advice from pic related (right)

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Ah, it's good they already had the wet floor sign up

This, women are basically drug addicts, and their period is when they come off the high.
Now pump a man full of those drugs and you get violent trannies.

How could you be so relaxed to take your eyes off some tranny who has no business carrying an axe but has one?

Hormone imbalance, stuck in a fake puberty until hon burnout

>you tell them girl pirate faggot memeflag

I bet you everybody wants to be friends with you


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better impose post-modernist neomarxist ideology on a kid on the off chance (less than 1%) the kid grows up to be a psychotic autist

hes been trained well to suppress his natural survival instincts in order to showcase how open minded he is

>Why are mentally ill people violent?
Doesn't the question answer itself?

Well it's funny, yesterday I was explaining to a noob at the job why engaging in personal dispute with a fuckin tranny (also at work) is bad idea
They have the ill Will to:
Take drugs
Pay a Psychiatrist who tells the world how he's a victim
Take more drugs
Begin bureaucratic process to change his documentation (in my third world country takes years)
Then chop penis+testicles
Endure the physical trauma

And yet you think he's not going to take vengeance for petty things?

"It's the same with Schizophrenics kid,the offense could be imaginary and still kill you while sleeping"

>the tranny tism
like chris chan

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Wow.. This hit hard guys...

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man she has a strong swing for a girl

is this real life

Is this supposed to be a good argument for getting a 6 year old's dick cut off because he picked up a doll once?
Because it isn't. Guarantee the author of these comics fucks kids.

>back before ultrasounds mom cares for the child 24/7 while dad works
>dad spends a weekend painting a bedroom pink or blue
>this is considered an impossible task by modern genderwarriors

>Well back in the slave days nobody could afford electricity

>So everything ran on nigga-watts

obviously the tism is the source, also the autogynephilia, why do you think speedrunners turn transmonsters

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Their bodies are trying to fight the estrogen poisoning and it leads to increased bursts of testosterone which leads to emotional instability. Its like roid rage.

>kid ends up identifying as cis male on his own accord
>trannies groom child into identifying as polygender retardqueer instead
I think it's funny how trannies think someone labeling their child as a boy or girl is weird and just a forced social construct but grooming kids into believing they are some made up gender isn't somehow

This is why you have a revolver or gun on you at all times.

Pretty sure the dad just spent the first few days doing shit then.

a lot of them must be BPD/HPD "men" - female psychopaths in male bodies.

Are there trannies in Greece? I thought it is an Amerikan only phenomenon

>is this real life
Is this just fantasy?
Caught in a landslide
No escape from reality

Carry a gun always.

Okay, tranny.
You'll never be a woman.

They have to kill, either you or themselves, its the only way to complete the transition process

Carry a gay 5 shot rebalber
Carry a Glock 19 with triple the capacity

There can only be one!!!!!!!!!

Takes a few hours to paint a room.

Nah bro its good, the cops told us we dont need to defend ourselves and that if we give them the gross murder sticks we can be safe.

Australia people problems.

You will NEVER know this level of relaxation. Sometimes late at night I walk my doggo naked because I know nobody will be around.

What is this from. Looks fun

That was in Australia. So I would say "Carry a machete always" for them. The part that makes me most angry was that non reaction from that guy on his phone. He looked up saw the guy with an axe dressed like a "woman" and no alarms went off for him. That fucking guy almost had it coming at that point. Not that he deserved it, but he let it happen.

No guns faggot.

Because they are men


They're mentally unstable.
Trannies are awful and ruin everything.

>everything ran on nigga-watts

fuck you, my sides haven't hurt this much in years. god damn.

you wouldn't have had time to shoot

The question is will I need to worry about finding all the casings. If no then glock. If yes then rebalber.


He asked the tranny if he was coming from a costume party, and the tranny went berzerk.

the fuck is a terf

Kek typical aussie cunt

because they are actually "males"?

because they're men.
ftm trannies are almost invisible because they don't do crazy and violent shit all the time.