5G-Corona correlation banned by media

''Let's say there is no correlation between 5G and Corona, why are we not allowed to have this discussion?''
The BANNED interview with David Icke has to go out there. HAS TO be translated in several languages and be put forward.
I am tired of typical dogshit cynical, edgy shitstain Yas Forums users so only join in if you have some form of constructive input, The rest of you, go back to the gender, nigger and jew wars.
-Why is 5G a matter of urgency everywhere in the west right now?
-Why are penguinz0 and SomeOrdinaryGamer posting a ''5G conspiracy is ridiculous'' video in the same day along with other channels? especially since 5G-Corona is not even something that has or will ever occur to your average shitstain who plays minecraft and jerks off.

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Other urls found in this thread:


Yes I watched the first 40mins and was fairly intrigued

Any links to video?

Imagine paying any amount of attention to someone who literally believes that the planet Saturn is a radio station that is beaming the matrix onto planet earth

Only the IQ

I live in what you all might call, a 3rd world gypsy country and you're not totally wrong about it. Imagine I live in the countryside an hour away from a major city and a 5G antenna has been installed overnight a few days ago near the village, and I wonder.... WHY????? and why even in a place nobody gives a fuck about and as remote as here?


Link to the original reuploaded video

Just because he is a lunatic doesn't mean he is never right.
I never before agreed with him but that video was pretty convincing. That they banned it gives it even more credibility.

That has been my take for a while. But I finally looked at their stupid videos and was surprised that there are now smart people pushing the idea, and their story isn't completely retarded.
I still don't buy the idea that radio waves are causing problems, but I suppose it's possible.
From what I know of 5G, the very high frequency stuff (60GHz) isn't really used yet except in very populated areas. So it can't explain third world deaths.
Then again, nothing in this whole pandemic makes any damn sense.

Pick a side.

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have to go to london real's page to find it now, hes forcing subscription to watch. which is automatically gonna rub icke fans the wrong way.
was nothing really new that he hasnt been saying for weeks already, just packaged up a little neater.
pretty sure it got shoah'd because of the context and not the content, they are afraid of anything that may fuel civil unrest right now.

OP take meds

comin through



this channel has the deepest research on china 5g, AI etc watch and learn

I happen to agree with you, the Saturn thing is beyond me or my walls of understanding as well, but all the evidence on 5G is overwhelming, and imagine not only is it out there for everyone to see, Elon Musk is boasting about beaming fucking internet for a while now and that nobody will can escape from it no matter where you are on the planet.


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Maybe it will op. Maybe it will. But probably not.

Also let's put forward the idea that there is no 5G conspiracy, and even if there will be 5G, let's say there are no health downsides to it. China has 5G and that means one thing. That every single citizen has several cameras pointed at him at all times as well as facial recognition and behavior examination.

5g should be banned, but only because smartphones are metaphorical cancer that melt your brain, destroy your culture, and limit your ability to empathize with other humans. take smartphones away from women while we're at it, too.

>david icke
schizos, please fuck off

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The is no evidence you absolute simpleton.

I thought this same shit with muta I was very disappointed with the video and people are eating it up. Why is nobody questioning these things. The biggest flus occurred when we had radar / radio waves etc. I feel like I'm either crazy or the whole world is..

>>David Icke
>>guy who believes lizard people rule the world and he's the second coming.


In the first part he says that covid19 isn't a virus but a misdiagnosed natural genetic material excreted by sick cells, which, if testing equipment works at a high enough amplification, every human tests positive for

And so they have docs test every patient for this psuedo-virus regardless of cause for hospitalization, and the infected numbers shoot up, and then they report every death regardless of actual cause of death as a covid death by wording it in the media as "man dies after testing positive for covid19"

People uploaded to their YT channels
and fucking London Real hit us all with copyright stikes.

See here---> youtube.com/watch?v=JeLbMZWwqrw

More Fake Censorship for views and clicks.



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Based masonic numerals.
Well, you don't need to be very smart to see how this coronahoax is a control operation to chip us like cattle by scaring the normies into staying at home and begging for a (((vaccine))) while, at the same time, expanding 5G crap everywhere.
But /nu-pol/ is nigger tier IQ. What do you expect?

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There is not a single study that proves 5G to be SAFE and not a single independent study allowed to show the opposite, which is the case and the reason Belgium health minister didn't allow the 5G program to commence in EU

At this point you must be deliberately avoiding the evidence with a blindfold on, fingers in your ears & a dildo in uranus

Fuck off, Q-tard.

based and also allow for pedophile intelligence agencies to collect all data and see kids naked through walls

Combine them both the 5G is causing the virus to constantly mutate and evolve

Meme Carona chan and a new 5g Chan doing the nasty together

Why use so many words to agree with me, there is no evidence, you have no evidence, you have no understanding of what 5G is, you have no understanding what Coronavirus is, you're a moron. Show a single piece of evidence that supports your view or shut up.

Then you should have no problem pointing me to a piece of evidence then.

5G / electronics is the problem theory: does not explain outbreaks prior to Tesla

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Because it is ridoculous

> have to subscribe/login to watch

Fuck you and your advertising mailing list spam fuckfest. Another internet marketer grifter sensational faggot trying to make a buck off bullshit.

None of what they said explains the deaths in shithole areas that don't have 5G.

Oh it's not a virus, cos David Icke would know for sure right. It's not like people can test for a virus, not like you can stick a sample in an electron microscope and actually see it, not like they've already sequenced the genome of it a dozen fucking times already.

Take your meds.
Your family is worried.

But there is something off about Saturn. Jews and satanists workship Saturn. Also, take a look at these sounds Saturn is making and compare them to what other planets sound like:

If there wasn't something to it then youtube wouldn't be banning it.

what happened to him? he looks like a red faced old bitter drunk?

he used to have some life back in the 90s and was interesting to listen to. now he he is just another beer-brained idiot annoying people at the pub.

ok, let's say you are right in absolutely everything you said. Let's say I have 0 evidence, I'm a liar. Why are 5G towers constructed all over the world as a matter of urgency while a pandemic is going on, people cannot leave their houses and see what's going on in their neighborhood, potentially getting upset about towers built overnight? Why is 5G a matter of urgency? And why is every correlation of 5G to corona being shut down by default by any form of mainstream media? Explain

Eerie sounds. In space.
The idiocy of some people never fails to surprise me.

5G is not a matter or urgency, what made you think it was was thick fuck?

>5G-Corona correlation banned by media

boris johnson was literally killed by covid-19 misinformation. that is why his video is banned. icke's misinformation will kill people.

>Let's say I have 0 evidence
Yes, let's say that because it's true.
>I'm a liar
No just stupid and easily manipulated.

You know nothing about frequencies. Did you hear what the other planets sound like? Saturn is definitely vibrating on a weird frequency.

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You haven't even watched one minute of the video, you lying rat.
The dead people in shitholes are explained by reassigning old people who die from other illnesses into corona, by using crappy tests that give false positives.

Because of idiots like you that believe anyone who says something other then the official narrative. Sure sometimes those that go against the official narrative are right, sometimes. But you idiots believe anything that anyone says if it's different then the government or media. Literally the biggest reason this latest 5g conspiracy BS is because people lack understanding of correlation vs causation. You correlate that 5g is in all the areas of high cases of coronavirus. So you idiots the assume that 5g causes higher cases. But you ignore the fact that the common denominator is both are in high population areas. 5g goes to the highest population first to get the biggest bang for their buck, also so they can brag about having 200 million covered. Coronavirus also spreads in close contact which you have in high population areas. The high population is the causation of both, not 5g of coronavirus


>muahahahahaha our secret plan is in motion after years of meticulous planning soon the goyim will pay
>uhhh Moshe what should we make the SSID
>uhhhh call it coronavirus extender or something

How long did this go on for? Did he stay there indefinitely like a roadkill? YIKES

>5G is not a matter or urgency, what made you think it was was thick fuck?
Because it's been installed all over the world while we are all in house arrest, because the governments consider it "basic needs". Fucking retard.

The chinks get economic superiority from having a more advanced network. technology and whoever controls it, controls the future.

Where's the interview?

Why ? because you don't like it ? Did you know that planets emit frequencies. If you don't take planets seriously then you are a space racist and such other things.


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this is why, you corporate fuckface
and let's say it's not a matter of urgency, why are they still being constructed during this pandemic period when nobody can leave their homes? at a very relaxed, steady pace, if that fits your world view? why are 5g towers paramount and any comments on it shut down?

You are obviously to fucking dense to understand that sound doesn't travel through a vacuum and that any...vibration, which is absolutely retarded to attribute to a planet, I mean what exactly is it you think is vibrating you fucking empty skulled moron.
And even if it was vibrating that shit doesn't travel through a vacuum you absolute cock.

no to 5g

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LTE is enough. We don't need 5G just because some bug eyed faggots want to watch their 4K streams on their little phones.

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Interview is here

If you don't like 5G for it's cerebral effect or otherwise, learn to make a proper Faraday cage and layer your walls with it.

>And even if it was vibrating that shit doesn't travel through a vacuum
Holy shit, you are legit retarded.

You dont get that right. Our forefathers and their fathers fought, killed, and died for the right to speak as we wish to speak. Let the world decide what is worth listening to and what isnt.

Our generation is a bunch of pussies. It disgusts me to see how low we have gotten. How have allowed them to take over our lives? 60% of the population just happy to be consuming and white horsing the shit out of our reality.


I won't even try to explain shit to you since you are a memeflag and a fucking golem in the same time. But I will tell you this, EVERYTHING is vibrating you fucking idiot, because everything is made of atoms. And what are atoms doing? They are fucking vibrating all the time.